Who's illegitimate now Mr Birtherism?

Has the IRS charged him with anything? Has the IRS even suggested a problem with his taxes?


Shut up then!
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?
it will? based on what information you have?

That's what we're asking for!

This isn't irresponsible allegations like Birtherism. This is the information EVERY president has released. What makes Trump so special that we cannot know the information every other modern president has provided?

You've already made the claim he has ties to Russia. Seems you've made a decision and now admit you don't have the information to have done it. So much for your credibility.
He has businesses in Russia. That's clear. Do those business ties present any conflicts of interests?
To make such a claim means you would have already had to have seen them. Is that the case? Since it's not, so much for your claim.
What banks and foreign governments are in business with Trump? What are his financial obligations here and, more critically overseas? We just don't know the extent of his ties and dealings, do we? Where are his tax returns, and, why doesn't he release them?

The question the American people need to have answered is what is he hiding and why?

This seems to cast a pall over his credibility and trustworthiness.
what is it you're looking for exactly?
What financial obligations does he have with banks both foreign and domestic, what financial obligations does he have with foreign governments. Will those obligations present a conflict of interest.
he has hotels in foreign countries and he has stated what will happen to dollars from those hotels. Did you miss that information or are you always just a dick?
I'm not hampered by the partisan blinders you are wearing. To quote John Lennon, just gimme some truth.

You're hampered by having your nose stuck up Obama's ass and pitching a fit because your bitch lost.
Has the IRS charged him with anything? Has the IRS even suggested a problem with his taxes?


Shut up then!
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?
it will? based on what information you have?

That's what we're asking for!

This isn't irresponsible allegations like Birtherism. This is the information EVERY president has released. What makes Trump so special that we cannot know the information every other modern president has provided?

You've already made the claim he has ties to Russia. Seems you've made a decision and now admit you don't have the information to have done it. So much for your credibility.
He has businesses in Russia. That's clear. Do those business ties present any conflicts of interests?
BTW, my business has interests in Russia. I'm sure many american companies have business interests in Russia. So fking what? Wasn't that the goal of your dude obummer one global world? Now you got it and you disapprove?
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?
it will? based on what information you have?

That's what we're asking for!

This isn't irresponsible allegations like Birtherism. This is the information EVERY president has released. What makes Trump so special that we cannot know the information every other modern president has provided?

You've already made the claim he has ties to Russia. Seems you've made a decision and now admit you don't have the information to have done it. So much for your credibility.
He has businesses in Russia. That's clear. Do those business ties present any conflicts of interests?
how does his tax money tell you he does exactly?

It doesn't except to those that have already decided it does without having seen any evidence. They want it to, so to Liberals, that means it already does.
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?

To make such a claim means you would have already had to have seen them. Is that the case? Since it's not, so much for your claim.
What banks and foreign governments are in business with Trump? What are his financial obligations here and, more critically overseas? We just don't know the extent of his ties and dealings, do we? Where are his tax returns, and, why doesn't he release them?

The question the American people need to have answered is what is he hiding and why?

This seems to cast a pall over his credibility and trustworthiness.

You don't like him because he beat the bitch you supported.
No. I don't like him because he acts like a petulant child, a boor and a bully. I don't TRUST him because he won't release his taxes.

When he has to deal with Democrat plantation house negroes like John Lewis talking shit and acting like a child, I'd say that's defending yourself.

I didn't trust Obama. It took him 3 years to get a birth certificate. He lied to the people about keeping their plan/doctor. He did things with immigration that he said he had no authority to do. Difference is when I addressed that mistrust with Obama, people like you said it was racist.

Deal with it. Your bitch lost and Trump will be in on Friday. Have a wonderful time. Maybe your blood pressure will go up and cause a stroke.
You just don't get it. But, being hopelessly immature, racist, stupid beyond comprehension and blindly partisan, I wouldn't expect you to.

You're worthless as a debater. Utterly worthless.
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?
it will? based on what information you have?

That's what we're asking for!

This isn't irresponsible allegations like Birtherism. This is the information EVERY president has released. What makes Trump so special that we cannot know the information every other modern president has provided?

You've already made the claim he has ties to Russia. Seems you've made a decision and now admit you don't have the information to have done it. So much for your credibility.
He has businesses in Russia. That's clear. Do those business ties present any conflicts of interests?
BTW, my business has interests in Russia. I'm sure many american companies have business interests in Russia. So fking what? Wasn't that the goal of your dude obummer one global world? Now you got it and you disapprove?

