Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

Euthanasia has a way of maneuvering around mercy and ending up with expediency. People accept it because they are told it's a way of giving mercy to the suffering. Meanwhile, what it really does is murder the inconvenient. It becomes a method of early retirement, without the necessity of visiting and doctor visits.
This story is a few months old, but its incredibly sad. A little boy born with a defective small intestine. He had surgery, but doctors discovered that his entire small bowel had died, and as a result, he couldn't eat or drink, and there was nothing that could be done for him.
He was given high doses of morphine as he starved to death - after 13 days of life:

“On the 20th of April 2013 my sister went into labour three weeks early and my baby nephew was born at 1:30am on my daughter’s birthday.

“One week earlier my sister began having a few contractions so she went to the hospital. When a scan was performed the doctors noticed that the baby’s small intestine appeared to be blocked, so my sister was transferred to John Hunter Hospital. The surgeon said baby Jailan had bowel atresia and that when he was 12 hours old he would be sent to theatre to cut out the blockage and reattach the intestines. The doctor was confident, and assured us that he had performed this surgery numerous times with high success rates.

“We were upset that bub had to have surgery, but reassured that it was a relatively easy and fairly common operation.

Jailan's story: a life too short | Parent Exchange

If the condition had been discovered during the pregnancy, surely it would be kinder to abort Jailan than to give birth to him and watch him starve and die?
And surely it would be kinder for parents to have the option to euthanase their sick children, so they do not have to suffer like this?

Jailan may not have felt pain, given the morphine he was on, but his parents, and relatives had to stand by and watch him grow smaller and weaker, until finally, he died of starvation and dehydration.

I do not understand how some people consider this is a better death than a termination in the womb.

The morphine would certainly dulled the pain somewhat but hat poor baby was literally tortured to death.

I'm surprised that some compassionate doctor didn't hurry the process along.

I once read that Freud's doctor, "Max" killed Freud when the pain of his cancer became unbearable. I knew a woman who died of breast cancer and even at the end, her doctor didn't want her to become addicted to narcotics.
Most doctors don't care if a patient who is terminal becomes addicted. Usually it's the patient that doesn't want to become an addict.

Of course we have to accept that killing a patient by starvation and dehydration is the most common form of murder in hospices across the country. It's how Terri Schiavo was murdered.

A woman I know just had a baby. The placentia died leaving the infant starving in the womb. The baby was taken ten days early. The doctors told her to just let the infant die. He had no chance. He is now a VERY healthy, alert five month old. For being premature, he's a big bigger than most five month olds.
What if they are born deaf and blind, or with no limbs, or addicted to drugs, or mentally handicap, where will it end?

If I was born blind, deaf, and couldn't walk or communicate in any way, I would want to die. Why live when you are not aware of your own existence?

Read Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo.

The situation is different, for sure, but its a very powerful book.
If doctors and "voters" got to decide.

In 1963, Hawking contracted motor neurone disease and was given two years to live. Yet he went on to Cambridge to become a brilliant researcher and Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. From 1979 to 2009 he held the post of Lucasian Professor at Cambridge, the chair held by Isaac Newton in 1663. Professor Hawking has over a dozen honorary degrees and was awarded the CBE in 1982. He is a fellow of the Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Science. Stephen Hawking is regarded as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists since Einstein.

He can't walk, can't speak, can't eat on his own. When he was given only two years to live, and that with a deteriorating body, should he have been euthanized and saved all that money?

Should people with cerebral palsy be put to death? It's expensive.

Ask Christy Brown if he should have died.
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I had a litter of three kittens I was fostering. They looked good, fat and fluffy but one morning, I found one dead. Later that day, another one dead. Then the third became lethargic and I realized he was constipated. Nothing I did helped so I took him to the vet the next day. Radiograph showed his rectum had no opening out of the body. Of course, we put him down.

How about you so-called "pro-lifers" move this thread to "Pets" and make it about a puppy or kitten that the owner gave pain killers to and then sat around waiting for the animal to finally die?

How many of you would be in favor that?

Who would even consider doing to a dog or cat what we do every day to people?

People Who Call Themselves "Pro-Life" Are Lying, Here Are 10 More Accurate Descriptions -
You don't get the point

What was your point, then?
"Suffering" is all in the eye of the beholder.

Once you decide a person can be killed because another deems them to be "suffering" there will be no end.

Obviously, you've never starved to death and have no clue the agony that baby suffered.

More to the point, you just don't care.

Neither does katzen who apparently believes all aborted fetuses and children purposely starved to death would have been brilliant.
This story is a few months old, but its incredibly sad. A little boy born with a defective small intestine. He had surgery, but doctors discovered that his entire small bowel had died, and as a result, he couldn't eat or drink, and there was nothing that could be done for him.
He was given high doses of morphine as he starved to death - after 13 days of life:

“On the 20th of April 2013 my sister went into labour three weeks early and my baby nephew was born at 1:30am on my daughter’s birthday.

