Zone1 WHUUUUUT??!$!#! corrupt mr Zelensky wants to take back crimea?


That means each side gives a little and each side gains a little

What will Russia give and what will they gain?
What will Ukraine give and what will they gain?

Give it a try
Russia will offer nothing because it has no reason to . It will probably take the other four regions it wants and presently there is nothing to prevent that . It will allow Kyiv some nominal independence and even to former Galicia . But with America becoming less and less effective Russia will keep full control for some time . And rid the country ofUS Nazi influences and US bio labs .
I’m sure you’ll feel warm and fuzzy blaming an immoral aggressor, while the corrupt, immoral retaliation could lead to millions of deaths and escalate world tensions. Good for you, you’re so awesome. I hope others in higher positions aren’t so simple minded. Sometimes you have to eat L’s in life, and trying to get people back in the name of bland fairness can cause horrible unnecessary things Or better yet, since you and your Democrat brethren so supported and celebrated Ukraine, why don’t you leave this first world paradise and sign up for the Ukraine front lines.. you could sure show Putin yourself
The basic fact of life is this: Putin and his -istas will not get there way with Ukraine.
Mr. Fiscus won't discuss, just pontificate.
Huh? I’m asking what you mean by your vague claims… there’s nothing pompous about what I’m saying. You on the other hand…”Putin is doomed to failure”… without explanations of why. That’s literally pontificating
Huh? I’m asking what you mean by your vague claims… there’s nothing pompous about what I’m saying. You on the other hand…”Putin is doomed to failure”… without explanations of why. That’s literally pontificating
Mr. Pompous cannot explain why "Putin is not doomed to failure."
Mr. Pompous cannot explain why "Putin is not doomed to failure."
You have to define failure in the scenario, and explain why he’s “doomed”. You’re just making things up, and now are just childishly flinging accurate descriptions of what you’re doing back at someone else.
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I can but I will let you watch and learn.
Okay, so why did you even post if you had no intention of discussing anything? Lol

Seems like a waste of time, and being pretty oblivious to the point of having debates.. either that or you don’t know much of what you’re talking about and are just running after making a vague claim
Negotiations.. in the name of saving lives. (Hopefully once Biden is out of office) Putin laughs at Biden, and we know Biden cowers in the fetal position when challenged by foreign powers

1. Is vengeance in the name of first world fairness that causes tons of lives lost worth it?

2. Do you think Putin will lay down if Crimea is retaken?

What do you think should happen? A full frontal assault? A US backed war threatening a NATO Ukraine which Putin has said would ensure nuclear war? Are these people pawns to you? Don’t let the Democrat politically-designed hatred of Putin cause a desire for horrible geopolitical war consequences
This is the classic argument for appeasement. An aggressor invades a neighbor, kills a bunch of people, and takes a bunch of land, and the response is "Okay, stop killing people and you can keep that land if you promise really hard not to invade any more." In what world would that work?

All that does is broadcast to the aggressor and the world that invasion works. If you want a piece of land and all of the people and resources on it, just move in. It gives incentive to committing maximum damage and to grabbing as much land as you can because it will make future 'negotiations' go that much more smoothly. I don't think you really need me to provide any historical evidence of this happening, but I can. Anyone can.
This is the classic argument for appeasement. An aggressor invades a neighbor, kills a bunch of people, and takes a bunch of land, and the response is "Okay, stop killing people and you can keep that land if you promise really hard not to invade any more." In what world would that work?

All that does is broadcast to the aggressor and the world that invasion works. If you want a piece of land and all of the people and resources on it, just move in. It gives incentive to committing maximum damage and to grabbing as much land as you can because it will make future 'negotiations' go that much more smoothly. I don't think you really need me to provide any historical evidence of this happening, but I can. Anyone can.
An easy answer? Aggression is not one size fits all. Of course there are ratios to action.

You have to consider the specific consequences of “righting the wrong” if you want to truly value human life.

In other words, this isn’t Germany rushing into Poland. Way different circumstances. Think deeper. In poker, you don’t go all in based on what’s fair.. you hedge your risk reward based on the specific scenario

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