Who would have thought democrat would destroy western civilization. Stabbing in London

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What do you expect?

What we must remember in all of this, like our dear leader Nancy Pelosi states, "These are God's Children too!"

Calling them animals is not part of God's plan. Just like our own MS-13, who for kicks, use machetes to chop people to bits and throw them in the woods. These are still God's children.
It's time to take a look at knife sales in the US and just who is buying them.

LONDON (AP) — British police say several people have stabbed near to London Bridge, and a man has been detained.

The news came after witnesses reported hearing gunshots in the area. Sky News reported that police had shot the apparent attacker.

The Metropolitan Police force said officers were called Friday afternoon “to a stabbing at premises near to London Bridge.”

They say “a man has been detained by police. We believe a number of people have been injured.”

BBC reporter John McManus was in the area and said he saw figures grappling on the bridge. He said: “I thought it was initially a fight,” but then shots rang out.
Several stabbed near London Bridge; man detained

Knives in the U.S. kill more people each year than AR-15 rifles do....we obviously need to ban knives and require that only "sporks" be sold to non-military and police....
Knives have a purpose other than putting fatal holes in another human being. Guns don't. I can't carve my Thanksgiving turkey or cut up a butternut squash without a knife. I can definitely manage to survive without a military style rifle, though.

If the assailant has access to firearms, the toll would have been much higher
It's time to take a look at knife sales in the US and just who is buying them.

LONDON (AP) — British police say several people have stabbed near to London Bridge, and a man has been detained.

The news came after witnesses reported hearing gunshots in the area. Sky News reported that police had shot the apparent attacker.

The Metropolitan Police force said officers were called Friday afternoon “to a stabbing at premises near to London Bridge.”

They say “a man has been detained by police. We believe a number of people have been injured.”

BBC reporter John McManus was in the area and said he saw figures grappling on the bridge. He said: “I thought it was initially a fight,” but then shots rang out.
Several stabbed near London Bridge; man detained
I'm sad to hear that so many were slaughtered in a minute or two by said knives.
boe....in one attack would you rather have 40 people killed by knives,or 40 people killed by a gun?....just wondering...
It's time to take a look at knife sales in the US and just who is buying them.

LONDON (AP) — British police say several people have stabbed near to London Bridge, and a man has been detained.

The news came after witnesses reported hearing gunshots in the area. Sky News reported that police had shot the apparent attacker.

The Metropolitan Police force said officers were called Friday afternoon “to a stabbing at premises near to London Bridge.”

They say “a man has been detained by police. We believe a number of people have been injured.”

BBC reporter John McManus was in the area and said he saw figures grappling on the bridge. He said: “I thought it was initially a fight,” but then shots rang out.
Several stabbed near London Bridge; man detained

Knives in the U.S. kill more people each year than AR-15 rifles do....we obviously need to ban knives and require that only "sporks" be sold to non-military and police....
Knives have a purpose other than putting fatal holes in another human being. Guns don't. I can't carve my Thanksgiving turkey or cut up a butternut squash without a knife. I can definitely manage to survive without a military style rifle, though.
Shut the fuck up, no one in the United States has a “right” to own a knife... Firearm ownership is an absolute right - less someone fucks it up for themselves.

“Military style” what the fuck are you, Some ass clown that watches too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types. You’re a fucking moron

London Bridge closed by British police amid reports of gunshots

In the thrust for power democrats refuse to stop bad eliminates from destroying or culture..


If you hadn't dropped out school, jitler, you'd know that London is in England, which isn't part of the United States, and there are no "Democrats" in the UK.
Lefties same ideology,, I’m not here to debate word games
just why are you here?.....hey im just curious....
It's time to take a look at knife sales in the US and just who is buying them.

LONDON (AP) — British police say several people have stabbed near to London Bridge, and a man has been detained.

The news came after witnesses reported hearing gunshots in the area. Sky News reported that police had shot the apparent attacker.

The Metropolitan Police force said officers were called Friday afternoon “to a stabbing at premises near to London Bridge.”

They say “a man has been detained by police. We believe a number of people have been injured.”

