Who would win the presidency Nikki vs Oprah?

On one side you have an American born Sikh who converted to Christianity a minority Republican who grew up in south Carolina working at her mothers store, went to clemson university, became govenor , became U.N. ambassador vs Oprah a self made billionaire American born lady who started her career in Ohio and moved it to Chicago ..oprah like Nikki are both minoritys who had the brains to start off at the bottom and work their way up..

It would be an interesting choice to make because I like them both.

so you think the GOP should run someone against Donald?


or did you not know that is what would have to happen for the two women to run against each other in 2020?
This is ridiculous how few women governors we have ..

View attachment 170955
Women who are elected Governor (or almost any position of power on their own merit) must worker HARDER than their male counterparts to do so.

If you ever research it like I did , it's kind of bad ..only like 40 women has ever served as govenor of a state, only like 12 blacks have ever served in the Senate...
On one side you have an American born Sikh who converted to Christianity a minority Republican who grew up in south Carolina working at her mothers store, went to clemson university, became govenor , became U.N. ambassador vs Oprah a self made billionaire American born lady who started her career in Ohio and moved it to Chicago ..oprah like Nikki are both minoritys who had the brains to start off at the bottom and work their way up..

It would be an interesting choice to make because I like them both.

so you think the GOP should run someone against Donald?


or did you not know that is what would have to happen for the two women to run against each other in 2020?

I think Trump won't run in 2020 Jillian and no one wants gay hater Pence ( can't speak for everyone but I don't want him)

I have a feeling that Nikki will run in 2020..
No one that’s affiliated with Trump stands a chance in 2020.
He’s toxic in this country.
If Oprah runs, she wins.
On one side you have an American born Sikh who converted to Christianity a minority Republican who grew up in south Carolina working at her mothers store, went to clemson university, became govenor , became U.N. ambassador vs Oprah a self made billionaire American born lady who started her career in Ohio and moved it to Chicago ..oprah like Nikki are both minoritys who had the brains to start off at the bottom and work their way up..

It would be an interesting choice to make because I like them both.
You seem to be assuming Trump will get primaried in 2020. He will.

What, no silly icons and lie after lie in this thread like you did last night?
Your attempt at fake respectability is not convincing.
Say what the birther movement exploded in 2007 by Hillary supporters

Stick to topic please and thank you this thread is about Nikki vs Oprah
As many times you’re educated on that lie you keep using it.
How does one email by a volunteer of Hillary’s constitute a “ birther movement explosion?
That volunteer was quickly fired once Hillary found out about it.
You’re just incapable of telling the truth.

That topic has already been discussed in this thread why can't you stick to the topic?

I know why your upset because I adore both Nikki and Oprah and you can't handle it.

Yeah, you adore Nikki and Oprah and people are supposed to give a shit why?

Then why are you on this thread?

Do you have an opinion who would win between Oprah and Nikki or do you so desperately want to make this thread about me?

I don't realize this thread was about your personal feelings for these two. To be honest, that's a little weird.

And I did already answer. First, neither is going to be president however in an alternate universe if they ran against each other I'd say Oprah because she's not tied to Trump politically.

Dude you your not tuned into politics like I am this is not a fantasy thread ...
On one side you have an American born Sikh who converted to Christianity a minority Republican who grew up in south Carolina working at her mothers store, went to clemson university, became govenor , became U.N. ambassador vs Oprah a self made billionaire American born lady who started her career in Ohio and moved it to Chicago ..oprah like Nikki are both minoritys who had the brains to start off at the bottom and work their way up..

It would be an interesting choice to make because I like them both.
You seem to be assuming Trump will get primaried in 2020. He will.

What, no silly icons and lie after lie in this thread like you did last night?
Your attempt at fake respectability is not convincing.

What are you talking about ? I highly doubt Trump will run again in 2020..

What for after four years he destroyed Obama's legacy ..muller wouldn't catch him in time like the special prosecutor couldn't catch regean over Iran contra
On one side you have an American born Sikh who converted to Christianity a minority Republican who grew up in south Carolina working at her mothers store, went to clemson university, became govenor , became U.N. ambassador vs Oprah a self made billionaire American born lady who started her career in Ohio and moved it to Chicago ..oprah like Nikki are both minoritys who had the brains to start off at the bottom and work their way up..

It would be an interesting choice to make because I like them both.

Oprah has too much racism to account for.
Dumbest and most dishonest comment of the week.

Oh look, my leg humper is back :) Does Oprah make you feel safe snowflake?
are you going to force me to move this to Political Satire?

Right now, you're bordering on that, or deleting your posts for being off topic

How is debating (with satire) the viability of a candidate based on the birther movement against past presidents off topic?

Why don't you take your mod purse and go home.

Say what the birther movement exploded in 2007 by Hillary supporters

Stick to topic please and thank you this thread is about Nikki vs Oprah
As many times you’re educated on that lie you keep using it.
How does one email by a volunteer of Hillary’s constitute a “ birther movement explosion?
That volunteer was quickly fired once Hillary found out about it.
You’re just incapable of telling the truth.

That topic has already been discussed in this thread why can't you stick to the topic?

I know why your upset because I adore both Nikki and Oprah and you can't handle it.
You ADORE these women?
Idol worship is not healthy.

Yet you worship at the altar of Clinton, ANY Clinton.

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