Who's fucking side is Christie on?

Oh gee I'm so sad an angry sock doesn't wike me. Were you really trying terribly hard those other two whole times we've ever encountered each other on the forum, each of which were equally angry and unhinged?

Aww NOW s/he gives up! :lol:

You're a BOZO, a stump, a brick.. straight up stoopid.. I'm me.. no one else. Ask Meister.. LMAO

LOONEY LIBS.. paranoia!

What an annoying twit you are.

Look in the mirror skank.. So happy that I bother most of you crybaby liberals..It makes my day! LOL

I get PM's ALL THE TIME from you morons calling me names and negging me.. :) It's great!!
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

I'd say he's on the side of the great State of New Jersey.

Apparently he respects the fact that the Obama administration's response to this disaster is as fast and as abundant as possible.

Unlike some presidents we could mention. But I won't go there.

And perhaps, just maybe, he realizes that without FEMA, the state he governs would be fucked beyond belief right now, so he's having a change of heart about supporting the guy who wants to get rid of FEMA...
Sadly, the haters can't even stop hating during a major natural disaster affecting millions.

I've been very impressed with Christie's obvious hard work for his state and his warm welcome to the president of the United States. I've had to reassess my opinion of Christie.

Would you rw's prefer Romney's campaigning and self-aggrandizing photo ops?

Hint: Romney's ego ain't gonna keep you warm at night or help you through a disaster.

Then I'm sure Christie can count on your vote for governor next year... that is, if you live in New Jersery. Or is nobody else doing the election math? :eusa_whistle:
Christie was elected in an off year, 2009.... in deep blue New Jersey.

I wrote a bumper stick for him. Wanna hear it?

...."Chris Christie... smarter than you." :lol:
Listen, you morons. I am in Brooklyn. My neighborhood was spared any real damage except for Greenwood cemetery. I can't get to work. The beach communities of NY and especially NJ are in dire situations. Christie (who I generally abhor) is doing everything in his power to help his state including stranded people still being pulled out of Hoboken - and doing a beautiful job. Obama came to offer help, including military equipment for pumping, rescuing people and to get supplies for re-instating power into the state. Not everything is a political stunt. These people need everything that Obama is offering. There is no electricity in Long Island, Staten Island and these parts of NJ. In getting these news stories out, they are trying to get FEMA and disaster relief information to people who are cut off from all communication- even if it's word of mouth, so FUCK OFF WITH YOUR POLITICAL BULLSHIT!!!!

Love, a very lucky Brooklynite
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When Katrina hit, Bush was in Phoenix celebrating John McCain's birthday.

When Sandy hit, Obama was in the situation room meeting with FEMA.

Thank God for President Obama.

Did any of this site's resident wingnuts predict this storm would be "Obama's Katrina"?
Obama came to offer help, including military equipment for pumping, rescuing people and to get supplies for re-instating power into the state. Not everything is a political stunt.

The offering of help is a political stunt.

Once the state requests / declares state of emergency established Federal programs and procedures go into effect.

They are not Obama's to dole out selectively.
Obama came to offer help, including military equipment for pumping, rescuing people and to get supplies for re-instating power into the state. Not everything is a political stunt.

The offering of help is a political stunt.

Once the state requests / declares state of emergency established Federal programs and procedures go into effect.

They are not Obama's to dole out selectively.

The offering of help is a political stunt? What would you have the President do, keep on the campaign trail and ignore the damage caused by the hurricane?

By the way, it's not really "political" to go and witness personally the extent of the damage. How can you send out help if you don't know what you're dealing with? And, fwiw, you can tell a LOT more by actually being there than just looking at video feeds.
The offering of help is a political stunt.

Once the state requests / declares state of emergency established Federal programs and procedures go into effect.

They are not Obama's to dole out selectively.

Oh yeah? IMMEDIATELY offering ships that helicopters can land on after rescuing people is not the CIC's? How about before the storm, sending in the national guard that is now rescuing people in Atlantic City and Hoboken? How about IMMEDIATELY using military transport to fly in electrical crews, equipment and supplies from as far away as California? Shut the FUCK up!!!
Just face it repub"lick" cans. Perhaps the prophets of old would say this is the will of God; and, it seems that God is on Obama's side. Christie, having seen the wrath of the Lord poured out upon his domain in the form of a tempestuous storm, recoiled in fear and recognized that Obama is indeed the chosen one, sent to govern New Babylon with the wisdom of Solomon!
Did you hear what the president had to say about Christie?

Its a mutual admiration society.

Watching TV news just now ... While Christie and Obama are working to just get it done there were more lame ass photo ops where two jars of peanut butter went through the line twice so Romney could say thank you. Romney used $5000 campaign money, which I believe is illegal) to buy granola bars, some canned goods and diapers but the volunteers were packing it too fast. They were told to wait until Ryan arrived so he could be photographed packing the the stuff up.

Red Cross is begging for generators but of course, Romney can't afford something as grand as that.

Poor rw's -- no wonder you're feeling abused and betrayed by Christie.
By the way, it's not really "political" to go and witness personally the extent of the damage. How can you send out help if you don't know what you're dealing with? And, fwiw, you can tell a LOT more by actually being there than just looking at video feeds.

It required Obama to survey the damage and recommend the course action as much as SEAL Team 6 needed his input on the mission to get OBL.
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

I'd say he's on the side of the great State of New Jersey.

Apparently he respects the fact that the Obama administration's response to this disaster is as fast and as abundant as possible.

Unlike some presidents we could mention. But I won't go there.

And perhaps, just maybe, he realizes that without FEMA, the state he governs would be fucked beyond belief right now, so he's having a change of heart about supporting the guy who wants to get rid of FEMA...

Yep. Obama could have just flown over and then gone home. Instead, he's working with the state governments to actually help the people. What a concept!
By the way, it's not really "political" to go and witness personally the extent of the damage. How can you send out help if you don't know what you're dealing with? And, fwiw, you can tell a LOT more by actually being there than just looking at video feeds.

It required Obama to survey the damage and recommend the course action as much as SEAL Team 6 needed his input on the mission to get OBL.

It takes a special kind of hack to faux rage about a US president working together with a governor.

I can't decide if y'all are evil and treasonous or just mentally ill
Oh yeah? IMMEDIATELY offering ships that helicopters can land on after rescuing people is not the CIC's? How about before the storm, sending in the national guard that is now rescuing people in Atlantic City and Hoboken? How about IMMEDIATELY using military transport to fly in electrical crews, equipment and supplies from as far away as California? Shut the FUCK up!!!

Obama didn't decide to use these assets. And what and how it was deployed wasn't based on his personal inspection and assessment.

Photo OP.

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