Who’s “winning” under the new guy and how are you winning?

Gotta get rid of this attitude about winning and losing. It’s toxic.

People like him don't realize blue states are all givers to teh feds while red states are almost universally takers

Which may not matter to you

But i assure you it does to them

Texas gives more than they receive cum dumpster.

One of the few, good for them

"Almost universally takers"

It’s bizarre that you think a city or state is a desirable place to live based on how much the state pays the Feds.
In San Francisco people live on top of each other like cockroaches, in Los Angeles people live on top of each other like cockroaches, in NYC people live on top of each other like cockroaches, in Chicago people live on top of each other like cockroaches.
Weird shit bud.

Yea being productive is antithetical to your lifestyle shocker

Not exactly a surprising take from a guy who thinks Lee was a great leader.....Win a thousand battles just to lose the war what a hero....?


We have suburbs for a reason

Look Raggy, you hail from a nation of 1.3 billion filthy subhuman cockroaches...it’s no wonder you’re not bothered by hearing your neighbor fart in the morning...Good, decent core Americans don’t want to live like that...we leave that shit to the filth among us.
Gotta get rid of this attitude about winning and losing. It’s toxic.

People like him don't realize blue states are all givers to teh feds while red states are almost universally takers

Which may not matter to you

But i assure you it does to them
People like you don't realize that 90% of cities in Blue states are supported by the 1 or 2 prosperous cities in that state.

...You think urban people don't know that? Who is people like you?

The only people who don't know that are the same red state rubes who think their states aren't takers

What you just said makes no sense at all.

I'm from illinois couldn't be clearer to literally 100% of the population.
The reason you ignorant Liberals keep bragging about Blue States supporting Red States is the very fact that you don't know that Blue States have more money because of one or two cities that have to support the rest of the Blue State.
You morons think the whole state is drowning in their own success.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
Life is good. Don't be an anti American goon.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
Life is good. Don't be an anti American goon.
“I can’t at all tell you how this administration is working for good real core Americans so I’ll go full hippy stoner Lib and say...life is good and leave it at that.”
So FEELZ huh?
It's funny how you clowns loved 4 years of failure, but now are expecting miracles in days. Biden neat to clean up the mess, and it's a big one.
How and the hell were you “failing” from 2017-2020?
NOBODY I know was failing.
Country. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, failed tariffs, less than 3% gdp growth... 4 years ago sure was better than now.
Gotta get rid of this attitude about winning and losing. It’s toxic.

People like him don't realize blue states are all givers to teh feds while red states are almost universally takers

Which may not matter to you

But i assure you it does to them
People like you don't realize that 90% of cities in Blue states are supported by the 1 or 2 prosperous cities in that state.

...You think urban people don't know that? Who is people like you?

The only people who don't know that are the same red state rubes who think their states aren't takers

What you just said makes no sense at all.

I'm from illinois couldn't be clearer to literally 100% of the population.
The reason you ignorant Liberals keep bragging about Blue States supporting Red States is the very fact that you don't know that Blue States have more money because of one or two cities that have to support the rest of the Blue State.
You morons think the whole state is drowning in their own success.
Red states don't rank well in many statistics....
Why do you support Biden's open borders policies, which tend to allow more illegal immigration?
I believe Biden intends to increase legal immigration, but I don't recall him advocating open borders. Got a quote?

Biden also wants to address the issue of the Dreamers and I hope he can quickly establish some path to citizenship for them. For people who have been living in the US for years, are employed, and have no arrests, I think a path to citizenship should be found also.

A major source of illegal immigration is the dire conditions in Central America. I think we need to take some aggressive measures there, both carrots and sticks, so people there don't need to come to the US to find work and safety.
It's funny how you clowns loved 4 years of failure, but now are expecting miracles in days. Biden neat to clean up the mess, and it's a big one.
How and the hell were you “failing” from 2017-2020?
NOBODY I know was failing.
Country. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, failed tariffs, less than 3% gdp growth... 4 years ago sure was better than now.
They're not told about any of that, or the extended manufacturing recession, or the crashed bond yields, or the fact that the NY Fed had to step in with $1.5T in 2019 to literally save short term credit, so they don't know or care.

