Why Are American Voters So Uninformed?

Obama never spoke to a crowd of hard working average americans cause he knew they would throw tomato's at him and yell 'YOU LIE" every 5 seconds. he only spoke to those that were still wearing diapers.

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.
Wow from his mouth!!!

Well, the stance that I was making is that Hillary Clinton is a person who has been an admirer of every war she has heard of. She was a great supporter of the Iraq war even though she knew better, because I told her, what a catastrophe it would be. She is a great supporter of the Afghanistan war, where many thousands of people have met their deaths, and she is in the forefront of agitating for war on Iran, and that comes through in her speech here.

But how was he handled by THE GOP evil mastermind Rumsfeld???

RAY McGOVERN: You said you knew where they were?

DONALD RUMSFELD: I did not. I said I knew where suspect sites were, and we were —

RAY McGOVERN: You said you knew where they were, "near Tikrit, near Baghdad, and northeast, south and west of there." Those were your words.

DONALD RUMSFELD: My words — my words were — no, no, no, wait a minute! Let him stay one second. Just a second.

RAY McGOVERN: This is America, huh? Go ahead.

DONALD RUMSFELD: You’re getting plenty of play, sir.

RAY McGOVERN: I’d just like an honest answer.

DONALD RUMSFELD: I’m giving it to you.

RAY McGOVERN: We’re talking about lies and your allegation that there was bulletproof evidence of ties between al-Qaeda and Iraq. Was that a lie or were you misled?

DONALD RUMSFELD: Zarqawi was in Baghdad during the prewar period. That is a fact.

RAY McGOVERN: Zarqawi, he was in the north of Iraq, in a place where Saddam Hussein had no rule. That’s where he was.

DONALD RUMSFELD: He was also in Baghdad

Retired CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Takes on Rumsfeld Over Justification for Iraq Invasion

Why did he get beat up at a Hillary speech but was able to talk to Rumsfeld???

Just asking???

McGovern was right. Rumsfeld lied.

Hussein's Prewar Ties To Al-Qaeda Discounted

Washington Post
Friday, April 6, 2007

Captured Iraqi documents and intelligence interrogations of Saddam Hussein and two former aides "all confirmed" that Hussein's regime was not directly cooperating with al-Qaeda before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, according to a declassified Defense Department report released yesterday.

Getting back to the topic, you never answered your bold accusation that I proved was FALSE. Care to retract your false accusation?

HEALTHMYTHS: In 2008 Radiologists sent 151,703,266 claims for services to Medicare.
The total sent was $10.3 billion Medicare paid 78% of that or $8.02 billion!
FACT look it up as I DID!!! IDIOT

SOURCE: CMS/Office of Information Products and Data Analytics

So again explain WHY CMS (Medicare to you!) continued to report that the
they PAY 6,000% markups??

Tell me what city you live in and I'll show you what kind of markup that hospital charges Medicare!!!

BFGRN: If CMS is your source, WHY don't you provide a link? Do you have copies of the bills sent to Medicare, because when you DO THE MATH...the average claim is $67.89

10,300,000,000 / 151,703,266 = 67.89570371
Last edited:
It's pretty shocking when one watches a video interview of voters. It's difficult to believe the level of education that is found on the street in random interviews.

Who needs video interviews? Spend ten minutes on USMB reading people's posts.

A lot of the posters here regardless of political beliefs are much better educated and informed then many of the voters out there.

I really hope you are aware that when someone like Jay Leno or Breitbart minions interview people, THEY ARE NOT GOING TO AIR SMART PEOPLE.

Otherwise, your post is dumber than anyone they interview.

Your word for the day: EDIT
It's simple.

Americans under the age of 30 get their news from Comedy Central and those over 30 get their news from ABC, NBC, and CBS.

A lot of American women get their news from Good Morning America and TODAY.

Ignorance is plentiful.

"If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.” Winston Churchill

Churchill never said that. Are you aware that Winston Churchill is the father of the modern welfare state?

The American Scholar: The Forgotten Churchill - George Watson
You are right that the quote is probably not Churchill's.

You are wrong about Churchill being the "father of the modern welfare state". It was in fact his successor, Clement Attlee (‘He is a humble man, but then he has much to be humble about!’, Churchill).

The Welfare State was introduced by Attlee’s government after their election victory in 1945, in response to the Beveridge Report of 1942. The Welfare State was created by the Labour government to end poverty and look after everyone "from the womb to the tomb" or the "cradle to the grave".

