Who's fucking side is Christie on?

What specifically did Obama spring into action and do that wouldn't have automatically happened after the declaration of emergency and assessment by local, state and FEMA ?

Moron, I already told you. And Obama IS calling the federal operational shots... no red tape, as is Christie.
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What proof do you have that other news outlets didn't cover Katrina?

What proof do you have that other than rw's helped and/or contributed to help Katrina victims?

What you have accused Americans of is offensive and its a lie.

I think he's still dipping into his jar of irony NL.

This is exactly why rw's don't care that Mitt lies every day. They themselves will lie and never give it another thought.

And this thread - all kinds of hate because two men were responsible and adult and ignored their differences in order to do what was required to help their fellow Americans.

You can bet that a lot of Rs watched this and vowed the same thing the idiot rw's here did - that they will not work for or support Christie because he put aside his partisanship in favor of his job.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4em8_iu-Tw]Lighten Up Francis - YouTube[/ame]
And until Friday, according to the news, New York City isn't allowing any cars into the city that have less than 3 people in them.

Actually, there is train service in most of Brooklyn and north of 42nd St on the east side (tomorrow morning, anyway) and north of 34th St. on the west side. I have to take a shuttle bus into Manhattan tomorrow to get to work, but I know I'm lucky. I never lost power. My home is OK, my sister and our cats are OK, and there are so many who were not so lucky. Those are the people in my thoughts right now... those who lost loved ones & their homes in the storm, surge and horrific fires the past four days.
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Moron, I already told you. And Obama IS calling the federal operational shots... no red tape, as is Christie.

The only operational shot Obama made was the obvious declaration of emergency. He did a fantastic job on that. After that the machine kicked in on its pre-determined course of action.

No Red tape !!! is politicizing talk to demonstrate presidentiality.

10 million of Trump's money to Red Cross would be appreciated.
What proof do you have that other news outlets didn't cover Katrina?

What proof do you have that other than rw's helped and/or contributed to help Katrina victims?

What you have accused Americans of is offensive and its a lie.

I think he's still dipping into his jar of irony NL.

This is exactly why rw's don't care that Mitt lies every day. They themselves will lie and never give it another thought.

And this thread - all kinds of hate because two men were responsible and adult and ignored their differences in order to do what was required to help their fellow Americans.

You can bet that a lot of Rs watched this and vowed the same thing the idiot rw's here did - that they will not work for or support Christie because he put aside his partisanship in favor of his job.

Toro was pointing that out, nuddly.
Moron, I already told you. And Obama IS calling the federal operational shots... no red tape, as is Christie.

The only operational shot Obama made was the obvious declaration of emergency. He did a fantastic job on that. After that the machine kicked in on its pre-determined course of action.

No Red tape !!! is politicizing talk to demonstrate presidentiality.

10 million of Trump's money to Red Cross would be appreciated.

No politicisation here...
10 million of Trump's money to Red Cross would be appreciated
...no sir!
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

Maybe he's doing you a favor by trying to get the president in a helicopter crash due to his extreme weight.

Hurr hurr.
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

Don't you think you have a fucking problem when every single thing any politician does is "taking sides".

Cut it out with the "you're with us or you're against us" mentality.

Pointing out there was no rescue or restorative action that is presently taking place that would not have happened any way as the routine, pre-established response protocol.

Whose responsibility is it to spend the preceeding years ensuring that the routine, pre-established response protocol will happen correctly when the order goes out?
Christie could be on the same side as fellow Republican Mike Huckabee, who had this to say about the Republican Party :

“I think that there is just such a toxic atmosphere right now, specifically in the Republican party. I would love to say that it’s going to be all about ideas and solutions, but unfortunately a lot of it is about just being able to say, ‘I’m more angry at the Obama administration than somebody else.’ That’s not what motivates me politically or governmentally. I believe it ought to be about solutions.” --Mike Huckabee, former Gov of Arkansas

Don't forget Ron Paul. Another republican who ACTUALLY cares. :thup:

I agree. And the situation with the Republican party could be depicted as a tent plagued with a toxic atmosphere. In the depiction below, the Republican tent is being protected by guards in black wearing gas masks to protect them from the toxic fumes.

And here's a clothing mannequin depicting a photojournalist about to enter the Republican tent, wearing a gas mask so as not to be overcome by the fumes of the " toxic atmosphere"

mannequin in clothing store window
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Taking it for granted that FEMA works well regardless of who's helming the ship of state is what gets you idiots like Heckuva Job Brownie dooming major cities.

The helicopter rides with grateful governors are small potatoes next to the man running and staffing the entire executive branch of government and doing it well. Competence seems so inevitable until it's gone.
How dare Christie be honest and tell the truth! Can't he take the Willard lead and say that Obama sucked as a leader? The Morman has NO PROBLEM with lies. Can't Christie tow the Party Line?
Why should there be "sides" in response to a major natural disaster affecting millions of Americans?

Because not everyone believes that rebuilding our communities and saving our citizens is a federal responsibility.

Some believe that besieged and overwhelmed states should deal with catastrophic disasters all by themselves. One such person is even running for president on a major party ticket this year.
Pointing out there was no rescue or restorative action that is presently taking place that would not have happened any way as the routine, pre-established response protocol.

Whose responsibility is it to spend the preceeding years ensuring that the routine, pre-established response protocol will happen correctly when the order goes out?

Preceeding and current adminstration(s) ?
Why should there be "sides" in response to a major natural disaster affecting millions of Americans?

Because not everyone believes that rebuilding our communities and saving our citizens is a federal responsibility.

Some believe that besieged and overwhelmed states should deal with catastrophic disasters all by themselves. One such person is even running for president on a major party ticket this year.

Amen! I can't imagine how a state, or a collective of states, could physically and financially deal with such a catastrophic disaster like Sandy. And I really can't imagine how the for-profit private sector could do it. Romney is insane.
Taking it for granted that FEMA works well regardless of who's helming the ship of state is what gets you idiots like Heckuva Job Brownie dooming major cities.

The helicopter rides with grateful governors are small potatoes next to the man running and staffing the entire executive branch of government and doing it well. Competence seems so inevitable until it's gone.


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