"Who's Ruining our Schools?"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Whilst packing up for a coming move, I came across this small book - not much more than a pamphlet, really - by Dan C. Alexander, Copyright 1986, in which he makes a very strong case that the NEA (and that other teachers' union as well) were ruining American public education.

Facilitated by the Left's disastrous decision to allow teachers (and public employees generally) to unionize, the NEA was reeking havoc on American public education by "dumbing down" the academic workforce, effectively prohibiting the removal of unqualified, incompetent, and underperforming teachers, and contributing to an overall situation where teachers' colleges were accepting and graduating the bottom of the figurative academic barrel, and there were no controls in place to weed out teachers who lacked even basic academic skills that one would expect of a real high school graduate.

Interestingly, Alexander relates a tale from Arkansas, where the governor was pushing a very basic written "competence" test for in-service teachers, and the Union was absolutely adamant that no written test could be used. The governor, believe it or not was one William Jefferson, "Horndog" Clinton.

Can you imagine a prominent democrat crossing the teachers' unions today???
Why didn't Trump end the Department of Education? Why doesn't a "Republican" Congress ever end it?
Why didn't Trump end the Department of Education? Why doesn't a "Republican" Congress ever end it?
Schools are daycares. If you hurt daycares, you hurt tax revenue. That's the real and only reason people have been pissed about school closures. Yeon Mi Park, a famous escaped North Korean woman, learned all of K-12 education in one year and got her GED. Any education that happens in school daycares is a happy accident.
Schools are daycares. If you hurt daycares, you hurt tax revenue. That's the real and only reason people have been pissed about school closures. Yeon Mi Park, a famous escaped North Korean woman, learned all of K-12 education in one year and got her GED. Any education that happens in school daycares is a happy accident.
Thanks for confirming NEA craps on kids
Protecting teachers is not "crapping on kids." If your kid turns out like crap, your bad parenting had far more to do with it than any teacher.
Your words on the state of ed......now in the real world those results get you fired.
Your words on the state of ed......now in the real world those results get you fired.
Saying it in the real world is futile. A society that depends on mandated daycare through age 18 needs to be careful how they treat the people in charge of managing that daycare. If you don't like the NEA, or the Dept. of Education, your school board, etc., consider that your problem is with society and not with the education system.
Saying it in the real world is futile. A society that depends on mandated daycare through age 18 needs to be careful how they treat the people in charge of managing that daycare. If you don't like the NEA, or the Dept. of Education, your school board, etc., consider that your problem is with society and not with the education system.
that's odd defense of failure. Who turned it into what it is.....blue clue....not the parents
that's odd defense of failure. Who turned it into what it is.....blue clue....not the parents
Failure? The daycare has been working just fine. Your flavor of the week outrages are barely a blip to the system.

Or do you mean society's failure? Depending on what you expect from society, it's arguably a stunning success.
Look at Public Education as though it were a profit-making business. How could it possibly succeed when it is impossible to set standards?

How can we possibly hire teachers and not KNOW that they are knowledgeable in the subject area, and can read & write intelligently in English? And yet, there are few school systems in the entire country that test for general knowledge and subject competence.

How can we not evaluate teachers on the progress of their students, one way or another?

It is absurd. It is seriously as though we don't give a shit about whether any education takes place.
It is absurd. It is seriously as though we don't give a shit about whether any education takes place.

True all around. How will you work 40 hours a week until you're dead if your kids don't have daycare?

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