Why Are American Voters So Uninformed?

Well, let's see if we can tell the Misinformation Voters from the low-information voters.

Is the highlighted part true or false? And don't say it is just an opinion, what follows is an opinion, the highlighted part is presented as a fact.

February 01, 2013
RUSH: We've lost 8.5 million jobs since Barack Obama took office -- and, sadly, that's not by accident. Sadly, it's not a quirk of fate.

The unemployment rate was about 5 percent when Obama took over, for there to be 8.5 million loss their jobs out of 305 million is about 3 percent, which interestingly enough brings us right to 8 percent. So not a lie.
You have provided MISINFORMATION therefore you are a Misinformation Voter. Bush's last month in office UE was 7.8% and rising at a rate of .5% a month.

The workforce is less than half your 305 million, more MISINFORMATION.
Thank you for playing.

I will admit I got my numbers mixed up, and made a mistake. The 5 percent was the unemployment rate for most of Bush's term and was steadily going down until something really, really bad happened in 2006.
But getting your numbers mixed up does not explain how you were able to construct a whole rationalization about how how the 8.5 million number was "not a lie."

That is the essential difference between the Misinformation Voter and the low-information voter. The Misinformation Voter believes they are not only the most informed voters but also the only informed voters. The low-information voter knows their information is limited.
Because our better choice was Rmoney (sarcasm), despite him running one of the most dishonest and cynical campaigns in this nation's history.

OP is just a right winged loon who gets his shit from biased righty "news sources" who openly claim that they are intentionally for going against/shutting up anything left winged or moderate.
The unemployment rate was about 5 percent when Obama took over, for there to be 8.5 million loss their jobs out of 305 million is about 3 percent, which interestingly enough brings us right to 8 percent. So not a lie.
You have provided MISINFORMATION therefore you are a Misinformation Voter. Bush's last month in office UE was 7.8% and rising at a rate of .5% a month.

The workforce is less than half your 305 million, more MISINFORMATION.
Thank you for playing.

I will admit I got my numbers mixed up, and made a mistake. The 5 percent was the unemployment rate for most of Bush's term and was steadily going down until something really, really bad happened in 2006.
But getting your numbers mixed up does not explain how you were able to construct a whole rationalization about how how the 8.5 million number was "not a lie."

That is the essential difference between the Misinformation Voter and the low-information voter. The Misinformation Voter believes they are not only the most informed voters but also the only informed voters. The low-information voter knows their information is limited.

I can see why a person who never makes mistakes doesn't realize when someone does and admits it. Being perfect would make it hard to realize that people are fallible. When I did that I started off with the wrong number and did the math and it worked, I messed up. I mess up a lot. If you want to say I lied then fine. But for me to be lying would make me a liberal because the mistake was so apparent I am actually surprised I made it. But never the less you now have the information on what Rush REALLY said and how that is justified, enjoy. And your chorus of cheerleaders they can GFT and STFU.

Any way, the 5 percen or less works very well for when the Democrats took control and started ignoring Bush, that is what I was thinking.
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Here is the link to my quote, notice it is not the same as yours.

There are Reasons for Optimism - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Here is the rationalization your MessiahRushie used to get from your quote to mine.
From YOUR own link:

RUSH: * Eight-and-a-half million Americans have left the labor force.* You could say that the number of jobs available has also decreased by a number that approximates that.* It wouldn't be exact.* I mean, it never would be, but it's close.
I'll bite. Why do YOU think Clinton was impeached?

Lying to a grand jury concern sexual relations with Monica and obstruction of justice.

He lost his law license for lying about the whole affair and settled with Jones for a large sum of money.

Well, the two articles of impeachment CHARGES were, in fact, for perjury and obstruction of justice. But that's not WHY Clinton was impeached.

