Why Are American Voters So Uninformed?

It's pretty shocking when one watches a video interview of voters. It's difficult to believe the level of education that is found on the street in random interviews.
It's pretty shocking when one watches a video interview of voters. It's difficult to believe the level of education that is found on the street in random interviews.

Who needs video interviews? Spend ten minutes on USMB reading people's posts.
It's pretty shocking when one watches a video interview of voters. It's difficult to believe the level of education that is found on the street in random interviews.

Who needs video interviews? Spend ten minutes on USMB reading people's posts.

A lot of the posters here regardless of political beliefs are much better educated and informed then many of the voters out there.
Why Are American Voters So Uninformed?​

By Tyler Durden
January 29, 2013

The sad fact is that it appears completely rational to be ignorant about politics. The cost of being an 'informed' voter - as opposed to a bigotted closed-minded ignoramus - is high, from the time spent following (and interpreting) the news in the paper, online, and on the television. As the following clip notes, "becoming an informed voter is competing with a lot of other needs in your life," from American Idol watching to eating Cheetos in the bath. Of course, the sad truth is that it has never been more important to be 'informed' and so the 'bread-and-circuses' will continue lest we stumble upon the truth - but perhaps this brief clip will sway a few more to the dark side of 'the informed' - though just because 'you' are better-informed does not mean politicians will do a better job - as the probability of your vote changing the outcome of an election is for all practical purposes, zero!


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Too many of the "informers" are clueless, are biased or are flat out liars. Obabble is their leader.
Most Americans don't have time to be informed....I was one of them for a good 20 years....

Just had my nose to the grind, working like a dog, trying to improve my life and career....in those 20 years, went from earning $18k a year to 90k a year plus any bonuses earned.... i'm certain taxes went up and down during that period and a gazillion new laws were passed by congress, but none of them got in my way of succeeding....sometimes, what you don't know....won't hurt you!

Only when I stopped working and decided to be a stay at home wife, with time on my hands did I start paying attention to politics.....and honestly, I've been miserable ever since! :(
Why Are American Voters So Uninformed?​

By Tyler Durden
January 29, 2013

The sad fact is that it appears completely rational to be ignorant about politics. The cost of being an 'informed' voter - as opposed to a bigotted closed-minded ignoramus - is high, from the time spent following (and interpreting) the news in the paper, online, and on the television. As the following clip notes, "becoming an informed voter is competing with a lot of other needs in your life," from American Idol watching to eating Cheetos in the bath. Of course, the sad truth is that it has never been more important to be 'informed' and so the 'bread-and-circuses' will continue lest we stumble upon the truth - but perhaps this brief clip will sway a few more to the dark side of 'the informed' - though just because 'you' are better-informed does not mean politicians will do a better job - as the probability of your vote changing the outcome of an election is for all practical purposes, zero!



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You mean like all those conservatives watching Fox News who thought that Iraq was involved in the 9-11 attack on America or that Iraq was a threat to America and that's why Bush chose to preemptively strike Iraq?
It's pretty shocking when one watches a video interview of voters. It's difficult to believe the level of education that is found on the street in random interviews.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKKKgua7wQk]SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters - YouTube[/ame]

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Serious answer:

24 hour news is the main culprit. They have to fill those hours with something, so they talk and talk and talk, eventually talking a subject to death and boring their viewers. Additionally, instant, satellite images leave no time for reflection or even editing. All we mostly get on the really important stories is emotionally charged, muddle headed reporting on the fly, with opinions rendered (to fill the time) based upon what turns out to be faulty or incomplete information.

When the news didn't come on until 6 PM, they had time to consider things, find out more and edit their broadcast. Not so today. It's all done instantly and the amount of misinformation, or disinformation in the case of FOX, is extraordinary.
Interesting how conservatives don’t consider voters ‘uninformed’ when they elect republicans to office.

Lol, really? I would say when a republican becomes president, i'd say voters are informed. The media tries to destroy a republican president, nothing gets by them. Obama well by the media he has never made a mistake. If he does they hide it.

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.

It may have to do with posters who post unsubstantiated claims.
Interesting how conservatives don’t consider voters ‘uninformed’ when they elect republicans to office.

Lol, really? I would say when a republican becomes president, i'd say voters are informed. The media tries to destroy a republican president, nothing gets by them. Obama well by the media he has never made a mistake. If he does they hide it.

Even if it's true that the media tries to destroy Republican candidates they only have themselves to blame for giving the media so much ammunition. If Democrats have been saying as much stupid crap, they are doing a much better job of not saying it on camera, or in front of crowds of people. Excluding Joe Biden. I like the guy, but he's.... something else.
Honestly, it seems to me that conservatives listen to the news, whether the news is correct or not, more so then do the liberals that I know.

I think most of them are more then happy to take the high and mighty road that the democrats are right hell or high water. By being a low information voter allows them the liberty of not having to vote on the facts. For example, I have asked liberals about Obama killing two American citizens, at least, they look at me as if I were making it up. Now that doesn't mean they didn't deserve it, it is just an example of the low information voter. I seriously doubt most liberials don't know whom Paula Jones was or why Clinton really was impeached. Much easier just to believe it was over a BJ in the Oval Office then to have to deal with the reality that he lied under oath in a court of law, lost his law license and lost a big civil suit. Much easier to ignore all of that.
Interesting how conservatives don’t consider voters ‘uninformed’ when they elect republicans to office.

Lol, really? I would say when a republican becomes president, i'd say voters are informed. The media tries to destroy a republican president, nothing gets by them. Obama well by the media he has never made a mistake. If he does they hide it.

Why would we think the Republicans not well informed? For one thing we know for a fact, unlike democrats, the Republican has been well vet'ed by the MSM and their democrat rival. Just like Obama's campaign predicated on nothing but nastiness and character assassination. There really was nothing wrong with Romney except he had the nerver to challenge the king.
Honestly, it seems to me that conservatives listen to the news, whether the news is correct or not, more so then do the liberals that I know.

I think most of them are more then happy to take the high and mighty road that the democrats are right hell or high water. By being a low information voter allows them the liberty of not having to vote on the facts. For example, I have asked liberals about Obama killing two American citizens, at least, they look at me as if I were making it up. Now that doesn't mean they didn't deserve it, it is just an example of the low information voter. I seriously doubt most liberials don't know whom Paula Jones was or why Clinton really was impeached. Much easier just to believe it was over a BJ in the Oval Office then to have to deal with the reality that he lied under oath in a court of law, lost his law license and lost a big civil suit. Much easier to ignore all of that.

I'll bite. Why do YOU think Clinton was impeached?

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