Who's getting in whose face? Gay v. Straight!

Liberalism has been being forced on us for over 50 years. What has it got us?
Failing schools
Destruction of the black family
Tran sexuals picking which bathroom to use
Failing economy
Queers demanding people to do what they don't want
Abortion a normal everyday activity
High taxes
Elected a president who cannot tell the truth, and liberals love him
I think it's more prevalent in television, you rarely ever see a television show without a gay character(s), the same with movies. The film or the the tv show may not be specifically about gays, but there's always a gay character, even though only a very small percentage of the population is gay. And that's being done to normalize it to the younger generation, simple as that. You see shows like Modern Family and others that are blatantly about it, I just get sick of seeing it in everything I watch, so I generally stick to NatGeo and other channels like that where it's not being used as a political/social tool on a constant basis. And I predict that once it is normalized in society and not a big deal anymore, they'll still insist they're discriminated against, because they won't be able to stand not being 'special' and in the spotlight anymore. Just like with race, they will work to make sure it stays an issue, even when it's not anymore. Too many people making too much money off of it.
Liberalism has been being forced on us for over 50 years. What has it got us?
Failing schools
Destruction of the black family
Tran sexuals picking which bathroom to use
Failing economy
Queers demanding people to do what they don't want
Abortion a normal everyday activity
High taxes
Elected a president who cannot tell the truth, and liberals love him

Conservatism has been forced upon us for thousands of years. What has it got us?
I think it's more prevalent in television, you rarely ever see a television show without a gay character(s), the same with movies. The film or the the tv show may not be specifically about gays, but there's always a gay character, even though only a very small percentage of the population is gay. And that's being done to normalize it to the younger generation, simple as that. You see shows like Modern Family and others that are blatantly about it, I just get sick of seeing it in everything I watch, so I generally stick to NatGeo and other channels like that where it's not being used as a political/social tool on a constant basis. And I predict that once it is normalized in society and not a big deal anymore, they'll still insist they're discriminated against, because they won't be able to stand not being 'special' and in the spotlight anymore. Just like with race, they will work to make sure it stays an issue, even when it's not anymore. Too many people making too much money off of it.

I watched three films over Christmas. One of them had a gay character in, but that was a true story of a woman looking for her son, and he had died before she found him anyway....

Did I feel I had too many gay people in? Well if 5% of the population is gay, I'd say more than 95% of the characters were straight.
I think it is enlightening nowadays ... I mean I actually see more gay couples and romance on television than in the real world.

Maybe they should have made Deputy Barney and Sheriff Andy a couple in Mayberry ... They were always having trouble with the women.
Aunt Bee and Opie could have some cougar love action going on, Otis could bring the booze and Ernest T Bass could run the porn camera.


For me it's the other way around, but then I don't watch TV anyway.

You mean it isn't enlightening ... Or you mean you see just as many gay couples in the real world as on television or in media?


I see far more gay people in real life than on TV.

Then you're an anomaly, cause for the average straight person, I'm sure they see far more gay people on tv than they do throughout the normal course of their day. I'd go as far to say that most straight people wouldn't even know gay people existed if it weren't for tv and media, and would care less about them or what they do.
I think it's more prevalent in television, you rarely ever see a television show without a gay character(s), the same with movies. The film or the the tv show may not be specifically about gays, but there's always a gay character, even though only a very small percentage of the population is gay. And that's being done to normalize it to the younger generation, simple as that. You see shows like Modern Family and others that are blatantly about it, I just get sick of seeing it in everything I watch, so I generally stick to NatGeo and other channels like that where it's not being used as a political/social tool on a constant basis. And I predict that once it is normalized in society and not a big deal anymore, they'll still insist they're discriminated against, because they won't be able to stand not being 'special' and in the spotlight anymore. Just like with race, they will work to make sure it stays an issue, even when it's not anymore. Too many people making too much money off of it.

I watched three films over Christmas. One of them had a gay character in, but that was a true story of a woman looking for her son, and he had died before she found him anyway....

Did I feel I had too many gay people in? Well if 5% of the population is gay, I'd say more than 95% of the characters were straight.

What percentage of tv shows have gay characters? Far more than 5%.
I think it is enlightening nowadays ... I mean I actually see more gay couples and romance on television than in the real world.

Maybe they should have made Deputy Barney and Sheriff Andy a couple in Mayberry ... They were always having trouble with the women.
Aunt Bee and Opie could have some cougar love action going on, Otis could bring the booze and Ernest T Bass could run the porn camera.


For me it's the other way around, but then I don't watch TV anyway.

You mean it isn't enlightening ... Or you mean you see just as many gay couples in the real world as on television or in media?


I see far more gay people in real life than on TV.

