Why all the fuss about transgenders?

Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
You compete in the sport that God gave you the plumbing for.

If an Adult wants to get into a dress and ladies' clothes, hang out with the "boys" and pretend he's a broad, that's his own affair. "Christine" Jorgensen was a WWII vet who decided to have his penis cut off and flirt with Dave Susskind and Joe Pyne on PBS back in the day. That's fine, really. Mr. Jorgenson was a grown man,an adult , who fought for America, and if he wants to pursue a life as a cross dressing She-Male, he certainly had that right.

Ditto , BTW, for Bruce Jenner and "Doc" Levine, the former PA health secretary.

But these are CHILDREN that the libs are proposing for "Transition", not people who have enough experience to make their own decision.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
You compete in the sport that God gave you the plumbing for.
> You compete in the sport that God gave you the plumbing for.

The thing is, plumbing can be swapped out at will. What really matters is DNA, not even testosterone levels....

Being born a male gifts one with larger muscles, larger lungs, larger heart, larger volume of blood, etc. (probably smaller brain, LOL). These effects last after hormone therapy, and are an unfair competitive advantage that is a PC-way of cheating in women's sports that is much more significant than doping.
Which mental disorder are we going to cater to next? The ridiculous demands being made are simply unrealistic in relation to the costs and moral decline necessary to accommodate them. Nor is there any accountability even suggested despite the fact that abusers would likely outnumber the actual number of trannies.
It all started with homosexuals coming out of the closet. You remember. The left told us, "How does this affect your life"

Now we see.

What one generation TOLERATES, the next will EMBRACE
I cannot fathom the degree of ignorance and delusion that it must take to assume (even if one doesn't consider the possibility of unrelated, unintended side effects) that no permanent harm would be caused by any procedure which, at the most critical point in the grown and development of a human being in the transition from childhood to adulthood, intentionally impairs that development.

Someone who reaches the age of, say, 18 or 20 years, and has not yet gone through puberty—how can that not have serious, adverse, irreversible consequences?

No one is doing anything to children that irreversable [sic].

Dear @TheProgressivePatriot @jknowgood
The risk of lasting damage goes both ways.
Like abortion, the longer you wait if you are going to proceed anyway, the worse the risks of damages. But if the decision is made too soon and later regretted, it's permanent.

If Liberals are open to abortion and transition decisions for minors, then counseling should be unrestricted and not censored or punished.

Too many risks involved so the decisions cannot be manipulated by incomplete or wrongful information.

Yes @TheProgressivePatriot
The hormone treatments can cause lasting effects and harm if the decision is regretted later and the impulses were a passing phase not the permanent identity.

We cannot be in the business of "experimenting on kids" who don't have fully informed consent while research is still ongoing. We are taking risks either way, so it is better to go through full counseling and research to make sure there is no irreversal [sic] damage that could have been prevented. It is always possible for people to counsel first, and be fully at peace with themselves, before making any decision to alter their natural bodies.

Otherwise, if people especially minors do not fully consent to the whole process, the risks and consequences, this can become abusive "experimentation" or worse, abusing others to push political agenda and statements due to bias against opposing groups that have nothing to do with the person's true identity or nature. We do not need to risk or experiment with children's lives, health and well being, like a custody fight between two competing parties. The best interests of children should be protected, not political positions favoring one side or the other.
But these are CHILDREN that the libs are proposing for "Transition", not people who have enough experience to make their own decision.

It is noticeable, if you're paid attention to him, that the loudest voice defending this madness has a long-established history on this forum of being obsessed with involving children in his bizarre sexual fetishes. It's against the rules of this forum to come out and explicitly say what this tells us about him, but I think it's quite obvious, and I think we all know.
It all started with homosexuals coming out of the closet. You remember. The left told us, "How does this affect your life"

Now we see.

What one generation TOLERATES, the next will EMBRACE

I can remember when the cry of these sick freaks was “Don't force your morality on us!” It was all about “consenting adults”, and their right to pursue whatever sick nadir of sexual degeneracy they wanted, in peace and privacy.

Long ago, they stopped limiting their demands to the consenting, and even to adults, and now they impose their immorality on everyone else, even those of us who do not consent, and even on children.
Back in the day, if a little kid said "I am a girl", his mum would say, "no, sonny, you are a boy".

And that would be that.

