Who would you rather be in a foxhole with?

Who would you rather be in a foxhole with?

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I go for option 3.............
Pure horseshit. McCain was a well known war hawk, retard. "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."

Sure. McCain was all for it when it was others doing the fighting. We are talking about being in the hole WITH McCain. When it came to actual combat, the guy couldn't fly straight to save his life, and as a senator, all he ever worried about were the rights of the enemy. Maybe your kind of leader but not mine.

McCain was a loser as a pilot. He was a loser as a POW. He was often a loser as a senator and he was a two-time loser as a presidential candidate. McCain was more concerned with playing fair than winning. Not the guy I want watching my back.

Trump has actually succeeded at most things he's done in his life. Trump will sneak kick the enemy in the balls when you're not looking and do whatever it takes to win. I'll take him as my combat leader.
No he doesn't deserve any respect. None.
How many jobs have you created or how many people have you improved life for?....please you are just a pimple on a message board that has no respect for herself so you can't muster up respect for others...how sad and pathetic....
Ram Trump has used people his whole life, a proven racist , a thief stealing from college students and a RE man with ZERO scruples,,,divorced 2x cheating on 3 wives ,,,and this is a man you speak up for?? Shame on you
Pure horseshit. McCain was a well known war hawk, retard. "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."

Sure. McCain was all for it when it was others doing the fighting. We are talking about being in the hole WITH McCain. When it came to actual combat, the guy couldn't fly straight to save his life, and as a senator, all he ever worried about were the rights of the enemy. Maybe your kind of leader but not mine.

McCain was a loser as a pilot. He was a loser as a POW. He was often a loser as a senator and he was a two-time loser as a presidential candidate. McCain was more concerned with playing fair than winning. Not the guy I want watching my back.

Trump has actually succeeded at most things he's done in his life. Trump will sneak kick the enemy in the balls when you're not looking and do whatever it takes to win. I'll take him as my combat leader.

you'll take a pussy that uses hairspray and wears makeup as your combat leader ?

you're fucked battle boi - F-U-C-K-E-D !
McCain was more concerned with playing fair than winning. Not the guy I want watching my back.

Trump has actually succeeded at most things he's done in his life. Trump will sneak kick the enemy in the balls when you're not looking and do whatever it takes to win. I'll take him as my combat leader.

Doesn't this post speak volumes about values.

Pure horseshit. McCain was a well known war hawk, retard. "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."

Sure. McCain was all for it when it was others doing the fighting. We are talking about being in the hole WITH McCain. When it came to actual combat, the guy couldn't fly straight to save his life, and as a senator, all he ever worried about were the rights of the enemy. Maybe your kind of leader but not mine.

McCain was a loser as a pilot. He was a loser as a POW. He was often a loser as a senator and he was a two-time loser as a presidential candidate. McCain was more concerned with playing fair than winning. Not the guy I want watching my back.

Trump has actually succeeded at most things he's done in his life. Trump will sneak kick the enemy in the balls when you're not looking and do whatever it takes to win. I'll take him as my combat leader.

you'll take a pussy that uses hairspray and wears makeup as your combat leader ?

you're fucked battle boi - F-U-C-K-E-D !

Don't forget the tanning bed.
Trump in a second. Then I can knock out the fat bastard...grab a forklift and roll him over the side of the foxhole and let the enemy shoot him full of holes.

Bingo - he is not POTUS any longer.
McCain was more concerned with playing fair than winning. Not the guy I want watching my back.

Trump has actually succeeded at most things he's done in his life. Trump will sneak kick the enemy in the balls when you're not looking and do whatever it takes to win. I'll take him as my combat leader.

Doesn't this post speak volumes about values.

McCain was a self-serving pos.
McCain was more concerned with playing fair than winning. Not the guy I want watching my back.

Trump has actually succeeded at most things he's done in his life. Trump will sneak kick the enemy in the balls when you're not looking and do whatever it takes to win. I'll take him as my combat leader.

Doesn't this post speak volumes about values.

McCain was a self-serving pos.

Yes, but they all are.
McCain was more concerned with playing fair than winning. Not the guy I want watching my back.

