Why anti gun people are so angry.....

Gotta go....
there are probably armed guards at the school that mrobamas kids go as well as armed guards when mrobamas kids go to the beach or a concert . Bet that none of them carry Smart gun nor will they when they become widely available !!

heavily armed men and women surround obama's kids and wife...24/7.. Which is appropriate since they are high value targets.......but the female nurse coming home after the late shift at the hospital deserves to protect herself....right? With her own brand of heavily armed security....herself with a pistol...right...? if that nurse pays for obama's family to have that protection....why shouldn't the nurse have it as well?
Actually, the two Fort Hood shooters targeted the areas of Fort Hood where the soldiers were unarmed.....they weren't stopped until the Military Police showed up with guns......

Are the military police not armed guards?

They weren't at the location at the time the shooting started...Fort Hood is like a small city....lots of areas where soldiers are unarmed and unprotected by police...

For example....I went to Fort Benning, home of the infantry is a land mass of 5 counties...3 in Georgia and 2 in Alabama....or vice versa....so there are lot's of places without police protection on the Fort grounds....

That would be the case anywhere with armed guards.

And a reason to carry at work.........even in the military....

I've never had a chance to look into it. Did the military have lots of shootings which brought about the rule? Something must have triggered it.

the era,of the Reagan shooting probably started it, it was also the time of the first assault weapon ban...I think?..
Here is the chart FROM YOUR SITE:

Looks like the murder rate shot up from 1.1 to 1.2.

Time to rethink this!

Yea, 17% which even the liar John Lott doesn't dispute. Cherry picker extraordinaire

Shooting Down the Gun Lobby s Favorite Academic A Lott of Lies Armed With Reason

A Lott of lies. Whoa, clever! Tell us how the genius supports this:

Lott replied to this accusation by arguing that, even if there weren’t more households owning guns, there were still more people carrying guns in public after the passage of shall-issue laws. However, we know this assertion is factually untenable, based on surveys showing that 5-11% of US adults already carried guns for self-protection before the implementation of concealed carry laws.

....so, he believes Lott lied because he believes just as many carried weapons after permits were issued more liberally by shall issue than prior to the laws? He supports this...how? With a poll on people who admit to their previous felonies by carrying a hand gun illegally? And you bought that? I read on a bit more and it's obvious he's a cvnt trying to impose his will on a target audience by a series of condescending remarks, rather than statistical facts.

The fact is that shall issue permits have been on the increase and crime has gone down. And the author didn't understand that Lott didn't make the claim that shall issue was reponsible for all crime going down but that it flies in the face of the liberal fear mongers that claim more guns mean more crime. It doesn't.
They weren't at the location at the time the shooting started...Fort Hood is like a small city....lots of areas where soldiers are unarmed and unprotected by police...

For example....I went to Fort Benning, home of the infantry is a land mass of 5 counties...3 in Georgia and 2 in Alabama....or vice versa....so there are lot's of places without police protection on the Fort grounds....

That would be the case anywhere with armed guards.

And a reason to carry at work.........even in the military....

I've never had a chance to look into it. Did the military have lots of shootings which brought about the rule? Something must have triggered it.

I think the first Bush implemented it, and clinton reinforced it.....a mistake in both their parts......since they trust soldiers to at the age of 17 to carry military grade rifles, with 30 round magazines, full sized handguns, and fully automatic heavy machine guns and 20mm grenade launchers...and yet can't carry a pistol when they get home to protect themselves from criminals and terrorists....

I tend to think like you on that one. But I haven't researched and there had to be something that brought it about. So I can't state my opinion on that one for sure till I learn more.
Hmmm...seems like guns on post were banned as far back as the Nixon era....

Bearing ArmsFORT HOOD FALLOUT The Ban On Military Personnel Carrying Weapons On Duty Isn t New... And It Isn t Right. - Bearing Arms
Here is the chart FROM YOUR SITE:

Looks like the murder rate shot up from 1.1 to 1.2.

