Why Are American Voters So Uninformed?

Why Are American Voters So Uninformed?
You can always tell an ignorant liberal from the constant braying about Fox News. Ignorant liberals think Fox News reflects conservative views and that Obama should not have to show his birth certificate or university records because he's Obama. Anyone who questions Obama's background is immediately labeled as some kind of ignorant wretch unworthy to be heard from.

In the mean time they happily consume the drivel from CNN and MSNBC because they employ "smart" people.
Why Are American Voters So Uninformed?

By Tyler Durden
January 29, 2013

perhaps you should stop being so uninformed if it troubles you.

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Readers of The New York Times, USA Today and listeners to National Public Radio were better informed about international events than other media outlets.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests - Forbes

Fox News viewers were the least informed? What you really mean is Fox viewers are least likely to buy into the PROPAGANDA machine that even Goebbels would be proud of. Sorry to inform you, but polls don't translate into factual data. But even YOU knew that, which is what makes your retort so partisan and disingenuous.

People who support the crap in the poll cited are the same people who summarily dismiss polls that show that FOX News is the most popular cable news network. And what could be more uninformed or perhaps a bit more charitably, misinformed, than denying the fact that the programs on FOX advertised as NEWS ARE NEWS, while other programs are OPINION shows.

CNN, has no news any more. MSNBC never had. The broadcast networks are government slaves, provided the government is Democratic. When a network anchor has to resort to forgery, his credibility and that of his network are forever gone. The goon from the armpit of Texas, Dan Rather besmirched CBS for eternity. Brian Williams and Katie Couric are not far behind in the stupidity and incredibility sweepstakes.

What I do is try to listen to NEWS programs in real time. I tape/record opinion shows to be watched at my convenience. If any segment on any program on channel has no balance of differing opinions, I fast forward and don't bother to listen to partisan crap.

So, unsurprisingly, I hardly ever watch an MSNBC program in full. They hardly ever present an opposing opinion. They have losers like Eugine Robinson, Joy Reid, David Corn and Michael Steele or Ron Reagan, THE PUNK WHO is unhappy in life because he never had the chance to commit patricide. The guests on all their opinion shows are the usual gang of idiots. MSNBC hosts never let a guest of conservative persuation EVER finish a sentence. Granted, O'Reilley is rude sometimes, but at least he makes it clear that his guests are in a NO-SPIN-ZONE while the victims on MSNBC are simply victims of poor manners.

FOX always have opposing opinions. Sometimes nothing but.
MSNBC hardly ever has an opposing opinion. Unless it is a paid off phony lackey.

As a FOX viewer I consider myself WELL informed, because in addition to the usual crap spewed by other networks, I watch the balancing opinion on FOX.

The assholes who condemn FOX probably never watched it.
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Well, let's see if we can tell the Misinformation Voters from the low-information voters.

Is the highlighted part true or false? And don't say it is just an opinion, what follows is an opinion, the highlighted part is presented as a fact.

February 01, 2013
RUSH: We've lost 8.5 million jobs since Barack Obama took office -- and, sadly, that's not by accident. Sadly, it's not a quirk of fate.
Honestly, it seems to me that conservatives listen to the news, whether the news is correct or not, more so then do the liberals that I know.

I think most of them are more then happy to take the high and mighty road that the democrats are right hell or high water. By being a low information voter allows them the liberty of not having to vote on the facts. For example, I have asked liberals about Obama killing two American citizens, at least, they look at me as if I were making it up. Now that doesn't mean they didn't deserve it, it is just an example of the low information voter. I seriously doubt most liberials don't know whom Paula Jones was or why Clinton really was impeached. Much easier just to believe it was over a BJ in the Oval Office then to have to deal with the reality that he lied under oath in a court of law, lost his law license and lost a big civil suit. Much easier to ignore all of that.

I'll bite. Why do YOU think Clinton was impeached?

Lying to a grand jury concerning sexual relations with Monica and obstruction of justice.

He lost his law license for lying about the whole affair and settled with Jones for a large sum of money.
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My daughter, who is 28, and my son in the Army who is just 31, have NEVER been liberals. They didn't vote for Obama.....
That's what they tell you, huh??

Gee.....I can't imagine why......


Based on your posts it is not surprising that you mistrust your children as they - rightfully - distrust you. You taught them how to lie and they are, according to you, yourself, were very apt pupils. Hell, if I were your kid, I would deny any relation with you, and nobody could or would ever blame me.

