Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

You are the one that is complaining about the choice this family made, not me.

Not quite.

I've been saying they should have the choice to either end the baby's suffering or abort the fetus.

YOU have been doing the usual tired whine about wanting take basic rights away from women.

But, to be clear, I could not stand to starve a baby to death. I just could not do that.

Further, it is sickening to me that some of you seem to think that's just a damn dandy thing to do. There is no end to what rw's are willing to do. And, its sick.

And they chose to keep the child alive, yet you are in here whinging about the child suffering, even though it didn't.

I don't really mind that your posts are mostly lies because that's what you do. You're not able to do anything else.

But, since you consider this CHILD an "IT", you really don't have any right to criticize anyone.

And, how many times has that spelling been corrected?

When are you going start spelling it correctly?

Or, perhaps you could just explain how one "whings".
If they refuse to treat the animal, and they are found it, its animal cruelty.

No it isn't. Animal cruelty is mistreating an animal, or forcing a cat to be a vegan. The latter, by the way, is not illegal, even though it should be.

Refusing to take a suffering animal to a vet (say the animal has a broken leg) is animal cruelty. The animal is in pain and it is suffering.

I agree that forcing a cat to follow a vegan diet is wrong, and completely retarded, too.

Actually no it is not animal cruelty to refuse to take an animal with a broken leg to the vet unless you broke the animal's leg.
Oy. This is such a painful subject.
With that said....I would have done what was best for the child...not what was best for me...or worried what others would think of me due to my choice. I would not let an animal suffer pain any more than I would a baby. If I knew in advance my child was going to be born with a very painful and unoperable disease..it would not be born. Period. And to hell with what anyone thinks of that decision.

Going back to animals....I had a tenant when I was managing apartments, and she had a dog that HOWLED from pain. She was very old, could barely walk, only ate small bites of cat food from me when I went over to try to soothe her. Her owner couldn't/wouldn't put her down. Refused. SHE was at work. SHE didn't have to hear the howling all day. Finally I had enough. I told her if she didn't take that dog to the vet and have her put down to finally find some peace, I would do it myself and she can go fuck herself while suing me. And I meant it. She knew I meant it, and took her the next day to the vet to do it. She never spoke to me again, paid the rent via envelope, and moved a few weeks later. I was glad to see her go. Talk about a selfish bitch.
If they refuse to treat the animal, and they are found it, its animal cruelty.

No it isn't. Animal cruelty is mistreating an animal, or forcing a cat to be a vegan. The latter, by the way, is not illegal, even though it should be.

Refusing to take a suffering animal to a vet (say the animal has a broken leg) is animal cruelty. The animal is in pain and it is suffering.

I agree that forcing a cat to follow a vegan diet is wrong, and completely retarded, too.

Not if you can treat it yourself.
No it isn't. Animal cruelty is mistreating an animal, or forcing a cat to be a vegan. The latter, by the way, is not illegal, even though it should be.

Refusing to take a suffering animal to a vet (say the animal has a broken leg) is animal cruelty. The animal is in pain and it is suffering.

I agree that forcing a cat to follow a vegan diet is wrong, and completely retarded, too.

Actually no it is not animal cruelty to refuse to take an animal with a broken leg to the vet unless you broke the animal's leg.

What kind of stupid laws do you have over there?
No it isn't. Animal cruelty is mistreating an animal, or forcing a cat to be a vegan. The latter, by the way, is not illegal, even though it should be.

Refusing to take a suffering animal to a vet (say the animal has a broken leg) is animal cruelty. The animal is in pain and it is suffering.

I agree that forcing a cat to follow a vegan diet is wrong, and completely retarded, too.

Not if you can treat it yourself.

No one can treat a broken leg, you risk causing even more pain, and the bones may not fuse properly, making the animal limp.
In other words...she didn't want to be alone. She wanted that dog with her, pain or not. SELFISH. That bitch can rot for all I care. And I hope someone shows her more mercy than she did that dog.
Hogwash. I worked at a pet grooming service. Some rich bitch got a dog that was dirty, matted and had a broken leg. She wanted the dog cleaned up before taking it to the vet, so this dog was crying, held up with a chain around its neck so it could be groomed, then thrown in the closet with heat and fans to dry its fur. I didn't know about it until I heard the howls from the "drying" closet. I called the ASPCA immediately...and the sheriff. Sheriff got there first...and pulled that dog out of that cage right away, and took it to the vet. They shut the grooming place down and I flipped the whole crew off as I walked out with the sheriff. The owner was fined for animal cruelty along with the staff. One month later...the business closed.

So yes..it IS against the law not to help an animal in distress.
Going back to animals....I had a tenant when I was managing apartments, and she had a dog that HOWLED from pain. She was very old, could barely walk, only ate small bites of cat food from me when I went over to try to soothe her. Her owner couldn't/wouldn't put her down. Refused. SHE was at work. SHE didn't have to hear the howling all day. Finally I had enough. I told her if she didn't take that dog to the vet and have her put down to finally find some peace, I would do it myself and she can go fuck herself while suing me. And I meant it. She knew I meant it, and took her the next day to the vet to do it. She never spoke to me again, paid the rent via envelope, and moved a few weeks later. I was glad to see her go. Talk about a selfish bitch.

