Who's the Bigger Threat to America? Putin or Obama?

Eddie Priest

Active Member
Feb 17, 2015
People in the United States feel under threat, both from beyond our borders and within them. In fact, when asked about both U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, it was a pretty darn close call — 20 percent saw Putin as an imminent threat compared to 18 percent who said the same about Obama.
A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll asked more than 3,000 Americans what they see as some of the biggest threats to themselves and the country. You can slice and dice the information in literally hundreds of different ways here. People were shown a range of potential threats and then asked to rate how dangerous they were with one being no threat and five meaning the threat is imminent.
Americans see Putin as only slightly more imminent threat than Obama poll says
Just a proof of Obama's convenience. The whole world hates him, his own people even. Onen question: who voted for him?


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We know they both would rip up the us constitution if allowed to. We know the fucked up judical branch wouldn't be a branch and be stripped of its powers, which would be a huge plus with how out of control it is on all levels. The real question is if all of this happened who would be the best leader? Hands down Putin. Plus, we could conquer other countries and basically own half the worlds land immediately. China would be fucked. Great Britten would be alone, but they are screwed up anyways.

Putin all the way.
People in the United States feel under threat, both from beyond our borders and within them. In fact, when asked about both U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, it was a pretty darn close call — 20 percent saw Putin as an imminent threat compared to 18 percent who said the same about Obama.
A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll asked more than 3,000 Americans what they see as some of the biggest threats to themselves and the country. You can slice and dice the information in literally hundreds of different ways here. People were shown a range of potential threats and then asked to rate how dangerous they were with one being no threat and five meaning the threat is imminent.
Americans see Putin as only slightly more imminent threat than Obama poll says
Just a proof of Obama's convenience. The whole world hates him, his own people even. Onen question: who voted for him?

This is telling no doubt

Obama has created so much hate from his complete hate of America and we are deeply offended.

Putin has no power over the average American. Obama has too much power over the average American.

So the answer to the OP, is self evident.
People in the United States feel under threat, both from beyond our borders and within them. In fact, when asked about both U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, it was a pretty darn close call — 20 percent saw Putin as an imminent threat compared to 18 percent who said the same about Obama.
A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll asked more than 3,000 Americans what they see as some of the biggest threats to themselves and the country. You can slice and dice the information in literally hundreds of different ways here. People were shown a range of potential threats and then asked to rate how dangerous they were with one being no threat and five meaning the threat is imminent.
Americans see Putin as only slightly more imminent threat than Obama poll says
Just a proof of Obama's convenience. The whole world hates him, his own people even. Onen question: who voted for him?


People in the United States feel under threat, both from beyond our borders and within them. In fact, when asked about both U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, it was a pretty darn close call — 20 percent saw Putin as an imminent threat compared to 18 percent who said the same about Obama.
A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll asked more than 3,000 Americans what they see as some of the biggest threats to themselves and the country. You can slice and dice the information in literally hundreds of different ways here. People were shown a range of potential threats and then asked to rate how dangerous they were with one being no threat and five meaning the threat is imminent.
Americans see Putin as only slightly more imminent threat than Obama poll says
Just a proof of Obama's convenience. The whole world hates him, his own people even. Onen question: who voted for him?

Presidents aren't the threat. Congress is. Congress makes the laws. Presidents are little more than the focal point for all the blame.
The poll indicates people are not to concerned about Obama or Putin being a threat. Doomsday only sells to a small segment of the population.
People in the United States feel under threat, both from beyond our borders and within them. In fact, when asked about both U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, it was a pretty darn close call — 20 percent saw Putin as an imminent threat compared to 18 percent who said the same about Obama.
A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll asked more than 3,000 Americans what they see as some of the biggest threats to themselves and the country. You can slice and dice the information in literally hundreds of different ways here. People were shown a range of potential threats and then asked to rate how dangerous they were with one being no threat and five meaning the threat is imminent.
Americans see Putin as only slightly more imminent threat than Obama poll says
Just a proof of Obama's convenience. The whole world hates him, his own people even. Onen question: who voted for him?
The biggest threat to America is the American voters, by a huge margin, no doubt. The American voters have done far more damage to America over the past 50 plus years than Putin, or anyone else, could do in the next 50 plus years. Over the past 50 plus years, we've gone from an economic and military super power to an economic disaster and a military no longer feared the world over. We've become an economically dependent nation, surviving off of astronomical and rising debt, and neutralized by a growing population of poor and dependent citizens. We're no longer a self-supporting nation, and we certainly don't have a self-supporting citizenry. Our military is weakened by weak leadership, especially the leadership in the Pentagon and the oval office. As we've steadily gotten weaker across the board, the rest of the world has gotten stronger across the board.

The main reason for our decline is the anti-America representatives elected by the American voters. Politics in America has become little more than an institution of self-service, greed, egotists, power mongers, and a puppet organization for the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Yet, voters continue to elect and to re-elect those that are willing participants in the destruction of this once great nation. And what's worse, is the fact that after seeing and experiencing the steady decline of this nation, voters continue to believe that professional politicians actually want to serve this nation honorably, and with America's best interest at heart. Voters refuse to believe their own eyes, and instead, continue to aid and abet the very ones that have, and are, destroying their opportunities to be self-supporting and prosperous.

We do not have to wait, nor to worry about, another nation defeating us, whether that be Mr. Putin ( Russia ) or someone else, we'll defeat ourselves from within, and we've got a good start doing just that. It is those that we've entrusted with the well-being of this nation and the well-being of her citizens that have destroyed America, and weakened her to the point of dependency, astronomical debt, a growing population of poor, a military compromised by terrorists and extremists, and greatly diminished opportunities to rise above adversity. We can no longer draw from the strength of our leaders, instead, we've submitted ourselves to their mercy not expecting any. The American general public has become little more than a source of votes and tax revenue, and considered to be sheep, easily herded and lead in the direction that best serves those that govern over us.

Yes, we should all fear nuclear war, acts of terrorism on our home soil, and wars that lead to our defeat. But, our greatest fear should be the collapse and defeat from within, engineered and orchestrated by those we elect and entrust to serve this once great nation and her citizens. If the past is any indication of the future, the days of America, as we once knew her, are numbered and rapidly approaching an end. We, the American voters, must shoulder the blame for allowing an unaccountable entity to destroy our nation, and to destroy the future of many generations to follow. We have aided and abetted those that have placed self-interests and the thirst and hunger for power, above their duties and responsibilities to this nation and to her citizens. We have given them our permission to exert their will, and not the will of the people. And, as a result, we have been willing accomplices of our own defeat.

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