The Beveridge Report had targeted "want" as the issue the country needed to address to improve society as a whole. It stated that the country needed free medical treatment for the people; when people were ill and incapable of working they needed support. All people, the report, stated must live in a "socially secure" country.

The Labour Party and the Welfare State

Although Churchill did address some of the tenants of the welfare state, it is oddly appropriate that this exaggeration and stretching of truth would be made on a thread which discusses the very topic of the ignorance of Americans.
"If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.” Winston Churchill

Churchill never said that. Are you aware that Winston Churchill is the father of the modern welfare state?

The American Scholar: The Forgotten Churchill - George Watson
You are right that the quote is probably not Churchill's.

You are wrong about Churchill being the "father of the modern welfare state". It was in fact his successor, Clement Attlee (‘He is a humble man, but then he has much to be humble about!’, Churchill).

The Welfare State was introduced by Attlee’s government after their election victory in 1945, in response to the Beveridge Report of 1942. The Welfare State was created by the Labour government to end poverty and look after everyone "from the womb to the tomb" or the "cradle to the grave".

The Beveridge Report had targeted "want" as the issue the country needed to address to improve society as a whole. It stated that the country needed free medical treatment for the people; when people were ill and incapable of working they needed support. All people, the report, stated must live in a "socially secure" country.

The Labour Party and the Welfare State

Although Churchill did address some of the tenants of the welfare state, it is oddly appropriate that this exaggeration and stretching of truth would be made on a thread which discusses the very topic of the ignorance of Americans.
Bringing the welfare state back to the issue of the absolute stupidity of the Misinformation Voter, in this country the welfare state, as well as deficits, are the result of women getting the vote!!! :cuckoo:

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.
Uninformed Americans who voted for O'Butthead all believe that Hawaii and Alaska are located in the Mainland.

Are they mainland? No. Anyone can understand that.

What you don't understand that they are considered part of America, so someone born there CAN run for president and hold that title.

We could have a 51st state in australia, europe, or even the moon. And it will be treated the same as any other state.
"If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.” Winston Churchill

Churchill never said that. Are you aware that Winston Churchill is the father of the modern welfare state?

The American Scholar: The Forgotten Churchill - George Watson
You are right that the quote is probably not Churchill's.

You are wrong about Churchill being the "father of the modern welfare state". It was in fact his successor, Clement Attlee (‘He is a humble man, but then he has much to be humble about!’, Churchill).

The Welfare State was introduced by Attlee’s government after their election victory in 1945, in response to the Beveridge Report of 1942. The Welfare State was created by the Labour government to end poverty and look after everyone "from the womb to the tomb" or the "cradle to the grave".

The Beveridge Report had targeted "want" as the issue the country needed to address to improve society as a whole. It stated that the country needed free medical treatment for the people; when people were ill and incapable of working they needed support. All people, the report, stated must live in a "socially secure" country.

The Labour Party and the Welfare State

Although Churchill did address some of the tenants of the welfare state, it is oddly appropriate that this exaggeration and stretching of truth would be made on a thread which discusses the very topic of the ignorance of Americans.

You are certainly living up to your screen name. First, you need to contemplate what the term 'the father of' means. With Churchill, his social reform push began in the early 1900's.

Your article mentions the Beveridge Report of 1942. It was written by William Beveridge. Labour was the last of the three British parties to accept a National Health Service. Way back in 1908, as president of the national Board of Trade, Churchill invited a young William Beveridge onto his team. Churchill brought Beveridge into the Board of Trade as his advisor on social questions, thus starting him on his illustrious career. Besides pushing for a variety of social insurance schemes, Churchill created the system of national labor exchanges: he wrote to Prime Minister Asquith of the need to "spread … a sort of Germanized network of state intervention and regulation" over the British labor market.

Winston Churchill was one of the architects of the British welfare state. In 1909, he instituted a series of "radical reforms," which included compulsory meal breaks for employees and mandates for "decent ventilation", clear violations of employers' sovereignty over their own property. Furthermore, Churchill forced firms who had disputes with labor unions to submit to arbitration and forbade them the option of ignoring the unions altogether, a violation of freedom of association.

Churchill designed a national sickness insurance system in Britain, analogous to Medicare in the United States, which used the tax money of some to pay for the health care of others, with the attendant economic consequences of higher health care costs for those uninsured by the government program.

