Whoopis View

Like many things (e.g. firearms, legislation, government), you got to laugh when one is ignorant .. especially with one's religion. It's ironic she played, as an actor as a Catholic choir member ..
Whoopi is right.

It is.
Why would you care? You aren’t going to church and taking communion. Plastic face Pelosi is only there for the politics and the votes. She never actually give a shit about what it means, it was just a photo op and a footnote to keep her grift alive.
Why would you care? You aren’t going to church and taking communion. Plastic face Pelosi is only there for the politics and the votes. She never actually give a shit about what it means, it was just a photo op and a footnote to keep her grift alive.

Its fun to see so-called Christians like yourself acting so "holy".
No, Communion is meant for REPENTANT sinners who are trying to live for Christ and be more Christ-like.

Communion is not for political theater and is not a magic ceremony designed to ease a singer's conscience so they can keep on sinning / committing the same sins over and iver without hesitation or remorse...

...but a flaming, lying, hate-driven anti-Semite is not expected to fully understand this.

Well, Whoopie did play a nun once.
So, how come gluttons, liars, adulterers, those who mistreat the poor, and puppy kickers get communion?
True. I've always wondered how Andrew Cuomo could attend mass with his shack up and go to communion.
So, how come gluttons, liars, adulterers, those who mistreat the poor, and puppy kickers get communion?

If Pelosi renounced support for abortion or at least felt sorry about it, then you could lump her in with the above, as long as they felt sorry about it.

She doesn't feel sorry about it, she thinks her support for abortion rights does not go against Church Teachings, and in a structural system like the Catholic Church, the leaders of said church get to decide who is not deserving of grace or is deserving of forgiveness.
No one's religion is required to make sense. If it was, how many could avoid being banned?

In Pelosi's religion, her actions make her ineligible to receive a particular sacrament. If I'm not mistaken, not receiving that sacrament can have repercussions beyond not being able to take communion and then go to brunch with the other penitents.

Nancy is by far not the first powerful politician to run afoul of the Catholic Hierarchy. The church will grant forgiveness. In fact, the credibility of the church depends on its ability and willingness to grant forgiveness of sin. Popes have forgiven kings who were bitter enemies of the pope. But as another poster pointed out, only when they expressed repentance. No one gets absolution if they continue the sin uninterrupted, what would be the point?

If you belong to a religion that has rules, and a hierarchy to decide how to apply those rules, you can either accept those decisions, change your religion, or accept that you are not following your religion.

I believe that most American politicians are happiest in a religion that preaches that everyone is a sinner ("so it's cool if I am, too!") and that once saved, always saved, ("whew!"), and that people can backslide and repent an unlimited number of times.

That way, when they are caught with their pants down, literally or figuratively, they can claim that God has forgiven them and that it would be a sin for a person not to forgive them.

But they have to pull their pants up first, and not say they will drop them at the next opportunity.
Abortion is an immensely evil act. In Catholic parlance it is a mortal sin. For any public figure to SUPPORT and even ENCOURAGE others to obtain abortions, is evil piled upon evil

For a public figure who routinely supports abortion to then publicly present herself for Communion is a moral and religious abomination. For a Catholic leader (e.g., priest, bishop, etc.) to allow this to go on would be an inexcusable moral failing.

Caryn Johnson is beneath contempt. The television executives who keep her on the air are unspeakably irresponsible.
No one's religion is required to make sense. If it was, how many could avoid being banned?

In Pelosi's religion, her actions make her ineligible to receive a particular sacrament. If I'm not mistaken, not receiving that sacrament can have repercussions beyond not being able to take communion and then go to brunch with the other penitents.

Nancy is by far not the first powerful politician to run afoul of the Catholic Hierarchy. The church will grant forgiveness. In fact, the credibility of the church depends on its ability and willingness to grant forgiveness of sin. Popes have forgiven kings who were bitter enemies of the pope. But as another poster pointed out, only when they expressed repentance. No one gets absolution if they continue the sin uninterrupted, what would be the point?

If you belong to a religion that has rules, and a hierarchy to decide how to apply those rules, you can either accept those decisions, change your religion, or accept that you are not following your religion.

I believe that most American politicians are happiest in a religion that preaches that everyone is a sinner ("so it's cool if I am, too!") and that once saved, always saved, ("whew!"), and that people can backslide and repent an unlimited number of times.

That way, when they are caught with their pants down, literally or figuratively, they can claim that God has forgiven them and that it would be a sin for a person not to forgive them.

But they have to pull their pants up first, and not say they will drop them at the next opportunity.
The part that irritates me is the left excusing Biden and Pelosi by saying "No one is perfect. Holy Communion is not a prize for the perfect", which implies an occasional slip up. That's not this. With those two, you have two politicians willfully disobeying the most important precept of their church and pushing it as public policy. They should most definitely be barred from Communion, and probably even excommunicated.
It’s even fucking weirder to see you non-Christian’s trying to decide what’s Christian or not. You aren’t one but you still want a say? Go fuck yourself.
Very Christian of you.... Fun to watch you make my point for me over and over.

Lets go again.... LOL
So, how come gluttons, liars, adulterers, those who mistreat the poor, and puppy kickers get communion?

Well I'm not Catholic but I would guess its because those who commit those sins are not only unwilling to recognize those as sins but also call them GOOD.

"Lying is every woman's right. We must support every married person's right to commit adultery"

Well I'm not Catholic but I would guess its because those who commit those sins are not only unwilling to recognize those as sins but also call them GOOD.

"Lying is every woman's right. We must support every married person's right to commit adultery"


"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isa. 5:20.)

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