All that matters is their own, personal priorities, and everyone else must have the same priorities. Everyone must be just like them.

The thought patterns of children.
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I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
America is winning because Biden is crushing covid.

Biden's simple plan of mask wearing and social distancing, along with his simple plan to use the government to aid in the distribution of the vaccine is working.
Contrast that with Trump's failed plan of no masks, bi-weekly super-spreader events, and no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond giving it to states.

Under Trump covid cases and deaths were on a permanent uptrend throughout his entire presidency, peaking in January.
Under Biden covid cases and deaths have been on a steady decline throughout his entire presidency, and looking to continue lower.

With covid gone the economy will finally be able to open up and the Biden boom will crush the short few years of low growth (only 2.6%) and massive deficit increases that Trump had that you claim was so great when it really wasn't...
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As a resident of illinois you fuckers are about to foot the bill for our mismanagement


I was going to leave but now? Shit got a balanced budget and everything. And I don't want to end up like texans with not just corrupt but incompetent retards controlling my state
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
One month in office and you want to know who is winning? What did we win with Trump after one month in office? Actually, we are going in the right direction for change as diplomacy is in the cards instead of bullying, a plan is being hatched to fight the covid, business will reopen, divisiveness and bad behavior have come to a halt, we finally have a President who wants to represent all the people instead of a President who only wants to represent those who voted for him, and a President who does not support Antifa violence, insurrection ("stand back and be ready"), po boys, white supremacy, etc.
And don't preach that Harris supports black violence because she is black--she does not. Just tell the truth-you don't like her because of her color.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
I am winning big Biden has restored great lakes protections with a stress on combating the Asian carp infestation, mitigation of algae blooms, infrastructure funding for sewage systems, in close proximity to the great lakes, increased funding for fish hatcheries, prevention of heavy metals entering the water ways. Considering the lions share of my income comes from fishing the great lakes I am winning big. Now if he would fund dredging to remove heavy metals already put at the bottom of our lakes and fund studies to return the perch bite in the western basin life would be good in the future. The new issue facing the area not as well known is mitigation of Gobi infestation. Some money towards creating more tourism across the great lakes would also be nice. I would love to see some partnerships with high schools in teaching fishing and hunting skills. I am seriously worried about the lack of the young on the lake and in the woods. Those areas are starting to look like bowling alley nothing but grey hairs in the woods and on the lake fishing. Most the young on my boats have their nose buried in their phones. I went down to Deer creek this year first day of deer season like I use to do when I was young to have breakfast at Frosties to talk to all the local deer hunters and have some comrades. The fucking place was empty except for me and the guy I was hunting with and another pair that was grouse hunting. When I was young there would have been 50 to 100 of them in there. Really fucking depressing.
You sound like one of those idiots that speak just to hear yourself say stupid things.
Right. Wanting to stop fighting with other Americans and assuming everything is a zero sum game is stupid. It used to be patriotic, but now it’s stupid.
It's funny how you clowns loved 4 years of failure, but now are expecting miracles in days. Biden neat to clean up the mess, and it's a big one.
How and the hell were you “failing” from 2017-2020?
NOBODY I know was failing.
Country. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, failed tariffs, less than 3% gdp growth... 4 years ago sure was better than now.

