Who's fucking side is Christie on?

And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

Jeeze Some are really blinded by their party .SAD but soooo typical.
What would you have the President do, keep on the campaign trail and ignore the damage caused by the hurricane?

Actually yes. Just him coming to the area causes gridlock and jams things up. Him being around would piss me off.

By the way, it's not really "political" to go and witness personally the extent of the damage. How can you send out help if you don't know what you're dealing with? And, fwiw, you can tell a LOT more by actually being there than just looking at video feeds.

So you're saying that watching something happening over a feed may not give you a clear picture of what's going on. Rightyloon butts are puckering left and right.
It takes a special kind of hack to faux rage about a US president working together with a governor.

I can't decide if y'all are evil and treasonous or just mentally ill

How did Obama work with governors specifically ?

Let FEMA and EOC kick in ?
Why is it any time a hurricane or storm hits a liberally infested area, it's a big fucking deal but if North Carolina gets SMASHED by a Hurricane Fran, Cat 4- but Cat 5 winds when she came on shore, you don't hear shit?? I don't get it?

Post of the Year.

I think we can stop posting now. Nobody can possibly write a more intelligent, insightful and pithy post than this.

Don't believe me? Well, when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, who knew it was happening? Did the librul, homo, lamestream New York media cover it? No, of course not! If it wasn't for the brave Fox News, Drudge Report and WND, we would never have known New Orleans was under water!
By the way, it's not really "political" to go and witness personally the extent of the damage. How can you send out help if you don't know what you're dealing with? And, fwiw, you can tell a LOT more by actually being there than just looking at video feeds.

It required Obama to survey the damage and recommend the course action as much as SEAL Team 6 needed his input on the mission to get OBL.


Without the president, neither could actually happen.

Good point. ;)
Obama came to offer help, including military equipment for pumping, rescuing people and to get supplies for re-instating power into the state. Not everything is a political stunt.

The offering of help is a political stunt.

Once the state requests / declares state of emergency established Federal programs and procedures go into effect.

They are not Obama's to dole out selectively.

thanks for the obvious input, captain

you may resume sulking at your convenience
Well, when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, who knew it was happening? Did the librul, homo, lamestream New York media cover it? No, of course not! If it wasn't for the brave Fox News, Drudge Report and WND, we would never have known New Orleans was under water!

Not even close to the truth.

Americans knew it and Americans tried to help those people.
Why is it any time a hurricane or storm hits a liberally infested area, it's a big fucking deal but if North Carolina gets SMASHED by a Hurricane Fran, Cat 4- but Cat 5 winds when she came on shore, you don't hear shit?? I don't get it?

Post of the Year.

I think we can stop posting now. Nobody can possibly write a more intelligent, insightful and pithy post than this.

Don't believe me? Well, when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, who knew it was happening? Did the librul, homo, lamestream New York media cover it? No, of course not! If it wasn't for the brave Fox News, Drudge Report and WND, we would never have known New Orleans was under water!

WTF are you smoking?
Obama didn't decide to use these assets. And what and how it was deployed wasn't based on his personal inspection and assessment.

Photo OP.

Wow, just wow. There is officially no hope for you. His spoken unedited words (and that of the FEMA director) are easy to find on any news broadcast. You have no IDEA what we are dealing with here. The Jersey shore is obliterated, as is much of Long Island. When he said "no red tape", goddammit, he meant it. The subway is now partially operational after the federal government bringing in US military "dewatering teams". Who offered that, I wonder??? You can just shut the FUCK up now. You have no idea what's going on here.
Why is it any time a hurricane or storm hits a liberally infested area, it's a big fucking deal but if North Carolina gets SMASHED by a Hurricane Fran, Cat 4- but Cat 5 winds when she came on shore, you don't hear shit?? I don't get it?

Post of the Year.

I think we can stop posting now. Nobody can possibly write a more intelligent, insightful and pithy post than this.

Don't believe me? Well, when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, who knew it was happening? Did the librul, homo, lamestream New York media cover it? No, of course not! If it wasn't for the brave Fox News, Drudge Report and WND, we would never have known New Orleans was under water!

WTF are you smoking?

it's called sarcasm.

it's tough to tell these days, but that's what it is
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

LOL, what's wrong with what Governor Christie did? Why are you limbaugh and others so bent out of shape by it? Should he have followed the 'party line' and lied? Should he have lied and said that the President was uncooperative? Did democrats freak out when "Bush stood with Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco who said the oil and gas industry was dependent on "a healthy Louisiana." Bush, a former oilman, patted her sympathetically on the back."?
. The subway is now partially operational after the federal government bringing in US military "dewatering teams". Who offered that, I wonder???

Obama's micro-management and specific operational leadership did not happen.

Emergency operations contingency kicked in.

That is how it works.

Obama was simply the photo and credit taker.
Post of the Year.

I think we can stop posting now. Nobody can possibly write a more intelligent, insightful and pithy post than this.

Don't believe me? Well, when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, who knew it was happening? Did the librul, homo, lamestream New York media cover it? No, of course not! If it wasn't for the brave Fox News, Drudge Report and WND, we would never have known New Orleans was under water!

WTF are you smoking?

it's called sarcasm.

it's tough to tell these days, but that's what it is

No, no, no.

I was serious. I've never been more serious in my fucking life. If fucking serious had a fucking serious category, it still wouldn't be as fucking serious as I was in that serious fucking post!

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Obama didn't decide to use these assets. And what and how it was deployed wasn't based on his personal inspection and assessment.

Photo OP.

Wow, just wow. There is officially no hope for you. His spoken unedited words (and that of the FEMA director) are easy to find on any news broadcast. You have no IDEA what we are dealing with here. The Jersey shore is obliterated, as is much of Long Island. When he said "no red tape", goddammit, he meant it. The subway is now partially operational after the federal government bringing in US military "dewatering teams". Who offered that, I wonder??? You can just shut the FUCK up now. You have no idea what's going on here.

I'm wondering if the Obama haters have any conception of just how HUGE the storm and the damage are.

This is the time to turn off foxdredgelush and look at real news sources. Its time for us to be Americans first and partisan second.

Hey, if I can change my opinion of Christie, others can look at both sides of this mess too.

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