Who Would You Put on Your Fantasy Leadership Team?

Who is on your team?

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Let's say you had some kind of fantasy political team similar to how people play fantasy sports.

Each time a politician got a bill he supported passed, or prevented a bill from being passed that he opposed you got 7 points.

Each time a bill he opposed passed or that he supported failed to pass, you lost 3 points.

Each time he got caught telling a provable lie that was not based on semantics or looked like a total idiot from misspeaking or wigging out, you lost 3 points.

Each time he made it obvious that a witness in a committee was lying or just stupid, you got 7 points as well.

When he runs for office, you get 2 points for each percentage he wins by in the popular vote.

The party doesnt matter here, nor the ideology, just who wins, who loses and who lies and who nails them for it.

Who would you have on your team of the ones on my list and if I missed anyone, then give them a mention below.?
Oh, come on, nobody would have Paul Ryan or Bitch McConnell on their team?

Just to play the game, I'll go with Rob Portman, Scott Taylor, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich.

(FWIW, I will predict that Taylor will someday run for POTUS and get my vote, provided he continues to comport himself as he has to date.)
Looking for a leader?


It's my fantasy.
Wow, still no votes for Bitch McConnel or Paul Ryan.

I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for the lying sacks of shit.

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