Who's Going to Pay for the Wall?

Mexico is a backward patch of land, who's leaders don't even have the testicles to smash the drug cartels, or probably the Mexican Government from the President on down are on the payroll of the Drug Cartels.

There is no "probably" about it. Mexican politics is literally feuding between the cartels. The cartels are their version of political parties and corporate donors all in one. The cartels fund EVERYONE. The only thing that the cartels can agree on is that everyone has to be aligned with some cartel. Anyone who tries to go it straight and not take money from them is killed before they can get anywhere.
Which is why having a wall between us and a shithole like that isn't even the minimal requirement.

We need to permanently shut off immigration from Mexico and any other nation controlled by drugs.
Bahahahaha! Then we'd have to shut this country down to.
Ever hear the word prohibition?
Drug cartels control the US federal government directly?

And it is "too", dumbass.

This forum is a bad influence on me, the other day there was a new term used in a thread, fuckchop :wine:
They don't want borders, walls or fences, but the leaders that push all this kumbaya, love your neighbor crap on them, sure live in fortified and safe environments. Lots of money made on open borders, which is why the clintons are all for it.
Jesus and capitalism. Sucks
How many suicide attacks has Israel had since they built the wall? You were going to tell us.
Do they have peace yet?

Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.

It's the Brain Cell Malfunction Bot, needs recharging.
They don't want borders, walls or fences, but the leaders that push all this kumbaya, love your neighbor crap on them, sure live in fortified and safe environments. Lots of money made on open borders, which is why the clintons are all for it.
Jesus and capitalism. Sucks
How many suicide attacks has Israel had since they built the wall? You were going to tell us.
Do they have peace yet?

Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.
Mexico is a backward patch of land, who's leaders don't even have the testicles to smash the drug cartels, or probably the Mexican Government from the President on down are on the payroll of the Drug Cartels.

There is no "probably" about it. Mexican politics is literally feuding between the cartels. The cartels are their version of political parties and corporate donors all in one. The cartels fund EVERYONE. The only thing that the cartels can agree on is that everyone has to be aligned with some cartel. Anyone who tries to go it straight and not take money from them is killed before they can get anywhere.
Which is why having a wall between us and a shithole like that isn't even the minimal requirement.

We need to permanently shut off immigration from Mexico and any other nation controlled by drugs.
Bahahahaha! Then we'd have to shut this country down to.
Ever hear the word prohibition?
Drug cartels control the US federal government directly?

And it is "too", dumbass.
I know it's too. typo Nazism is evidence of desperation.
You said controlled by drugs , did you not?
Well slapdick, this country is the world's largest consumer of drugs.

If in some fantasy world the us stopped using drugs the cartels would fall apart.
So being the largest consumer we are controlled and at the same time control the drugs world.
Your ignorance is amazing.
Jesus and capitalism. Sucks
Do they have peace yet?

Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I have no witticism with which to react to such a dull statement.
Jesus and capitalism. Sucks
Do they have peace yet?

Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I'm not a Zionist, all you've done is Troll this thread, the point of which is what?

The Islamists hate Christians and Jews, I myself am a Christian, the Islamists with their 7th Century Satanic Death Cult want to kill Christians and Jews, so we do have a common interest here and also a common enemy.

As you're a Leftist Extremist it's not that shocking that you'd be supporting Islam.
Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I have no witticism with which to react to such a dull statement.

It's a DroneBot.
Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I have no witticism with which to react to such a dull statement.
You have nothing. Never have, never will.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I have no witticism with which to react to such a dull statement.
You have nothing. Never have, never will.
Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I'm not a Zionist, all you've done is Troll this thread, the point of which is what?

The Islamists hate Christians and Jews, I myself am a Christian, the Islamists with their 7th Century Satanic Death Cult want to kill Christians and Jews, so we do have a common interest here and also a common enemy.

As you're a Leftist Extremist it's not that shocking that you'd be supporting Islam.
Their cult is 700 years newer than your cult, which is 2,000 years newer than the Jews, the cult of Jesus before he wrongly believe that he was the Jewish Messiah. It's all total fucking nonsense, which you swallow like a teenage whore in an alley.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I'm not a Zionist, all you've done is Troll this thread, the point of which is what?

The Islamists hate Christians and Jews, I myself am a Christian, the Islamists with their 7th Century Satanic Death Cult want to kill Christians and Jews, so we do have a common interest here and also a common enemy.

As you're a Leftist Extremist it's not that shocking that you'd be supporting Islam.
Their cult is 700 years newer than your cult, which is 2,000 years newer than the Jews, the cult of Jesus before he wrongly believe that he was the Jewish Messiah. It's all total fucking nonsense, which you swallow like a teenage whore in an alley.

You seem to be upset.
What episode in your life triggered this reaction?
Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I have no witticism with which to react to such a dull statement.
You have nothing. Never have, never will.
Your ego is vastly larger than anything you will ever amount to. You matter not a damn but comfort yourself by believing that you somehow do? You don't.

If you have something to say, an observation perhaps, say it and move along.
Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I'm not a Zionist, all you've done is Troll this thread, the point of which is what?

The Islamists hate Christians and Jews, I myself am a Christian, the Islamists with their 7th Century Satanic Death Cult want to kill Christians and Jews, so we do have a common interest here and also a common enemy.