Time to rethink this!

Yea, 17% which even the liar John Lott doesn't dispute. Cherry picker extraordinaire

Shooting Down the Gun Lobby s Favorite Academic A Lott of Lies Armed With Reason

A Lott of lies. Whoa, clever! Tell us how the genius supports this:

Lott replied to this accusation by arguing that, even if there weren’t more households owning guns, there were still more people carrying guns in public after the passage of shall-issue laws. However, we know this assertion is factually untenable, based on surveys showing that 5-11% of US adults already carried guns for self-protection before the implementation of concealed carry laws.

....so, he believes Lott lied because he believes just as many carried weapons after permits were issued more liberally by shall issue than prior to the laws? He supports this...how? With a poll on people who admit to their previous felonies by carrying a hand gun illegally? And you bought that? I read on a bit more and it's obvious he's a cvnt trying to impose his will on a target audience by a series of condescending remarks, rather than statistical facts.

The fact is that shall issue permits have been on the increase and crime has gone down. And the author didn't understand that Lott didn't make the claim that shall issue was reponsible for all crime going down but that it flies in the face of the liberal fear mongers that claim more guns mean more crime. It doesn't.

Lott has addressed all of his critics and explained his mistakes and the fact that he is still the most respected gun researcher...as well as an economist, shows that whatever they try to say, his explanations were solid.....and they can't stand that...and they really hate him because his work, which examined crime statistics in every county in the United States was the most detailed work on the subject of gun self defense and crime rates.....

He showed that as concealed carry laws went into effect...violent crime rates dropped...

How do we know his research was accurate........right now...with more guns in private hands, our gun crime rate is going down, not up, overall crime rate is going down, not up...and as a side benefit to all the new gun owners learning about guns....our gun accident rate and our gun accident death rate are going down, not up....

And we didn't ban guns to achieve those results.....in fact...we own and carry more guns than before....

The anti-gun nuts will never forgive him for showing that....
agreed about mrobamas kids but I dislike the 'high' value placed on them by many people when compared to the nurse . Nurse is willing to protect herself and shouldn't have gov roadblocks placed in her way . --------- Different topic but you see media recognizing the elites special status on the news when the gov spokes chick ptsaki talks about hllary as if she is Special and doesn't always follow the rules but that's ok .
Well this is what I think would happen if we put a ban on the sale of new hi cap magazine like we did previously. And it would take a lot of years for it to have any real effect but would be a step in the right direction. New sales would have mags with a limited magazine. The value of the magazines that hold more would skyrocket and would eventually get hoarded up by the gun nuts. As they become less easy to get the gang bangers won't have them as they don't need them to rob someone. They use them now because they are the norm. And it seems like the majority of mass shooters just run to the store and get a gun. I doubt they will go through the effort of trying to get higher capacity magazines. And if they do well I'd rather they have to go through more effort.

3D printing will allow and criminals to get all the hi-cap magazines that they want...because there will be a profit in it. Unless we are going to outlaw springs.

And I don't think reducing the amount of rounds a gangbanger can put in his gun is going to reduce the number of bullets that he or she shoots.

3D printers are extremely expensive. And why would a gang banger bother? You can hold up a bank with a derringer.

Large capacity magazines are expensive. And so are the guns that accept them.

A Cobra derringer can be had for $130.

A 3D printer costs about the same as a good AR-15.

It does look like the pricing has come down since the last time I checked. But the law would put huge jail time on anyone caught manufacturing. So again, why would they bother when they can commit crimes with the smaller capacity magazines?

One, they would use whatever magazine they thought would get the job done, legal or illegal.....but still illegal for them any way since they are criminals.....yet innocent people will be caught and turned into felons...it has already happened and it didn't stop the mass shooting in California, or Columbine...they both used 10 round magazines....so it is a pointless law meant to entrap honest, law abiding people in simple mistakes....and turning them into felons and taking away their rights forever....

