Who will win the upcoming political war - the Bushes or the Kochs?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Reportedly, the Kochs are backing Scott Walker. There is no doubt who the Bushes are backing. Can the Koch money overcome the Bush dynasty?
it doesn't matter

Soros has most of the media in his pocket.

The next Pres will be Female(D), it clearly won't matter what kind of job they do or have done since the election won't be about anything important.

just look at obs re-election
hope the Kochs money can beat out the booshes !! That said I hope that TED CRUZ ends up as the big dog nominee .

What difference does it make?

Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP
Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP American Free Press

Like ex-President Bill Clinton—who also received inordinate media attention from the earliest years of his own career—Jindal is a former Rhodes Scholar. He had been trained at Oxford in England in the ideology of the late Cecil Rhodes, the African diamond magnate (financed by the Rothschilds) whose scholarships were established to indoctrinate bright young Americans in the concept that the United States should be reunited with the Rothschild-controlled British empire. - See more at: Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP American Free Press

Popular among conservatives as a union buster, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker burnishes his foreign policy expertise by relying upon counsel from Mark Thiessen, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush, whose costly Middle East wars on behalf of Israel (carried out under the direction of the neoconservatives who dominated policy under Bush) still torment America. - See more at: Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP American Free Press


What difference does it make?

Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP
Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP American Free Press

Like ex-President Bill Clinton—who also received inordinate media attention from the earliest years of his own career—Jindal is a former Rhodes Scholar. He had been trained at Oxford in England in the ideology of the late Cecil Rhodes, the African diamond magnate (financed by the Rothschilds) whose scholarships were established to indoctrinate bright young Americans in the concept that the United States should be reunited with the Rothschild-controlled British empire. - See more at: Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP American Free Press

Popular among conservatives as a union buster, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker burnishes his foreign policy expertise by relying upon counsel from Mark Thiessen, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush, whose costly Middle East wars on behalf of Israel (carried out under the direction of the neoconservatives who dominated policy under Bush) still torment America. - See more at: Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP American Free Press

Wait -- Marc Thiessen?

Any relation to Fritz Thyssen, Prescott Bush's trading partner in Nazi Germany?

Could be an unlikely coincidence. -- Again. :eusa_shifty:
Go to a freaking Smithstonian building in Washington and if you are observant you will find the Koch brothers funding Native American and other exhibits. Look again and you won't find George Soros anywhere. The hypocrites in the prog Indian movement ain't got a problem with Soros funding the "tax exempt" Media Matters propaganda network but they seem to hate Jewish philanthropists.

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