Why Allow Gun Ownership?

1. Hunting

2. Target practice

3. Self defense

Case 1 does not require semi auto magazine fed. Certain cases (bear hunting or wild boar) require a handgun but large caliber revolvers serve that purpose.

2. That makes it a toy. A deadly toy

3. Certainly not a magazine fed semi auto. A shot gun is an excellent weapon for home defense.
1) Hunting.
2) Target Practice.
3) Blowing the head off of a home invader.
4) Requires a semi auto if the bad guy has a semi auto. Fighting a bad guy who has a semi auto using a single shot .22 is purely insane.
5) Standing up against a tyrannical government gone mad.
6) A gun is never a toy, although it can bring joy.
7) Magazine fed guns are awesome and every real man should have one (and every real woman too).
4) Requires a semi auto if the bad guy has a semi auto. Fighting a bad guy who has a semi auto using a single shot .22 is purely insane.
Try a 12 ga pump. They hear that rack and they're gone. Or a .357 revolver. Unless you are into some serious drug shit...firing a 12 ga or a .357...and missing...will drive off any home invader
5) Standing up against a tyrannical government gone mad.
Talking about "gone mad"...you're nuts
6) A gun is never a toy, although it can bring joy.
For people like you it IS a toy
7) Magazine fed guns are awesome and every real man should have one (and every real woman too).
Try a 12 ga pump. They hear that rack and they're gone. Or a .357 revolver. Unless you are into some serious drug shit...firing a 12 ga or a .357...and missing...will drive off any home invader

Talking about "gone mad"...you're nuts

For people like you it IS a toy

You clearly don't know a lot about guns. There's no one-size-fits-all gun for all occasions. I have lots of guns for lots of purposes. If an intruder is crazy enough to enter some stranger's home, then "racking" a shot gun may or may not ward him off. But racking my AR may have the exact same effect.

Why would I want to "miss" a home invader?
You swing toward unconstitutional bullshit. Come get them coward.
Maybe you missed it retard but no one is TRYING to take your guns.

Save your murder hardon for something else
You scum are trying, no matter how much you lie.
Tell you what.

Crawl down to your fetid basement and surround yourself with all of your toys and boxes and boxes of ammo...and wait for someone to come take them.

You'll turn to dust but at least you won't harm anyone
Fine, just have your Chicken Eggs all gathered and we will come and get them. Food is more important than guns in most of the world.
You will never come, you're a coward like all gun banners.
You want the guns, come get them coward. Show us all how tough you are. And yeah, I can share something with you.

You are going to need those guns to fend off the hungry people coming for your Eggs. Hunger is stronger than guns.

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