Who's Going to Pay for the Wall?

Stay On Topic with regard to the OP, it's Zone 2.
Walls never work, for long.
They did for the Eastern Block... and there was only one wall in Berlin. The rest were fences, guard towers... trip flares and serious enforcement.
Both failed. So will Trump.

You just lied.
No. Walls always fail, in time.

You lied.
I think I heard somewhere, could be wrong, that trump's team is floating the idea of putting a wall tax on all tacos sold in the US. Or perhaps he'll render tariffs on your lunch-time chalupa. Big money there. He could, as dictators can do as they don't have to actually have Congress do such a thing, levy a tax on each bottle of Dos Equis (sp, not the brand). After all he is the most orange-interesting derp in the world.

Likely though he'll have Tea Bag Concrete pour the 20ft high slabs in the image of the Berlin wall, complete with barbed-wire on top and a no man's kill zone beyond. Only this time they'll be shooting people as the climb over and run FROM the US.
Kind of blew history in school there idiot. The Berlin wall they shot people trying to escape.

Thought you said you live in Phoenix but its obvious you have no clue how different city streets and the Sonora desert are. Or, that particular stretch.

Drumpf's counting on your ignorance too.
I am 90 miles north of the boarder and know better than some Pirus driving communist.

I'm about 120 miles north of the border. Most people in other parts of the country haven't seen a region colonized by a foreign country like its been done to calif. and texas. They wouldn't believe it if they saw it. This isn't being hateful or racist, just common sense. You have millions of poor people come into your country, there's consequences, including loss of tax base for schools etc. Clinton will continue this pattern until America truly is a third world nation.
Obviously you know jack shit about California there have always been lots of Latinos here.
You assholes seem to forget that all most all of the southern half of this country was Mexico. .
The idea of a wall is retarded.

It worked for Israel.
Actually not.

How many suicide attacks has Israel had since the wall was built?

The wall has been successful, but of course Leftists have been screaming about Israel's wall since it was built.

Leftist's want No Borders, they don't want any nation to be able to be secure, they just want all of the world's rubbish to pile into every nation.

They don't want borders, walls or fences, but the leaders that push all this kumbaya, love your neighbor crap on them, sure live in fortified and safe environments. Lots of money made on open borders, which is why the clintons are all for it.
Jesus and capitalism. Sucks
Stay On Topic with regard to the OP, it's Zone 2.
Walls never work, for long.
They did for the Eastern Block... and there was only one wall in Berlin. The rest were fences, guard towers... trip flares and serious enforcement.
Both failed. So will Trump.

How many suicide attacks has Israel had since they built the wall? You were going to tell us.
Do they have peace yet?

Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Mexico is a backward patch of land, who's leaders don't even have the testicles to smash the drug cartels, or probably the Mexican Government from the President on down are on the payroll of the Drug Cartels.

There is no "probably" about it. Mexican politics is literally feuding between the cartels. The cartels are their version of political parties and corporate donors all in one. The cartels fund EVERYONE. The only thing that the cartels can agree on is that everyone has to be aligned with some cartel. Anyone who tries to go it straight and not take money from them is killed before they can get anywhere.
Which is why having a wall between us and a shithole like that isn't even the minimal requirement.

We need to permanently shut off immigration from Mexico and any other nation controlled by drugs.
I don't think you can compare nazi germany with israel.
When it comes to walls you can.
65 countries have walls around them. Are they all Nazis too?
Nazi like, yes.
Could you list them?
Getting worried now?
So, you think the Egyptians are Nazis?
why would I be worried?
And the Egyptians are a lot like the Nazis.
Mexico is a backward patch of land, who's leaders don't even have the testicles to smash the drug cartels, or probably the Mexican Government from the President on down are on the payroll of the Drug Cartels.

There is no "probably" about it. Mexican politics is literally feuding between the cartels. The cartels are their version of political parties and corporate donors all in one. The cartels fund EVERYONE. The only thing that the cartels can agree on is that everyone has to be aligned with some cartel. Anyone who tries to go it straight and not take money from them is killed before they can get anywhere.
Which is why having a wall between us and a shithole like that isn't even the minimal requirement.

We need to permanently shut off immigration from Mexico and any other nation controlled by drugs.
Bahahahaha! Then we'd have to shut this country down to.
Ever hear the word prohibition?
When it comes to walls you can.
65 countries have walls around them. Are they all Nazis too?
Nazi like, yes.
Could you list them?
Getting worried now?
So, you think the Egyptians are Nazis?
why would I be worried?
And the Egyptians are a lot like the Nazis.

So, the Egyptians, who built the wall to keep terrorists out, and to cut down on the smuggling of arms, are Nazis? Wow.
Google is your friend, lazyass. Then get back to us with how many of these countries you consider Nazis. Thanx.
Mexico is a backward patch of land, who's leaders don't even have the testicles to smash the drug cartels, or probably the Mexican Government from the President on down are on the payroll of the Drug Cartels.

