Who would you rather be in a foxhole with?

Who would you rather be in a foxhole with?

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Trump. Mccain is dead
His obesity makes him a good shield

Can you imagine? Trump on one side and fat ass hillary on the other?
Yeah his girth would be enough for both of us. After all this time she’s still living in your head?
W owned you 8 years, your hypocrisy rages on
Dubya collapsed the economy and sent thousands of our soldiers to die for absolutely nothing in Iraq. You defended him then as much as you defend Trump now. I will laugh when your cult leaders convince you he was a RINO like Dubya in a few years.

Didnt vote for w either time. Didnt defend him. But at least you admitted youre a hypocrite
I'd prefer not getting stabbed in the back so my "buddy" can get better treatment from the enemy.

Here's the scenario: It's war time. And you have a choice of sharing a foxhole with John McCain or Donald Trump. Who would YOU choose?
If we were fighting the Russkies, the last person on Earth I would want to share a foxhole with would be Bone Spur Traitor Trump.

So I would choose McCain, then anyone else.
Boy I dunno, tough choice here. One guy voluntarily went into the military, deliberately chose combat and broke both arms and a leg getting shot down, tortured and held in solitary. At the same time the other guy begged off claiming bone spurs playing squash and noted that he had to bravely fend off STDs in New York sex clubs -- a dirty job but somebody had to do it.

I just can't decide. They're virtually identical. :dunno:
His obesity makes him a good shield

Can you imagine? Trump on one side and fat ass hillary on the other?
Yeah his girth would be enough for both of us. After all this time she’s still living in your head?
W owned you 8 years, your hypocrisy rages on
Dubya collapsed the economy and sent thousands of our soldiers to die for absolutely nothing in Iraq. You defended him then as much as you defend Trump now. I will laugh when your cult leaders convince you he was a RINO like Dubya in a few years.

Didnt vote for w either time. Didnt defend him. But at least you admitted youre a hypocrite
I don't believe you for a second.
Neithe. One is deceased and the other is an obese, old fart.

Trump can get a room next to hillary in the fat old farts home

They can bicker over who gets the second scoop of ice cream.

You voted for one of the fat asses, i didnt

In his first year he told over 2140 lies,,,, 6 months into his 2nd year he's more than doubled that In a way it's a miracle NOBODY has ever seen so much bull shit come out of a horses ass
Thanks to Beth Middler
Trump cant stand on a stage in front of a few hundred friendlys without trying to hide - hes a pussy
Seriously, you havent seen trump rallies on tv? You need to spend less time masterbating

and you need to spend more time in spelling class ..

uneducated Trumpdrones crack me up,

The internet spell checker!!! Now youre just desperate
Can you imagine? Trump on one side and fat ass hillary on the other?
Yeah his girth would be enough for both of us. After all this time she’s still living in your head?
W owned you 8 years, your hypocrisy rages on
Dubya collapsed the economy and sent thousands of our soldiers to die for absolutely nothing in Iraq. You defended him then as much as you defend Trump now. I will laugh when your cult leaders convince you he was a RINO like Dubya in a few years.

Didnt vote for w either time. Didnt defend him. But at least you admitted youre a hypocrite
I don't believe you for a second.

Of course not. Youre a simpleton. You grasp republican/trump and democrat. A third option like libertarian makes your head explode.

Not your fault. You didnt choose to be born stupid
Neithe. One is deceased and the other is an obese, old fart.

Trump can get a room next to hillary in the fat old farts home

They can bicker over who gets the second scoop of ice cream.

You voted for one of the fat asses, i didnt

In his first year he told over 2140 lies,,,, 6 months into his 2nd year he's more than doubled that In a way it's a miracle NOBODY has ever seen so much bull shit come out of a horses ass
Thanks to Beth Middler

According to fake news who told 10 times that many
Yeah his girth would be enough for both of us. After all this time she’s still living in your head?
W owned you 8 years, your hypocrisy rages on
Dubya collapsed the economy and sent thousands of our soldiers to die for absolutely nothing in Iraq. You defended him then as much as you defend Trump now. I will laugh when your cult leaders convince you he was a RINO like Dubya in a few years.

Didnt vote for w either time. Didnt defend him. But at least you admitted youre a hypocrite
I don't believe you for a second.

Of course not. Youre a simpleton. You grasp republican/trump and democrat. A third option like libertarian makes your head explode.

Not your fault. You didnt choose to be born stupid
Oh God you're one of those....... :rolleyes:

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