BBC reporter John McManus was in the area and said he saw figures grappling on the bridge. He said: “I thought it was initially a fight,” but then shots rang out.
Several stabbed near London Bridge; man detained
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The thread premise is as idiotic as it is wrong; just more tedious sophistry from the right.
Today it is tedious sophistry, in the next election it just may be a cornerstone for the lefts platform.
i bet jones had to look far and wide for those 2.....
Better yet, how about banning an institution that's murdered 50 million children since the 1970's?

We can't ban an "institution" that never existed.

You can't, but given one more Trump SC Justice, that "institution" will go away.

Are you suggesting that activist judges would eliminate our rights and freedoms?

Sorry. An unborn child's right to live trumps your privilege to murder it.

Anyone who believes otherwise is an inhuman monster.

This is nonsense. This is just your opinion. Not everyone believes that a zygote or fetus is a child.

The inhuman monsters are the ones with the automatic weapons.
just out of curiosity..... if it eventually turns into that child.....does that not mean it is that child?.....
Do you people ever get bored with this dumb fucking argument?
Says an fucking anti-gun Nutter.

Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business so shut the fuck up

Sure it is.
Na, not really
Mind your own business…

My business is making sure RW nutbags don’t get arsenals.
you are doing a bang up job....
Do you people ever get bored with this dumb fucking argument?
Says an fucking anti-gun Nutter.

Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business so shut the fuck up

Sure it is.
Na, not really
Mind your own business…

My business is making sure RW nutbags don’t get arsenals.
you are doing a bang up job....

It ain’t easy. But it’s coming along.
Trucks, cars, hammers, sticks, rocks, knives, gasoline..

Anything can be a "mass murder tool" if someone has intent. So GFY.
Hammers, sticks, rocks, and knives are not really suitable to mass murder. Cars and trucks are only useful in specific circumstances.
The only thing on your little list that really qualifies is gasoline, and again the are limits.

Guns are easy and readily available. Everything else is more difficult.

And yet.....more lives are saved with guns each year than killers with guns take....

Mass public shootings in 2018...12. Total killed, 93.

Bicycles killed 345

Knives killed over 1,500....

no matter how you try to hide the fact, knives kill more people than guns do in a years worth of mass public shootings.....every single year....

And guns are used 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals .... criminals continuously released to attack the public by democrat judges, prosecutors and politicians.....

600 million guns in private hands.

18.6 million Americans legally carry guns for self defense.

As more Americans own and carry guns? Our gun murder rate went down 49%.....you can't explain that. our gun crime rate went down 75%...you can't explain that...

Nothing you say about guns is based in truth, facts or reality...that is why we think you are a moron.

We seem to have a bit of difficulty in determining who the "good guys" are. But the fetish symbol of our fweedumb must be lionized as a golden idol.

No, actually, we don't. Members of the democrat party, in particular judges, prosecutors and politicians have a hard time with the concept that violent gun criminals should not be released on bail and should not get short prison sentences......

Our problem is not normal, good people who own and carry guns for self defense....our problem is that when the police catch actual gun criminals, the ones driving the gun murder rate, morons like you in the democrat party who are judges, release them on bond, so they can go out and shoot more people...prosecutors like you drop the gun charges so the criminal can get low bail, and short prison sentences...then morons like you who become politicians, create laws that let violent, repeat gun offenders out of prison over and over again...

That is our problem....

As more law abiding, good Americans own and carry guns?

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the U.S....as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.

The problem with american society is what it normalizes.

You mean like sodomy, same-sex marriage, gender confusion, murdering the unborn, radical feminism, open borders, diversity, black racial separtism, secular progressivism, socialism, and communism?

I'll buy that. You'll make a fine conservative, now that you've figured that out.
It's time to take a look at knife sales in the US and just who is buying them.

LONDON (AP) — British police say several people have stabbed near to London Bridge, and a man has been detained.

The news came after witnesses reported hearing gunshots in the area. Sky News reported that police had shot the apparent attacker.

The Metropolitan Police force said officers were called Friday afternoon “to a stabbing at premises near to London Bridge.”

They say “a man has been detained by police. We believe a number of people have been injured.”