The Clinton Foundation accepted millions from multiple foreign government during her time as SoS. I suspect Nosmo King sees no problem or conflict of interest with that.
To make such a claim means you would have already had to have seen them. Is that the case? Since it's not, so much for your claim.
What banks and foreign governments are in business with Trump? What are his financial obligations here and, more critically overseas? We just don't know the extent of his ties and dealings, do we? Where are his tax returns, and, why doesn't he release them?

The question the American people need to have answered is what is he hiding and why?

This seems to cast a pall over his credibility and trustworthiness.

You don't like him because he beat the bitch you supported.
No. I don't like him because he acts like a petulant child, a boor and a bully. I don't TRUST him because he won't release his taxes.

When he has to deal with Democrat plantation house negroes like John Lewis talking shit and acting like a child, I'd say that's defending yourself.

I didn't trust Obama. It took him 3 years to get a birth certificate. He lied to the people about keeping their plan/doctor. He did things with immigration that he said he had no authority to do. Difference is when I addressed that mistrust with Obama, people like you said it was racist.

Deal with it. Your bitch lost and Trump will be in on Friday. Have a wonderful time. Maybe your blood pressure will go up and cause a stroke.
You just don't get it. But, being hopelessly immature, racist, stupid beyond comprehension and blindly partisan, I wouldn't expect you to.

You're worthless as a debater. Utterly worthless.

You're a hopelessly lost ass licker. Pucker up NL.

I don't have to debate a nothing like you just explain the type piece of shit you are.

By the way, your bitch lost. Keep crying about it, run your blood pressure up, have a stroke, and do the country a favor.
it will? based on what information you have?

That's what we're asking for!

This isn't irresponsible allegations like Birtherism. This is the information EVERY president has released. What makes Trump so special that we cannot know the information every other modern president has provided?

You've already made the claim he has ties to Russia. Seems you've made a decision and now admit you don't have the information to have done it. So much for your credibility.
He has businesses in Russia. That's clear. Do those business ties present any conflicts of interests?
how does his tax money tell you he does exactly?

It doesn't except to those that have already decided it does without having seen any evidence. They want it to, so to Liberals, that means it already does.
well I'd like to understand what they think is there. I mean it won't have individual names and it may not have business names as well. so it will be from properties he owns and that will be from banks. and he already addressed that by saying every dollar he earns after jan 20 goes to paying down the debt. the left has no argument.

That's what we're asking for!

This isn't irresponsible allegations like Birtherism. This is the information EVERY president has released. What makes Trump so special that we cannot know the information every other modern president has provided?

You've already made the claim he has ties to Russia. Seems you've made a decision and now admit you don't have the information to have done it. So much for your credibility.
He has businesses in Russia. That's clear. Do those business ties present any conflicts of interests?
how does his tax money tell you he does exactly?

It doesn't except to those that have already decided it does without having seen any evidence. They want it to, so to Liberals, that means it already does.
well I'd like to understand what they think is there. I mean it won't have individual names and it may not have business names as well. so it will be from properties he owns and that will be from banks. and he already addressed that by saying every dollar he earns after jan 20 goes to paying down the debt. the left has no argument.

They're whining is because Trump won, their bitch lost, and there isn't a damn thing they can do about it but whine.
To make such a claim means you would have already had to have seen them. Is that the case? Since it's not, so much for your claim.
What banks and foreign governments are in business with Trump? What are his financial obligations here and, more critically overseas? We just don't know the extent of his ties and dealings, do we? Where are his tax returns, and, why doesn't he release them?

The question the American people need to have answered is what is he hiding and why?

This seems to cast a pall over his credibility and trustworthiness.

You don't like him because he beat the bitch you supported.
No. I don't like him because he acts like a petulant child, a boor and a bully. I don't TRUST him because he won't release his taxes.

When he has to deal with Democrat plantation house negroes like John Lewis talking shit and acting like a child, I'd say that's defending yourself.

I didn't trust Obama. It took him 3 years to get a birth certificate. He lied to the people about keeping their plan/doctor. He did things with immigration that he said he had no authority to do. Difference is when I addressed that mistrust with Obama, people like you said it was racist.

Deal with it. Your bitch lost and Trump will be in on Friday. Have a wonderful time. Maybe your blood pressure will go up and cause a stroke.
You just don't get it. But, being hopelessly immature, racist, stupid beyond comprehension and blindly partisan, I wouldn't expect you to.

You're worthless as a debater. Utterly worthless.
well please explain it to us all, cause you're right, we don't get it.

