Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

What was your point, then?
"Suffering" is all in the eye of the beholder.

Once you decide a person can be killed because another deems them to be "suffering" there will be no end.

Obviously, you've never starved to death and have no clue the agony that baby suffered.

More to the point, you just don't care.

Neither does katzen who apparently believes all aborted fetuses and children purposely starved to death would have been brilliant.

I am positive you never starved to death either.
Seems to me there was no choice. The child would have died, regardless of the parent's choice. Would they have chosen to abort the child if they had known his condition? Hindsight is always 20-20. You say abortion is legal in Australia, is euthanasia?

Abortion is legal in my country, yes, and while the majority (around 75%) of people support voluntary euthanasia, the government refuses to allow it.

Government sanctioned death is always wrong. If parents want to kill their child because they honestly believe that it is the best thing, they should be willing to pay the face the music and argue they did the right thing in front of a jury.

Well, they would be subject to the law. Murder is against the law. In this case, how is it right that this kid with no chance of survival should be forced to be in pain ? If it were me (thank you, thank you God) it never was, and God willing never will be, but had it been, I would gladly face the music and go head and end it. Its what I expect to be done for me if I am suffering on my way out, and I have made it quite clear to my family that those are my wishes, and it they go ignored, I will do it my self and be quite messy about it.
So, you're also in favor of starving this baby to death.

This whole thread is just more proof that you pro-lifers hate children.

So then, how would an abortion have helped anyone in the quoted article ? As it was, it sounds like they maxed the kids morphine dose. What does abortion have to do with any of it at all ?

The parents should have the option of saving their beloved baby from the horrible death of starvation.

No, "they" did not "max out" the morphine dose. If they had, the suffering baby would have quietly gone to sleep and not awakened.

Hey, asshole, they did have the choice. They chose to have the baby.

In other words, you, and Noomi, want to take the choice away from them.
Another question the nutters always run away from ...

How come it was okay for the Santorums to abort their baby?

You all just adored them during the Clown Car Cavalcade. And, you worshiped him when he put a dead baby in a bag and took it home.

Just more hypocrisy from the usual suspects.

In my opinion, it wasn't. Unfortunately, for you, you are the one that says he wants the government to leave people alone regarding abortion, yet get all sanctimonious when people choose to have their kids.
Abortion is legal in my country, yes, and while the majority (around 75%) of people support voluntary euthanasia, the government refuses to allow it.

Government sanctioned death is always wrong. If parents want to kill their child because they honestly believe that it is the best thing, they should be willing to pay the face the music and argue they did the right thing in front of a jury.

Well, they would be subject to the law. Murder is against the law. In this case, how is it right that this kid with no chance of survival should be forced to be in pain ? If it were me (thank you, thank you God) it never was, and God willing never will be, but had it been, I would gladly face the music and go head and end it. Its what I expect to be done for me if I am suffering on my way out, and I have made it quite clear to my family that those are my wishes, and it they go ignored, I will do it my self and be quite messy about it.

Personal choice is one thing, governments killing people is another. I oppose all state sanctioned death, even the death penalty.
Abortion is legal in my country, yes, and while the majority (around 75%) of people support voluntary euthanasia, the government refuses to allow it.

Government sanctioned death is always wrong. If parents want to kill their child because they honestly believe that it is the best thing, they should be willing to pay the face the music and argue they did the right thing in front of a jury.

Well, they would be subject to the law. Murder is against the law. In this case, how is it right that this kid with no chance of survival should be forced to be in pain ? If it were me (thank you, thank you God) it never was, and God willing never will be, but had it been, I would gladly face the music and go head and end it. Its what I expect to be done for me if I am suffering on my way out, and I have made it quite clear to my family that those are my wishes, and it they go ignored, I will do it my self and be quite messy about it.

He isn't being forced to be in pain. He was born with a condition that causes pain. It's nobody's fault. And when things like this happen, it still is not our job to say "that kid is suffering too much, KILL it!" Because everybody has different ideas of how much is too much.

The fact is, life can be quite painful. People all around us are dying slow painful deaths. That doesn't mean we should off them all. I don't know when people got it into their heads that every person has a *right* to live a completely pain-free life, devoid of all conflict and disappointment.

You don't have that right. The baby didn't have that right. NOBODY has that right. Life holds great joy, and great suffering. Through suffering, we learn, and one of the things we learn is that we should APPRECIATE life, and APPRECIATE the value of the most inconsequential things....and to APPRECIATE the capacity humans have to bear pain and adversity, to flower despite it, and to OVERCOME.

Starvation is by no means the worst death there is. I would prefer a long death via starvation to a quick death via dope. Call me crazy. But that's my choice.

And nobody has the right to make it for me. Just as nobody has the right to make the choice for another human. Regardless of how incapacitated they are.
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Government sanctioned death is always wrong. If parents want to kill their child because they honestly believe that it is the best thing, they should be willing to pay the face the music and argue they did the right thing in front of a jury.

