Who’s “winning” under the new guy and how are you winning?

I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
As a resident of illinois you fuckers are about to foot the bill for our mismanagement


I was going to leave but now? Shit got a balanced budget and everything. And I don't want to end up like texans with not just corrupt but incompetent retards controlling my state

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
Can you translate to English please?

Sounds like you're upset your state didn't run up those deficits

I understand

All that shame from being federal takers makes it difficult to justify, not so for industrial paradise illinois


Sorry bud, I reside in south Mexifornia.
Are you drunk and wearing a turban right now? Loosen that shit up bud.

oh then you're gonna get your deficits evened up too

good for you

good thing you don't live in one of those shitty states

Which “shitty states” do you speak of? The ones that offer the highest quality of life? Those “shitty states”?
Where does IL and Mexifornia rank?

The ones that pay less into the federal government than they take out

I live in one of the nicest suburbs on teh planet outside the third largest city in America.

Notice how states you'd actually want to live in are on the bottom of that list hahaha

Silly Con Valley, Hollyweird and the coastal communities dress us the spread sheets real nice here in Mexifornia while the bulk of the citizenry lives like the human cockroaches they are.....12% of the nations population, 33% of of the nations welfare recipients, 30% live in poverty, record numbers of homeless, more filthy thirdworlders in Mexifornia than in Mexico.
Tell us, how does GDP translate for the majority? Mexifornia is the state of feast or famine. I thought you Tards hated inequalities? I thought you hated the greedy rich?
Haha...it’s weird to watch you get all over the nuts of wealthy folks when you think you can use their achievements to your advantage in a debate.
Try harder Raggy.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.

Haha...note Mac1958 had to like the “I don’t care about fuel prices, jobless claims, open borders and Mexico’s people winning first...I’m warm and fuzzy inside” guys post right away.

Twilight Zone shit!
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.

Haha...note Mac1958 had to like the “I don’t care about fuel prices, jobless claims, open borders and Mexico’s people winning first...I’m warm and fuzzy inside” guys post right away.

Twilight Zone shit!
And yet, I'm content, and you're miserable, paranoid and constantly whining and attacking.

That's how selfish people go through life.

So yeah, I think I like my approach better.
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I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.
anything out of the scum demonRATS would sound good for you...
taxes are on the way back up because of more wasting of taxpayer $$$
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.
anything out of the scum demonRATS would sound good for you...
taxes are on the way back up because of more wasting of taxpayer $$$
I was not aware that Biden is wasting more taxpayer money. Can you cite some of the more egregious examples?
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
Let's see--Iran is winning, they'll get more American largesse to advance their nuke program. China is winning, they'll get to build more coal fired power plants to build solar panels for Americans on money gleaned from the US through the Paris Climate Accord. Illegal immigrants are winning, they get to walk freely into the US and receive American taxpayers charity when Americans are living in tents under bridges. Americans--they're not winning ANYTHING but lockdowns and masks.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)

Guys who can state they identify as a woman and be the state champion in women's sports?
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Gotta get rid of this attitude about winning and losing. It’s toxic.

People like him don't realize blue states are all givers to teh feds while red states are almost universally takers

Which may not matter to you

But i assure you it does to them

Oh geez, more of the same from the desperate and confused Liberals.
California - 12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients - FACT
By the way Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....are they blue or red states? hahaha
Here you go:
It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.
California’s Welfare Benefits: Boom or Bust?
"There has been much discussion about immigrants in the United States from everywhere around the world. Yet, why is it that California seems to attract the most immigrants of any state? Indeed, while the state is only 12% of the nation’s population, it is home to 33% of welfare residents. According to a report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on January 26, 2015, there is a correlation between generous welfare benefits and an increase in immigration.

In total, California outspends every other state in public welfare spending – in 2014, it spent $22.4 billion. In contrast, the next closest state, New York, spent $11.9 billion. That being said, does this make California a magnet for immigrants? Not necessarily. It is more of an anchor – a reason why residents stay for long periods of time in the state. However, to deny that there is no magnet would be incorrect. According to George J. Borjas, the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of the aforementioned report, the reason as to why people decide to relocate is due to “income-maximizing behavior.” Immigrants have already accepted that there are certain fixed costs that are inevitable because of migration, so it is natural that they will flock towards the places with the highest benefits. Empirical evidence suggests that it is because of these differences that there are an increasingly disproportionate number of immigrants among states. While there is the possibility of alternative explanations for this phenomenon, the conclusion that Borjas draws using the wealth-maximization hypothesis is one such testable method.

However, upon closer examination, on a per-capita basis, California’s seemingly generous benefits pale in data comparison to other states. For example, it spends approximately $179 for every resident, behind $233 in Hawaii and $256 in New York. Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state. Despite this, the number of people immigrating to California increases exponentially each year."

If you generate by far the most income per capita of any large state then you have a right to run high welfare

California is still paying more than they get

Georgia is not

You can only start complaining when they're getting more than they pay into the federal system. As it is they subsidize the system.

Why would some beggar in a red state get a say/ Fuck off pleb take your scraps.
BS, CA does not pay more than they receive, parasite. California no longer pays more to Washington than it gets back, study finds
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.
anything out of the scum demonRATS would sound good for you...
taxes are on the way back up because of more wasting of taxpayer $$$
I was not aware that Biden is wasting more taxpayer money. Can you cite some of the more egregious examples?
Iran nuke deal, Paris Climate Accord, Illegal immigration, Chinese appeasement
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
Yeah it's been days bro. Chill out. haha We won't know much for at least a year.

Haha...But in just “days” he’s improved the quality of life for Mexico’s people big time...hasn’t he?
You no longer expect a POTUS to work for you in the first “days” of his presidency?
He seems to be doing fine.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.
anything out of the scum demonRATS would sound good for you...
taxes are on the way back up because of more wasting of taxpayer $$$
They are on the way up because Trump ran up the debt.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.
anything out of the scum demonRATS would sound good for you...
taxes are on the way back up because of more wasting of taxpayer $$$
They are on the way up because Trump ran up the debt.

The first president to ever increase the national debt sugar?

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