He started with a 33 round magazine and reloaded after it was exhausted. The only reason it gave people time to react is because he dropped the new magazine on the ground, an unplanned impediment. When I was carrying a service weapon, our reload times were tested. After my gun went dry, I was able to reload in just under 4 seconds. Counting on people being able to stop an assailant between reloads is a cynical ploy, and typical of the Left.
I agree.....both the obamas and that nurse should be protected....but the obamas only want that level of safety for themselves........
3D printing will allow and criminals to get all the hi-cap magazines that they want...because there will be a profit in it. Unless we are going to outlaw springs.

And I don't think reducing the amount of rounds a gangbanger can put in his gun is going to reduce the number of bullets that he or she shoots.

3D printers are extremely expensive. And why would a gang banger bother? You can hold up a bank with a derringer.

Large capacity magazines are expensive. And so are the guns that accept them.

A Cobra derringer can be had for $130.

A 3D printer costs about the same as a good AR-15.

It does look like the pricing has come down since the last time I checked. But the law would put huge jail time on anyone caught manufacturing. So again, why would they bother when they can commit crimes with the smaller capacity magazines?

One, they would use whatever magazine they thought would get the job done, legal or illegal.....but still illegal for them any way since they are criminals.....yet innocent people will be caught and turned into felons...it has already happened and it didn't stop the mass shooting in California, or Columbine...they both used 10 round magazines....so it is a pointless law meant to entrap honest, law abiding people in simple mistakes....and turning them into felons and taking away their rights forever....

He started with a 33 round magazine and reloaded after it was exhausted. The only reason it gave people time to react is because he dropped the new magazine on the ground, an unplanned impediment. When I was carrying a service weapon, our reload times were tested. After my gun went dry, I was able to reload in just under 4 seconds. Counting on people being able to stop an assailant between reloads is a cynical ploy, and typical of the Left.

Have you seen the video about how long it takes people to change magazines.....they showed a trained individual and an untrained individual and the difference was almost non existent....and then they showed using 6 revolvers and simply dropping them and pulling the next one...no difference in the amount of killing time....

thanks for the post...
Here is the chart FROM YOUR SITE:

Looks like the murder rate shot up from 1.1 to 1.2.

Time to rethink this!

Yea, 17% which even the liar John Lott doesn't dispute. Cherry picker extraordinaire

Shooting Down the Gun Lobby s Favorite Academic A Lott of Lies Armed With Reason

A Lott of lies. Whoa, clever! Tell us how the genius supports this:

Lott replied to this accusation by arguing that, even if there weren’t more households owning guns, there were still more people carrying guns in public after the passage of shall-issue laws. However, we know this assertion is factually untenable, based on surveys showing that 5-11% of US adults already carried guns for self-protection before the implementation of concealed carry laws.

....so, he believes Lott lied because he believes just as many carried weapons after permits were issued more liberally by shall issue than prior to the laws? He supports this...how? With a poll on people who admit to their previous felonies by carrying a hand gun illegally? And you bought that? I read on a bit more and it's obvious he's a cvnt trying to impose his will on a target audience by a series of condescending remarks, rather than statistical facts.

The fact is that shall issue permits have been on the increase and crime has gone down. And the author didn't understand that Lott didn't make the claim that shall issue was reponsible for all crime going down but that it flies in the face of the liberal fear mongers that claim more guns mean more crime. It doesn't.

Lott has addressed all of his critics and explained his mistakes and the fact that he is still the most respected gun researcher...as well as an economist, shows that whatever they try to say, his explanations were solid.....and they can't stand that...and they really hate him because his work, which examined crime statistics in every county in the United States was the most detailed work on the subject of gun self defense and crime rates.....

He showed that as concealed carry laws went into effect...violent crime rates dropped...

How do we know his research was accurate........right now...with more guns in private hands, our gun crime rate is going down, not up, overall crime rate is going down, not up...and as a side benefit to all the new gun owners learning about guns....our gun accident rate and our gun accident death rate are going down, not up....

