Who’s “winning” under the new guy and how are you winning?

I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
You need to look beyond the end of your nose. China is increasing their pollution in order to produce your chinese/walmart garbage with coal fired power plants. Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws and funding a BS climate accord that punishes everyone in the world except to most egregious polluter. China puts out twice as much pollution as the US, but is not even in the top five financial contributors to the Paris agreement.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
You need to look beyond the end of your nose. China is increasing their pollution in order to produce your chinese/walmart garbage with coal fired power plants. Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws and funding a BS climate accord that punishes everyone in the world except to most egregious polluter. China puts out twice as much pollution as the US, but is not even in the top five financial contributors to the Paris agreement.

But, but, but....we need cleaner air so we need more illegal Mexicans, more autos on the roadways, more infrastructure, more trash discarded by thirdworlders, more beef cattle to feed the hoards of thirdworlders, more overall pollution related to servicing thirdworlders....etc etc
You see, alang1216 and Mac1958 are uber smart, they’d never contradict themselves.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

Now all you have to do is convince France to honor the Paris Accord.

Too fking funny.

I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
You need to look beyond the end of your nose. China is increasing their pollution in order to produce your chinese/walmart garbage with coal fired power plants. Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws and funding a BS climate accord that punishes everyone in the world except to most egregious polluter. China puts out twice as much pollution as the US, but is not even in the top five financial contributors to the Paris agreement.

But, but, but....we need cleaner air so we need more illegal Mexicans, more autos on the roadways, more infrastructure, more trash discarded by thirdworlders, more beef cattle to feed the hoards of thirdworlders, more overall pollution related to servicing thirdworlders....etc etc
You see, alang1216 and Mac1958 are uber smart, they’d never contradict themselves.
Look at you go. That must be a horrible way to go through life.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
You need to look beyond the end of your nose. China is increasing their pollution in order to produce your chinese/walmart garbage with coal fired power plants. Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws and funding a BS climate accord that punishes everyone in the world except to most egregious polluter. China puts out twice as much pollution as the US, but is not even in the top five financial contributors to the Paris agreement.

But, but, but....we need cleaner air so we need more illegal Mexicans, more autos on the roadways, more infrastructure, more trash discarded by thirdworlders, more beef cattle to feed the hoards of thirdworlders, more overall pollution related to servicing thirdworlders....etc etc
You see, alang1216 and Mac1958 are uber smart, they’d never contradict themselves.
Look at you go. That must be a horrible way to go through life.

It’s never “horrible” to make perfect sense and be totally in touch with reality. Weird that you’d think otherwise. More Twilight Zone shit.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
You need to look beyond the end of your nose. China is increasing their pollution in order to produce your chinese/walmart garbage with coal fired power plants. Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws and funding a BS climate accord that punishes everyone in the world except to most egregious polluter. China puts out twice as much pollution as the US, but is not even in the top five financial contributors to the Paris agreement.

But, but, but....we need cleaner air so we need more illegal Mexicans, more autos on the roadways, more infrastructure, more trash discarded by thirdworlders, more beef cattle to feed the hoards of thirdworlders, more overall pollution related to servicing thirdworlders....etc etc
You see, alang1216 and Mac1958 are uber smart, they’d never contradict themselves.
Look at you go. That must be a horrible way to go through life.

It’s never “horrible” to make perfect sense and be totally in touch with reality. Weird that you’d think otherwise. More Twilight Zone shit.
I was not aware that Biden is wasting more taxpayer money. Can you cite some of the more egregious examples?
Iran nuke deal, Paris Climate Accord, Illegal immigration, Chinese appeasement
I was not aware. How much has Biden wasted on each?
Three billion committed and one billion spent on the climate accord. You need to learn to do some research on your own, I gave you one. You can do a simple google search to discover the others.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
You need to look beyond the end of your nose. China is increasing their pollution in order to produce your chinese/walmart garbage with coal fired power plants. Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws and funding a BS climate accord that punishes everyone in the world except to most egregious polluter. China puts out twice as much pollution as the US, but is not even in the top five financial contributors to the Paris agreement.

But, but, but....we need cleaner air so we need more illegal Mexicans, more autos on the roadways, more infrastructure, more trash discarded by thirdworlders, more beef cattle to feed the hoards of thirdworlders, more overall pollution related to servicing thirdworlders....etc etc
You see, alang1216 and Mac1958 are uber smart, they’d never contradict themselves.
Look at you go. That must be a horrible way to go through life.

It’s never “horrible” to make perfect sense and be totally in touch with reality. Weird that you’d think otherwise. More Twilight Zone shit.
Tut, tut. Jobs, law enforcement, and not throwing cash at people who hate us is so short sighted, courtesy Mac1958.
Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws
I've heard this said before but I'm not sure I understand. First off the economy was booming under Obama so those "restrictive environmental laws" can't be all that bad. Secondly, at least some of those restrictive environmental laws may be cost effective if they prevent more Superfund expenses or lower healthcare costs due to pollution.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
You need to look beyond the end of your nose. China is increasing their pollution in order to produce your chinese/walmart garbage with coal fired power plants. Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws and funding a BS climate accord that punishes everyone in the world except to most egregious polluter. China puts out twice as much pollution as the US, but is not even in the top five financial contributors to the Paris agreement.

But, but, but....we need cleaner air so we need more illegal Mexicans, more autos on the roadways, more infrastructure, more trash discarded by thirdworlders, more beef cattle to feed the hoards of thirdworlders, more overall pollution related to servicing thirdworlders....etc etc
You see, alang1216 and Mac1958 are uber smart, they’d never contradict themselves.
Look at you go. That must be a horrible way to go through life.