The impeachment was an attempt at politically leveraging the removal of a president (after years of investigations on a wide variety of private behavior by an Independent Counsel which kept on expanding the scope of its inquiry after finding no evidence of wrongdoing) for acts that did not rise to the level of high crimes and/or misdemeanors and were not even related to governance and which also didn't involve Clinton's official duties while in office.

Stated more plainly, the reason WHY Clinton was impeached was purely political, whereas the reason Nixon would have been impeached was because of official criminal conduct while in office. Reagan ALSO could have faced impeachment for his conduct related to Iran/Contra.

An officer of the court lying under oath is a crime it is called perjury hardly any worse then Nixon trying to cover up Watergate. It wasn't Nixon who broke into the Watergate he was merely trying to protect his "friends." In Clinton's case he lied trying to CYA.

There is no degree or measure of when a lie is permissible. A lie under Oath, which lawyers are always under oath, is perjury, high crime. It robs people of their consitutional rights. Of course they may have been an element of politics there always is. With one side doing the investigation and the other side screaming that is just about politics. For the crime of perjury for which he obviously was guilty his impeachment and losing his law license was a fair enough of a penalty. The way he treated women is another reason he got what he deserved with the large settlement to Jones.
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Here is the link to my quote, notice it is not the same as yours.

There are Reasons for Optimism - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Here is the rationalization your MessiahRushie used to get from your quote to mine.
From YOUR own link:

RUSH: * Eight-and-a-half million Americans have left the labor force.* You could say that the number of jobs available has also decreased by a number that approximates that.* It wouldn't be exact.* I mean, it never would be, but it's close.

Since I provided a site explaining his 8.5 quote, no lie.
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You have provided MISINFORMATION therefore you are a Misinformation Voter. Bush's last month in office UE was 7.8% and rising at a rate of .5% a month.

The workforce is less than half your 305 million, more MISINFORMATION.
Thank you for playing.

I will admit I got my numbers mixed up, and made a mistake. The 5 percent was the unemployment rate for most of Bush's term and was steadily going down until something really, really bad happened in 2006.
But getting your numbers mixed up does not explain how you were able to construct a whole rationalization about how how the 8.5 million number was "not a lie."

That is the essential difference between the Misinformation Voter and the low-information voter. The Misinformation Voter believes they are not only the most informed voters but also the only informed voters. The low-information voter knows their information is limited.

I can see why a person who never makes mistakes doesn't realize when someone does and admits it. Being perfect would make it hard to realize that people are fallible. When I did that I started off with the wrong number and did the math and it worked, I messed up. I mess up a lot. If you want to say I lied then fine. But for me to be lying would make me a liberal because the mistake was so apparent I am actually surprised I made it. But never the less you now have the information on what Rush REALLY said and how that is justified, enjoy. And your chorus of cheerleaders they can GFT and STFU.

Any way, the 5 percen or less works very well for when the Democrats took control and started ignoring Bush, that is what I was thinking.
When the Dems took control Bush suddenly found his veto pen and the GOP started their record number of filibusters. Bush and the GOP prevented the Dems from avoiding the fall of the GOP economic house of cards.

I posted this on another messageboard prior to the 2006 election.
The GOP are piss easy to predict!

Who says the GOP even WANT to win!!!

After all, the person who gave the Folley info to ABC was a GOP operative. You have to realize the GOP already know that the economy will collapse before the 2008 election and they will need more than blaming the "liberal media."
If they lose power in this election they will claim prosperity was "just around the corner" but then they they lost control and, poof .... the Democrats blew it. So losing control now is their only hope for their blame game to have any plausibility, even to their sheep.

Losing now is their last best hope!!!
The clips you provided were parts of the FOX line-up that is not labeled by FOX as news.

The name of the company may be FOX NEWS, but not all their programs are news. Same as with all the TV networks.

When you can present any points regarding the broadcasts of Shepard Smith or Bret Baier or Megan Kelly as not legitimate and objective and impartial news, that might prove them to be less than valid news sources, come again AND DO SO.

