Who would you want as AG to replace Sessions?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Well? My favorite picks would be Giuliani or Judge Jeanine Piro. I prefer Piro personally she is a pit bull and loyal to Trump and the country...I have heard Cruz,Bondi,Christie but meh...Cruz is a POS and wants to get back at Trump for beating him,Bondi I am fine with just not sure how aggressive she would be. Christie would be fine with me as well I think...would really piss off Trumps son in law.
Why should Sessions go? For cause? Or for political and legal cover? Is personal loyalty to Trump more important than competence?
Trey Gowdy...

No holds barred... He knows and understands the games...
I thought about it he is a good attorney and tough but he has criticized President Trump and doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong going on with the witch hunt etc...
Why should Sessions go? For cause? Or for political and legal cover? Is personal loyalty to Trump more important than competence?
Not doing his job correctly. Letting REAL criminals skate while the deep state attacks President Trump. Has done NOTHING to investigate Clinton or her cronies....he is a spineless little man. We need a pit bull NOT a poodle.
Well? My favorite picks would be Giuliani or Judge Jeanine Piro. I prefer Piro personally she is a pit bull and loyal to Trump and the country...I have heard Cruz,Bondi,Christie but meh...Cruz is a POS and wants to get back at Trump for beating him,Bondi I am fine with just not sure how aggressive she would be. Christie would be fine with me as well I think...would really piss off Trumps son in law.

Your pick would be anyone who licks Trump's ass so much their feet are brown.

I can't wait for Giuliani to come out as a anti-Trump spy and for you to say you never liked him.
It would seem you would want someone loyal to the rule of law; not a person.
Well? My favorite picks would be Giuliani or Judge Jeanine Piro. I prefer Piro personally she is a pit bull and loyal to Trump and the country...I have heard Cruz,Bondi,Christie but meh...Cruz is a POS and wants to get back at Trump for beating him,Bondi I am fine with just not sure how aggressive she would be. Christie would be fine with me as well I think...would really piss off Trumps son in law.

Your pick would be anyone who licks Trump's ass so much their feet are brown.

I can't wait for Giuliani to come out as a anti-Trump spy and for you to say you never liked him.
Just like Lynch and Holder kissed Obama's ass and covered for his NUMEROUS scandals. Loyalty is obviously just a word nowadays it used to be a nice character trait.
Well? My favorite picks would be Giuliani or Judge Jeanine Piro. I prefer Piro personally she is a pit bull and loyal to Trump and the country...I have heard Cruz,Bondi,Christie but meh...Cruz is a POS and wants to get back at Trump for beating him,Bondi I am fine with just not sure how aggressive she would be. Christie would be fine with me as well I think...would really piss off Trumps son in law.

Your pick would be anyone who licks Trump's ass so much their feet are brown.

I can't wait for Giuliani to come out as a anti-Trump spy and for you to say you never liked him.
Just like Lynch and Holder kissed Obama's ass and covered for his NUMEROUS scandals. Loyalty is obviously just a word nowadays it used to be a nice character trait.

Of course it is. I'm not saying anything about these people, but YOUR loyalty to people.
Why should Sessions go? For cause? Or for political and legal cover? Is personal loyalty to Trump more important than competence?
Not doing his job correctly. Letting REAL criminals skate while the deep state attacks President Trump. Has done NOTHING to investigate Clinton or her cronies....he is a spineless little man. We need a pit bull NOT a poodle.
Would you prefer the kind of "justice" system found in banana republics? The kind of system that takes its political opposition party off to internment camps or stakes banked by sandbags? Offer them a blindfold and a cigarette?

If Sec. Clinton committed crimes, she should be prosecuted. But, on the other hand, if after exhaustive investigations by a Republican controlled congress can find nothing, persecution through prosecution amounts to totalitarianism. Is that what you want?

And this "Deep State" nonsense is ridiculous. If you believe, and I think you truly do, that the federal government is an addled, feeble, incompetent enterprise, how on earth could they suddenly coalesce into the sinister form of a supposed "Deep State"?

You disaffected Trumpians are so cynical, so jaded and so incredibly stupid that you cannot exist without a whipping boy, a scapegoat, someone else to blame for all your imagined sorrows and problems.

And who comes along? A charlatan with the manners of a professional wrestler and the patter of a carnival barker. Someone crude enough to appeal to your low brow culture, you lack of education and your absence of consciousness. Donald Trump told you "I alone can fix this!" and you saddled up and fell in line behind him.

He's wrong as he is so crooked, if he swallowed a nail, he would shit a cork screw. He alone can only lead you morons to ruin and disaster. Right down the road to Authoritarianism. You claim to be patriots, to love America. But you clearly don't know what America is, or should be. You're willing to hold your nose in the face of all the embarrassing tweets and cozying up to Putin for what? Tax cuts for the rich and Supreme Court justices? Is that the Faustian bargain you struck?

America is an idea. An idea that here, one can find justice, equality and freedom. And anyone on God's green earth can come here. After arriving, if you read the critical documents outlining this grand idea, understand the documents and ideas, swear allegiance to the documents and ideas, we shake your hand and you are an American.

"Deep State". Where did you come up with that canard? Bateman comics? Fox News? Or did your Dear Leader tell you about it?
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They are all the same ... and more likely will do nothing if became AG ...

Unless Trump can find someone who is not a pussy and got real balls.

Not sure if that person exists there (among the possible candidates) .... Wouldn't surprise me if next AG becomes some other recommendation from RINOs and / or the Swamp.
Why should Sessions go? For cause? Or for political and legal cover? Is personal loyalty to Trump more important than competence?
Not doing his job correctly. Letting REAL criminals skate while the deep state attacks President Trump. Has done NOTHING to investigate Clinton or her cronies....he is a spineless little man. We need a pit bull NOT a poodle.

There is no deep state. He is right when he says you have to have evidence. Trump fascists don't care about evidence. They want to turn the FBI and DOJ into Trump's personal Gestapo. The American people will not stand for it.
Would have to be someone fearless, without a spouse or kids, so the mob or cartels can't threaten them to do what obviously everyone else is compromised doing (caving in to the threats).
Trey Gowdy would be acceptable. I think he'd stick to the law and not Trump's Nixonean enemies list.
Jim Jordan.
Didn't think of that one! If he doesn't get the house speaker seat then yes I prefer him as an AG candidate.
Trey Gowdy would be acceptable. I think he'd stick to the law and not Trump's Nixonean enemies list.
No thanks. Gowdy has criticized Trump and is JUST like Sessions all talk with no spine to back it up.
I think it should be someone with extensive prosecutorial experience who has avoided publicity stunts. Not someone from the current Congress.

I have absolutely nobody to put forward.

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