And we didn't ban guns to achieve those results.....in fact...we own and carry more guns than before....

The anti-gun nuts will never forgive him for showing that....

The crime rates have been on a steady decline for a very long time now. Even when gun ownership was clearly declining. I think the gun ownership rate is still declining based on the evidence I have seen. I don't really think gun ownership rates effect crime rates. If it were the case we would have far fewer crimes than any other country or the most.
3D printing will allow and criminals to get all the hi-cap magazines that they want...because there will be a profit in it. Unless we are going to outlaw springs.

And I don't think reducing the amount of rounds a gangbanger can put in his gun is going to reduce the number of bullets that he or she shoots.

3D printers are extremely expensive. And why would a gang banger bother? You can hold up a bank with a derringer.

Large capacity magazines are expensive. And so are the guns that accept them.

A Cobra derringer can be had for $130.

A 3D printer costs about the same as a good AR-15.

It does look like the pricing has come down since the last time I checked. But the law would put huge jail time on anyone caught manufacturing. So again, why would they bother when they can commit crimes with the smaller capacity magazines?

One, they would use whatever magazine they thought would get the job done, legal or illegal.....but still illegal for them any way since they are criminals.....yet innocent people will be caught and turned into felons...it has already happened and it didn't stop the mass shooting in California, or Columbine...they both used 10 round magazines....so it is a pointless law meant to entrap honest, law abiding people in simple mistakes....and turning them into felons and taking away their rights forever....

He started with a 33 round magazine and reloaded after it was exhausted. The only reason it gave people time to react is because he dropped the new magazine on the ground, an unplanned impediment. When I was carrying a service weapon, our reload times were tested. After my gun went dry, I was able to reload in just under 4 seconds. Counting on people being able to stop an assailant between reloads is a cynical ploy, and typical of the Left.

The more times you have to reload the more opportunities to drop a magazine. That is the point. 4 seconds is plenty of time for a person to run around a corner or through a door.
3D printers are extremely expensive. And why would a gang banger bother? You can hold up a bank with a derringer.

Large capacity magazines are expensive. And so are the guns that accept them.

A Cobra derringer can be had for $130.

A 3D printer costs about the same as a good AR-15.

It does look like the pricing has come down since the last time I checked. But the law would put huge jail time on anyone caught manufacturing. So again, why would they bother when they can commit crimes with the smaller capacity magazines?

One, they would use whatever magazine they thought would get the job done, legal or illegal.....but still illegal for them any way since they are criminals.....yet innocent people will be caught and turned into felons...it has already happened and it didn't stop the mass shooting in California, or Columbine...they both used 10 round magazines....so it is a pointless law meant to entrap honest, law abiding people in simple mistakes....and turning them into felons and taking away their rights forever....

He started with a 33 round magazine and reloaded after it was exhausted. The only reason it gave people time to react is because he dropped the new magazine on the ground, an unplanned impediment. When I was carrying a service weapon, our reload times were tested. After my gun went dry, I was able to reload in just under 4 seconds. Counting on people being able to stop an assailant between reloads is a cynical ploy, and typical of the Left.

Have you seen the video about how long it takes people to change magazines.....they showed a trained individual and an untrained individual and the difference was almost non existent....and then they showed using 6 revolvers and simply dropping them and pulling the next one...no difference in the amount of killing time....

thanks for the post...

Is that the one where they have the magazines nicely laid out on barrels in front of them? When has a mass shooter ever brought a barrel with? Obviously you have seen the videos I have shared of failed reloads. Anyone who shoots and has tried quick reloads makes mistakes sometimes.
3D printers are extremely expensive. And why would a gang banger bother? You can hold up a bank with a derringer.

Large capacity magazines are expensive. And so are the guns that accept them.

A Cobra derringer can be had for $130.

A 3D printer costs about the same as a good AR-15.

It does look like the pricing has come down since the last time I checked. But the law would put huge jail time on anyone caught manufacturing. So again, why would they bother when they can commit crimes with the smaller capacity magazines?

