Who's the better governor: Walker or Christie?


Feb 14, 2011
Walker is pretty near the best governor evah, but I know Christie has some fans out there! How do you rate them?
I'd say it's a tie because both are working honestly for the citizens and not for their own ego. Walker has had the bad luck of having the Democrat party come after him with both guns loaded, while Christie gets the accolades.
Nope. The best Governor is LePage.

He took down a mural to help encourage small businesses to establish in the state.
So the greatness of a governor is now being measured by how many working people get the shaft.
This is how wonderful walker is as a governor, he allow someone like one of the "psuedo" koch brothers influence policy. A 20 minute phone call from someone proclaiming to be one of the billionaires. Really, a smart govenor. you mean a kiss-ass for the ultra rich.
Then there is fat big mouth christie. He is one of those guys that would only shoot his mouth of like he does if someone is there to really protect him. His bully tactics don't make him a governor at all.
Will walker get a job with the koch brothers if he is recalled?
There is a projection that Wisconsinites have gathered 1.5 million signatures to recall him, they only need 500,000 signatures.
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