Why America is a failure

Why is the American Experiment a failure ?

First of all, until the late 1960s, the American Experiment has been a resounding success.
You can have Italians living with British, and them living with Germans, and have them living with Greeks, and then have them live with the Dutch.
Why ?
Because they're all enough on the same page to thrive together.

Somebody from China, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Argentina, Iraq, Iran, and Jordan, and Mozambique is NOT in the same library, much less on the same page.

The people in America today are entirely too different.

And you can bitch and moan all you want to...
Human beings cannot live like that.

We are either united as one, or we're divided and angry and violent.

And people not on the same page can never be united.

Its that simple.

Europeans are meant to live amongst Europeans.
Asians are meant to live amongst Asians.
Africans are meant to live amongst Africans.
South Americans are meant to live amongst South Americans.

And here's the deal.

Until the day that need is fulfilled, there will always be more murders in a single American city, than what there is in all of a European country.

Thank you.

Are you for real? If so, love it or leave it. This country doesn't need white racists so please get the hell out.
But we take millions more black racists

Only a disgusting white supremacist would say that. I left at your impotent rage when you see the coloration and diversity of America today. You need counseling, bubba.
Racism is racism

You don't get to just single out white racists without including black racists.

You know less than nothing about me so you can dial it down a notch, sOn
I'm surprised this many actually responded to an OP by BlueJerk...

Well, maybe not. I do it occasionally. But usually just to point out what a fool he is...
You can tell it's a failure by the thousands of Americans illegally streaming across the border into Mexico every day in search of a better lifestyle for their families and the jobs ordinary Mexicans won't do.

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