And using the racist card and any other insult card gets you bubkis
What banks and foreign governments are in business with Trump? What are his financial obligations here and, more critically overseas? We just don't know the extent of his ties and dealings, do we? Where are his tax returns, and, why doesn't he release them?

The question the American people need to have answered is what is he hiding and why?

This seems to cast a pall over his credibility and trustworthiness.

You don't like him because he beat the bitch you supported.
No. I don't like him because he acts like a petulant child, a boor and a bully. I don't TRUST him because he won't release his taxes.

When he has to deal with Democrat plantation house negroes like John Lewis talking shit and acting like a child, I'd say that's defending yourself.

I didn't trust Obama. It took him 3 years to get a birth certificate. He lied to the people about keeping their plan/doctor. He did things with immigration that he said he had no authority to do. Difference is when I addressed that mistrust with Obama, people like you said it was racist.

Deal with it. Your bitch lost and Trump will be in on Friday. Have a wonderful time. Maybe your blood pressure will go up and cause a stroke.
You just don't get it. But, being hopelessly immature, racist, stupid beyond comprehension and blindly partisan, I wouldn't expect you to.

You're worthless as a debater. Utterly worthless.
well please explain it to us all, cause you're right, we don't get it.

And using the racist card and any other insult card gets you bubkis
How will Trump's obligations to banks both foreign and domestic effect his regulations in the banking industry? Will he be acting in the best interests of the American people, or his own bottom line? The same questions apply to foreign governments.

And my reply to your racist comrade was a direct slam on his 'house negro' comment, nothing you have said.
What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?
Conflicts of interest. Russian connections. These are the salient issues concerning Trump's legitimacy. Had he disclosed his tax returns, had he had a more responsible response to the Russian hacking story, he might not be under this cloud of suspicion. Trump did not win a majority of the vote. He cannot effectively govern with just the support of his base. He will need the support of the whole nation.

Has the IRS charged him with anything? Has the IRS even suggested a problem with his taxes?


Shut up then!
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?
it will? based on what information you have?

That's what we're asking for!

This isn't irresponsible allegations like Birtherism. This is the information EVERY president has released. What makes Trump so special that we cannot know the information every other modern president has provided?
Sometimes it's not what we know that's so important but what we don't know ,what the thin skinned liar is hiding
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

Trump is legit....you guys play politics with this shit.
People believed Obama wasn't born in the US and while it was incorrect, it is different than what you guys are doing.

You guys just keep letting Trump rape you over and over.
The constitution says nothing about letting another nation help in our elections

What was Obama doing when he was meddling in Israel's election?

What exactly did Russia do? No one has ever even answered that question!

Did they change vote totals? No.

Then they did NOTHING outside what Obama did to Netanyahu.
Meh! The truth is Trump has made to many enemies and this is before he is even sworn in to take his oath of Office to become the greatest FASCIST ever elected by Red State America.

Lay off the dope, bro.
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?
Conflicts of interest. Russian connections. These are the salient issues concerning Trump's legitimacy. Had he disclosed his tax returns, had he had a more responsible response to the Russian hacking story, he might not be under this cloud of suspicion. Trump did not win a majority of the vote. He cannot effectively govern with just the support of his base. He will need the support of the whole nation.

Has the IRS charged him with anything? Has the IRS even suggested a problem with his taxes?


Shut up then!
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?

If the IRS is not concerned, why should anyone else be?

What on earth could it possibly show that is not already known?
What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?
Conflicts of interest. Russian connections. These are the salient issues concerning Trump's legitimacy. Had he disclosed his tax returns, had he had a more responsible response to the Russian hacking story, he might not be under this cloud of suspicion. Trump did not win a majority of the vote. He cannot effectively govern with just the support of his base. He will need the support of the whole nation.

Has the IRS charged him with anything? Has the IRS even suggested a problem with his taxes?


Shut up then!
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?

To make such a claim means you would have already had to have seen them. Is that the case? Since it's not, so much for your claim.
What banks and foreign governments are in business with Trump? What are his financial obligations here and, more critically overseas? We just don't know the extent of his ties and dealings, do we? Where are his tax returns, and, why doesn't he release them?

The question the American people need to have answered is what is he hiding and why?

This seems to cast a pall over his credibility and trustworthiness.

Newsflash for you there Spanky!

How would any of that be shown by his tax returns?

My financial obligations cannot be discerned by looking at my tax returns.

There is nothing to see in his tax returns, so why are you so concerned?