Modern , woke, parents would take the little boy, even at a very young age, to a quack who would pump the kid full of women's hormones and scheduled for Dickectomy.

Considering all the stupid shit kids say, why is that a good idea?
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
Because people are giving children the drugs to start transgendering. Instead of waiting till their 18 to decide.
Thank you for that brilliant research paper on the proper use of hormone blockers in teens with gender dysophoria. You are clearly a wor;d class expert and must have advanced degrees from top universitieds in the fields of biology, pediatrics, and human sexuality. Please tell us more
You don't need to be an expert to know you shouldn't let a child make an adult decision. I hope when these kids grow up and change their mind, and realized they screwed up. I hope they sue the democrat party out of existence. You cannot reverse what you loons are doing to children. Let them be kids, they can make that decision when they turn 18.
Your ignorance of the topic is written all over you. No one is doing anything to children that irreversable.
You're so full of shit, children are getting hormone drugs.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
You compete in the sport that God gave you the plumbing for.
It's not about sports, sport
Yes and no
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
You compete in the sport that God gave you the plumbing for.
It's not about sports, sport
Yes and No TheProgressivePatriot
Even with or without the added conflicts
over Transgender policy itself, this issue DOES affect Sports. Because genetically born female students and athletes may not be equally able to compete in some sports
without equal access to scholarships based on performance.

If we are going to keep a fair playing field,
the rules for judging sports, or for designating weight and other categories,
would have to change.

Why not create a unisex division for sports where competition is optional to choose?

If this creates added costs to ensure people compete fairly, there you have more proof that Sports are affected.

For safety sake, certain sports such as wrestling, boxing, MMA would require matching contestants to equal body weight, mass, etc.

And the sports that give advantage to people born physically male, who had higher testosterone levels developing bone and muscles and other structural advantages, would have to be classed so it is fair to people born female without the same testosterone levels and development.

This would be similar to not allowing athletes using steroids or other growth hormone enhancements to compete against others not using these.

Maybe we need an all natural category separate from an enhanced and unisex category that anyone can compete it. And agree on rules for inclusion or for handicapping people with certain advantages, democratically according to what contestants agree is fair for each event given the people competing.

At the very least the people competing should agree to the rules and regulations of their sports events.
That is just ignorant!! That is exactly the attitude that leads to suicide among trans teens . People like you have blood on your hands

No. Lying to them and letting them believe they are misfits is what causes them harm.

View attachment 470501
Your ignorance is astounding
You have managed to call everyone else in this thread "ignorant", and yet you have brought nothing but that.

Why don't you try to argue on the merits of your science denying position? Oh wait...............I think I know why all you can do is call everyone else ignorant.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
Because people are giving children the drugs to start transgendering. Instead of waiting till their 18 to decide.
Thank you for that brilliant research paper on the proper use of hormone blockers in teens with gender dysophoria. You are clearly a wor;d class expert and must have advanced degrees from top universitieds in the fields of biology, pediatrics, and human sexuality. Please tell us more
You don't need to be an expert to know you shouldn't let a child make an adult decision. I hope when these kids grow up and change their mind, and realized they screwed up. I hope they sue the democrat party out of existence. You cannot reverse what you loons are doing to children. Let them be kids, they can make that decision when they turn 18.
Your ignorance of the topic is written all over you. No one is doing anything to children that irreversable.
Dear TheProgressivePatriot jknowgood
The risk of lasting damage goes both ways.
Like abortion, the longer you wait if you are going to proceed anyway, the worse the risks of damages. But if the decision is made too soon and later regretted, it's permanent.

If Liberals are open to abortion and transition decisions for minors, then counseling should be unrestricted and not censored or punished.

Too many risks involved so the decisions cannot be manipulated by incomplete or wrongful information.

Yes TheProgressivePatriot
The hormone treatments can cause lasting effects and harm if the decision is regretted later and the impulses were a passing phase not the permanent identity.

We cannot be in the business of "experimenting on kids" who don't have fully informed consent while research is still ongoing. We are taking risks either way, so it is better to go through full counseling and research to make sure there is no irreversal damage that could have been prevented. It is always possible for people to counsel first, and be fully at peace with themselves, before making any decision to alter their natural bodies.