BBC reporter John McManus was in the area and said he saw figures grappling on the bridge. He said: “I thought it was initially a fight,” but then shots rang out.
Several stabbed near London Bridge; man detained

lets not forget pointy sticks,,,

We need to enact a law of no running with pointy sticks.

Wrong. Being for smaller government, I actually encourage liberals to run with pointy sticks, scissors, knives, and knitting needles.

How else are we going to clean the gene pool?
Better yet, how about banning an institution that's murdered 50 million children since the 1970's?

We can't ban an "institution" that never existed.

You can't, but given one more Trump SC Justice, that "institution" will go away.

Are you suggesting that activist judges would eliminate our rights and freedoms?
I would consider it as saving lives and giving freedoms and rights to unborn children.

So I guess you disagree with me and with all of the people who have decided to have an abortion for whatever reason. Just don't interfere with anyone else's decision-making on matters of abortion, religious choice, or anything else.

Religious choice is protected by the constitution. Abortion is not.
They were going to kill themselves anyway. Suicides shouldn't count in the gun death figures.
Nothing that shows what kind of society america really is should be counted.

America is an armed society. That's all that really counts.

Unlike whatever third-world country you live in, we have the right to protect ourselves with a firearm.
No, we aren't. We are a society where nutbars have easy access to mass murder tools.

Trucks, cars, hammers, sticks, rocks, knives, gasoline..

Anything can be a "mass murder tool" if someone has intent. So GFY.
Hammers, sticks, rocks, and knives are not really suitable to mass murder. Cars and trucks are only useful in specific circumstances.
The only thing on your little list that really qualifies is gasoline, and again the are limits.

Guns are easy and readily available. Everything else is more difficult.

Firearms are only half of the weapons ever used to commit mass murders in the US. Not quite as difficult as you believe...

"According to data compiled by Grant Duwe of the Minnesota Department of Corrections, guns killed an average of 4.92 victims per mass murder in the United States during the 20th century, just edging out knives, blunt objects, and bare hands, which killed 4.52 people per incident. Fire killed 6.82 people per mass murder, while explosives far outpaced the other options at 20.82. Of the 25 deadliest mass murders in the 20th century, only 52 percent involved guns."

How Did Mass Murder Happen Before Automatic Weapons?
Nothing that shows what kind of society america really is should be counted.

America is an armed society. That's all that really counts.

Unlike whatever third-world country you live in, we have the right to protect ourselves with a firearm.
No, we aren't. We are a society where nutbars have easy access to mass murder tools.

Trucks, cars, hammers, sticks, rocks, knives, gasoline..

Anything can be a "mass murder tool" if someone has intent. So GFY.
Hammers, sticks, rocks, and knives are not really suitable to mass murder. Cars and trucks are only useful in specific circumstances.
The only thing on your little list that really qualifies is gasoline, and again the are limits.

Guns are easy and readily available. Everything else is more difficult.

Firearms are only half of the weapons ever used to commit mass murders in the US. Not quite as difficult as you believe...

"According to data compiled by Grant Duwe of the Minnesota Department of Corrections, guns killed an average of 4.92 victims per mass murder in the United States during the 20th century, just edging out knives, blunt objects, and bare hands, which killed 4.52 people per incident. Fire killed 6.82 people per mass murder, while explosives far outpaced the other options at 20.82. Of the 25 deadliest mass murders in the 20th century, only 52 percent involved guns."

How Did Mass Murder Happen Before Automatic Weapons?
"Per mass murder"

Post up some totals kiddo.
I seriously doubt that it's any consolation to the victims of today's stabbings, when they hear someone say “Well at least they didn’t have a gun!”

More stabbings and other acts happened around the world today:

DEVELOPING: Several people wounded in a stabbing in the Netherlands, police say. The incident took place in The Hague on a main shopping street. Suspect in Netherlands stabbing at large after hurting 3 minors

ABC News (ABC) November 29, 2019

BREAKING: Explosive device found in bag at Paris’ Gare du Nord. Station completely evacuated. pic.twitter.com/kwGzfE87T8

Breaking News Global (@BreakingNAlerts) November 29, 2019

BREAKING: Hostage situation being reported in Rio. A man with a knife is holding multiple people hostage. #Brazil

FJ (@Natsecjeff) November 29, 2019
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