Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

He isn't being forced to be in pain. He was born with a condition that causes pain. It's nobody's fault. And when things like this happen, it still is not our job to say "that kid is suffering too much, KILL it!" Because everybody has different ideas of how much is too much.

The fact is, life can be quite painful. People all around us are dying slow painful deaths. That doesn't mean we should off them all. I don't know when people got it into their heads that every person has a *right* to live a completely pain-free life, devoid of all conflict and disappointment.

You don't have that right. The baby didn't have that right. NOBODY has that right. Life holds great joy, and great suffering. Through suffering, we learn, and one of the things we learn is that we should APPRECIATE life, and APPRECIATE the value of the most inconsequential things....and to APPRECIATE the capacity humans have to bear pain and adversity, to flower despite it, and to OVERCOME.

Starvation is by no means the worst death there is. I would prefer a long death via starvation to a quick death via dope. No you wouldn't. And to say its okay to starve a baby to death because you stupidly think you would rather go through that agony - gawd, you just get sicker and crazier every day. Call me crazy.Yes you are. You really really are. But that's my choice.

And nobody has the right to make it for me. Just as nobody has the right to make the choice for another human.Wrong. Parents make decisions for their children and adult children make decisions for incapacitated parents. Spouses make decisions for each other. In point of fact, these parents made the decision to starve their baby to death. Regardless of how incapacitated they are.

As for the dosage of morphine given to the starving baby - if enough were given to actually mask the horrendous pain of starvation, the baby would stop breathing.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Starvation is Not Painful, Experts Say - Health News - redOrbit

Thanks for this.

Why did they give morphine then?

I still could not starve my baby to death. No, I can't say what I would do instead but i do know I could not stand that.

In researching, I read this. Very touching.

Christina Symanski, 24, starved herself to death after she was paralysed so boyfriend could move on | Mail Online
Children who are fat suffer, their parents should be able to kill them.

Children with cleft plates suffer, their parents should be able to kill them.

Children who are gay suffer, their parents should be able to kill them.

See how stupid it sounds?

Why are the children fat? Its not the kids fault, but the parents.
Kids are born with cleft palates but that can be fixed with surgery. Its not suffering.
Kids who are gay suffer because of ignorance and bigotry.

Its hardly the same thing.
The baby wouldn't have felt any pain when he starved to death because of the pain relief he had. Just like Terri Schivio didn't suffer in pain when she died. But starvation is still a pretty horrible way to leave this earth.
He isn't being forced to be in pain. He was born with a condition that causes pain. It's nobody's fault. And when things like this happen, it still is not our job to say "that kid is suffering too much, KILL it!" Because everybody has different ideas of how much is too much.

The fact is, life can be quite painful. People all around us are dying slow painful deaths. That doesn't mean we should off them all. I don't know when people got it into their heads that every person has a *right* to live a completely pain-free life, devoid of all conflict and disappointment.

You don't have that right. The baby didn't have that right. NOBODY has that right. Life holds great joy, and great suffering. Through suffering, we learn, and one of the things we learn is that we should APPRECIATE life, and APPRECIATE the value of the most inconsequential things....and to APPRECIATE the capacity humans have to bear pain and adversity, to flower despite it, and to OVERCOME.

Starvation is by no means the worst death there is. I would prefer a long death via starvation to a quick death via dope. No you wouldn't. And to say its okay to starve a baby to death because you stupidly think you would rather go through that agony - gawd, you just get sicker and crazier every day. Call me crazy.Yes you are. You really really are. But that's my choice.

And nobody has the right to make it for me. Just as nobody has the right to make the choice for another human.Wrong. Parents make decisions for their children and adult children make decisions for incapacitated parents. Spouses make decisions for each other. In point of fact, these parents made the decision to starve their baby to death. Regardless of how incapacitated they are.

As for the dosage of morphine given to the starving baby - if enough were given to actually mask the horrendous pain of starvation, the baby would stop breathing.

These are medical professionals administering the morphine you fool. Not Marquis de Sade wannabes.

How about you educate your self on the side effects of morphine on the lungs of a 13 day old infant.

Or don't.
Children don't have that authority or ability.

Nobody has the right to end the life of an innocent. For any reason.

Why are we allowed to let people live in pain until they die, but if we allowed that to happen to an animal, we'd be hauled before a judge?

I love animals, but why don't we, as people - who can make our own decisions - have the right to decide when we live and when we die?
The baby wouldn't have felt any pain when he starved to death because of the pain relief he had. Just like Terri Schivio didn't suffer in pain when she died. But starvation is still a pretty horrible way to leave this earth.

Bullshit. Schivo died of starvation and dehydration. A hot shot of morphine would.have been kind.
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The baby wouldn't have felt any pain when he starved to death because of the pain relief he had. Just like Terri Schivio didn't suffer in pain when she died. But starvation is still a pretty horrible way to leave this earth.

Bullshit. Schivo died of starvation and dehydration. A hot shot of morphine would.have been kind.

She died the same way Jailan did - but her brain was mush, and prevented her from being aware of anything going on around her. That is the difference.
I could not agree more. Your choices are none of my business. Just as other women's choices are

none of your fucking business.

You are the one that is complaining about the choice this family made, not me.

Not quite.

