Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

no kidding, but don't talk about fur and animals:eusa_shhh:
she'll have a cow
my gawd what happened to our society?

Good question.

My bet is that you would put down a suffering puppy or kitten but you demand that this baby suffer.

You so-called "pro-lifers" are anything but.

Right. They should stick a probe in its brain and scrambel them then chuck its carcus in the trash with the rest of the medical waist right ?

Yeah, bout that.

Do you have any idea how seldom that actually happens, and why it happens when it does? No. You don't. Now kindly stop showing your ass. It needs a shower, and you're stenching up the place.

We already have Pixie for that.
Good question.

My bet is that you would put down a suffering puppy or kitten but you demand that this baby suffer.

You so-called "pro-lifers" are anything but.

Right. They should stick a probe in its brain and scrambel them then chuck its carcus in the trash with the rest of the medical waist right ?

Yeah, bout that.

Do you have any idea how seldom that actually happens, and why it happens when it does? No. You don't. Now kindly stop showing your ass. It needs a shower, and you're stenching up the place.

We already have Pixie for that.

Stop pretending to being such a nice person, because you and I both know that you are a fake
Good question.

My bet is that you would put down a suffering puppy or kitten but you demand that this baby suffer.

You so-called "pro-lifers" are anything but.

Right. They should stick a probe in its brain and scrambel them then chuck its carcus in the trash with the rest of the medical waist right ?

Yeah, bout that.

Do you have any idea how seldom that actually happens, and why it happens when it does? No. You don't. Now kindly stop showing your ass. It needs a shower, and you're stenching up the place.

We already have Pixie for that.

Even without thhe probe, its not a kind process. In the end something with a beating heart, a heart sergons deems worthy of doing surgery on gets killed . Call it medical waste as JoeB and his gal new me do, but inthe end its killing. At least be adult enough to present the process as they are done and defend that.
Progressives are in love with killing defenseless innocent people.

So, you're also in favor of starving this baby to death.

This whole thread is just more proof that you pro-lifers hate children.

So then, how would an abortion have helped anyone in the quoted article ? As it was, it sounds like they maxed the kids morphine dose. What does abortion have to do with any of it at all ?
Dear God, :eusa_pray:

Noomi still trying to justify abortion :lame2:

no kidding, but don't talk about fur and animals:eusa_shhh:
she'll have a cow
my gawd what happened to our society?

Good question.

My bet is that you would put down a suffering puppy or kitten but you demand that this baby suffer.

You so-called "pro-lifers" are anything but.

so does that mean we should take out all the homeless and ill? why not wipe out everyone on welfare? you keep telling us how terrible their lives are
Progressives are in love with killing defenseless innocent people.

So, you're also in favor of starving this baby to death.

This whole thread is just more proof that you pro-lifers hate children.

So then, how would an abortion have helped anyone in the quoted article ? As it was, it sounds like they maxed the kids morphine dose. What does abortion have to do with any of it at all ?

The parents should have the option of saving their beloved baby from the horrible death of starvation.

No, "they" did not "max out" the morphine dose. If they had, the suffering baby would have quietly gone to sleep and not awakened.
no kidding, but don't talk about fur and animals:eusa_shhh:
she'll have a cow
my gawd what happened to our society?

Good question.

My bet is that you would put down a suffering puppy or kitten but you demand that this baby suffer.

You so-called "pro-lifers" are anything but.

My bet is you are a hateful nut case
damn sick and twisted human being

So typical of you to hide behind name calling.

Why don't you just answer the question?

Several others have implied that they have no objection with starving a baby to death. They are as chicken shit as you are about it.
no kidding, but don't talk about fur and animals:eusa_shhh:
she'll have a cow
my gawd what happened to our society?

Good question.

My bet is that you would put down a suffering puppy or kitten but you demand that this baby suffer.

You so-called "pro-lifers" are anything but.

so does that mean we should take out all the homeless and ill? why not wipe out everyone on welfare? you keep telling us how terrible their lives are

Another coward, trying desperately to change the subject. Did you read the title of the thread? Go ahead and keep changing the subject but I'm staying on topic. If you wish to discuss your question, start a thread.

Yes, I do believe that adults should have to option of ending their own lives. YOU should have that option because its YOUR body, YOUR life.

If YOU want to end your life, you should have the option of going to a doctor and asking for help to to just that.
Another question the nutters always run away from ...

How come it was okay for the Santorums to abort their baby?

You all just adored them during the Clown Car Cavalcade. And, you worshiped him when he put a dead baby in a bag and took it home.

Just more hypocrisy from the usual suspects.
So, you're also in favor of starving this baby to death.

This whole thread is just more proof that you pro-lifers hate children.

So then, how would an abortion have helped anyone in the quoted article ? As it was, it sounds like they maxed the kids morphine dose. What does abortion have to do with any of it at all ?

The parents should have the option of saving their beloved baby from the horrible death of starvation.

No, "they" did not "max out" the morphine dose. If they had, the suffering baby would have quietly gone to sleep and not awakened.

Ok, so then abortionnhas mo bering on this child at all, so we are talking about a mercy killing then. If that's the case I am all for it. As for mega doseing morphene, I bet they did. They made my Father inlaw (quite comfortable) after his stroke. He wanted that, and I supported hin 1000%. I support it for me, and any other adult who feels they have a right to leave on their own terms with their dignity intact. As for the rest, don't see how an abortoin has any bering with this childs story sad as it is.
Don't want to become pregnant with unwanted babies?
Simple solution...don't have sex.