Well, they would be subject to the law. Murder is against the law. In this case, how is it right that this kid with no chance of survival should be forced to be in pain ? If it were me (thank you, thank you God) it never was, and God willing never will be, but had it been, I would gladly face the music and go head and end it. Its what I expect to be done for me if I am suffering on my way out, and I have made it quite clear to my family that those are my wishes, and it they go ignored, I will do it my self and be quite messy about it.

Personal choice is one thing, governments killing people is another. I oppose all state sanctioned death, even the death penalty.

Me to. Murder as punishment for murder don't sound like a good idea to me either. And let's face it, it ain't helping. And no, there should be no requirement to kill the terminally I'll. But it should be legal for family to make this decision with their Dr.'s.
Government sanctioned death is always wrong. If parents want to kill their child because they honestly believe that it is the best thing, they should be willing to pay the face the music and argue they did the right thing in front of a jury.

Well, they would be subject to the law. Murder is against the law. In this case, how is it right that this kid with no chance of survival should be forced to be in pain ? If it were me (thank you, thank you God) it never was, and God willing never will be, but had it been, I would gladly face the music and go head and end it. Its what I expect to be done for me if I am suffering on my way out, and I have made it quite clear to my family that those are my wishes, and it they go ignored, I will do it my self and be quite messy about it.

He isn't being forced to be in pain. He was born with a condition that causes pain. It's nobody's fault. And when things like this happen, it still is not our job to say "that kid is suffering too much, KILL it!" Because everybody has different ideas of how much is too much.

The fact is, life can be quite painful. People all around us are dying slow painful deaths. That doesn't mean we should off them all. I don't know when people got it into their heads that every person has a *right* to live a completely pain-free life, devoid of all conflict and disappointment.

You don't have that right. The baby didn't have that right. NOBODY has that right. Life holds great joy, and great suffering. Through suffering, we learn, and one of the things we learn is that we should APPRECIATE life, and APPRECIATE the value of the most inconsequential things....and to APPRECIATE the capacity humans have to bear pain and adversity, to flower despite it, and to OVERCOME.

Starvation is by no means the worst death there is. I think I would a long death via starvation to a quick death via dope. Call me crazy. But that's my choice.

And nobody has the right to make it for me. Just as nobody has the right to make the choice for another human. Regardless of how incapacitated they are.

This is why one needss to make their wishes known.
Children don't have that authority or ability.

Nobody has the right to end the life of an innocent. For any reason.
I so don't get the mindset of a group of people who expect us to write "Please don't kill me if I am unable to tell you not to" to keep from being killed.
Progressives are in love with killing defenseless innocent people.

So, you're also in favor of starving this baby to death.

This whole thread is just more proof that you pro-lifers hate children.

I am in favor of it being none of your fucking business.

I could not agree more. Your choices are none of my business. Just as other women's choices are

none of your fucking business.
Government sanctioned death is always wrong. If parents want to kill their child because they honestly believe that it is the best thing, they should be willing to pay the face the music and argue they did the right thing in front of a jury.

Well, they would be subject to the law. Murder is against the law. In this case, how is it right that this kid with no chance of survival should be forced to be in pain ? If it were me (thank you, thank you God) it never was, and God willing never will be, but had it been, I would gladly face the music and go head and end it. Its what I expect to be done for me if I am suffering on my way out, and I have made it quite clear to my family that those are my wishes, and it they go ignored, I will do it my self and be quite messy about it.

He isn't being forced to be in pain. He was born with a condition that causes pain. It's nobody's fault. And when things like this happen, it still is not our job to say "that kid is suffering too much, KILL it!" Because everybody has different ideas of how much is too much.

The fact is, life can be quite painful. People all around us are dying slow painful deaths. That doesn't mean we should off them all. I don't know when people got it into their heads that every person has a *right* to live a completely pain-free life, devoid of all conflict and disappointment.

You don't have that right. The baby didn't have that right. NOBODY has that right. Life holds great joy, and great suffering. Through suffering, we learn, and one of the things we learn is that we should APPRECIATE life, and APPRECIATE the value of the most inconsequential things....and to APPRECIATE the capacity humans have to bear pain and adversity, to flower despite it, and to OVERCOME.

Starvation is by no means the worst death there is. I would prefer a long death via starvation to a quick death via dope. No you wouldn't. And to say its okay to starve a baby to death because you stupidly think you would rather go through that agony - gawd, you just get sicker and crazier every day. Call me crazy.Yes you are. You really really are. But that's my choice.

And nobody has the right to make it for me. Just as nobody has the right to make the choice for another human.Wrong. Parents make decisions for their children and adult children make decisions for incapacitated parents. Spouses make decisions for each other. In point of fact, these parents made the decision to starve their baby to death. Regardless of how incapacitated they are.

As for the dosage of morphine given to the starving baby - if enough were given to actually mask the horrendous pain of starvation, the baby would stop breathing.
So, you're also in favor of starving this baby to death.

This whole thread is just more proof that you pro-lifers hate children.

I am in favor of it being none of your fucking business.

I could not agree more. Your choices are none of my business. Just as other women's choices are

none of your fucking business.