I've been saying they should have the choice to either end the baby's suffering or abort the fetus.

YOU have been doing the usual tired whine about wanting take basic rights away from women.

But, to be clear, I could not stand to starve a baby to death. I just could not do that.

Further, it is sickening to me that some of you seem to think that's just a damn dandy thing to do. There is no end to what rw's are willing to do. And, its sick.

And they chose to keep the child alive, yet you are in here whinging about the child suffering, even though it didn't.
As for the dosage of morphine given to the starving baby - if enough were given to actually mask the horrendous pain of starvation, the baby would stop breathing.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Starvation is Not Painful, Experts Say - Health News - redOrbit

Thanks for this.

Why did they give morphine then?

I still could not starve my baby to death. No, I can't say what I would do instead but i do know I could not stand that.

In researching, I read this. Very touching.

Christina Symanski, 24, starved herself to death after she was paralysed so boyfriend could move on | Mail Online

Because the boy had a necrotic bowel? I am not sure, but that sounds painful to me.
Children who are fat suffer, their parents should be able to kill them.

Children with cleft plates suffer, their parents should be able to kill them.

Children who are gay suffer, their parents should be able to kill them.

See how stupid it sounds?

Why are the children fat? Its not the kids fault, but the parents.
Kids are born with cleft palates but that can be fixed with surgery. Its not suffering.
Kids who are gay suffer because of ignorance and bigotry.

Its hardly the same thing.

It is just as stupid.
The baby wouldn't have felt any pain when he starved to death because of the pain relief he had. Just like Terri Schivio didn't suffer in pain when she died. But starvation is still a pretty horrible way to leave this earth.

It really isn't that bad, you should read the article I posted.
Children don't have that authority or ability.

Nobody has the right to end the life of an innocent. For any reason.

Why are we allowed to let people live in pain until they die, but if we allowed that to happen to an animal, we'd be hauled before a judge?

I love animals, but why don't we, as people - who can make our own decisions - have the right to decide when we live and when we die?

No one has ever been hauled before a judge for not killing their pet.
The baby wouldn't have felt any pain when he starved to death because of the pain relief he had. Just like Terri Schivio didn't suffer in pain when she died. But starvation is still a pretty horrible way to leave this earth.

It really isn't that bad, you should read the article I posted.

I never said it was bad, just that it would be a horrible way to go.
Children don't have that authority or ability.

Nobody has the right to end the life of an innocent. For any reason.

Why are we allowed to let people live in pain until they die, but if we allowed that to happen to an animal, we'd be hauled before a judge?

I love animals, but why don't we, as people - who can make our own decisions - have the right to decide when we live and when we die?

No one has ever been hauled before a judge for not killing their pet.

If they refuse to treat the animal, and they are found it, its animal cruelty.
The baby wouldn't have felt any pain when he starved to death because of the pain relief he had. Just like Terri Schivio didn't suffer in pain when she died. But starvation is still a pretty horrible way to leave this earth.

Bullshit. Schivo died of starvation and dehydration. A hot shot of morphine would.have been kind.

She died the same way Jailan did - but her brain was mush, and prevented her from being aware of anything going on around her. That is the difference.

Sorry, but you are wrong, but feel free to tell your self what you need to benok with it. But the facts are, she died of being starved of nutrients due to removel of her feeding tube.its a fact.
Why are we allowed to let people live in pain until they die, but if we allowed that to happen to an animal, we'd be hauled before a judge?

I love animals, but why don't we, as people - who can make our own decisions - have the right to decide when we live and when we die?

No one has ever been hauled before a judge for not killing their pet.

If they refuse to treat the animal, and they are found it, its animal cruelty.

No it isn't. Animal cruelty is mistreating an animal, or forcing a cat to be a vegan. The latter, by the way, is not illegal, even though it should be.
Bullshit. Schivo died of starvation and dehydration. A hot shot of morphine would.have been kind.

She died the same way Jailan did - but her brain was mush, and prevented her from being aware of anything going on around her. That is the difference.

Sorry, but you are wrong, but feel free to tell your self what you need to benok with it. But the facts are, she died of being starved of nutrients due to removel of her feeding tube.its a fact.

I never said she didn't die of starvation, I just said she didn't feel any pain from it.
No one has ever been hauled before a judge for not killing their pet.

If they refuse to treat the animal, and they are found it, its animal cruelty.

No it isn't. Animal cruelty is mistreating an animal, or forcing a cat to be a vegan. The latter, by the way, is not illegal, even though it should be.

Refusing to take a suffering animal to a vet (say the animal has a broken leg) is animal cruelty. The animal is in pain and it is suffering.

I agree that forcing a cat to follow a vegan diet is wrong, and completely retarded, too.
She died the same way Jailan did - but her brain was mush, and prevented her from being aware of anything going on around her. That is the difference.

Sorry, but you are wrong, but feel free to tell your self what you need to benok with it. But the facts are, she died of being starved of nutrients due to removel of her feeding tube.its a fact.

I never said she didn't die of starvation, I just said she didn't feel any pain from it.

You mean she did not feel any pain after she was dead ? On what do you base this opinion ? See, even her doctors say diffrent. A morphine hot shot would have been they way to go. No one deserves to die of starvation.

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