There's a new style chastity belt out.
Saw a young woman in the mall wearing one, ...pretty coloured carbon fibre type...on the outside of her jeans/pants. ;)

If the padlock must be undone, with the wearer choosing to play the baby lottery game, then a whole range of precautions must be taken, including the 'morning after' pill.

The first thing that should happen is that 'abortion as contraception' should be abolished.
I read the whole article. Very touching.

The OP wishes for euthanasia. The sister who told Jailan's story was torn over this situation as well anyone would be.

But the family including the sister loved every minute they had with precious little Jailan and were grateful for this time.

So the OP would prefer abortion and euthanasia. Not these souls. Let's keep this very clear.

Here is the heart of the story:

“During the time he spent with us he was surrounded by absolute love.

We made sure he had more than just days in the hospital and he got to experience the fresh, cool air that descended upon the evenings, the warmth and brightness of the sun at the family picnic he was taken to, walks in the pram, a drive in the car that rhythmically rocked him to sleep, and the clear black night sky filled with brightly shining stars that looked down on him.

“My sister and her partner got to have some beautiful memories of their son. People we had never meet were even offering their services to the family.

A kind photographer offered a free shoot with Jailan when she heard the sad news, and we’re so grateful for the photos she took, which captured Jailan just as he was: perfect.

“Jailan was so strong and fought all the way. After 13 days of no food and 11 days of no fluid he passed away with all of us by his side. Words will never describe the love we all feel for Jailan, and we miss him every minute of every day.

He was in our lives for such a short time but made a huge impact and we feel blessed to have had him in our lives.”


http://parenting.kidspot.com.au/jai...&utm_campaign=obclick =obnetwork#.UnBi8FNQgek
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So, you're also in favor of starving this baby to death.

This whole thread is just more proof that you pro-lifers hate children.

So then, how would an abortion have helped anyone in the quoted article ? As it was, it sounds like they maxed the kids morphine dose. What does abortion have to do with any of it at all ?

The parents should have the option of saving their beloved baby from the horrible death of starvation.

No, "they" did not "max out" the morphine dose. If they had, the suffering baby would have quietly gone to sleep and not awakened.

Jailan didn't suffer. The medical staff are professionals who care deeply about making sure that this baby and all babies don't suffer.

From the article:

She told us that when it comes to easing the pain of a very young baby the medical staff are experienced at ensuring the child doesn’t suffer needlessly.

“We look at the signs that a baby will show – crying, discomfort, irritability – and you go from there.

We believe all children should be pain-free and we can manage that very well to ensure pain is alleviated.

Jailan's story: a life too short | Parent Exchange
So then, how would an abortion have helped anyone in the quoted article ? As it was, it sounds like they maxed the kids morphine dose. What does abortion have to do with any of it at all ?

The parents should have the option of saving their beloved baby from the horrible death of starvation.

No, "they" did not "max out" the morphine dose. If they had, the suffering baby would have quietly gone to sleep and not awakened.

Jailan didn't suffer. The medical staff are professionals who care deeply about making sure that this baby and all babies don't suffer.

From the article:

She told us that when it comes to easing the pain of a very young baby the medical staff are experienced at ensuring the child doesn’t suffer needlessly.

“We look at the signs that a baby will show – crying, discomfort, irritability – and you go from there.

We believe all children should be pain-free and we can manage that very well to ensure pain is alleviated.

Jailan's story: a life too short | Parent Exchange

The thread title is "why abortion euthenasia shoul be legal" . I understand the euthenasia part. I even agree with it. What fail to see is how abortion has anythig to do with it at all, even though the OP seems to thinkit would.
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Seems to me there was no choice. The child would have died, regardless of the parent's choice. Would they have chosen to abort the child if they had known his condition? Hindsight is always 20-20. You say abortion is legal in Australia, is euthanasia?

Abortion is legal in my country, yes, and while the majority (around 75%) of people support voluntary euthanasia, the government refuses to allow it.

Government sanctioned death is always wrong. If parents want to kill their child because they honestly believe that it is the best thing, they should be willing to pay the face the music and argue they did the right thing in front of a jury.
PS..never, in the history of mankind, has death been a reasonable method of eliminating suffering.

I had a litter of three kittens I was fostering. They looked good, fat and fluffy but one morning, I found one dead. Later that day, another one dead. Then the third became lethargic and I realized he was constipated. Nothing I did helped so I took him to the vet the next day. Radiograph showed his rectum had no opening out of the body. Of course, we put him down.

How about you so-called "pro-lifers" move this thread to "Pets" and make it about a puppy or kitten that the owner gave pain killers to and then sat around waiting for the animal to finally die?

How many of you would be in favor that?

Who would even consider doing to a dog or cat what we do every day to people?

People Who Call Themselves "Pro-Life" Are Lying, Here Are 10 More Accurate Descriptions -

If we did you would try to argue that the fucking government should force people to kill defective pets. My problem is not with mercy killing, it is with the idea that it should be legal to kill a human being just because a bunch of idiots think it is easier than the alternative.

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