Otherwise, if people especially minors do not fully consent to the whole process, the risks and consequences, this can become abusive "experimentation" or worse, abusing others to push political agenda and statements due to bias against opposing groups that have nothing to do with the person's true identity or nature. We do not need to risk or experiment with children's lives, health and well being, like a custody fight between two competing parties. The best interests of children should be protected, not political positions favoring one side or the other.
View attachment 470528
Both of the clowns who authored that paper have strong anti trans bias

Paul Hruz is a pediatric endocrinologists. Hruz is associated with Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis where he is the Director, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes. Hruz is an accomplished and widely published investigator. However, none of his published research seems to have anything to do with transgender children.
Anti-trans docs weigh in on Supreme Court transgender case ...

There is another whole side to the story

Pubertal blockers for transgender and gender diverse youth - Mayo Clinic

What are the benefits of use of pubertal blockers?
Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might accompany a difference between experienced or expressed gender and sex assigned at birth.

For children who have gender dysphoria, suppressing puberty might:

  • Improve mental well-being
  • Reduce depression and anxiety
  • Improve social interactions and integration with other kids
  • Eliminate the need for future surgeries
  • Reduce thoughts or actions related to self-harm

However, puberty suppression alone might not ease gender dysphoria

What are the criteria for use of pubertal blockers?
To begin using pubertal blockers, a child must:

  • Show a long-lasting and intense pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria
  • Have gender dysphoria that began or worsened at the start of puberty
  • Address any psychological, medical or social problems that could interfere with treatment
  • Provide informed consent

Particularly when a child hasn't reached the age of medical consent, parents or other caretakers or guardians must consent to the treatment and support the adolescent through the treatment process.

Are the changes permanent?
Use of GnRH analogues doesn't cause permanent changes in an adolescent's body. Instead, it pauses puberty, providing time to determine if a child's gender identity is long lasting. It also gives children and their families time to think about or plan for the psychological, medical, developmental, social and legal issues ahead.

If an adolescent child stops taking GnRH analogues, puberty will resume.
Even with or without the added conflicts
over Transgender policy itself, this issue DOES affect Sports. Because genetically born female students and athletes may not be equally able to compete in some sports
without equal access to scholarships based on performance.
Sports is controversial but a very small part of the issue. Frankly, I do not know what the answer is to the issue of trans women in womens sports or eeven if it is a real threat to womens sports. But I do know that it has been zeroed in on by bigots to maline and condemn transwomen and that is disgusting and you have apparently been sucked into it.
That is just ignorant!! That is exactly the attitude that leads to suicide among trans teens . People like you have blood on your hands

No. Lying to them and letting them believe they are misfits is what causes them harm.

View attachment 470501
Your ignorance is astounding
You have managed to call everyone else in this thread "ignorant", and yet you have brought nothing but that.

Why don't you try to argue on the merits of your science denying position? Oh wait...............I think I know why all you can do is call everyone else ignorant.
I have. You are just to IGNORANT to understand it.
It all started with homosexuals coming out of the closet. You remember. The left told us, "How does this affect your life"

Now we see.

What one generation TOLERATES, the next will EMBRACE

I can remember when the cry of these sick freaks was “Don't force your morality on us!” It was all about “consenting adults”, and their right to pursue whatever sick nadir of sexual degeneracy they wanted, in peace and privacy.

Long ago, they stopped limiting their demands to the consenting, and even to adults, and now they impose their immorality on everyone else, even those of us who do not consent, and even on children.
Now these freaks are our JUDGES -- LITERALLY

Even with or without the added conflicts
over Transgender policy itself, this issue DOES affect Sports. Because genetically born female students and athletes may not be equally able to compete in some sports
without equal access to scholarships based on performance.
Sports is controversial but a very small part of the issue. Frankly, I do not know what the answer is to the issue of trans women in womens sports or eeven if it is a real threat to womens sports. But I do know that it has been zeroed in on by bigots to maline and condemn transwomen and that is disgusting and you have apparently been sucked into it.
No one is condemning transsexuals. The biological fact is that some are men and have an unfair advantage. The sport has Woman in front of it for a reason.
If Liberals are open to abortion and transition decisions for minors, then counseling should be unrestricted and not censored or punished.

Too many risks involved so the decisions cannot be manipulated by incomplete or wrongful information.
OK, I can agree with that if I am interpreting it correctly. But I will point out that YOU have been the purveyor of incomplete or wrongful information at time

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