“One week earlier my sister began having a few contractions so she went to the hospital. When a scan was performed the doctors noticed that the baby’s small intestine appeared to be blocked, so my sister was transferred to John Hunter Hospital. The surgeon said baby Jailan had bowel atresia and that when he was 12 hours old he would be sent to theatre to cut out the blockage and reattach the intestines. The doctor was confident, and assured us that he had performed this surgery numerous times with high success rates.

“We were upset that bub had to have surgery, but reassured that it was a relatively easy and fairly common operation.

Jailan's story: a life too short | Parent Exchange

If the condition had been discovered during the pregnancy, surely it would be kinder to abort Jailan than to give birth to him and watch him starve and die?
And surely it would be kinder for parents to have the option to euthanase their sick children, so they do not have to suffer like this?

Jailan may not have felt pain, given the morphine he was on, but his parents, and relatives had to stand by and watch him grow smaller and weaker, until finally, he died of starvation and dehydration.

I do not understand how some people consider this is a better death than a termination in the womb.

Um, which was the abortion ? Both are cases for killing the patients not abortions. In cas you don't know, free abortions are 100% avalible in most states in this country. So then what's your point ? If the parents could have found out about this when the child was in the womb they are covered. As for adults, if I'm ever in a condition everyone knows what they are supposed to do, and that if they don't, I will. Either way, its really a non isseue.

Baby Mira doing well after rare in-utero heart surgery procedure led by Holland native


Carrier II | The Grand Rapids PressIn the glow of light from an echocardiogram monitor, 6-week-old Mira Larrison sleeps while she is hooked up to an EKG machine to check the progress on her young heart at University of Michigan's Mott Children's Hospital.
Story summary: Doctors at the University of Michigan's Mott Children's hospital performed surgery on a fetus with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) while the baby was still in her mother's womb. The successful operation, the first in Michigan, was done by a pediatric cardiologist from Holland.

Something was wrong with Mira Larrison's heart.

Before she was born, an ultrasound showed the left side was undeveloped, a congenital defect known as hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Further tests showed she also had a rare genetic defect called Turner syndrome, putting her at greater risk.

But of more immediate concern was a third defect: the lack of a hole between the left and right sides of her heart. Without it, pressure was building in the undeveloped left ventricle, and blood was backing up in her lungs.
So, maybe one can make up their mind to have or not have an abortion in the first week or two, and maybe Dr.'s could work on saveing the " medical waist" as you and your boy friend JoeB are fond of calling them.
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You are right, they should have just killed the mother when she got pregnant.

Please be serious. That was a gorgeous little boy who had to die in such a dreadful way. I really want to know why some people would prefer that he starved to death as opposed to having his life ended before his suffering began?

Wanna talk about dieing in a dreadfull fashion ? If it were me and my option were morphene OD and what's depicted in the vedio, I'll take the drugs pleas.


For to long to many here only argure the talking points for reps, but none will champion the procedure.
Dear God, :eusa_pray:

Noomi still trying to justify abortion :lame2:

no kidding, but don't talk about fur and animals:eusa_shhh:
she'll have a cow
my gawd what happened to our society?

Good question.

My bet is that you would put down a suffering puppy or kitten but you demand that this baby suffer.

You so-called "pro-lifers" are anything but.

Right. They should stick a probe in its brain and scrambel them then chuck its carcus in the trash with the rest of the medical waist right ?
You are right, they should have just killed the mother when she got pregnant.

Please be serious. That was a gorgeous little boy who had to die in such a dreadful way. I really want to know why some people would prefer that he starved to death as opposed to having his life ended before his suffering began?

Wanna talk about dieing in a dreadfull fashion ? If it were me and my option were morphene OD and what's depicted in the vedio, I'll take the drugs pleas.


For to long to many here only argure the talking points for reps, but none will champion the procedure.

They do not want the facts. Millions of lives have been sacrificed on the altar of convenience

Our nation sanctions the shedding of innocent blood. And yet will spend millions of dollars on the defense of a brutal murderer, all in the guise of justice. He/she has rights that doe v bolton took from these millions of babies.
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We have laws against torturing animals and laws forcing the torture of babies.

And the nutters are good with that.
Please be serious. That was a gorgeous little boy who had to die in such a dreadful way. I really want to know why some people would prefer that he starved to death as opposed to having his life ended before his suffering began?

Wanna talk about dieing in a dreadfull fashion ? If it were me and my option were morphene OD and what's depicted in the vedio, I'll take the drugs pleas.


For to long to many here only argure the talking points for reps, but none will champion the procedure.

They do not want the facts. Millions of lives have been sacrificed on the altar of convenience

Our nation sanctions the shedding of innocent blood. And yet will spend millions of dollars on the defense of a brutal murderer, all in the guise of justice. He/she has rights that doe v bolton took from these millions of babies.

If they spent as much time educating on the procedure as they did on how to use a diaphram I doubt abortion would be so populer. May ap Saundra Fluke could adress that.

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