"Whoever heard of that?" GOP Nominee And Convicted Felon Mr. Trump Brags About Poll Numbers Going Up After Committing A Crime

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
"Whoever heard of that?" GOP Nominee And Convicted Felon Mr. Trump Brags About Poll Numbers Going Up After Committing A Crime

He said it. He's playing his game again. It looks like he's prepping his base to run with "interfering in a presidential election is not a crime," just as they've been primed to claim -- even though Mr. Trump has been adjudicated to be a sexual predator, and been convicted of felonies by a jury of his peers -- that he is not and was not. It's like an alternate universe, where up is down, left is right, and 1984 is here and everything is great.

Donald Trump on Sunday tried to defend himself from the criminal charges he’s facing in the election interference case ― but experts say it sounded more like a confession.

Trump on Fox News bragged that his poll numbers go up every time he’s indicted.

Whoever heard (linked source), you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election, where you have every right to do it, you get indicted, and your poll numbers go up,” he said.

'Are You Seriously This Stupid?': Legal Minds Nail Trump After Fox News 'Confession'​

The thing is Dems, huge numbers of Americans are able to accept Trump's insurrection attempt. More than anything else, the people are pissed right off with their government and they're buying into the crazy notion that Trump will fix it.

This whole thing has become a situation with the potential of the two opposing sides taking to the streets with their guns, and cutting loose all their pent up emotions.

Americans!! Do you people realize what you're doing???

Could it be that America's inability to dictate terms to the rest of the world by America no longer exists, and that has brought frustration and resorting to desperate measures against their own?
Trump on Fox News bragged that his poll numbers go up every time he’s indicted.
It's true! Americans need to pause to do some deep thinking about what that means for their country.

I don't think any other nation would allow the situation to exist this long without taking measures to correct it!

This is just getting more catastrophic as the election draws closer!

How about postponing the election to give everybody a chance to think it out? The military could do that!
Trump has every right to verify/challenge election results.
That democrat's "Lawfare" calls it illegal "election interference" won't stop Trump.
When he challenged the election in court, it’s fine.

When he goes around the courts to get his political cronies to change the results, it’s illegal election interference.

Does that help?
Trump couldnt prove any of his shit.
There's slim hope of we foreigners getting them to pause their mad rush to catastrophe, and think out what they're heading for Tommy.

It could be that the only way they can stop it now is in starting a world war! They're begging for their government to reassure them of invincible power they no longer possess.
Trump has every right to verify/challenge election results.
That democrat's "Lawfare" calls it illegal "election interference" won't stop Trump.
Yes, he does. But has no right to sic his MAGA retards to invade the Capitol or try to lynch his own VP.

Try to keep up.

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