You are the one that is complaining about the choice this family made, not me.
Well, they would be subject to the law. Murder is against the law. In this case, how is it right that this kid with no chance of survival should be forced to be in pain ? If it were me (thank you, thank you God) it never was, and God willing never will be, but had it been, I would gladly face the music and go head and end it. Its what I expect to be done for me if I am suffering on my way out, and I have made it quite clear to my family that those are my wishes, and it they go ignored, I will do it my self and be quite messy about it.

He isn't being forced to be in pain. He was born with a condition that causes pain. It's nobody's fault. And when things like this happen, it still is not our job to say "that kid is suffering too much, KILL it!" Because everybody has different ideas of how much is too much.

The fact is, life can be quite painful. People all around us are dying slow painful deaths. That doesn't mean we should off them all. I don't know when people got it into their heads that every person has a *right* to live a completely pain-free life, devoid of all conflict and disappointment.

You don't have that right. The baby didn't have that right. NOBODY has that right. Life holds great joy, and great suffering. Through suffering, we learn, and one of the things we learn is that we should APPRECIATE life, and APPRECIATE the value of the most inconsequential things....and to APPRECIATE the capacity humans have to bear pain and adversity, to flower despite it, and to OVERCOME.

Starvation is by no means the worst death there is. I would prefer a long death via starvation to a quick death via dope. No you wouldn't. And to say its okay to starve a baby to death because you stupidly think you would rather go through that agony - gawd, you just get sicker and crazier every day. Call me crazy.Yes you are. You really really are. But that's my choice.

And nobody has the right to make it for me. Just as nobody has the right to make the choice for another human.Wrong. Parents make decisions for their children and adult children make decisions for incapacitated parents. Spouses make decisions for each other. In point of fact, these parents made the decision to starve their baby to death. Regardless of how incapacitated they are.

As for the dosage of morphine given to the starving baby - if enough were given to actually mask the horrendous pain of starvation, the baby would stop breathing.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Starvation is Not Painful, Experts Say - Health News - redOrbit
Well, they would be subject to the law. Murder is against the law. In this case, how is it right that this kid with no chance of survival should be forced to be in pain ? If it were me (thank you, thank you God) it never was, and God willing never will be, but had it been, I would gladly face the music and go head and end it. Its what I expect to be done for me if I am suffering on my way out, and I have made it quite clear to my family that those are my wishes, and it they go ignored, I will do it my self and be quite messy about it.

He isn't being forced to be in pain. He was born with a condition that causes pain. It's nobody's fault. And when things like this happen, it still is not our job to say "that kid is suffering too much, KILL it!" Because everybody has different ideas of how much is too much.

The fact is, life can be quite painful. People all around us are dying slow painful deaths. That doesn't mean we should off them all. I don't know when people got it into their heads that every person has a *right* to live a completely pain-free life, devoid of all conflict and disappointment.

You don't have that right. The baby didn't have that right. NOBODY has that right. Life holds great joy, and great suffering. Through suffering, we learn, and one of the things we learn is that we should APPRECIATE life, and APPRECIATE the value of the most inconsequential things....and to APPRECIATE the capacity humans have to bear pain and adversity, to flower despite it, and to OVERCOME.

Starvation is by no means the worst death there is. I would prefer a long death via starvation to a quick death via dope. No you wouldn't. And to say its okay to starve a baby to death because you stupidly think you would rather go through that agony - gawd, you just get sicker and crazier every day. Call me crazy.Yes you are. You really really are. But that's my choice.

And nobody has the right to make it for me. Just as nobody has the right to make the choice for another human.Wrong. Parents make decisions for their children and adult children make decisions for incapacitated parents. Spouses make decisions for each other. In point of fact, these parents made the decision to starve their baby to death. Regardless of how incapacitated they are.

As for the dosage of morphine given to the starving baby - if enough were given to actually mask the horrendous pain of starvation, the baby would stop breathing.

These are medical professionals administering the morphine you fool. Not Marquis de Sade wannabes.

And the family have treasured memories of their whole time with Jailan.

From the story.

“During the time he spent with us he was surrounded by absolute love. We made sure he had more than just days in the hospital and he got to experience the fresh, cool air that descended upon the evenings, the warmth and brightness of the sun at the family picnic he was taken to, walks in the pram, a drive in the car that rhythmically rocked him to sleep, and the clear black night sky filled with brightly shining stars that looked down on him.

He was not in pain. The medical personnel made sure of it. And he was dearly loved for the few short days of his life.


Jailan's story: a life too short | Parent Exchange
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I am in favor of it being none of your fucking business.

I could not agree more. Your choices are none of my business. Just as other women's choices are

none of your fucking business.

You are the one that is complaining about the choice this family made, not me.

Not quite.

I've been saying they should have the choice to either end the baby's suffering or abort the fetus.

YOU have been doing the usual tired whine about wanting take basic rights away from women.

But, to be clear, I could not stand to starve a baby to death. I just could not do that.

Further, it is sickening to me that some of you seem to think that's just a damn dandy thing to do. There is no end to what rw's are willing to do. And, its sick.

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