Hold on a minute...
Deficit spending had you failing?
Bailouts had you failing?
Tariffs had you failing?
Riots had you failing?
Your governor had you failing with Covid shutdowns?
Covid deaths had you failing?
Trump took the Kenyans 1.6 GDP to 2.9...How did that cause you to fail?
In spite of your failures, my investments blew up, my real estate values blew up, my income blew up, I got a major tax cut, I’m united with America’s best citizens....all things that impacted my life in real time. Everybody I know had the same experience...weird that you struggled while we were ALL killing it.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
I am winning big Biden has restored great lakes protections with a stress on combating the Asian carp infestation, mitigation of algae blooms, infrastructure funding for sewage systems, in close proximity to the great lakes, increased funding for fish hatcheries, prevention of heavy metals entering the water ways. Considering the lions share of my income comes from fishing the great lakes I am winning big. Now if he would fund dredging to remove heavy metals already put at the bottom of our lakes and fund studies to return the perch bite in the western basin life would be good in the future. The new issue facing the area not as well known is mitigation of Gobi infestation. Some money towards creating more tourism across the great lakes would also be nice. I would love to see some partnerships with high schools in teaching fishing and hunting skills. I am seriously worried about the lack of the young on the lake and in the woods. Those areas are starting to look like bowling alley nothing but grey hairs in the woods and on the lake fishing. Most the young on my boats have their nose buried in their phones. I went down to Deer creek this year first day of deer season like I use to do when I was young to have breakfast at Frosties to talk to all the local deer hunters and have some comrades. The fucking place was empty except for me and the guy I was hunting with and another pair that was grouse hunting. When I was young there would have been 50 to 100 of them in there. Really fucking depressing.
Awesome...well there we have it ladies and gentlemen, we found a group that is winning under Biden.
Apparently all 17 hunting / fishing guides in Podunk, OH are killing it despite the 20% (and climbing) rise in fuel costs.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
I am winning big Biden has restored great lakes protections with a stress on combating the Asian carp infestation, mitigation of algae blooms, infrastructure funding for sewage systems, in close proximity to the great lakes, increased funding for fish hatcheries, prevention of heavy metals entering the water ways. Considering the lions share of my income comes from fishing the great lakes I am winning big. Now if he would fund dredging to remove heavy metals already put at the bottom of our lakes and fund studies to return the perch bite in the western basin life would be good in the future. The new issue facing the area not as well known is mitigation of Gobi infestation. Some money towards creating more tourism across the great lakes would also be nice. I would love to see some partnerships with high schools in teaching fishing and hunting skills. I am seriously worried about the lack of the young on the lake and in the woods. Those areas are starting to look like bowling alley nothing but grey hairs in the woods and on the lake fishing. Most the young on my boats have their nose buried in their phones. I went down to Deer creek this year first day of deer season like I use to do when I was young to have breakfast at Frosties to talk to all the local deer hunters and have some comrades. The fucking place was empty except for me and the guy I was hunting with and another pair that was grouse hunting. When I was young there would have been 50 to 100 of them in there. Really fucking depressing.
Awesome...well there we have it ladies and gentlemen, we found a group that is winning under Biden.
Apparently all 17 hunting / fishing guides in Podunk, OH are killing it despite the 20% (and climbing) rise in fuel costs.
Ya, gas spike has more to do with Texas production being off line due to weather than Biden. You asked I answered. Many other people will benefit from Biden like those who fix sewers,roads and bridges. Alot more than 17 fishing guides out there. All the hotels, restaurants, bars, boat sales, boat repair and any servicing of great lakes tourism benefit. Billions upon billions of dollars in tourism benefit. Get lazy fucks off the couch and exercising the health benefits bring health care costs down and raise productivity amongst workers across the board. The benefits go on and on that is before calculating in the health benefits of having clean fucking water to drink. To bad you are to fucking stupid to see how things are connected and how benefits multiply. Broke fucking loser is an apt name for your stupid fucking ass. How many conservatives on here benefit from hunting and fishing? How many conservatives benefit from the strengthening of the second amendment by having more hunters and fisherman. Your a dumb fuck.

