Who would have thought democrat would destroy western civilization. Stabbing in London

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London knifing......The guy had a fake bomb vest on. Ahhh the 'pleasures' of 'immigration.' Suspect SHOT by police who engaged him in 5 minutes however, he did have enough time to KILL 2 people. Shame Londoners can't carry guns, 2 people might be alive today.
Hilarious, 100 dead a day here, one non death in London and we have orgasms.
No one has ever lived in London of course??!!
Two killed in London Bridge stabbing attack
London knifing......The guy had a fake bomb vest on. Ahhh the 'pleasures' of 'immigration.' Suspect SHOT by police who engaged him in 5 minutes however, he did have enough time to KILL 2 people. Shame Londoners can't carry guns, 2 people might be alive today.
Hilarious, 100 dead a day here, one non death in London and we have orgasms.
No one has ever lived in London of course??!!
Two killed in London Bridge stabbing attack
Brutal murder of Seattle woman on Thanksgiving Day remains unsolved
Brutal murder of Seattle woman on Thanksgiving Day remains unsolved

Again, the US is NOT an empire. Some people use words they don’t understand in an attempt to be dramatic.

Global militarist occupation is what it is.

No it’s not, drama queen.
Yeah it is, and everyone can see it, .....

Words have meanings, drama queen.
Not really, no, look around.

I’ve looked around a lot. Words DO have meanings, dumbass.
Stupidity of course shall continue to be celebrated as an american (sic) value.

Corporatized food is not healthy.

Do you ever write without subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge?
After perusing about twenty of your latest posts, I found absolutely NOTHING worth reading.
Your bottom line is illustrative. Accordingly you became the latest addition to my Ignore List.
Like so many other Leftists, you spew your "stupid" accusations on anyone who dares to oppose your socialist welfare mentality, but you continue to avidly read what they have to say.

When I see someone write as stupidly as you truly do, I put them on ignore.
Your name is appropriate for how you conduct yourself.
"Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible

I never put anyone on ignore. You miss far to much comedy that way.
London knifing......The guy had a fake bomb vest on. Ahhh the 'pleasures' of 'immigration.' Suspect SHOT by police who engaged him in 5 minutes however, he did have enough time to KILL 2 people. Shame Londoners can't carry guns, 2 people might be alive today.
Hilarious, 100 dead a day here, one non death in London and we have orgasms.
No one has ever lived in London of course??!!
Two killed in London Bridge stabbing attack
Brutal murder of Seattle woman on Thanksgiving Day remains unsolved
Brutal murder of Seattle woman on Thanksgiving Day remains unsolved
Off topic
What do you expect?

Do you people ever get bored with this dumb fucking argument?
Says an fucking anti-gun Nutter.

Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business so shut the fuck up

Sure it is.
Na, not really
Mind your own business…

My business is making sure RW nutbags don’t get arsenals.
Why do you care about firearm ownership of someone else’s? It’s not like it’s a threat to you or anyone else you know. Or are you just a spineless control freak?
Do you people ever get bored with this dumb fucking argument?
Says an fucking anti-gun Nutter.

Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business so shut the fuck up

Sure it is.
Na, not really
Mind your own business…

My business is making sure RW nutbags don’t get arsenals.
Why do you care about firearm ownership of someone else’s? It’s not like it’s a threat to you or anyone else you know. Or are you just a spineless control freak?

It is a threat dummy. Nutbags need therapy, not weapons.
Says an fucking anti-gun Nutter.

Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business so shut the fuck up

Sure it is.
Na, not really
Mind your own business…

My business is making sure RW nutbags don’t get arsenals.
Why do you care about firearm ownership of someone else’s? It’s not like it’s a threat to you or anyone else you know. Or are you just a spineless control freak?

It is a threat dummy. Nutbags need therapy, not weapons.
No threat whatsoever, lawnmowers are more dangerous than people owning ARs... fact
We seem to have a bit of difficulty in determining who the "good guys" are. But the fetish symbol of our fweedumb must be lionized as a golden idol.

No, actually, we don't. Members of the democrat party, in particular judges, prosecutors and politicians have a hard time with the concept that violent gun criminals should not be released on bail and should not get short prison sentences......

Our problem is not normal, good people who own and carry guns for self defense....our problem is that when the police catch actual gun criminals, the ones driving the gun murder rate, morons like you in the democrat party who are judges, release them on bond, so they can go out and shoot more people...prosecutors like you drop the gun charges so the criminal can get low bail, and short prison sentences...then morons like you who become politicians, create laws that let violent, repeat gun offenders out of prison over and over again...

That is our problem....

As more law abiding, good Americans own and carry guns?

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the U.S....as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.
Number of gun owners is down. Only about 30% of Americans own guns.

Number of guns is up. Most owners have 2 or more. Some many more.

Gun deaths are up, not down. Over 40,000 in 2017. Highest total in decades.

Oh look:

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows
This article is more than 11 months old
Forty thousand people were killed in shootings last year amid a growing number of suicides involving firearms, CDC reveals

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows

Moron, suicides don't count.......you dishonest asshats have to add suicides to get the number up...as the FBI shows, gun murder is down, again, after obama left office.......allowing the police to do their jobs....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

think how much lower those numbers would be if you left out chicago, baltimore,detroit and new york city???
Think how much lower they would be if you couldn't just got all into any pawn shop and buy a gun
After the deadly stabbing attack in London, there also was a similar knife attack in The Hague in The Netherlands tonight (reports of 3 wounded).


And another knife attack on Gare du Nord, Paris.
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