Who's fucking side is Christie on?

Why is it any time a hurricane or storm hits a liberally infested area, it's a big fucking deal but if North Carolina gets SMASHED by a Hurricane Fran, Cat 4- but Cat 5 winds when she came on shore, you don't hear shit?? I don't get it?
Why is it any time a hurricane or storm hits a liberally infested area, it's a big fucking deal but if North Carolina gets SMASHED by a Hurricane Fran, Cat 4- but Cat 5 winds when she came on shore, you don't hear shit?? I don't get it?

It's all because you aren't very bright... You're welcome. :D
I think it is really mean of people to criticize the gov or the prez. They are both just doing their jobs. Believe me, I have never been a fan of the gov. But he does love his state, you can tell.

I live in CA and we are all just waiting for the big one. I hope and pray that when it comes, our politicians will only be concerned about the people of this state, as they are about the victims of Sandy.

I don't know how anybody can see the devastation in New Jersey and New York and bitch about the help these states are getting. I don't think either man has been motivated politically by their actions during this terrible emergency. You should not have anything bad to say about Christie or Obama. So lay off!!!
Why is it any time a hurricane or storm hits a liberally infested area, it's a big fucking deal but if North Carolina gets SMASHED by a Hurricane Fran, Cat 4- but Cat 5 winds when she came on shore, you don't hear shit?? I don't get it?

It's all because you aren't very bright... You're welcome. :D

Wow, totally lame response once again. I give up, you're a fuckin loser.. Plain and simple.
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

I have to say this, as unpopular as it may seem.

I don't like the photo ops from any politician when disaster strikes. The people involved in the rescue effort don't need anything else to deal with. We all know the hoopla surrounding any presidential visit and it involves local law enforcement. Those folks have enough on their plate right now without having to make arrangements for Obama's security. Flying over in a helicopter and then speaking with local media- away from the rescue efforts, would be far better.

I know all politicians do this, but it's totally not necessary. And they toured the coast today where all the 1%ers homes were. Not to nitpick, but these are the very folks that have been badmouthed to score political points and now they are being used again.

Lots of people are suffering and they need all the available people for the search and rescue effort. It's just wrong to tie up people with security detail for photo ops.

Seriously, the local and state officials had a good handle on things and were prepared, unlike New Orleans a few years ago. It's nice that the politicians care, but they can care without being a burden.

The President represents the entirety of the American people. When he shows up in Hoboken.....I show up in Hoboken. If my mother lived in Hoboken, I would be very happy to be there for her in this way.

Let your partisan bullshit go for a minute. You can resume being a butthurt ashole in a few days.
If someone threw a box of Hostess dingdongs on the ground, Chris Christie would forget all about the flood waters..


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Why is it any time a hurricane or storm hits a liberally infested area, it's a big fucking deal but if North Carolina gets SMASHED by a Hurricane Fran, Cat 4- but Cat 5 winds when she came on shore, you don't hear shit?? I don't get it?

Yes ya do, but the truth is ugly & it's a shame libs are so selective in their memories.
Why is it any time a hurricane or storm hits a liberally infested area, it's a big fucking deal but if North Carolina gets SMASHED by a Hurricane Fran, Cat 4- but Cat 5 winds when she came on shore, you don't hear shit?? I don't get it?

It's all because you aren't very bright... You're welcome. :D

Wow, totally lame response once again. I give up, you're a fuckin loser.. Plain and simple.

Oh gee I'm so sad an angry ass doesn't wike me. Were you really trying terribly hard those other two whole times we've ever encountered each other on the forum, each of which were equally angry and unhinged?

Aww NOW s/he gives up! :lol:
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Sadly, the haters can't even stop hating during a major natural disaster affecting millions.

I've been very impressed with Christie's obvious hard work for his state and his warm welcome to the president of the United States. I've had to reassess my opinion of Christie.

Would you rw's prefer Romney's campaigning and self-aggrandizing photo ops?

Hint: Romney's ego ain't gonna keep you warm at night or help you through a disaster.
It's all because you aren't very bright... You're welcome. :D

Wow, totally lame response once again. I give up, you're a fuckin loser.. Plain and simple.

Oh gee I'm so sad an angry sock doesn't wike me. Were you really trying terribly hard those other two whole times we've ever encountered each other on the forum, each of which were equally angry and unhinged?

Aww NOW s/he gives up! :lol:

You're a BOZO, a stump, a brick.. straight up stoopid.. I'm me.. no one else. Ask Meister.. LMAO

LOONEY LIBS.. paranoia!
I never liked him to begin with.. and I don't know why any true conservative does? Ann Coulter worships this fatazz jerk.. that told me all I needed to know.. Don't like her either. Christie is all about himself.. he's alot like Obama, a narcissist. Christie governs in liberal NJ so I'm not really concerned about who he influences..

what? fairweather conniebot.

That's probably true.. If she ended up being our nominee I would back here but she's not my choice.. not by far. I want to see Chris Christie run.. Or draft Ilario Pantano to run~

:lol: Good catch, G!

^ :lmao:
Wow, totally lame response once again. I give up, you're a fuckin loser.. Plain and simple.

Oh gee I'm so sad an angry sock doesn't wike me. Were you really trying terribly hard those other two whole times we've ever encountered each other on the forum, each of which were equally angry and unhinged?

Aww NOW s/he gives up! :lol:

You're a BOZO, a stump, a brick.. straight up stoopid.. I'm me.. no one else. Ask Meister.. LMAO

LOONEY LIBS.. paranoia!

What an annoying twit you are.
Oh gee I'm so sad an angry sock doesn't wike me. Were you really trying terribly hard those other two whole times we've ever encountered each other on the forum, each of which were equally angry and unhinged?

Aww NOW s/he gives up! :lol:

You're a BOZO, a stump, a brick.. straight up stoopid.. I'm me.. no one else. Ask Meister.. LMAO

LOONEY LIBS.. paranoia!

What an annoying twit you are.

:lol: It imagines anyone cares WHO they are... An asshole is an asshole, I speak to the angry assholery, not the screen name it may hide behind this week...

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