Who would you rather be in a foxhole with?

Who would you rather be in a foxhole with?

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Here's the scenario: It's war time. And you have a choice of sharing a foxhole with John McCain or Donald Trump. Who would YOU choose?

My first thought was really McCain. You know, war hero, looking out for his men. Then I really thought about it and realized:

WITH McCAIN: He'd be worried about the other side and would want to try to negotiate a peaceful settlement and meet them in the middle even if it meant his surrender and defeat.

WITH TRUMP: He'd use the enemy's own media to confuse them with propaganda, send a few HOs in to let the enemy grab their pussies, then do an end around and sneak in cutting every last one of their throats with their own knives so he could send a reporter in, take some photos and the credit and brag about how he slaughtered the competition with one hand tied behind his back and how he wanted and could do it again in even less time faster and far under budget!

I went with Trump.
W owned you 8 years, your hypocrisy rages on
Dubya collapsed the economy and sent thousands of our soldiers to die for absolutely nothing in Iraq. You defended him then as much as you defend Trump now. I will laugh when your cult leaders convince you he was a RINO like Dubya in a few years.

Didnt vote for w either time. Didnt defend him. But at least you admitted youre a hypocrite
I don't believe you for a second.

Of course not. Youre a simpleton. You grasp republican/trump and democrat. A third option like libertarian makes your head explode.

Not your fault. You didnt choose to be born stupid
Oh God you're one of those....... :rolleyes:

Yes, i could be black. You just realized i might move into your neighborhood, huh racist?
Here's the scenario: It's war time. And you have a choice of sharing a foxhole with John McCain or Donald Trump. Who would YOU choose?

My first thought was really McCain. You know, war hero, looking out for his men. Then I really thought about it and realized:

WITH McCAIN: He'd be worried about the other side and would want to try to negotiate a peaceful settlement even if it meant his surrender.

Pure horseshit. McCain was a well known war hawk, retard. "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."

WITH TRUMP: He'd use the enemy's own media to confuse them with propaganda, send a few HOs in to let the enemy grab their pussies, then do an end around and sneak in cutting every last one of their throats with their own knives so he could send a reporter in, take the credit and brag about he slaughtered the competition with one hand tied behind his back and how he wanted and could do it again in even less time faster and far under budget!

I went with Trump.
Bone Spur is a cut and run Democrat.

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

Neithe. One is deceased and the other is an obese, old fart.

Trump can get a room next to hillary in the fat old farts home

They can bicker over who gets the second scoop of ice cream.

You voted for one of the fat asses, i didnt

In his first year he told over 2140 lies,,,, 6 months into his 2nd year he's more than doubled that In a way it's a miracle NOBODY has ever seen so much bull shit come out of a horses ass
Thanks to Beth Middler

According to fake news who told 10 times that many
Yeah fake news with all those convictions all those pleading guilty Fake news is fake
Here's the scenario: It's war time. And you have a choice of sharing a foxhole with John McCain or Donald Trump. Who would YOU choose?

so, I get to pick between

A proud US military veteran & POW, that answered the call of duty when his nation needed him, a US Senator with a reputation for spirited debate all while respecting his political opponents, thus gaining the respect of many (McCain)


A draft dodger that received five deferments for 'fake' bone spurs, a con man that has for DECADES obtained loans from Russian interests because he is a financial liability, screwed contractors out of MILLION$, screwed students out of million$, surrounded himself for DECADES with criminal associates, cheated on every wife he was ever married to, has boasted about being a sexual pervert, and now divides a nation (Trump)

Couldn't you have made the choice a bit more difficult? :21:
Dubya collapsed the economy and sent thousands of our soldiers to die for absolutely nothing in Iraq. You defended him then as much as you defend Trump now. I will laugh when your cult leaders convince you he was a RINO like Dubya in a few years.

Didnt vote for w either time. Didnt defend him. But at least you admitted youre a hypocrite
I don't believe you for a second.

Of course not. Youre a simpleton. You grasp republican/trump and democrat. A third option like libertarian makes your head explode.

Not your fault. You didnt choose to be born stupid
Oh God you're one of those....... :rolleyes:

Yes, i could be black. You just realized i might move into your neighborhood, huh racist?
Here's the scenario: It's war time. And you have a choice of sharing a foxhole with John McCain or Donald Trump. Who would YOU choose?
Trump. Mccain is dead
His obesity makes him a good shield

Can you imagine? Trump on one side and fat ass hillary on the other?

Hillary was not a choice, are you still dreaming about her. Stop please, she lost but she did win the pop vote.
By the way....how long does it take to bury people these days?....holy cow....its McCain all day long...you can tell he planned his funeral before he croaked...talk about pomp and circumstance....and Aretha is still being dragged around too...how about a little respect and bury her already.....
You think trump will get the honor and respect McCain is getting ?? The POS will be lucky if Melanie comes
Will the illegals in your family be happy?
No he doesn't deserve any respect. None.
How many jobs have you created or how many people have you improved life for?....please you are just a pimple on a message board that has no respect for herself so you can't muster up respect for others...how sad and pathetic....
No he doesn't deserve any respect. None.
How many jobs have you created or how many people have you improved life for?....please you are just a pimple on a message board that has no respect for herself so you can't muster up respect for others...how sad and pathetic....

I'm not in business to create jobs, I'm a worker. My husband on the other hand has. How many people have Trump screwed to make a buck, hundreds, thousand perhaps. He is out for himself. You think he gives a rip about a peon like you, your mistaken. He is the ultimate swamp creature.
Traitor Trump would jump in the foxhole and then advise you to "declare victory and leave!"
Of course not. Youre a simpleton. You grasp republican/trump and democrat. A third option like libertarian makes your head explode.

A libertarian Trump ass licker! Now that is an oxymoron if there ever was one
No he doesn't deserve any respect. None.
How many jobs have you created or how many people have you improved life for?....please you are just a pimple on a message board that has no respect for herself so you can't muster up respect for others...how sad and pathetic....

I'm not in business to create jobs, I'm a worker. My husband on the other hand has. How many people have Trump screwed to make a buck, hundreds, thousand perhaps. He is out for himself. You think he gives a rip about a peon like you, your mistaken. He is the ultimate swamp creature.
Name me all the corporate CEOs who haven’t been sued.
No he doesn't deserve any respect. None.
How many jobs have you created or how many people have you improved life for?....please you are just a pimple on a message board that has no respect for herself so you can't muster up respect for others...how sad and pathetic....

I'm not in business to create jobs, I'm a worker. My husband on the other hand has. How many people have Trump screwed to make a buck, hundreds, thousand perhaps. He is out for himself. You think he gives a rip about a peon like you, your mistaken. He is the ultimate swamp creature.

What's funny is that you actually think Hillary gives a shit about you.

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