Who's fucking side is Christie on?

I never liked him to begin with.. and I don't know why any true conservative does? Ann Coulter worships this fatazz jerk.. that told me all I needed to know.. Don't like her either. Christie is all about himself.. he's alot like Obama, a narcissist. Christie governs in liberal NJ so I'm not really concerned about who he influences..

what? fairweather conniebot.

Chris Christie/Ilario Pantano

That's probably true.. If she ended up being our nominee I would back here but she's not my choice.. not by far. I want to see Chris Christie run.. Or draft Ilario Pantano to run~


What a moran.
I've been meaning to pull that shrilly bitches card for a bit now, just nev er got around to it. She's officially got her foot in her mouth for Halloween.
After giving it some deeper thought I must conceed that most of you are correct and if this political sideshow gains something for the people then I have been wrong.

I will commence eating my crow but pictures of my lunch will be withheld.
After giving it some deeper thought I must conceed that most of you are correct and if this political sideshow gains something for the people then I have been wrong.

I will commence eating my crow but pictures of my lunch will be withheld.

:clap2: Absolutely sincere.
I never liked him to begin with.. and I don't know why any true conservative does? Ann Coulter worships this fatazz jerk.. that told me all I needed to know.. Don't like her either. Christie is all about himself.. he's alot like Obama, a narcissist. Christie governs in liberal NJ so I'm not really concerned about who he influences..

what? fairweather conniebot.

Chris Christie/Ilario Pantano

That's probably true.. If she ended up being our nominee I would back here but she's not my choice.. not by far. I want to see Chris Christie run.. Or draft Ilario Pantano to run~

Ah, more proof that she's a liar...a big liar...a stupid liar, because it's so easy to show her lies. She tried to tell us that she and I never made a bet over the election and all I had to do is pull up the posts where we made the bet. :lol::lol::lol:
In case anyone is wondering, Gramps is basically saying that a TRUE Romney supporter would do exactly what Romney would do: lie his ass off!

See, Christie should have released a statement saying that Obama could NOT be reached by phone at all. The GOP wants Christie to make up stories about how Obama refused to take his calls because he's a republican.
I got it. Obama is now an insurance adjuster.

FEMA and local municipalities will handle priorities. I understand why Obama is there and don't begrudge him that. Political correctness requires that he make an appearence but lets be real. His presence is not required for things to proceede as necessary.

Christie on the otherhand has shit to be dealing with that will now loose out to his photo opp with Obama.

you can't really be this stupid.

or can you?


I own those words. I suspect that's why you type so few.


you're a fucking idiot. i suspect that's why you type so many.
I never liked him to begin with.. and I don't know why any true conservative does? Ann Coulter worships this fatazz jerk.. that told me all I needed to know.. Don't like her either. Christie is all about himself.. he's alot like Obama, a narcissist. Christie governs in liberal NJ so I'm not really concerned about who he influences..

what? fairweather conniebot.

That's probably true.. If she ended up being our nominee I would back here but she's not my choice.. not by far. I want to see Chris Christie run.. Or draft Ilario Pantano to run~

Ah, more proof that she's a liar...a big liar...a stupid liar, because it's so easy to show her lies. She tried to tell us that she and I never made a bet over the election and all I had to do is pull up the posts where we made the bet. :lol::lol::lol:

Now she will be conveniently absent from this thread. :lol:

She has so many people blocked because we keep poking holes in her false persona and catching her blatant lies.
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

Christie turn out to a decent guy and your mad? Tells a lot about what kind of person you are, which I already figured about by your posts.
what? fairweather conniebot.

Ah, more proof that she's a liar...a big liar...a stupid liar, because it's so easy to show her lies. She tried to tell us that she and I never made a bet over the election and all I had to do is pull up the posts where we made the bet. :lol::lol::lol:

Now she will be conveniently absent from this thread. :lol:

She has so many people blocked because we keep poking holes in her false persona and catching her blatant lies.
Yep. I'm still waiting her to prove that I've neg repped her more than twice. She's earning quite the reputation as a liar.
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

Christie turn out to a decent guy and your mad? Tells a lot about what kind of person you are, which I already figured about by your posts.

Tell me, who the fuck are you and why should I care?
And don't give me that he's doing his job bullshit. Riding around in a chopper with Obama does nothing to help anyone.....BUT OBAMA.
I'm baffeled. Even New York told Obama to take a hike because they knew they had work to do and they aren't Romney surrogates.

He's governor of all New Jersey, not just the red part. I don't see how it helps his State to snub the President. Ignoring this would have seemed the best course of action.
what? fairweather conniebot.

Ah, more proof that she's a liar...a big liar...a stupid liar, because it's so easy to show her lies. She tried to tell us that she and I never made a bet over the election and all I had to do is pull up the posts where we made the bet. :lol::lol::lol:

Now she will be conveniently absent from this thread. :lol:

She has so many people blocked because we keep poking holes in her false persona and catching her blatant lies.

We all should take GT's post and just spam her threads till she gives up or leaves.

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