Then you're an anomaly, cause for the average straight person, I'm sure they see far more gay people on tv than they do throughout the normal course of their day. I'd go as far to say that most straight people wouldn't even know gay people existed if it weren't for tv and media, and would care less about them or what they do.

So they live in a world where they don't see, or don't know they're seeing gay people.

This kind of works against the argument that gay people are always in people's faces. Maybe on TV, but then maybe people should spend less time watching TV then.
Now, when you get into the legal system and start demanding that you get extra protections, THAT is getting in others 'faces.'
Per usual, we don"t get an accounting of what those "extra protections" are!!!

Because its not true.

All we get are the usual empty and meaningless religious and lifestyle arguments.

What consenting adults do is their business. We need to keep fighting against religion and government controls over our private lives.
What percentage of tv shows have gay characters? Far more than 5%.

So if a TV show has 100 characters and one of them is gay, it gets included then? What percentage of TV shows have a murderer in them? Probably more than the percentage of murderers in the country, but you don't hear people complaining about murderers getting in their faces on TV.
Hey, if the term fudge packer offends you that's your problem. ..... :cool:
The "towel head" speaks!!!

Note to Harry Dresden

Generally, I disagree with that term but in his case, its spot on.

If one does not agree with or want a particular sexual activity, one should not engage in it. Meanwhile, they have no right to control the sexual activity of others.

Same with marriage. If his/her male/female partner is a consenting adult, who Sunni Man chooses to marry is none of my business.
This is starting off being about films.

Pride American DVD Cover Photoshops Out All Gay References

There's a film called Pride which is coming out and is about gay people supporting the miners' strike in the 1980s in the UK.


Here's the image of the film poster.


Here's the American version of the picture on the film poster.

Now, it made me think about when those who are anti-Gay and say that gay people are getting in their faces.

So here's a summary of romance films of the year. (just that it's easier to do Romance films rather than use all films)

2014 Romance Movies I'll take from this website, just a random one I found.

The Hunger Games - boy and girl
Maleficent - boy and girl
Winter's Tale -Boy and girl
What If - boy and girl
The Best of Me - Boy and girl
The Awkward Moment - boys and girls
Endless Love - Boy and girl
The One I Love - Boy and girl
Pompeii - boy and girl
Only Lovers Left Alive - boy and girl
Third Person - boys and girls

Oh, it seems that just about every film is about boy meets girl sort of film. There are a few gay films, but not many, sort of Brokeback Mountain is one I can think of and another Behind the Candelabra. But That probably makes up about 1% of films, if that. And yet we're told gay people are in our faces, when there are probably about 10% of people who are gay, and yet films often don't represent this.

Also, when it comes to advertising films, they'd try and reduce the amount of gay stuff in the promotion of it, probably because of right wingers (small govt supporters who want the govt to be big when it comes to things they don't like, how convenient) will get all annoyed claiming gay people are throwing their sexuality down their throats, as if most of these romance films aren't thrusting straight sex down everyone's throat.
Maybe because boy and girl is normal not abnormal mental disorder.
What percentage of tv shows have gay characters? Far more than 5%.

So if a TV show has 100 characters and one of them is gay, it gets included then? What percentage of TV shows have a murderer in them? Probably more than the percentage of murderers in the country, but you don't hear people complaining about murderers getting in their faces on TV.

Why? Why are there gay characters on just about every tv show when they're only 5% of the population at best?
What percentage of tv shows have gay characters? Far more than 5%.

So if a TV show has 100 characters and one of them is gay, it gets included then? What percentage of TV shows have a murderer in them? Probably more than the percentage of murderers in the country, but you don't hear people complaining about murderers getting in their faces on TV.

Why? Why are there gay characters on just about every tv show when they're only 5% of the population at best?
Because they're about 85% of Hollywood.
What percentage of tv shows have gay characters? Far more than 5%.

So if a TV show has 100 characters and one of them is gay, it gets included then? What percentage of TV shows have a murderer in them? Probably more than the percentage of murderers in the country, but you don't hear people complaining about murderers getting in their faces on TV.

Why? Why are there gay characters on just about every tv show when they're only 5% of the population at best?
Because they're about 85% of Hollywood.


As usual, we've got hate, fear, sexual insecurity, lies and Peeping Tom's, but no one can answer the basic questions of --

What are these "extra protections" gays are "demanding"?

And, why should they not enjoy the same Constitutionally-guaranteed rights the rest of us enjoy?
As usual, we've got hate, fear, sexual insecurity, lies and Peeping Tom's, but no one can answer the basic questions of --

What are these "extra protections" gays are "demanding"?

And, why should they not enjoy the same Constitutionally-guaranteed rights the rest of us enjoy?
They want their unions to enjoy all the protections that are already given to different sex couples.
They want the right to demand people sell them goods and services, in violation of the basic right of association.

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