Who’s “winning” under the new guy and how are you winning?

I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.
anything out of the scum demonRATS would sound good for you...
taxes are on the way back up because of more wasting of taxpayer $$$
I was not aware that Biden is wasting more taxpayer money. Can you cite some of the more egregious examples?
200 million to the wuhan lab that gave you the corona, for beginners
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.
anything out of the scum demonRATS would sound good for you...
taxes are on the way back up because of more wasting of taxpayer $$$
I was not aware that Biden is wasting more taxpayer money. Can you cite some of the more egregious examples?
I am not sure if these are egregious examples, but there are these which arguably will have significant cost to the US taxpayers, and in summation might be. Please don't cherrypick; some are better examples than others, of course....

2/2/2021: Rescinds Trump’s memo requiring immigrants to repay the government if they receive public benefits. Elevates the role of the executive branch in promoting immigrant integration and inclusion, including reestablishing a Task Force on New Americans. Requires agencies to review immigration regulations and policies

1/28/2021: Rescinds the “Mexico City Policy,” a ban on US government funding for foreign nonprofits that perform or promote abortions

1/27/2021: Elevates climate change as an essential element of US foreign policy and national security and kicks off development of a new emissions reduction target, which will be announced by April 22

1/26/2021: Directs the attorney general not to renew federal contracts with private prisons

1/25/2021: Reverses the Trump administration’s ban on transgender Americans joining the military

1/22/2021: Restores collective bargaining power and worker protections for federal workers, and lays the foundation for $15 minimum wage

1/20/2021: Stops the United States’ withdrawal from the World Health Organization, with Dr. Anthony Fauci becoming the head of the delegation to the WHO

1/20/2021: Extends the existing nationwide moratorium on evictions and foreclosures until at least March 31

1/20/2021: Extends the existing pause on student loan payments and interest for Americans with federal student loans until at least September 30

1/20/2021: Rejoins the Paris climate accord, a process that will take 30 days

1/20/2021: Requires non-citizens to be included in the Census and apportionment of congressional representatives

1/20/2021: Fortifies DACA after Trump’s efforts to undo protections for undocumented people brought into the country as children

1/20/2021: Undoes Trump’s expansion of immigration enforcement within the United States

1/20/2021: Halts construction of the border wall by terminating the national emergency declaration used to fund it

1/20/2021: Directs OMB director to develop recommendations to modernize regulatory review and undoes Trump’s regulatory approval process [which required removing more old regulations than the new ones which are added.]

All from CNN... Here are the executive actions Biden has signed so far
And that's exactly why I voted for Biden.
poor old senile Joe
I was not aware that Biden is wasting more taxpayer money. Can you cite some of the more egregious examples?
Iran nuke deal, Paris Climate Accord, Illegal immigration, Chinese appeasement
I was not aware. How much has Biden wasted on each?
Three billion committed and one billion spent on the climate accord. You need to learn to do some research on your own, I gave you one. You can do a simple google search to discover the others.
google? ROFLOL.... who the hell uses that free speech suppressor any more? fuck google, it sucks
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.
I really appreciate hearing someone suggest positive things Biden has done.

Those two both sound like terrible things to me.

The former will put the US at a dramatic disadvantage globally compared to current, and it will increase energy costs on the poorest among us, while resulting in additional job losses, while resulting in trivial reductions in global emissions (from the US rejoining).

The latter will give Iran a legal pathway to pursue the development of a nuclear weapon.
You may be right but you may also be wrong. Fossil fuels are a finite resource so the world will eventually have to find replacements. I'd like the US to be a leader. I believe almost all solar electric panels come from China.

Legal or not, Iran is enriching uranium, something it began when the US left the accord. I'd say Trump put them back on the path to the bomb.
u are insane if you think the accord meant shit to Iran ..except for the billions Obama was givin them
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
You need to look beyond the end of your nose. China is increasing their pollution in order to produce your chinese/walmart garbage with coal fired power plants. Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws and funding a BS climate accord that punishes everyone in the world except to most egregious polluter. China puts out twice as much pollution as the US, but is not even in the top five financial contributors to the Paris agreement.

But, but, but....we need cleaner air so we need more illegal Mexicans, more autos on the roadways, more infrastructure, more trash discarded by thirdworlders, more beef cattle to feed the hoards of thirdworlders, more overall pollution related to servicing thirdworlders....etc etc
You see, alang1216 and Mac1958 are uber smart, they’d never contradict themselves.
Look at you go. That must be a horrible way to go through life.

It’s never “horrible” to make perfect sense and be totally in touch with reality. Weird that you’d think otherwise. More Twilight Zone shit.
your brain....this is word association, right
Brilliant, so you're just adopting the attitude of losing...dumbass.
If yiu get too obsessed with winning, then when you actually do lose, you can’t emotionally handle it so you come up with insane excuses explanations to pretend you didn’t lose.
It's even more likely if you're prone to search out conspiracies, which certainly describes the Q/Trumpsters.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
You need to look beyond the end of your nose. China is increasing their pollution in order to produce your chinese/walmart garbage with coal fired power plants. Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws and funding a BS climate accord that punishes everyone in the world except to most egregious polluter. China puts out twice as much pollution as the US, but is not even in the top five financial contributors to the Paris agreement.

But, but, but....we need cleaner air so we need more illegal Mexicans, more autos on the roadways, more infrastructure, more trash discarded by thirdworlders, more beef cattle to feed the hoards of thirdworlders, more overall pollution related to servicing thirdworlders....etc etc
You see, alang1216 and Mac1958 are uber smart, they’d never contradict themselves.
Look at you go. That must be a horrible way to go through life.