One, they would use whatever magazine they thought would get the job done, legal or illegal.....but still illegal for them any way since they are criminals.....yet innocent people will be caught and turned into felons...it has already happened and it didn't stop the mass shooting in California, or Columbine...they both used 10 round magazines....so it is a pointless law meant to entrap honest, law abiding people in simple mistakes....and turning them into felons and taking away their rights forever....

He started with a 33 round magazine and reloaded after it was exhausted. The only reason it gave people time to react is because he dropped the new magazine on the ground, an unplanned impediment. When I was carrying a service weapon, our reload times were tested. After my gun went dry, I was able to reload in just under 4 seconds. Counting on people being able to stop an assailant between reloads is a cynical ploy, and typical of the Left.

The more times you have to reload the more opportunities to drop a magazine. That is the point. 4 seconds is plenty of time for a person to run around a corner or through a door.

Didn't help in Sandy Hook, those stories you tell aren't even true.....he dropped the magazine and reloaded several times, before he ran out of ammo, and he killed 26 people.....those stories, as I pointed out are not accurate and no one knows how they started...remember....everyone was running away or hiding and they weren't looking to go and see what the killer was doing...the police "assume" people escaped when he reloaded, but there is no confirmation of that.....

And the Long Island shooter on the train, Massad Ayoob points out he more than likely completely ran out of ammo before he was rushed...since he too reloaded on the crowded, enclosed train.....
Here is the chart FROM YOUR SITE:

Looks like the murder rate shot up from 1.1 to 1.2.

Time to rethink this!

Yea, 17% which even the liar John Lott doesn't dispute. Cherry picker extraordinaire

Shooting Down the Gun Lobby s Favorite Academic A Lott of Lies Armed With Reason

A Lott of lies. Whoa, clever! Tell us how the genius supports this:

Lott replied to this accusation by arguing that, even if there weren’t more households owning guns, there were still more people carrying guns in public after the passage of shall-issue laws. However, we know this assertion is factually untenable, based on surveys showing that 5-11% of US adults already carried guns for self-protection before the implementation of concealed carry laws.

....so, he believes Lott lied because he believes just as many carried weapons after permits were issued more liberally by shall issue than prior to the laws? He supports this...how? With a poll on people who admit to their previous felonies by carrying a hand gun illegally? And you bought that? I read on a bit more and it's obvious he's a cvnt trying to impose his will on a target audience by a series of condescending remarks, rather than statistical facts.

The fact is that shall issue permits have been on the increase and crime has gone down. And the author didn't understand that Lott didn't make the claim that shall issue was reponsible for all crime going down but that it flies in the face of the liberal fear mongers that claim more guns mean more crime. It doesn't.

Lott has addressed all of his critics and explained his mistakes and the fact that he is still the most respected gun researcher...as well as an economist, shows that whatever they try to say, his explanations were solid.....and they can't stand that...and they really hate him because his work, which examined crime statistics in every county in the United States was the most detailed work on the subject of gun self defense and crime rates.....

He showed that as concealed carry laws went into effect...violent crime rates dropped...

How do we know his research was accurate........right now...with more guns in private hands, our gun crime rate is going down, not up, overall crime rate is going down, not up...and as a side benefit to all the new gun owners learning about guns....our gun accident rate and our gun accident death rate are going down, not up....

And we didn't ban guns to achieve those results.....in fact...we own and carry more guns than before....

The anti-gun nuts will never forgive him for showing that....

The crime rates have been on a steady decline for a very long time now. Even when gun ownership was clearly declining. I think the gun ownership rate is still declining based on the evidence I have seen. I don't really think gun ownership rates effect crime rates. If it were the case we would have far fewer crimes than any other country or the most.

You're full of shit. Lying Leftists like you cite the fact that the percent of households owning guns has been on the decline to create the impression that gun ownership is falling into disfavor when in fact gun sales are exploding with the expansion of CCW rights.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Large capacity magazines are expensive. And so are the guns that accept them.