Trump has actually succeeded at most things he's done in his life. Trump will sneak kick the enemy in the balls when you're not looking and do whatever it takes to win. I'll take him as my combat leader.

Doesn't this post speak volumes about values.

McCain was a self-serving pos.

Uh HUH. And Rump is........................?

I just want to see what kind of superlative you can come up with after setting that bar where you just did. Ought be entertaining.
Here's the scenario: It's war time. And you have a choice of sharing a foxhole with John McCain or Donald Trump. Who would YOU choose?
Since they are both 70+ years old and would never be in the military, you are stupid.
Pure horseshit. McCain was a well known war hawk, retard. "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."

Sure. McCain was all for it when it was others doing the fighting. We are talking about being in the hole WITH McCain. When it came to actual combat, the guy couldn't fly straight to save his life, and as a senator, all he ever worried about were the rights of the enemy. Maybe your kind of leader but not mine.

McCain was a loser as a pilot. He was a loser as a POW. He was often a loser as a senator and he was a two-time loser as a presidential candidate. McCain was more concerned with playing fair than winning. Not the guy I want watching my back.

Trump has actually succeeded at most things he's done in his life. Trump will sneak kick the enemy in the balls when you're not looking and do whatever it takes to win. I'll take him as my combat leader.

you'll take a pussy that uses hairspray and wears makeup as your combat leader ? you're fucked battle boi - F-U-C-K-E-D !

Who is a bigger pussy, a guy who quit the service as soon as it became clear he'd never merit the field command to make Admiral so he could parlay the public attention slathered upon him undeservedly as a POV just because his dad was a bigshot into becoming senator in the hopes he could parley that into becoming POTUS someday and failed miserably, or a guy who fought and won just about every fight he could find in business doing things others said couldn't be done over and over to take on the toughest challenge in the world, becoming POTUS---- WITH NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE IN POLITICS? And WINNING. And he has been winning ever since.

And at least he has the hair to spray; McCain didn't even have that. You better bet your sweet bippy I'd take Trump as my combat leader---- Trump is General Patton, but with personality. He knows only one direction: Forward. And he only knows one way: His Way.

Rolling ourselves back in time so that we could choose from either one at the age of, oh, say, thirty?

McCain... every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Hell, Cadet Bone Spurs would $hit his pants, the first time an artie-round went off within a half-mile of him.
Pure horseshit. McCain was a well known war hawk, retard. "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."

Sure. McCain was all for it when it was others doing the fighting. We are talking about being in the hole WITH McCain. When it came to actual combat, the guy couldn't fly straight to save his life, and as a senator, all he ever worried about were the rights of the enemy. Maybe your kind of leader but not mine.

McCain was a loser as a pilot. He was a loser as a POW. He was often a loser as a senator and he was a two-time loser as a presidential candidate. McCain was more concerned with playing fair than winning. Not the guy I want watching my back.

Trump has actually succeeded at most things he's done in his life. Trump will sneak kick the enemy in the balls when you're not looking and do whatever it takes to win. I'll take him as my combat leader.

you'll take a pussy that uses hairspray and wears makeup as your combat leader ? you're fucked battle boi - F-U-C-K-E-D !

Who is a bigger pussy, a guy who quit the service as soon as it became clear he'd never merit the field command to make Admiral so he could parlay the public attention slathered upon him undeservedly as a POV just because his dad was a bigshot into becoming senator in the hopes he could parley that into becoming POTUS someday and failed miserably, or a guy who fought and won just about every fight he could find in business doing things others said couldn't be done over and over to take on the toughest challenge in the world, becoming POTUS---- WITH NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE IN POLITICS? And WINNING. And he has been winning ever since.

And at least he has the hair to spray; McCain didn't even have that. You better bet your sweet bippy I'd take Trump as my combat leader---- Trump is General Patton, but with personality. He knows only one direction: Forward. And he only knows one way: His Way.

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The bigger pussy is the guy that never had the balls to join and in fact worked hard to get out of being in the military...that is who the bigger pussy is...it is not even close.

Why do you sheep have to make Trump out to be more than he is?

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