Who's fucking side is Christie on?

Why should there be "sides" in response to a major natural disaster affecting millions of Americans?

Because not everyone believes that rebuilding our communities and saving our citizens is a federal responsibility.

Some believe that besieged and overwhelmed states should deal with catastrophic disasters all by themselves. One such person is even running for president on a major party ticket this year.

No, some believe that the states themselves are better able to direct and coordinate disaster relief and federal funding to where it is most needed within the state. One of THEM, is running for President.
No, some believe that the states themselves are better able to direct and coordinate disaster relief and federal funding to where it is most needed within the state. One of THEM, is running for President.

That would be Obama. He's been more than clear that he's willing to give states all the help they need, to use as they see fit. See any Chris Christie interview for corroboration.

He does not, however, believe that states should be left dangling by themselves with only their own depleted resources in the face of catastrophe.

As a wise man once said (and was demonized for pointing out), some things we do better together.
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

Who cares really. New Jersey was the hardest hit--it's of no surprise that Obama--in the last (photo opt) he's going to get prior to the election takes a ride in a helicopter that just "happen's to be on Chris Christie's turf."

It's really no big deal. No one is going to "change" their vote over it.

it's called sarcasm.

it's tough to tell these days, but that's what it is

No, no, no.

I was serious. I've never been more serious in my fucking life. If fucking serious had a fucking serious category, it still wouldn't be as fucking serious as I was in that serious fucking post!


What proof do you have that other news outlets didn't cover Katrina?

What proof do you have that other than rw's helped and/or contributed to help Katrina victims?

What you have accused Americans of is offensive and its a lie.


Luddite ...
The bold fact is that neither of those political players can impact the recovery appreciably. While the liberal press follows them around, the people doing the real work, i.e., the linemen, cops, firefighters, uitlity workers, doctors, nurses, neighbors helping those who got hit, are busting their asses with no mention.
Sooo, now Romney is flip-flopping on his previous FEMA rhetoric:

Now, a week before Election Day, after of a massive disaster, Romney's campaign is reassuring voters that his administration wouldn't leave disaster victims in the lurch. The public's attention is locked on the devastation caused by Sandy at a time when Romney and President Barack Obama are locked in a close presidential campaign. With Obama heavily involved in getting federal funds to those in trouble, the Romney campaign moved quickly to reassure the public it supports a strong program of storm relief.

"I believe that FEMA plays a key role in working with states and localities to prepare for and respond to natural disasters," Romney said in a statement supplied by his campaign Wednesday. "As president, I will ensure FEMA has the funding it needs to fulfill its mission, while directing maximum resources to the first responders who work tirelessly to help those in need, because states and localities are in the best position to get aid to the individuals and communities affected by natural disasters."

Wednesday's statement came after the candidate ducked a spate of opportunities Tuesday to personally clarify his position and the statement essentially endorsed the current disaster aid system.

But what the campaign wouldn't do is say whether a President Romney would insist that help for disaster victims be funded by cutting other programs in the federal budget, as many conservative Republicans insist.

Running mate Paul Ryan is squarely on the side of cutting other spending to pay for disasters. Earlier this year, he tried but failed to scrap a new system, established in the 2011 debt ceiling-deficit cuts deal, that boosts disaster spending and budgets help for victims of hurricanes, tornadoes and floods before they occur. House leaders rebuffed him, siding with Appropriations Committee members of both parties who like the new system.

More: Mitt Romney Disaster Relief Position Faces Scrutiny
The bold fact is that neither of those political players can impact the recovery appreciably. While the liberal press follows them around, the people doing the real work, i.e., the linemen, cops, firefighters, uitlity workers, doctors, nurses, neighbors helping those who got hit, are busting their asses with no mention.

Really? Because even that liberal standard known as MSNBC has talked about how the nurses, the firefighters, and all the other emergency workers have done a great job. Did you hear about the nurses who took as many as 20 newborns down 8 flights of stairs so they could move them to a safer place after their hospital lost power? I did, and I heard it on MSNBC.

Shit......................even President Obama said that the people of CONED have done a great job in getting back a lot of the power in 24 hours.

But..............if all you listen to is FAUX Nooze, I can understand how you are at least 40 percent less informed.
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The bold fact is that neither of those political players can impact the recovery appreciably. While the liberal press follows them around, the people doing the real work, i.e., the linemen, cops, firefighters, uitlity workers, doctors, nurses, neighbors helping those who got hit, are busting their asses with no mention.

True enough.

But those people are usually called "lazy government workers" when they aren't responding to an emergency like this, even though they are usually busting their asses in non-emergencies.