As you're a Leftist Extremist it's not that shocking that you'd be supporting Islam.
Their cult is 700 years newer than your cult, which is 2,000 years newer than the Jews, the cult of Jesus before he wrongly believe that he was the Jewish Messiah. It's all total fucking nonsense, which you swallow like a teenage whore in an alley.

You seem to be upset.
What episode in your life triggered this reaction?
Upset? Not in the slightest. I am simply annoyed by those those who think their religion is the One True faith, of the many thousands of mankind throughout history, and that it doesn't stink. Religion is for morons. If you weren't one going in you are one by the time it's done with you. Lucy is a prime example. An egotistical moron.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I have no witticism with which to react to such a dull statement.
You have nothing. Never have, never will.
Your ego is vastly larger than anything you will ever amount to. You matter not a damn but comfort yourself by believing that you somehow do? You don't.

If you have something to say, an observation perhaps, say it and move along.

I asked a question.
I am curious as to what triggered such a strong emotion in you.
Did something external happen or are you simply trailer trash?
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I'm not a Zionist, all you've done is Troll this thread, the point of which is what?

The Islamists hate Christians and Jews, I myself am a Christian, the Islamists with their 7th Century Satanic Death Cult want to kill Christians and Jews, so we do have a common interest here and also a common enemy.

As you're a Leftist Extremist it's not that shocking that you'd be supporting Islam.
Their cult is 700 years newer than your cult, which is 2,000 years newer than the Jews, the cult of Jesus before he wrongly believe that he was the Jewish Messiah. It's all total fucking nonsense, which you swallow like a teenage whore in an alley.

You seem to be upset.
What episode in your life triggered this reaction?
Upset? Not in the slightest. I am simply annoyed by those those who think their religion is the One True faith, of the many thousands of mankind throughout history, and that it doesn't stink. Religion is for morons. If you weren't one going in you are one by the time it's done with you.
I presume you had at least one unpleasant encounter with some religious people.
What happened?
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I have no witticism with which to react to such a dull statement.
You have nothing. Never have, never will.
Your ego is vastly larger than anything you will ever amount to. You matter not a damn but comfort yourself by believing that you somehow do? You don't.

If you have something to say, an observation perhaps, say it and move along.

I asked a question.
I am curious as to what triggered such a strong emotion in you.
Did something external happen or are you simply trailer trash?
Do I sound like an uneducated or under-educated person?

And, hypocrisy annoys me.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I have no witticism with which to react to such a dull statement.
You have nothing. Never have, never will.

You only joined two weeks ago, so what do you know about Indeependent to make such a comment? Or have you been here before or are you a Sock?
I have no witticism with which to react to such a dull statement.
You have nothing. Never have, never will.
Your ego is vastly larger than anything you will ever amount to. You matter not a damn but comfort yourself by believing that you somehow do? You don't.

If you have something to say, an observation perhaps, say it and move along.

I asked a question.
I am curious as to what triggered such a strong emotion in you.
Did something external happen or are you simply trailer trash?
Do I sound like an uneducated or under-educated person?

And, hypocrisy annoys me.

"Do I sound like an uneducated or under-educated person?"

Yes and yes.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I'm not a Zionist, all you've done is Troll this thread, the point of which is what?

The Islamists hate Christians and Jews, I myself am a Christian, the Islamists with their 7th Century Satanic Death Cult want to kill Christians and Jews, so we do have a common interest here and also a common enemy.

As you're a Leftist Extremist it's not that shocking that you'd be supporting Islam.
Their cult is 700 years newer than your cult, which is 2,000 years newer than the Jews, the cult of Jesus before he wrongly believe that he was the Jewish Messiah. It's all total fucking nonsense, which you swallow like a teenage whore in an alley.

You seem to be upset.
What episode in your life triggered this reaction?
Upset? Not in the slightest. I am simply annoyed by those those who think their religion is the One True faith, of the many thousands of mankind throughout history, and that it doesn't stink. Religion is for morons. If you weren't one going in you are one by the time it's done with you.
I presume you had at least one unpleasant encounter with some religious people.
What happened?
I have yet to have a pleasant one. People of the Faith are morons. Sometimes nice, usually not so much, but still morons. They profess as truth what they neither understand nor can defend. That is very annoying.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.
Zionists, like you two, are drones.

I'm not a Zionist, all you've done is Troll this thread, the point of which is what?

The Islamists hate Christians and Jews, I myself am a Christian, the Islamists with their 7th Century Satanic Death Cult want to kill Christians and Jews, so we do have a common interest here and also a common enemy.

As you're a Leftist Extremist it's not that shocking that you'd be supporting Islam.
Their cult is 700 years newer than your cult, which is 2,000 years newer than the Jews, the cult of Jesus before he wrongly believe that he was the Jewish Messiah. It's all total fucking nonsense, which you swallow like a teenage whore in an alley.

You seem to be upset.
What episode in your life triggered this reaction?
Upset? Not in the slightest. I am simply annoyed by those those who think their religion is the One True faith, of the many thousands of mankind throughout history, and that it doesn't stink. Religion is for morons. If you weren't one going in you are one by the time it's done with you. Lucy is a prime example. An egotistical moron.

Where did I make such a statement? I never did.

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