It’s never “horrible” to make perfect sense and be totally in touch with reality. Weird that you’d think otherwise. More Twilight Zone shit.

When I realize I’m in over my head and outclassed and I can’t be sensible and offer a valid refutation I reply with “pudding” or click the like button as well.
Safe play...stay credible, live for another day.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
You need to look beyond the end of your nose. China is increasing their pollution in order to produce your chinese/walmart garbage with coal fired power plants. Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws and funding a BS climate accord that punishes everyone in the world except to most egregious polluter. China puts out twice as much pollution as the US, but is not even in the top five financial contributors to the Paris agreement.

But, but, but....we need cleaner air so we need more illegal Mexicans, more autos on the roadways, more infrastructure, more trash discarded by thirdworlders, more beef cattle to feed the hoards of thirdworlders, more overall pollution related to servicing thirdworlders....etc etc
You see, alang1216 and Mac1958 are uber smart, they’d never contradict themselves.
Look at you go. That must be a horrible way to go through life.

From The Queen of a Horrible Way To Go Through Life....
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
I went through a lot of Biden's Executive Orders the other day quickly, and this is what I came up with (below).

I would be okay with 52 executive orders if they were good ones. Who is winning with these?

  • Kill thousands of American jobs by cancelling the Keystone pipeline on day one.
  • Let Creepy men pee in our daughters' restrooms
  • Let boys compete in girls' sports, ruining the careers of some women, and disenfranchising some of them from getting sports scholarships.
  • Freezing the Wall and opening the borders to illegals by stopping deportations, essentially making the whole US a sanctuary nation. Letting in criminals, hurting American citizens' wages, and possibly spreading COVID.
  • Lots of stuff on Climate Change which will have no real impact other than raising energy prices for millions of poor Americans and killing more jobs.
  • Cancelling the Trump DOJ lawsuit against Yale for racial discrimination, allowing them to continue to discriminate against Caucasians and Asians by having higher standards for certain ethnicities.
  • Requiring everyone to wear arguably-ineffective masks at all times on federal property, which he completely ignored himself, along with his press secretary and Dem members of Congress, infringing upon the fundamental right of Americans to make their own medical decisions.
  • Allowing illegal immigrants, who in Biden's own words should not be "above the law," to be counted in the US census for determining representation, even though they are not allowed to vote.
  • Cancelling Trump's Executive order requiring a reduction in regulatory burden on American businesses - more Big Government.
Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws
I've heard this said before but I'm not sure I understand. First off the economy was booming under Obama so those "restrictive environmental laws" can't be all that bad. Secondly, at least some of those restrictive environmental laws may be cost effective if they prevent more Superfund expenses or lower healthcare costs due to pollution.
Twilight zone. The economy was NOT booming under Barry. It was barely limping. After all, he doubled the debt $9T to $18T. Why does China (#1polluter) produce twice the pollution of the US (#2 polluter and top contributor to the accord), yet they a re not required to pay as much as even one of the top five contributors.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.
I really appreciate hearing someone suggest positive things Biden has done. Normally, Dems simply complain about Trump, and have difficulty mentioning anything positive about Biden, as is evidenced by this thread.

Those two both sound like terrible things to me.

The former will put the US at a dramatic disadvantage globally compared to current, and it will increase energy costs on the poorest among us, and resulting in additional job losses, while resulting in trivial reductions in global emissions (from the US rejoining).

The latter will give Iran a legal pathway to pursue the development of a nuclear weapon.
Last edited:
I was not aware that Biden is wasting more taxpayer money. Can you cite some of the more egregious examples?
Iran nuke deal, Paris Climate Accord, Illegal immigration, Chinese appeasement
I was not aware. How much has Biden wasted on each?
Three billion committed and one billion spent on the climate accord. You need to learn to do some research on your own, I gave you one. You can do a simple google search to discover the others.
A complex issue so a complex solution. We're only the 11th biggest contributor per capita. It’s also important to mention that, per capita, the U.S. emitted more greenhouse gases than China and India combined in 2015. Not an enormous amount of money and I can see the justification.
Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws
I've heard this said before but I'm not sure I understand. First off the economy was booming under Obama so those "restrictive environmental laws" can't be all that bad. Secondly, at least some of those restrictive environmental laws may be cost effective if they prevent more Superfund expenses or lower healthcare costs due to pollution.
Twilight zone. The economy was NOT booming under Barry. It was barely limping. After all, he doubled the debt $9T to $18T. Why does China (#1polluter) produce twice the pollution of the US (#2 polluter and top contributor to the accord), yet they a re not required to pay as much as even one of the top five contributors.
Those are not the numbers I've seen.
I was not aware that Biden is wasting more taxpayer money. Can you cite some of the more egregious examples?
Iran nuke deal, Paris Climate Accord, Illegal immigration, Chinese appeasement
I was not aware. How much has Biden wasted on each?
Three billion committed and one billion spent on the climate accord. You need to learn to do some research on your own, I gave you one. You can do a simple google search to discover the others.
A complex issue so a complex solution. We're only the 11th biggest contributor per capita. It’s also important to mention that, per capita, the U.S. emitted more greenhouse gases than China and India combined in 2015. Not an enormous amount of money and I can see the justification.

Awesome...sounds like we need to import more thirdworlders huh? You know, in keeping with that backwards bizarro way of thinking and all.

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