Until then go and research MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, NPR and BET. Looking for partiality, racism, crap and Obama worship, you will find more than you can handle.

BTW, if somebody had farted on any of the above-mentioned networks, it would have been edited out. After all recent history shows that most of those networks are in the business of doctoring videos in order to cover their asses or falsify news. All, of course, in the noble efforts to support the Democrat Party.

FOX News: The Hallmark of Journalism Integrity


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Kick open the doors of congress and the senate. They our our employees. Put a camera in on meetings of non military nature. Money is not military although our economy is built on it. I read some of the wiki leaks papers wow are we ignorant. This government has been giving us misleading information forever. We can not handle the truth is absolutely correct. Panic would be inevitable if people knew where we are headed as a nation. so for now, maybe it is best to watch your favorite pawn or cooking or car or whatever you call reality show as they are all a needed distractions from the grim reality that presents itself.
But getting your numbers mixed up does not explain how you were able to construct a whole rationalization about how how the 8.5 million number was "not a lie."

That is the essential difference between the Misinformation Voter and the low-information voter. The Misinformation Voter believes they are not only the most informed voters but also the only informed voters. The low-information voter knows their information is limited.

I can see why a person who never makes mistakes doesn't realize when someone does and admits it. Being perfect would make it hard to realize that people are fallible. When I did that I started off with the wrong number and did the math and it worked, I messed up. I mess up a lot. If you want to say I lied then fine. But for me to be lying would make me a liberal because the mistake was so apparent I am actually surprised I made it. But never the less you now have the information on what Rush REALLY said and how that is justified, enjoy. And your chorus of cheerleaders they can GFT and STFU.

Any way, the 5 percen or less works very well for when the Democrats took control and started ignoring Bush, that is what I was thinking.
When the Dems took control Bush suddenly found his veto pen and the GOP started their record number of filibusters. Bush and the GOP prevented the Dems from avoiding the fall of the GOP economic house of cards.

I posted this on another messageboard prior to the 2006 election.
The GOP are piss easy to predict!

Who says the GOP even WANT to win!!!

After all, the person who gave the Folley info to ABC was a GOP operative. You have to realize the GOP already know that the economy will collapse before the 2008 election and they will need more than blaming the "liberal media."
If they lose power in this election they will claim prosperity was "just around the corner" but then they they lost control and, poof .... the Democrats blew it. So losing control now is their only hope for their blame game to have any plausibility, even to their sheep.

Losing now is their last best hope!!!

Sadly neither were able to stop the democrat destruction. They have been the majority for 6 years now and look at the country. For sure you'll point your finger anywhere but with the majority party but that is just your way.

BTW Bush had 11 vetos with 1/3 being overridden, fewer then most presidents.

List of United States presidential vetoes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama hasn't needed to veto with Reid in the Senate nothing passes through that he doesn't like. The majority party is a fault.
Here is the link to my quote, notice it is not the same as yours.

There are Reasons for Optimism - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Here is the rationalization your MessiahRushie used to get from your quote to mine.
From YOUR own link:

RUSH: * Eight-and-a-half million Americans have left the labor force.* You could say that the number of jobs available has also decreased by a number that approximates that.* It wouldn't be exact.* I mean, it never would be, but it's close.

Since I provided a site explaining his 8.5 quote, no lie.
First of all, your MessiahRushie explained his own rationalization for his quote.

And second, linking to a site of misinformation does not make misinformation any less misinforming!

There is no such thing as a Constant Labor Force Participation Rate!!!! Populations grow and shrink at different rates and people reach retirement age at different rates. Right now Boomers are leaving the workforce at a greater rate than new workers entering. This started under Bush and will continue for about 2 decades, and as soon as a Republican is elected before the end of the Boomer Retirement boom this Constant Labor Force Participation Unemployment Rate will suddenly be thrown out the window.