There is no "probably" about it. Mexican politics is literally feuding between the cartels. The cartels are their version of political parties and corporate donors all in one. The cartels fund EVERYONE. The only thing that the cartels can agree on is that everyone has to be aligned with some cartel. Anyone who tries to go it straight and not take money from them is killed before they can get anywhere.
Which is why having a wall between us and a shithole like that isn't even the minimal requirement.

We need to permanently shut off immigration from Mexico and any other nation controlled by drugs.
Bahahahaha! Then we'd have to shut this country down to.
Ever hear the word prohibition?
Drug cartels control the US federal government directly?

And it is "too", dumbass.
It worked for Israel.
Actually not.

How many suicide attacks has Israel had since the wall was built?

The wall has been successful, but of course Leftists have been screaming about Israel's wall since it was built.

Leftist's want No Borders, they don't want any nation to be able to be secure, they just want all of the world's rubbish to pile into every nation.

They don't want borders, walls or fences, but the leaders that push all this kumbaya, love your neighbor crap on them, sure live in fortified and safe environments. Lots of money made on open borders, which is why the clintons are all for it.
Jesus and capitalism. Sucks
Walls never work, for long.
They did for the Eastern Block... and there was only one wall in Berlin. The rest were fences, guard towers... trip flares and serious enforcement.
Both failed. So will Trump.

How many suicide attacks has Israel had since they built the wall? You were going to tell us.
Do they have peace yet?

Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.
Actually not.

How many suicide attacks has Israel had since the wall was built?

The wall has been successful, but of course Leftists have been screaming about Israel's wall since it was built.

Leftist's want No Borders, they don't want any nation to be able to be secure, they just want all of the world's rubbish to pile into every nation.

They don't want borders, walls or fences, but the leaders that push all this kumbaya, love your neighbor crap on them, sure live in fortified and safe environments. Lots of money made on open borders, which is why the clintons are all for it.
Jesus and capitalism. Sucks
They did for the Eastern Block... and there was only one wall in Berlin. The rest were fences, guard towers... trip flares and serious enforcement.
Both failed. So will Trump.

How many suicide attacks has Israel had since they built the wall? You were going to tell us.
Do they have peace yet?

Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
65 countries have walls around them. Are they all Nazis too?
Nazi like, yes.
Could you list them?
Getting worried now?
So, you think the Egyptians are Nazis?
why would I be worried?
And the Egyptians are a lot like the Nazis.

So, the Egyptians, who built the wall to keep terrorists out, and to cut down on the smuggling of arms, are Nazis? Wow.
Google is your friend, lazyass. Then get back to us with how many of these countries you consider Nazis. Thanx.
So you have no evidence to backup your bullshit.
Articles: The Nazis Find a Home in Post-Mubarak Egypt
How many suicide attacks has Israel had since the wall was built?

The wall has been successful, but of course Leftists have been screaming about Israel's wall since it was built.

Leftist's want No Borders, they don't want any nation to be able to be secure, they just want all of the world's rubbish to pile into every nation.

They don't want borders, walls or fences, but the leaders that push all this kumbaya, love your neighbor crap on them, sure live in fortified and safe environments. Lots of money made on open borders, which is why the clintons are all for it.
Jesus and capitalism. Sucks
Both failed. So will Trump.

How many suicide attacks has Israel had since they built the wall? You were going to tell us.
Do they have peace yet?

Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?
How many suicide attacks has Israel had since the wall was built?

The wall has been successful, but of course Leftists have been screaming about Israel's wall since it was built.

Leftist's want No Borders, they don't want any nation to be able to be secure, they just want all of the world's rubbish to pile into every nation.

They don't want borders, walls or fences, but the leaders that push all this kumbaya, love your neighbor crap on them, sure live in fortified and safe environments. Lots of money made on open borders, which is why the clintons are all for it.
Jesus and capitalism. Sucks
Both failed. So will Trump.

How many suicide attacks has Israel had since they built the wall? You were going to tell us.
Do they have peace yet?

Jason mentioned that Israel had a wall, you said the wall has failed.

Israel built the wall to reduce the amount of suicide bomb attacks within Israel, there's been a dramatic reduction, so the wall hasn't failed.

Of course random Kebab's run about stabbing people, but they're already living within Israel, which is why it's not a good idea to have any Muslims living amongst ANY non-Muslim population, at any given moment one of them is likely to flip and go psycho.

This is the same reason why we don't want any of the followers of the 7th Century Satanic Cult living amongst our populations.
Your Jew love Muslin hate doesn't interest me. 7th century? The Jews are from crap 2,700 years before that. Fucking Stone Age nonsense.

Which are doing suicide attacks across Western nations? Which are burning people alive, burying people alive including children, dissolving people alive in vats of acid, gang-raping and selling women and girls into sex slavery, sawing peoples' heads off with knives including children?

What is "fucking Stone Age nonsense"?

Put it this way, if someone in a Western nation is sitting next to a Jew, at least they don't have to think are they going to blow themselves up or stab someone to death or slice someone's head off or throw acid in someones face.

With the Islamists nobody can say that any one of those things isn't a possibility.
Keep in mind that you are engaged in a conversion with an idiot.

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