My neighbors had an old dog named Sally, who was chained up all day and night. Never got any exercise at all. Sally developed a massive tumor on her lower belly, around her nipples. It grew to the size of a half watermelon, and she had to walk with her paws spread because it wobbled and irritated her. She had to sleep on her side because she couldn't even sit down, the tumor was in the way.

Her owners didn't take her to a vet, couldn't be bothered. They reckoned she wasn't in pain, but sometimes a dog won't whimper when they are hurting. Sally had been ignored for so many years she probably didn't think there was any point to whining.

Eventually, my neighbor, a farmer, took her out the back paddock and shot her in the head. He missed the first time, and had to take a second shot at her. Then he threw her body into the back of his car and drove out to a disuse mine shaft and tossed her in. That was it. The family pet of more than ten years, neglected, and shot in the head because he was too selfish to take her to a vet.
Hogwash. I worked at a pet grooming service. Some rich bitch got a dog that was dirty, matted and had a broken leg. She wanted the dog cleaned up before taking it to the vet, so this dog was crying, held up with a chain around its neck so it could be groomed, then thrown in the closet with heat and fans to dry its fur. I didn't know about it until I heard the howls from the "drying" closet. I called the ASPCA immediately...and the sheriff. Sheriff got there first...and pulled that dog out of that cage right away, and took it to the vet. They shut the grooming place down and I flipped the whole crew off as I walked out with the sheriff. The owner was fined for animal cruelty along with the staff. One month later...the business closed.

So yes..it IS against the law not to help an animal in distress.

Good for you, Gracie. I stopped working at the RSPCA because I hated the way the animals were treated there.
I am done with this thread. It is just too fucking depressing. And I don't like being depressed.

Sorry, Noomi.
Not quite.

I've been saying they should have the choice to either end the baby's suffering or abort the fetus.

YOU have been doing the usual tired whine about wanting take basic rights away from women.

But, to be clear, I could not stand to starve a baby to death. I just could not do that.

Further, it is sickening to me that some of you seem to think that's just a damn dandy thing to do. There is no end to what rw's are willing to do. And, its sick.

And they chose to keep the child alive, yet you are in here whinging about the child suffering, even though it didn't.

I don't really mind that your posts are mostly lies because that's what you do. You're not able to do anything else.

But, since you consider this CHILD an "IT", you really don't have any right to criticize anyone.

And, how many times has that spelling been corrected?

When are you going start spelling it correctly?

Or, perhaps you could just explain how one "whings".

I do not consider the child anything but a child. It is a third person, singular, oblique pronoun.

The word is whinge.

Where do I send the bill for the English lesson?
But before I go....

Solomon Makes a Difficult Decision

16 One day two women[a] came to King Solomon, 17 and one of them said:

Your Majesty, this woman and I live in the same house. Not long ago my baby was born at home, 18 and three days later her baby was born. Nobody else was there with us.

19 One night while we were all asleep, she rolled over on her baby, and he died. 20 Then while I was still asleep, she got up and took my son out of my bed. She put him in her bed, then she put her dead baby next to me.

21 In the morning when I got up to feed my son, I saw that he was dead. But when I looked at him in the light, I knew he wasn’t my son.

22 “No!” the other woman shouted. “He was your son. My baby is alive!”

“The dead baby is yours,” the first woman yelled. “Mine is alive!”

They argued back and forth in front of Solomon, 23 until finally he said, “Both of you say this live baby is yours. 24 Someone bring me a sword.”

A sword was brought, and Solomon ordered, 25 “Cut the baby in half! That way each of you can have part of him.”

26 “Please don’t kill my son,” the baby’s mother screamed. “Your Majesty, I love him very much, but give him to her. Just don’t kill him.”

The other woman shouted, “Go ahead and cut him in half. Then neither of us will have the baby.”

27 Solomon said, “Don’t kill the baby.” Then he pointed to the first woman, “She is his real mother. Give the baby to her.”

28 Everyone in Israel was amazed when they heard how Solomon had made his decision. They realized that God had given him wisdom to judge fairly.

Decent people with mercy SHOW mercy without thinking about THEMSELVES. This is one such story.

Refusing to take a suffering animal to a vet (say the animal has a broken leg) is animal cruelty. The animal is in pain and it is suffering.

I agree that forcing a cat to follow a vegan diet is wrong, and completely retarded, too.

Not if you can treat it yourself.

No one can treat a broken leg, you risk causing even more pain, and the bones may not fuse properly, making the animal limp.

Vets treat broken legs all the time.
What don't understand is why so many find death so terrible. For me, it just is. I see nothing wrong with hastening death for a suffering person or thing. Just as long as its what they want.
Hogwash. I worked at a pet grooming service. Some rich bitch got a dog that was dirty, matted and had a broken leg. She wanted the dog cleaned up before taking it to the vet, so this dog was crying, held up with a chain around its neck so it could be groomed, then thrown in the closet with heat and fans to dry its fur. I didn't know about it until I heard the howls from the "drying" closet. I called the ASPCA immediately...and the sheriff. Sheriff got there first...and pulled that dog out of that cage right away, and took it to the vet. They shut the grooming place down and I flipped the whole crew off as I walked out with the sheriff. The owner was fined for animal cruelty along with the staff. One month later...the business closed.

So yes..it IS against the law not to help an animal in distress.

That is different than treating a dog yourself.

By the way, I am willing to bet the rich bitch didn't get charged with anything.

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