Over this period when 9 million were simply erased from the workforce rolls according to your BS link, as retirees and the disabled have always been for all other presidents, over 11 million were awarded SS retirement benefits and over 4 million of these aging workers became disabled.

Again we see the Misinformation Voter makes no attempt to determine the credibility of the source of his misinformation but just assumes that the very existence of misinformation makes it valid information. That is why the Misinformation Voter is infinitely worse than the low-information voter, the low-information voter can eventually become informed, but the Misinformation Voter never does. Misinformation is self-reinforcing!
OP- Hilarious!! The amount of lies Pub dupes believe, and whay they don't know, is amazing. Fighting for the freedom to get absolutely SCREWED by the greedy, idiotic rich. See si pp3 for the lies, pp1 for what they don't know.

One Dem/Obama lie? NOT promises obstructed mindlessly or Pubspam please....
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Why Are American Voters So Uninformed?

Because American Idol, Honey Boo Boo, Real Housewives and Seinfeld reruns don't discuss current political issues.
I'll bite. Why do YOU think Clinton was impeached?

Lying to a grand jury concern sexual relations with Monica and obstruction of justice.

He lost his law license for lying about the whole affair and settled with Jones for a large sum of money.

Well, the two articles of impeachment CHARGES were, in fact, for perjury and obstruction of justice. But that's not WHY Clinton was impeached.

The impeachment was an attempt at politically leveraging the removal of a president (after years of investigations on a wide variety of private behavior by an Independent Counsel which kept on expanding the scope of its inquiry after finding no evidence of wrongdoing) for acts that did not rise to the level of high crimes and/or misdemeanors and were not even related to governance and which also didn't involve Clinton's official duties while in office.

Stated more plainly, the reason WHY Clinton was impeached was purely political, whereas the reason Nixon would have been impeached was because of official criminal conduct while in office. Reagan ALSO could have faced impeachment for his conduct related to Iran/Contra.

And Obama SHOULD face impeachment because of the events in Benghazi and the totally dishonest and crooked attempts to cover it up.

It would not be political, it would be JUSTICE.
Lying to a grand jury concern sexual relations with Monica and obstruction of justice.

He lost his law license for lying about the whole affair and settled with Jones for a large sum of money.

Well, the two articles of impeachment CHARGES were, in fact, for perjury and obstruction of justice. But that's not WHY Clinton was impeached.

The impeachment was an attempt at politically leveraging the removal of a president (after years of investigations on a wide variety of private behavior by an Independent Counsel which kept on expanding the scope of its inquiry after finding no evidence of wrongdoing) for acts that did not rise to the level of high crimes and/or misdemeanors and were not even related to governance and which also didn't involve Clinton's official duties while in office.

Stated more plainly, the reason WHY Clinton was impeached was purely political, whereas the reason Nixon would have been impeached was because of official criminal conduct while in office. Reagan ALSO could have faced impeachment for his conduct related to Iran/Contra.

And Obama SHOULD face impeachment because of the events in Benghazi and the totally dishonest and crooked attempts to cover it up.

It would not be political, it would be JUSTICE.

Clearly, American voters are uninformed because they cannot stay On Topic.
Why Are American Voters So Uninformed?​

By Tyler Durden
January 29, 2013

The sad fact is that it appears completely rational to be ignorant about politics. The cost of being an 'informed' voter - as opposed to a bigotted closed-minded ignoramus - is high, from the time spent following (and interpreting) the news in the paper, online, and on the television. As the following clip notes, "becoming an informed voter is competing with a lot of other needs in your life," from American Idol watching to eating Cheetos in the bath. Of course, the sad truth is that it has never been more important to be 'informed' and so the 'bread-and-circuses' will continue lest we stumble upon the truth - but perhaps this brief clip will sway a few more to the dark side of 'the informed' - though just because 'you' are better-informed does not mean politicians will do a better job - as the probability of your vote changing the outcome of an election is for all practical purposes, zero!


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A lot of it has to do with that "box" in the corner.

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