PS how many states, towns and cities border the Great lakes dumb fuck? I am still looking into what he is doing for sea fishing. How many state, cities and small towns on the sea? I venture to say a shit load more than coal mining towns. Again you are a dumbfuck.
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I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
I am winning big Biden has restored great lakes protections with a stress on combating the Asian carp infestation, mitigation of algae blooms, infrastructure funding for sewage systems, in close proximity to the great lakes, increased funding for fish hatcheries, prevention of heavy metals entering the water ways. Considering the lions share of my income comes from fishing the great lakes I am winning big. Now if he would fund dredging to remove heavy metals already put at the bottom of our lakes and fund studies to return the perch bite in the western basin life would be good in the future. The new issue facing the area not as well known is mitigation of Gobi infestation. Some money towards creating more tourism across the great lakes would also be nice. I would love to see some partnerships with high schools in teaching fishing and hunting skills. I am seriously worried about the lack of the young on the lake and in the woods. Those areas are starting to look like bowling alley nothing but grey hairs in the woods and on the lake fishing. Most the young on my boats have their nose buried in their phones. I went down to Deer creek this year first day of deer season like I use to do when I was young to have breakfast at Frosties to talk to all the local deer hunters and have some comrades. The fucking place was empty except for me and the guy I was hunting with and another pair that was grouse hunting. When I was young there would have been 50 to 100 of them in there. Really fucking depressing.
Awesome...well there we have it ladies and gentlemen, we found a group that is winning under Biden.
Apparently all 17 hunting / fishing guides in Podunk, OH are killing it despite the 20% (and climbing) rise in fuel costs.
Ya, gas spike has more to do with Texas production being off line due to weather than Biden. You asked I answered. Many other people will benefit from Biden like those who fix sewers,roads and bridges. Alot more than 17 fishing guides out there. All the hotels, restaurants, bars, boat sales, boat repair and any servicing of great lakes tourism benefit. Billions upon billions of dollars in tourism benefit. Get lazy fucks off the couch and exercising the health benefits bring health care costs down and raise productivity amongst workers across the board. The benefits go on and on that is before calculating in the health benefits of having clean fucking water to drink. To bad you are to fucking stupid to see how things are connected and how benefits multiply. Broke fucking loser is an apt name for your stupid fucking ass. How many conservatives on here benefit from hunting and fishing? How many conservatives benefit from the strengthening of the second amendment by having more hunters and fisherman. Your a dumb fuck.

Easy bud...I’m happy for you and the other 16 guides winning alongside ALL of Mexico’s trash while the vast majority of Americans get fucked. Good for you.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
I am winning big Biden has restored great lakes protections with a stress on combating the Asian carp infestation, mitigation of algae blooms, infrastructure funding for sewage systems, in close proximity to the great lakes, increased funding for fish hatcheries, prevention of heavy metals entering the water ways. Considering the lions share of my income comes from fishing the great lakes I am winning big. Now if he would fund dredging to remove heavy metals already put at the bottom of our lakes and fund studies to return the perch bite in the western basin life would be good in the future. The new issue facing the area not as well known is mitigation of Gobi infestation. Some money towards creating more tourism across the great lakes would also be nice. I would love to see some partnerships with high schools in teaching fishing and hunting skills. I am seriously worried about the lack of the young on the lake and in the woods. Those areas are starting to look like bowling alley nothing but grey hairs in the woods and on the lake fishing. Most the young on my boats have their nose buried in their phones. I went down to Deer creek this year first day of deer season like I use to do when I was young to have breakfast at Frosties to talk to all the local deer hunters and have some comrades. The fucking place was empty except for me and the guy I was hunting with and another pair that was grouse hunting. When I was young there would have been 50 to 100 of them in there. Really fucking depressing.
Awesome...well there we have it ladies and gentlemen, we found a group that is winning under Biden.
Apparently all 17 hunting / fishing guides in Podunk, OH are killing it despite the 20% (and climbing) rise in fuel costs.
Ya, gas spike has more to do with Texas production being off line due to weather than Biden. You asked I answered. Many other people will benefit from Biden like those who fix sewers,roads and bridges. Alot more than 17 fishing guides out there. All the hotels, restaurants, bars, boat sales, boat repair and any servicing of great lakes tourism benefit. Billions upon billions of dollars in tourism benefit. Get lazy fucks off the couch and exercising the health benefits bring health care costs down and raise productivity amongst workers across the board. The benefits go on and on that is before calculating in the health benefits of having clean fucking water to drink. To bad you are to fucking stupid to see how things are connected and how benefits multiply. Broke fucking loser is an apt name for your stupid fucking ass. How many conservatives on here benefit from hunting and fishing? How many conservatives benefit from the strengthening of the second amendment by having more hunters and fisherman. Your a dumb fuck.

