Zone1 WHUUUUUT??!$!#! corrupt mr Zelensky wants to take back crimea?

here we see the ultimate territorial greed by NATO and the EU displayed in "brave mr Zelensky's publicly stated goals".
a sea (the Black Sea) with connection at Turkey to the Medditeranean Sea and thus The Atlantic,
control of which is vital to the defense of Russia itself,
was taken from Russia via the principles of media manipulation, political manipulations and voting results manipulations in Ukraine (by The West, in the 2000s and 2010s probably, but before that as well).

and now that Russia finally stepped in and liberated the Russian native speakers in that region, who clearly indicated in several referendums that they wanted to be a part of Russia,
as well as that naval base, and while Zelensky is losing his war to regain control over his old border territories,
i do suspect the US Democrats to be supporting mr Zelensky for another round of war, that has no doubt proven very profitable for the insiders at the top, and more and more rounds (years!) of war.
juuuuust great. NOT!
So, you lika the pootin.
So you think the Ukrainians should have left the Russian stooge in power when he didn't represent the wishes of the majority of the Ukrainian population.
not necessarily.
but what i *am* saying is that Zelensky and his gang of profiteers should have been a lot more reasonable in the Minsk agreement negotiations.
Russia agreed to the Minsk negotiations.
Amid rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine in early 2022, Russia officially recognised the DPR and LPR on 21 February 2022.[9] Following that decision, on 22 February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that the Minsk agreements "no longer existed", and that Ukraine, not Russia, was to blame for their collapse.[10] Russia then invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022.[11]
And why not ?Contrast with poor Americans who have someone as a President who is corrupt, a pervert and literally very badly mentally unbalanced .DearUncle P speaks good English , is teetotal , does not smoke and is very health conscious . What is there that we should dislike? And he is winning the war very easily .
Learn English boi

Maybe then we can discuss.
not necessarily.
but what i *am* saying is that Zelensky and his gang of profiteers should have been a lot more reasonable in the Minsk agreement negotiations.
So you think Ukraine should have let Russia get away with invading and conquering part of its territory? Is that your definition of being "reasonable"? Allowing armed robbery to stand? If I pistol whip you and steal all your money, would you not call the police to get your money back?
So you think Ukraine should have let Russia get away with invading and conquering part of its territory? Is that your definition of being "reasonable"? Allowing armed robbery to stand? If I pistol whip you and steal all your money, would you not call the police to get your money back?
due to the Russian native speakers in Eastern Ukraine, this can not be dismissed with a robbery comparison.
due to the Russian native speakers in Eastern Ukraine, this can not be dismissed with a robbery comparison.
There are millions of native Spanish speakers in California, should Mexico be allowed to invade and annex California? It's exactly comparable. Regardless of what native language they speak, citizens of Ukraine are Ukrainian, NOT RUSSIAN.
There are millions of native Spanish speakers in California, should Mexico be allowed to invade and annex California? It's exactly comparable. Regardless of what native language they speak, citizens of Ukraine are Ukrainian, NOT RUSSIAN.
you're comparing apples to oranges.
the Spanish native speakers in California came to the US for better living conditions than they'd get in Mexico.
they're happy to integrate.

the native Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea have voiced their opinion in Russian-organized referendums : they want to join the Russian Federation or Russia.
those referendum results were subsequently dismissed as irrelevant by NATO and the EU!

and eh, what you're suggesting here is nothing short of oppression, did you know that?
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Or better yet, since you and your Democrat brethren so supported and celebrated Ukraine, why don’t you leave this first world paradise and sign up for the Ukraine front lines.. you could sure show Putin yourself

Maybe they will, just as soon as all you GOP shills leave the commie U.S. and go live in libertarian Somalia or Wall Street's BFF Red China. All that social Darwinism you fat fools spout can then be an example for the rest of the world of your vast productivity and superiority n stuff. My guess is you won't, you're too well subsidized by the govt. here.
Russia annexed Crimea in a war. Crimea was another nation. If it work so well then what is stopping them from doing it again to any neighboring country.

Victor the previous president of Ukraine went to live in Russia

Russian claims the land because ethnic Russians lives there

Based on that logic the British should be coming soon.
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