A Cobra derringer can be had for $130.

A 3D printer costs about the same as a good AR-15.

It does look like the pricing has come down since the last time I checked. But the law would put huge jail time on anyone caught manufacturing. So again, why would they bother when they can commit crimes with the smaller capacity magazines?

One, they would use whatever magazine they thought would get the job done, legal or illegal.....but still illegal for them any way since they are criminals.....yet innocent people will be caught and turned into felons...it has already happened and it didn't stop the mass shooting in California, or Columbine...they both used 10 round magazines....so it is a pointless law meant to entrap honest, law abiding people in simple mistakes....and turning them into felons and taking away their rights forever....

He started with a 33 round magazine and reloaded after it was exhausted. The only reason it gave people time to react is because he dropped the new magazine on the ground, an unplanned impediment. When I was carrying a service weapon, our reload times were tested. After my gun went dry, I was able to reload in just under 4 seconds. Counting on people being able to stop an assailant between reloads is a cynical ploy, and typical of the Left.

Have you seen the video about how long it takes people to change magazines.....they showed a trained individual and an untrained individual and the difference was almost non existent....and then they showed using 6 revolvers and simply dropping them and pulling the next one...no difference in the amount of killing time....

thanks for the post...

Is that the one where they have the magazines nicely laid out on barrels in front of them? When has a mass shooter ever brought a barrel with? Obviously you have seen the videos I have shared of failed reloads. Anyone who shoots and has tried quick reloads makes mistakes sometimes.

Just the one...and I pointed out that it is far easier to change magazines when they are actually on your belt or chest than they are on a barrel where you have to fumble for them...so again....your point is wrong....it takes less time in the real world....
Ever had someone point a gun at YOU? I have. Wasn't a nice feeling. By a relative, he wanted to SHOOT me...because I was pouring his booze down the sink...He later died, and cancer wasn't scared of guns. My da passed away from lung cancer from smoking ....Cancer .
Rarely now do I read about someone defending themselves with firearms, almost always it's someone abusing the right. Columbine High or Sandy hook, shooters all. I really do think we need to reexamine the second Amendment. It just isn't working out the way our founding fathers hoped or predicted.
Looks like the murder rate shot up from 1.1 to 1.2.

Time to rethink this!

Yea, 17% which even the liar John Lott doesn't dispute. Cherry picker extraordinaire

Shooting Down the Gun Lobby s Favorite Academic A Lott of Lies Armed With Reason

A Lott of lies. Whoa, clever! Tell us how the genius supports this:

Lott replied to this accusation by arguing that, even if there weren’t more households owning guns, there were still more people carrying guns in public after the passage of shall-issue laws. However, we know this assertion is factually untenable, based on surveys showing that 5-11% of US adults already carried guns for self-protection before the implementation of concealed carry laws.

....so, he believes Lott lied because he believes just as many carried weapons after permits were issued more liberally by shall issue than prior to the laws? He supports this...how? With a poll on people who admit to their previous felonies by carrying a hand gun illegally? And you bought that? I read on a bit more and it's obvious he's a cvnt trying to impose his will on a target audience by a series of condescending remarks, rather than statistical facts.

The fact is that shall issue permits have been on the increase and crime has gone down. And the author didn't understand that Lott didn't make the claim that shall issue was reponsible for all crime going down but that it flies in the face of the liberal fear mongers that claim more guns mean more crime. It doesn't.

Lott has addressed all of his critics and explained his mistakes and the fact that he is still the most respected gun researcher...as well as an economist, shows that whatever they try to say, his explanations were solid.....and they can't stand that...and they really hate him because his work, which examined crime statistics in every county in the United States was the most detailed work on the subject of gun self defense and crime rates.....

He showed that as concealed carry laws went into effect...violent crime rates dropped...