Do you honestly think Trump worries about making even more money? How does that benefit him?
Conflicts of interest. Russian connections. These are the salient issues concerning Trump's legitimacy. Had he disclosed his tax returns, had he had a more responsible response to the Russian hacking story, he might not be under this cloud of suspicion. Trump did not win a majority of the vote. He cannot effectively govern with just the support of his base. He will need the support of the whole nation.

Has the IRS charged him with anything? Has the IRS even suggested a problem with his taxes?


Shut up then!
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?
it will? based on what information you have?

That's what we're asking for!

This isn't irresponsible allegations like Birtherism. This is the information EVERY president has released. What makes Trump so special that we cannot know the information every other modern president has provided?
Sometimes it's not what we know that's so important but what we don't know ,what the thin skinned liar is hiding

You really should not be talking about yourself that way.
Has the IRS charged him with anything? Has the IRS even suggested a problem with his taxes?


Shut up then!
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?

To make such a claim means you would have already had to have seen them. Is that the case? Since it's not, so much for your claim.
What banks and foreign governments are in business with Trump? What are his financial obligations here and, more critically overseas? We just don't know the extent of his ties and dealings, do we? Where are his tax returns, and, why doesn't he release them?

The question the American people need to have answered is what is he hiding and why?

This seems to cast a pall over his credibility and trustworthiness.

You don't like him because he beat the bitch you supported.
No. I don't like him because he acts like a petulant child, a boor and a bully. I don't TRUST him because he won't release his taxes.

Fine. Why don't you just shut up? You are the petullant child, boor and bully in this conversation.

You cannot make him release his taxes any more than you can force me to do so. Learn to live with it.
You don't like him because he beat the bitch you supported.
No. I don't like him because he acts like a petulant child, a boor and a bully. I don't TRUST him because he won't release his taxes.

When he has to deal with Democrat plantation house negroes like John Lewis talking shit and acting like a child, I'd say that's defending yourself.

I didn't trust Obama. It took him 3 years to get a birth certificate. He lied to the people about keeping their plan/doctor. He did things with immigration that he said he had no authority to do. Difference is when I addressed that mistrust with Obama, people like you said it was racist.

Deal with it. Your bitch lost and Trump will be in on Friday. Have a wonderful time. Maybe your blood pressure will go up and cause a stroke.
You just don't get it. But, being hopelessly immature, racist, stupid beyond comprehension and blindly partisan, I wouldn't expect you to.

You're worthless as a debater. Utterly worthless.
well please explain it to us all, cause you're right, we don't get it.

And using the racist card and any other insult card gets you bubkis
How will Trump's obligations to banks both foreign and domestic effect his regulations in the banking industry? Will he be acting in the best interests of the American people, or his own bottom line? The same questions apply to foreign governments.

And my reply to your racist comrade was a direct slam on his 'house negro' comment, nothing you have said.

He doesn't pass regulations on the banking industry, Congress has to pass laws to do that.
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.
It was hilarious though how Obama accused himself of being born in Kenya to his publisher. ?

It is hilarious that Kaz can't keep kazzing.

Despite Trump's Birther lies- Barack Obama was of course legitimate, and of course there is no evidence that President Obama ever said he was born in Kenya to anyone.

Kaz is just kazzing again- but that is what kaz does.
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?

To make such a claim means you would have already had to have seen them. Is that the case? Since it's not, so much for your claim.
What banks and foreign governments are in business with Trump? What are his financial obligations here and, more critically overseas? We just don't know the extent of his ties and dealings, do we? Where are his tax returns, and, why doesn't he release them?

The question the American people need to have answered is what is he hiding and why?

This seems to cast a pall over his credibility and trustworthiness.

You don't like him because he beat the bitch you supported.
No. I don't like him because he acts like a petulant child, a boor and a bully. I don't TRUST him because he won't release his taxes.

Fine. Why don't you just shut up? You are the petullant child, boor and bully in this conversation.

You cannot make him release his taxes any more than you can force me to do so. Learn to live with it.

Just pointing out- that just a few years ago Donald Trump was the petullant child trying to get President Obama to release his college records.

Of course Trump is not obligated to release his tax returns- he can hide anything he wants.
Can we all agree the birther stuff is fake news?

Trump being a user of fake news is now getting his fake news cumuppence .

Just ask ted cruzs assassin dad and call girl wife .
Why do you suppose Obama started it all accusing himself of being born in Kenya? r

Why do you suppose kaz keeps making this lie?

He has been lying about this for years.

"Why do you think that Donald Trump had a three way with Putin?"

That is as truthful as kaz's posts.

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