The Triumph of the Welfare State

In 1945, general elections were held in Britain, and the Labour Party won a landslide victory. Clement Attlee, and his colleagues took power and created the socialist welfare state. But the socializing of Britain was probably inevitable, given the war. It was a natural outgrowth of the wartime sense of solidarity and collectivist emotion, of the feeling that the experience of war had somehow rendered class structure and hierarchy — normal features of any advanced society — obsolete and indecent. And there was a second factor — British society had already been to a large extent socialized in the war years, under Churchill himself.

While Churchill waged war, he allowed Attlee to head various Cabinet committees on domestic policy and devise proposals on health, unemployment, education, etc. Churchill himself had already accepted the master-blueprint for the welfare state, the Beveridge Report. As he put it in a radio speech:

"You must rank me and my colleagues as strong partisans of national compulsory insurance for all classes for all purposes from the cradle to the grave." - Winston Churchill
Stop being an ass. If the term "father of the modern welfare state" is really what you meant, then you have to go back to Otto von Bismark.

But, but, but...you said it was Clement Attlee.

Following a visit to Germany, Lloyd George and Churchill were both converted to the Bismarckian model of social insurance schemes. As Churchill told his constituents: "My heart was filled with admiration of the patient genius which had added these social bulwarks to the many glories of the German race." He set out, in his words, to "thrust a big slice of Bismarckianism over the whole underside of our industrial system." In 1908, Churchill announced in a speech in Dundee: "I am on the side of those who think that a greater collective sentiment should be introduced into the State and the municipalities. I should like to see the State undertaking new functions." Still, individualism must be respected: "No man can be a collectivist alone or an individualist alone. He must be both an individualist and a collectivist. The nature of man is a dual nature. The character of the organisation of human society is dual." This, by the way, is a good sample of Churchill as political philosopher: it never gets much better.

As Ludwig von Mises wrote:

Marching ever further on the way of interventionism, first Germany, then Great Britain and many other European countries have adopted central planning, the Hindenburg pattern of socialism. It is noteworthy that in Germany the deciding measures were not resorted to by the Nazis, but some time before Hitler seized power by Bruning … and in Great Britain not by the Labour Party but by the Tory Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill.
at least the bulk of the uninformed live in Blue states, and most of American is Red. Fine, if they wanna be lazy,poor and stupid for the rest of their lives, fine, stay in Illinois,Cally and New York.
Back to the thread's topic.
I think that people who are married to an ideology tend to be uninformed. Ideologues typically get their news from ideological driven resources and suck in ideological opinions. They are missing out on having the opportunity of getting the other side of the story with an open mind. This process prohibits these folks to be totally informed because they have already shut off all of the available information.

.....But, they ARE (finally) "getting it"!!!!

can you imagine any Obama voter on "Are You Dumber Than A Fourth Grader". None of them will be able to name any Asian Nation. and many will think that Europe is a country and everyone there speaks French.
can you imagine any Obama voter on "Are You Dumber Than A Fourth Grader". None of them will be able to name any Asian Nation. and many will think that Europe is a country and everyone there speaks French.

And the 2008 Republican candidate for Vice President, a position that is a heartbeat away from the most powerful office in the nation believes Africa is a country.
at least the bulk of the uninformed live in Blue states, and most of American is Red. Fine, if they wanna be lazy,poor and stupid for the rest of their lives, fine, stay in Illinois,Cally and New York.

Except that the worst educated, most obese, poorest states are red. :eusa_hand:
at least the bulk of the uninformed live in Blue states, and most of American is Red. Fine, if they wanna be lazy,poor and stupid for the rest of their lives, fine, stay in Illinois,Cally and New York.

Except that the worst educated, most obese, poorest states are red. :eusa_hand:
And the areas within those states, as well as the rest of the country, are decidedly blue. Blacks 95% Obama and Hispanics 70 - there you go.
Why Are American Voters So Uninformed?

March 22, 2013

Roger Ailes!!!!!

"We've written before about how Fox News has become something of a detriment to its own cause. But in a great new column, Media Matters' Eric Boehlert nails it when he points to Roger Ailes' Nixonian-era posturing as the major culprit. As the electoral wing of the Republican party searches its soul about re-branding its message and reaching out to new and more diverse voters, the unofficial communications arm of the GOP over at Fox News continues with the same old, same old red meat for its old, white farts."


It's too bad Captain Crayon doesn't want anyone to read his posts. Maybe someday he'll learn to use big-boy font.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9KLlzRncxc]Guy Calls Out Fox News For Being Propaganda Crap - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_vh_GjaeRs]Colbert makes bill O'Reilly mad on his own Show. 11807.flv - YouTube[/ame]​

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