:) I have Shaman on ignore....but since you quoted him! Lol!

Yes Shaman...that's what they tell me, and i know for a fact it's true. They have no reason to lie about it, they know i wouldn't throw them out of the family for thinking differently that we do. Is that what you would do? Probably....no, my kids are smart.
Well, let's see if we can tell the Misinformation Voters from the low-information voters.

Is the highlighted part true or false? And don't say it is just an opinion, what follows is an opinion, the highlighted part is presented as a fact.

February 01, 2013
RUSH: We've lost 8.5 million jobs since Barack Obama took office -- and, sadly, that's not by accident. Sadly, it's not a quirk of fate.

The unemployment rate was about 5 percent when Obama took over, for there to be 8.5 million loss their jobs out of 305 million is about 3 percent, which interestingly enough brings us right to 8 percent. So not a lie.

582,000 Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since President Obama Took Office. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)

368,000: Workers That Dropped Out Of The Labor Force In August. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)

261,000: Jobs Lost Since President Obama Took Office. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.

He sounds like a double agent. NBC, ABC and CBS each pump out more propaganda than FOX News.
You folks do know that the school district's school board decides the curriculum that teachers must follow, right? School boards are elected positions and aren't union.

School boards are elected mostly by members of the teachers union.
Well, let's see if we can tell the Misinformation Voters from the low-information voters.

Is the highlighted part true or false? And don't say it is just an opinion, what follows is an opinion, the highlighted part is presented as a fact.

February 01, 2013
RUSH: We've lost 8.5 million jobs since Barack Obama took office -- and, sadly, that's not by accident. Sadly, it's not a quirk of fate.

The unemployment rate was about 5 percent when Obama took over, for there to be 8.5 million loss their jobs out of 305 million is about 3 percent, which interestingly enough brings us right to 8 percent. So not a lie.
You have provided MISINFORMATION therefore you are a Misinformation Voter. Bush's last month in office UE was 7.8% and rising at a rate of .5% a month.

The workforce is less than half your 305 million, more MISINFORMATION.
Thank you for playing.
I will admit I got my numbers mixed up, and made a mistake. The 5 percent was the unemployment rate for most of Bush's term and was steadily going down until something really, really bad happened in 2006.


See something interesting in the graph? Note the increase in the unemployment rate after Clinton. We all know why and we can all see that what Bush did stopped the increase and reveresed it. Obama on the other hand, not so much.
Honestly, it seems to me that conservatives listen to the news, whether the news is correct or not, more so then do the liberals that I know.

I think most of them are more then happy to take the high and mighty road that the democrats are right hell or high water. By being a low information voter allows them the liberty of not having to vote on the facts. For example, I have asked liberals about Obama killing two American citizens, at least, they look at me as if I were making it up. Now that doesn't mean they didn't deserve it, it is just an example of the low information voter. I seriously doubt most liberials don't know whom Paula Jones was or why Clinton really was impeached. Much easier just to believe it was over a BJ in the Oval Office then to have to deal with the reality that he lied under oath in a court of law, lost his law license and lost a big civil suit. Much easier to ignore all of that.

I'll bite. Why do YOU think Clinton was impeached?

Lying to a grand jury concern sexual relations with Monica and obstruction of justice.

He lost his law license for lying about the whole affair and settled with Jones for a large sum of money.

Well, the two articles of impeachment CHARGES were, in fact, for perjury and obstruction of justice. But that's not WHY Clinton was impeached.

The impeachment was an attempt at politically leveraging the removal of a president (after years of investigations on a wide variety of private behavior by an Independent Counsel which kept on expanding the scope of its inquiry after finding no evidence of wrongdoing) for acts that did not rise to the level of high crimes and/or misdemeanors and were not even related to governance and which also didn't involve Clinton's official duties while in office.

Stated more plainly, the reason WHY Clinton was impeached was purely political, whereas the reason Nixon would have been impeached was because of official criminal conduct while in office. Reagan ALSO could have faced impeachment for his conduct related to Iran/Contra.
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I think the part that bothers me the most around here is the automatic assumption that there MUST be 2, AND ONLY 2, possible positions, and that anyone not taking one must therefore take the other.

Both sides do it to each other with great regularity, and it would be humorous if it wasn't so damned PATHETIC.

"Faux News!" "PMSNBC!" "Media Matters!" "Heritage Foundation!"

What'd ya expect? People are getting their world views from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

This is what you end up with....

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