PS how many states, towns and cities border the Great lakes dumb fuck? I am still looking into what he is doing for sea fishing. How many state, cities and small towns on the sea? I venture to say a shit load more than coal mining towns. Again you are a dumbfuck.

No kidding, so you're saying the gas and oil "experts" knew over a month ago there would be a deep freeze in Texas? Dang, those guys are bright.
I’m still struggling to find the group of American’s whom are winning under this administration....Who are you and which of his policies have you winning?

(he makes me feel good inside isn’t really a qualifier)
I am winning big Biden has restored great lakes protections with a stress on combating the Asian carp infestation, mitigation of algae blooms, infrastructure funding for sewage systems, in close proximity to the great lakes, increased funding for fish hatcheries, prevention of heavy metals entering the water ways. Considering the lions share of my income comes from fishing the great lakes I am winning big. Now if he would fund dredging to remove heavy metals already put at the bottom of our lakes and fund studies to return the perch bite in the western basin life would be good in the future. The new issue facing the area not as well known is mitigation of Gobi infestation. Some money towards creating more tourism across the great lakes would also be nice. I would love to see some partnerships with high schools in teaching fishing and hunting skills. I am seriously worried about the lack of the young on the lake and in the woods. Those areas are starting to look like bowling alley nothing but grey hairs in the woods and on the lake fishing. Most the young on my boats have their nose buried in their phones. I went down to Deer creek this year first day of deer season like I use to do when I was young to have breakfast at Frosties to talk to all the local deer hunters and have some comrades. The fucking place was empty except for me and the guy I was hunting with and another pair that was grouse hunting. When I was young there would have been 50 to 100 of them in there. Really fucking depressing.
Awesome...well there we have it ladies and gentlemen, we found a group that is winning under Biden.
Apparently all 17 hunting / fishing guides in Podunk, OH are killing it despite the 20% (and climbing) rise in fuel costs.
Ya, gas spike has more to do with Texas production being off line due to weather than Biden. You asked I answered. Many other people will benefit from Biden like those who fix sewers,roads and bridges. Alot more than 17 fishing guides out there. All the hotels, restaurants, bars, boat sales, boat repair and any servicing of great lakes tourism benefit. Billions upon billions of dollars in tourism benefit. Get lazy fucks off the couch and exercising the health benefits bring health care costs down and raise productivity amongst workers across the board. The benefits go on and on that is before calculating in the health benefits of having clean fucking water to drink. To bad you are to fucking stupid to see how things are connected and how benefits multiply. Broke fucking loser is an apt name for your stupid fucking ass. How many conservatives on here benefit from hunting and fishing? How many conservatives benefit from the strengthening of the second amendment by having more hunters and fisherman. Your a dumb fuck.

Easy bud...I’m happy for you and the other 16 guides winning alongside ALL of Mexico’s trash while the vast majority of Americans get fucked. Good for you.
Your math skills are woeful dumb fuck try 34 million people will benefit financially and that is just the ones that live on the lakes dumb fuck. That is direct benefit those benefits flow long past the coast.
https://www.michiganseagrant.org/to...n people in,32 percent of Canada's population..

Your a dumb fuck. I bet even JGalt one of the craziest conservatives on here will agree with me on protecting the great lakes. Ask the conservatives on here if they are interested in increasing hunting and fishing.

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