Who Would you Prefer to See Finish this Presidental term

Who Would You Rather See As President

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 23 82.1%
  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Paul Ryan

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
I'd be interested to hear from the Dem voters if they could magically place any Dem in the White House today "magically", who would they choose...
Harry S. Truman.
Yeah...because we need another Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Oh, goodie, another History Revisionist... maybe you should ask the surviving American fighting men of that era or their families, who would otherwise have died by the hundreds of thousands, in any conventional military invasion of the Japanese Home Islands. Have you always been such an a$$hole or did you have to work at it for a while? Pissant.
I'd be interested to hear from the Dem voters if they could magically place any Dem in the White House today "magically", who would they choose...
Harry S. Truman.
Yeah...because we need another Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Oh, goodie, another History Revisionist... maybe you should ask the surviving American fighting men of that era or their families, who would otherwise have died by the hundreds of thousands, in any conventional military invasion of the Japanese Home Islands. Have you always been such an a$$hole or did you have to work at it for a while? Pissant.
Clearly you know nothing of history, other than what the Empire has told you.
These are your options. Go.

those probably aren't the only choices.... I figure the criminals go way further down the line of succession.

the Donald is mentally ill though... so probably safer as long as it isn't his insane fat butt.
Yet you voted for a criminal in the last election.

What gives Silly Jilly?

no, troll boy... you have the criminal.

you should probably go have another drink.... go to sleep and get off of your computer, nutty child

and now I'm going to get ready for work... something you rightwingnut trolls clearly don't do while you post insane garbage all day every day. send my love to Vladimir.

Cheers too Silly Jilly.

I love you too babes.
i prefer people quit getting stupid and thinking a few stomps of their feet in defiance is enough to alter the course of what we've been doing for 240+ years because they find themselves in a trying time they don't 100% approve of

i prefer people be consistent with what a "lie" is and hold it to all sides

i prefer people stop making stupid headlines and subjects that satisfy their own 4th grade anger but make them look like they're still in the 1st grade

i prefer we have a government that worked 1/10th as hard together on mutual issues as they do fighting for the sake of fighting to show "their side" they fight

i prefer people stop insulting others at the drop of a hat and show people 1/4th the respect they seem to demand constantly

i prefer people lost like an adult and then turned around to still work in a positive direction for the country over themselves as no one side is the only thing this country should be about

i prefer people really understood and lived that last sentence.

if you can add these to the list i'll try to pick one.
I'd be interested to hear from the Dem voters if they could magically place any Dem in the White House today "magically", who would they choose...
Obama can run again next time.
Not sure why this is even a question? We don't get a choice now, that opportunity passed last November.

Donald Trump is the President. It is time to accept that and MOVE ON
Not sure why this is even a question? We don't get a choice now, that opportunity passed last November.

Donald Trump is the President. It is time to accept that and MOVE ON

I have accepted it, as a regrettable fact of history. MOVING ON means figuring out how to get rid of the son-of-a-bitch.
Not sure why this is even a question? We don't get a choice now, that opportunity passed last November.

Donald Trump is the President. It is time to accept that and MOVE ON

I have accepted it, as a regrettable fact of history. MOVING ON means figuring out how to get rid of the son-of-a-bitch.
Nominate a candidate to run against him who isn't a radical loon.
These are your options. Go.

those probably aren't the only choices.... I figure the criminals go way further down the line of succession.

the Donald is mentally ill though... so probably safer as long as it isn't his insane fat butt.
Yet you voted for a criminal in the last election.

What gives Silly Jilly?

Just as blacks voted for Hussein by default...Loony Feminazi's did the same with HRC...It's not Jillian's fault she's programmed....haha
Not sure why this is even a question? We don't get a choice now, that opportunity passed last November.

Donald Trump is the President. It is time to accept that and MOVE ON

I have accepted it, as a regrettable fact of history. MOVING ON means figuring out how to get rid of the son-of-a-bitch.
Nominate a candidate to run against him who isn't a radical loon.
Or just one that isn't a two-bit conman.
Not sure why this is even a question? We don't get a choice now, that opportunity passed last November.

Donald Trump is the President. It is time to accept that and MOVE ON

I have accepted it, as a regrettable fact of history. MOVING ON means figuring out how to get rid of the son-of-a-bitch.
Nominate a candidate to run against him who isn't a radical loon.
Or just one that isn't a two-bit conman.
You're right, she was a conman as well but I didn't feel that needed to be pointed out. (I just wrote that in my fake southern black church accent)
I'd be interested to hear from the Dem voters if they could magically place any Dem in the White House today "magically", who would they choose...

Not sure why this is even a question? We don't get a choice now, that opportunity passed last November.

Donald Trump is the President. It is time to accept that and MOVE ON

I have accepted it, as a regrettable fact of history. MOVING ON means figuring out how to get rid of the son-of-a-bitch.
Nominate a candidate to run against him who isn't a radical loon.
Or just one that isn't a two-bit conman.
You're right, she was a conman as well but I didn't feel that needed to be pointed out. (I just wrote that in my fake southern black church accent)

Not sure why this is even a question? We don't get a choice now, that opportunity passed last November.

Donald Trump is the President. It is time to accept that and MOVE ON

I have accepted it, as a regrettable fact of history. MOVING ON means figuring out how to get rid of the son-of-a-bitch.
Nominate a candidate to run against him who isn't a radical loon.
Or just one that isn't a two-bit conman.
You're right, she was a conman as well but I didn't feel that needed to be pointed out. (I just wrote that in my fake southern black church accent)

Yes, Hillary. We are discussing your Democrat nominees and she was the last one.
Not sure why this is even a question? We don't get a choice now, that opportunity passed last November.

Donald Trump is the President. It is time to accept that and MOVE ON

I have accepted it, as a regrettable fact of history. MOVING ON means figuring out how to get rid of the son-of-a-bitch.

Wait 8 years and he'll magically be gone without you having to do anything.

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