Who's fucking side is Christie on?

Anyone think that maybe Christie is on his own side?

If he wants to run in 2016, he doesn't want Romney around.

Romney managed to cleverly subvert the Tea Party movement. If he goes down, the Teabaggers can claim, "You see, Romney wasn't a real conservative!" and Christie, who was really the first Tea Party candidate, can pick up the banner.

Could it also be he never had any faith in a Romney win, either?

I definitely got that impression after watching his speech at the convention.

throwing the Governor under the proverbial bus? :lol:

Pretty much, yes. :D
WOW, Obama is such a leader in letting the established FEMA system directives take over.

His leadership amounted to declaring emergency. Yea ! He did get that one right.
WOW, Obama is such a leader in letting the established FEMA system directives take over.

His leadership amounted to declaring emergency. Yea ! He did get that one right.

His leadership amounted to rebuilding FEMA from the dysfunctional joke it was a few years ago into the well-oiled machine whose handling of the current crisis has been "outstanding" in Christie's words.
Butthurt nutters. Cannot stand it when the duly elected POTUS does what it takes.

This is going to be one helluva weekend of ads down here in Fla. Romney is going all out. Or is that all in?
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

Oh, quit making a big deal out of nothing. Bloomie must like the prez. He endorsed him today.
New Jersey's side.

And he succeeded at keeping Obama from campaigning in swing states a week before the election, hasnt he?

Actually, this storm has done more damage to Mittens than it has done to President Obama.

Why? Simple actually.....................the storm has been the top (and in many cases) only story running on the news networks. Obama is getting face time because of his going up there to survey the damage, and having Christie sing his praises does quite a bit of good for him as well.

What news coverage has Mittens gotten? A campaign rally turned "storm rally" that blew up in his face.

Oh yeah............he's also got the comments re-playing from the debates where he said that FEMA should be returned to the states, or privatized if possible.

Nope, this past week has been good for Obama, but really bad for Mittens.
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

Apparently Christie is on the side of the enemies of al Qaeda. You know. Republican's "friends". The people Bush let go.
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

Oh, quit making a big deal out of nothing. Bloomie must like the prez. He endorsed him today.

Interestingly enough, Bloomberg DIDN'T endorse Obama back in 2008. His endorsement of Obama this election is going to count pretty well for Obama, because Bloomberg is a smart politician and doesn't endorse those who he thinks will lose.

Bloomberg endorsing Obama is pretty significant.
The OP demonstrates why politics in this country is so poisoned and fucked up. He's doing his job as the governor of a state. I expect the governor and the President to act like executive leaders when a natural disaster strikes regardless of when or where it happens, not as partisans playing petty politics. Too bad others don't see it that way.

Dude, Govenor Christie's Christie's role in New Jersey recovering from this disaster is minimul, Obama has an even lesser role. If you don't the photo opps, ridding around in marine one, and paying complements to each in the press wasn't playing politics, then I don't know what to tell you. They could have handled whatever buisness they had by phone, away from the press, instead of getting in way of the recovery while looking to score political points. Wake up!.
Christie may have radically different viewpoints than me, but that dude earned my respect. One hell of a man to not only work with the president this close to the election and telling Fox News where to shove it?
The OP demonstrates why politics in this country is so poisoned and fucked up. He's doing his job as the governor of a state. I expect the governor and the President to act like executive leaders when a natural disaster strikes regardless of when or where it happens, not as partisans playing petty politics. Too bad others don't see it that way.

Dude, Govenor Christie's Christie's role in New Jersey recovering from this disaster is minimul, Obama has an even lesser role. If you don't the photo opps, ridding around in marine one, and paying complements to each in the press wasn't playing politics, then I don't know what to tell you. They could have handled whatever buisness they had by phone, away from the press, instead of getting in way of the recovery while looking to score political points. Wake up!.

Or they are doing what leaders should do... showingthat they are concerned about the problem and trying to find solutions.

Better than sitting on your ass on a ranch making faces at the mom of a soldier killed in your revenge war...
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

Oh, quit making a big deal out of nothing. Bloomie must like the prez. He endorsed him today.

Interestingly enough, Bloomberg DIDN'T endorse Obama back in 2008. His endorsement of Obama this election is going to count pretty well for Obama, because Bloomberg is a smart politician and doesn't endorse those who he thinks will lose.

Bloomberg endorsing Obama is pretty significant.

Doombergs endorsement doesn't mean shit. Unless you thought Obama was gonna lose New York.
Oh, quit making a big deal out of nothing. Bloomie must like the prez. He endorsed him today.

Interestingly enough, Bloomberg DIDN'T endorse Obama back in 2008. His endorsement of Obama this election is going to count pretty well for Obama, because Bloomberg is a smart politician and doesn't endorse those who he thinks will lose.

Bloomberg endorsing Obama is pretty significant.

Doombergs endorsement doesn't mean shit. Unless you thought Obama was gonna lose New York.

Bloomberg isn't only popular in NYC.
Interestingly enough, Bloomberg DIDN'T endorse Obama back in 2008. His endorsement of Obama this election is going to count pretty well for Obama, because Bloomberg is a smart politician and doesn't endorse those who he thinks will lose.

Bloomberg endorsing Obama is pretty significant.

Doombergs endorsement doesn't mean shit. Unless you thought Obama was gonna lose New York.

Bloomberg isn't only popular in NYC.

Doomberg is UNPOPULAR everywhere else because of his nanny state bullshit.

No big gulp for you

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