And guys like Romney whine about how they are getting pensions and good medical plans because they didn't fall for the Oky-Doke and sign on to "Right to work" and "At Will Employment" like we fools in the private sector did.
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

Who cares really. New Jersey was the hardest hit--it's of no surprise that Obama--in the last (photo opt) he's going to get prior to the election takes a ride in a helicopter that just "happen's to be on Chris Christie's turf."

It's really no big deal. No one is going to "change" their vote over it.



Like I said, it takes a special kind of hack......

And they do all seem to get their undies in a bunch during election time

Anyone think that maybe Christie is on his own side?

If he wants to run in 2016, he doesn't want Romney around.

Romney managed to cleverly subvert the Tea Party movement. If he goes down, the Teabaggers can claim, "You see, Romney wasn't a real conservative!" and Christie, who was really the first Tea Party candidate, can pick up the banner.
Sooo, now Romney is flip-flopping on his previous FEMA rhetoric:

Now, a week before Election Day, after of a massive disaster, Romney's campaign is reassuring voters that his administration wouldn't leave disaster victims in the lurch. The public's attention is locked on the devastation caused by Sandy at a time when Romney and President Barack Obama are locked in a close presidential campaign. With Obama heavily involved in getting federal funds to those in trouble, the Romney campaign moved quickly to reassure the public it supports a strong program of storm relief.

"I believe that FEMA plays a key role in working with states and localities to prepare for and respond to natural disasters," Romney said in a statement supplied by his campaign Wednesday. "As president, I will ensure FEMA has the funding it needs to fulfill its mission, while directing maximum resources to the first responders who work tirelessly to help those in need, because states and localities are in the best position to get aid to the individuals and communities affected by natural disasters."

Wednesday's statement came after the candidate ducked a spate of opportunities Tuesday to personally clarify his position and the statement essentially endorsed the current disaster aid system.

But what the campaign wouldn't do is say whether a President Romney would insist that help for disaster victims be funded by cutting other programs in the federal budget, as many conservative Republicans insist.

Running mate Paul Ryan is squarely on the side of cutting other spending to pay for disasters. Earlier this year, he tried but failed to scrap a new system, established in the 2011 debt ceiling-deficit cuts deal, that boosts disaster spending and budgets help for victims of hurricanes, tornadoes and floods before they occur. House leaders rebuffed him, siding with Appropriations Committee members of both parties who like the new system.

More: Mitt Romney Disaster Relief Position Faces Scrutiny
It isn't called flip-flopping apparently.
In a discussion with bigrednec the other day he told me that Romney's changes in position is evidence of him "evolving".
I laughed until I wet myself.
Sooo, now Romney is flip-flopping on his previous FEMA rhetoric:

Now, a week before Election Day, after of a massive disaster, Romney's campaign is reassuring voters that his administration wouldn't leave disaster victims in the lurch. The public's attention is locked on the devastation caused by Sandy at a time when Romney and President Barack Obama are locked in a close presidential campaign. With Obama heavily involved in getting federal funds to those in trouble, the Romney campaign moved quickly to reassure the public it supports a strong program of storm relief.

"I believe that FEMA plays a key role in working with states and localities to prepare for and respond to natural disasters," Romney said in a statement supplied by his campaign Wednesday. "As president, I will ensure FEMA has the funding it needs to fulfill its mission, while directing maximum resources to the first responders who work tirelessly to help those in need, because states and localities are in the best position to get aid to the individuals and communities affected by natural disasters."

Wednesday's statement came after the candidate ducked a spate of opportunities Tuesday to personally clarify his position and the statement essentially endorsed the current disaster aid system.

But what the campaign wouldn't do is say whether a President Romney would insist that help for disaster victims be funded by cutting other programs in the federal budget, as many conservative Republicans insist.

Running mate Paul Ryan is squarely on the side of cutting other spending to pay for disasters. Earlier this year, he tried but failed to scrap a new system, established in the 2011 debt ceiling-deficit cuts deal, that boosts disaster spending and budgets help for victims of hurricanes, tornadoes and floods before they occur. House leaders rebuffed him, siding with Appropriations Committee members of both parties who like the new system.

More: Mitt Romney Disaster Relief Position Faces Scrutiny
It isn't called flip-flopping apparently.
In a discussion with bigrednec the other day he told me that Romney's changes in position is evidence of him "evolving".
I laughed until I wet myself.

You are having way to much fun laughing at our weirdness. Remember, God willing, you too could have been born in America. Land of the free to have automatic weapons.
New Jersey's side.

And he succeeded at keeping Obama from campaigning in swing states a week before the election, hasnt he?

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