It’s never “horrible” to make perfect sense and be totally in touch with reality. Weird that you’d think otherwise. More Twilight Zone shit.
your brain....this is word association, right
Darn, you're just too smart for me 'n stuff!
I was not aware that Biden is wasting more taxpayer money. Can you cite some of the more egregious examples?
Iran nuke deal, Paris Climate Accord, Illegal immigration, Chinese appeasement
I was not aware. How much has Biden wasted on each?
at least 1400.00 from each taxpayer....that shouldnt upset you dumb fuck demonRATS, your god commanded it. no more saving AMERICANs checks. china, iran, russia, the ship pig-lousy wanted to fix up for the enemy, in the last stimulous. anything else you want to plead stupidity to?

Work more - Put in more hours at the gloryhole.

AFrench2 is a full blown Cal Berkeley / Austin TX zombie owned and operated by Zuckerberg, Dorsey, the Google faggots and BurnLootMuder...he may have co-produced this video.

Don’t go to hard on him,he is just in junior high fantasizing about being an adult living on his own and having a drivers license and that he is 32 years old instead of still being in junior high living at home.his fantasy’s kill me, :lmao: :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
Brilliant, so you're just adopting the attitude of losing...dumbass.
If yiu get too obsessed with winning, then when you actually do lose, you can’t emotionally handle it so you come up with insane excuses explanations to pretend you didn’t lose.
It's even more likely if you're prone to search out conspiracies, which certainly describes the Q/Trumpsters.
It's even more likely if you're prone to search out conspiracies, which certainly describes the xiden idolers
you should learn the TRUTH b4 you post.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.

Haha...note Mac1958 had to like the “I don’t care about fuel prices, jobless claims, open borders and Mexico’s people winning first...I’m warm and fuzzy inside” guys post right away.

Twilight Zone shit!
And yet, I'm content, and you're miserable, paranoid and constantly whining and attacking.

That's how selfish people go through life.

So yeah, I think I like my approach better.
Yeah we all know you hate America and love commies Like biden and obozo.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.

That’s feel good shit that can’t be quantified.
How do those things improve your quality of life today?
Ask an illegal how Almost Dead Joe has improved his life...you really don’t see the problem here do you? Twilight Zone shit!
Feeling good makes me happy. Instant gratification. I'm happy we may be able to slow global warming for my great-grandchildren. I'm happy that Iran may stop their progress to a bomb my kids will have to contend with.
You need to look beyond the end of your nose. China is increasing their pollution in order to produce your chinese/walmart garbage with coal fired power plants. Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws and funding a BS climate accord that punishes everyone in the world except to most egregious polluter. China puts out twice as much pollution as the US, but is not even in the top five financial contributors to the Paris agreement.

But, but, but....we need cleaner air so we need more illegal Mexicans, more autos on the roadways, more infrastructure, more trash discarded by thirdworlders, more beef cattle to feed the hoards of thirdworlders, more overall pollution related to servicing thirdworlders....etc etc
You see, alang1216 and Mac1958 are uber smart, they’d never contradict themselves.
Look at you go. That must be a horrible way to go through life.

It’s never “horrible” to make perfect sense and be totally in touch with reality. Weird that you’d think otherwise. More Twilight Zone shit.
your brain....this is word association, right
Darn, you're just too smart for me 'n stuff!
a fetus is more intelligent than you.....just saying
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
We've rejoined the Paris agreement and are again negotiating with Iran. Sound like wins to me.
Only to those that want to pay more taxes and see America become just another third world shit hole
Gotta get rid of this attitude about winning and losing. It’s toxic.
Another public school grad, and how many participation trophies did you get in school?
My school taught me we shouldn’t be fighting our fellow Americans, we should be working together.

That used to be called patriotic before the right wing became obsessed with “owning the libs”.
Meanwhile in the US, we get to support the destruction of the US economy through restrictive environmental laws
I've heard this said before but I'm not sure I understand. First off the economy was booming under Obama so those "restrictive environmental laws" can't be all that bad. Secondly, at least some of those restrictive environmental laws may be cost effective if they prevent more Superfund expenses or lower healthcare costs due to pollution.
First off the economy was booming under TRUMP. barrag-o had the worst recovery/economy of any. barrag-o sold AMERICA out ---barrag-o is the biggest piece of shit racist in AMERICA...barrag-o divided AMERICA barrag-o---bad douchebag
Brilliant, so you're just adopting the attitude of losing...dumbass.
If yiu get too obsessed with winning, then when you actually do lose, you can’t emotionally handle it so you come up with insane excuses explanations to pretend you didn’t lose.
It's even more likely if you're prone to search out conspiracies, which certainly describes the Q/Trumpsters.
It's even more likely if you're prone to search out conspiracies, which certainly describes the xiden idolers
you should learn the TRUTH b4 you post.
Yeah, you gots da troof.
Gotta get rid of this attitude about winning and losing. It’s toxic.
Another public school grad, and how many participation trophies did you get in school?
My school taught me we shouldn’t be fighting our fellow Americans, we should be working together.

That used to be called patriotic before the right wing became obsessed with “owning the libs”.
and mine taught me that journalism was to report the news. unlike the publishers that you pay shit homage to..
journalism=report the news without opinion.
when you dumb fuck demonRATS understand that, shut the fuck up. go back to your publishers

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