How do we know his research was accurate........right now...with more guns in private hands, our gun crime rate is going down, not up, overall crime rate is going down, not up...and as a side benefit to all the new gun owners learning about guns....our gun accident rate and our gun accident death rate are going down, not up....

And we didn't ban guns to achieve those results.....in fact...we own and carry more guns than before....

The anti-gun nuts will never forgive him for showing that....

The crime rates have been on a steady decline for a very long time now. Even when gun ownership was clearly declining. I think the gun ownership rate is still declining based on the evidence I have seen. I don't really think gun ownership rates effect crime rates. If it were the case we would have far fewer crimes than any other country or the most.

You're full of shit. Lying Leftists like you cite the fact that the percent of households owning guns has been on the decline to create the impression that gun ownership is falling into disfavor when in fact gun sales are exploding with the expansion of CCW rights.

Stop lying, Leftists!

But....but.....the lefties know there are only 2 people buying all those guns.....because they said so........everyone else sold their guns....to those guys too.......
The more times you have to reload the more opportunities to drop a magazine. That is the point. 4 seconds is plenty of time for a person to run around a corner or through a door.

Unless the shooter chains the doors shut, like Cho did at Virginia Tech.

Or they are driving around shooting people, like California Virgin guy.

Columbine guys found a friend, one could shoot while the other reloaded.

This is why gun control is never going to work. Criminals aren't stupid...even the crazy ones.
Last edited:
Large capacity magazines are expensive. And so are the guns that accept them.

A Cobra derringer can be had for $130.

A 3D printer costs about the same as a good AR-15.

It does look like the pricing has come down since the last time I checked. But the law would put huge jail time on anyone caught manufacturing. So again, why would they bother when they can commit crimes with the smaller capacity magazines?

One, they would use whatever magazine they thought would get the job done, legal or illegal.....but still illegal for them any way since they are criminals.....yet innocent people will be caught and turned into felons...it has already happened and it didn't stop the mass shooting in California, or Columbine...they both used 10 round magazines....so it is a pointless law meant to entrap honest, law abiding people in simple mistakes....and turning them into felons and taking away their rights forever....

He started with a 33 round magazine and reloaded after it was exhausted. The only reason it gave people time to react is because he dropped the new magazine on the ground, an unplanned impediment. When I was carrying a service weapon, our reload times were tested. After my gun went dry, I was able to reload in just under 4 seconds. Counting on people being able to stop an assailant between reloads is a cynical ploy, and typical of the Left.

The more times you have to reload the more opportunities to drop a magazine. That is the point. 4 seconds is plenty of time for a person to run around a corner or through a door.

Didn't help in Sandy Hook, those stories you tell aren't even true.....he dropped the magazine and reloaded several times, before he ran out of ammo, and he killed 26 people.....those stories, as I pointed out are not accurate and no one knows how they started...remember....everyone was running away or hiding and they weren't looking to go and see what the killer was doing...the police "assume" people escaped when he reloaded, but there is no confirmation of that.....

And the Long Island shooter on the train, Massad Ayoob points out he more than likely completely ran out of ammo before he was rushed...since he too reloaded on the crowded, enclosed train.....

Yes it did help. Kids did escape. And it helps in every mass shooting. They all have survivors who ran away and escaped. Slowing the shooter allows more to escape.
Ever had someone point a gun at YOU? I have. Wasn't a nice feeling. By a relative, he wanted to SHOOT me...because I was pouring his booze down the sink...He later died, and cancer wasn't scared of guns. My da passed away from lung cancer from smoking ....Cancer .
Rarely now do I read about someone defending themselves with firearms, almost always it's someone abusing the right. Columbine High or Sandy hook, shooters all. I really do think we need to re examine the second Amendment. It just isn't working out the way our founding fathers hoped or predicted.

Go to "thearmedcitizen" or "gunssavelives"...that site has an incident list based on both states where they occur and by type of gun used......try it....you will see just a small sample of actual Americans stopping or preventing violent criminal attacks with guns.....

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