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Why are conservatives always on the wrong side of history?

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So, Cons are responsible for all of that. Progressives are responsible for the murder of over 200 million people. Based on those facts I would say Cons are way the hell better than progressives. What's your response to that little progressive?

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would the right wingers have? No those totalitarian states, WERE NOT PROGRESSIVE IN ANY WAY... Keep trying Bubba

Sure they weren't.... A progressive master class for you...
  • H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”
  • The poet Wallace Stevens pronounced himself “pro-Mussolini personally.”
  • The eminent historian Charles Beard wrote of Mussolini’s efforts: “Beyond question, an amazing experiment is being made [in Italy], an experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism.”
  • Muckraking journalists almost universally admired Mussolini. Lincoln Steffens, for one, said that Italian fascism made Western democracy, by comparison, look like a system run by “petty persons with petty purposes.” Mussolini, Steffens proclaimed reverently, had been “formed” by God “out of the rib of Italy.”
  • McClure’s Magazine founder Samuel McClure, an important figure in the muckraking movement, described Italian fascism as “a great step forward and the first new ideal in government since the founding of the American Republic.”
  • After having vistited Italy and interviewed Mussolini in 1926, the American humorist Will Rogers, who was informally dubbed “Ambassador-at-Large of the United States” by the National Press Club, said of the fascist dictator: “I’m pretty high on that bird.” “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government,” Rogers wrote, “that is, if you have the right dictator.”
  • Reporter Ida Tarbell was deeply impressed by Mussolini's attitudes regarding labor, affectionately dubbing him “a despot with a dimple.”
  • NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois saw National Socialism as a worthy model for economic organization. The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, he wrote, had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.” In 1937 DuBois stated: “there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.”
  • FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It's the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen. It makes me envious.”
  • New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”
  • Playwright George Bernard Shaw hailed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.
"Because progressivism embraces the ideal of nationalism and touts the so-called “Third Way” between capitalism and communism, its pedigree is closer to fascism than to communism. Progressivism and fascism share the totalitarian belief that with the proper amount of tinkering, social engineers will be able to realize the utopian dream of establishing a nation where perfect equality reigns. This mindset accounts for the support that the early progressives gave to eugenics, whose ultimate aim was the creation of a pure race, a “New Man” – not unlike the Nazi “Aryan” ideal. Such a project, of course, could only be overseen and carried out by a wise and omniscient leadership, an intellectual elite endowed with judgment superior to that of the unwashed masses."


Humorous at least Bubba, IF NOT HONEST

So, other than a off topic flame on me, you've got no response. Is that what you're admitting "dad"?
Conservatives Can't Escape Blame for the Financial Crisis

The onset of the recent financial crisis in late 2007 created an intellectual crisis for conservatives, who had been touting for decades the benefits of a hands-off approach to financial market regulation. As the crisis quickly spiraled out of control, it quickly became apparent that the massive credit bubble of the mid-2000s, followed by the inevitable bust that culminated with the financial markets freeze in the fall of 2008, occurred predominantly among those parts of the financial system that were least regulated, or where regulations existed but were largely unenforced.

Predictably, many conservatives sought to blame the bogeymen they always blamed

In March of 2008, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) blamed loans “to the minorities, to the poor, to the young” as causing foreclosures. Not long after, conservative commentator Michele Malkin went so far as to claim that illegal immigration caused the crisis.

This tendency to shift blame to minorities and poor people for the financial crisis soon developed into a well-honed narrative on the right. Swiftly and repeatedly many conservatives blamed affordable housing policies—particularly the affordable housing goals in place for the two government sponsored mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act that applies to regulated lenders such as banks and thrifts—for the massive financial crisis that occurred. This despite the fact that as recently as 2006 prominent conservatives, including FCIC Republican member and American Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow Peter Wallison, were arguing that Fannie and Freddie needed to do more lending to low-income communities and minorities.

Last week, the Republican minority on the congressionally created Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission continued this tradition of willful blindness, issuing their own self-described nine-page "primer" on the financial crisis—one that attempts to lay the blame once again on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Community Reinvestment Act. The picture they paint is reflective of a mindset they displayed last week when all four Republican members tried to ban the phrases "Wall Street," "shadow banking," "interconnection," and "deregulation" from the final report.

These terms are important to understanding what happened in the 2000s. But equally damning is this—the minority members of the FCIC got their facts wrong, their time frames jumbled, and their selection of relevant facts skewed to reflect their libertarian biases.

Politics Most Blatant Center for American Progress

So who is to blame bright boy? Who did the Dims send to jail?

If someone is guilty, I presume Dims had the moral obligation to put them behind bars, especially since they held power after the 2008 elections

Oh, that's right, they needed corporate funding to win in 2008, my bad.

So what are Dims good for if anything? Whining perhaps?

Thanks for asking Bubba

Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street


Why Prosecutors Don t Go After Wall Street NPR

“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”


The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis William K. Black

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - Los Angeles Times

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI mdash Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


REPORT: Five Things Unions Have Done For All Americans

1. Unions Gave Us The Weekend: Even the ultra-conservative Mises Institute notes that the relatively labor-free 1870, the average workweek for most Americans was 61 hours — almost double what most Americans work now. Yet in the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century, labor unions engaged in massive strikes in order to demand shorter workweeks so that Americans could be home with their loved ones instead of constantly toiling for their employers with no leisure time. By 1937, these labor actions created enough political momentum to pass the Fair Labor Standards Act, which helped create a federal framework for a shorter workweek that included room for leisure time.

2. Unions Gave Us Fair Wages And Relative Income Equality: As ThinkProgress reported earlier in the week, the relative decline of unions over the past 35 years has mirrored a decline in the middle class’s share of national income. It is also true that at the time when most Americans belonged to a union — a period of time between the 1940’s and 1950’s — income inequality in the U.S. was at its lowest point in the history of the country.

3. Unions Helped End Child Labor: “Union organizing and child labor reform were often intertwined” in U.S. history, with organization’s like the “National Consumers’ League” and the National Child Labor Committee” working together in the early 20th century to ban child labor. The very first American Federation of Labor (AFL) national convention passed “a resolution calling on states to ban children under 14 from all gainful employment” in 1881, and soon after states across the country adopted similar recommendations, leading up to the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act which regulated child labor on the federal level for the first time.

4. Unions Won Widespread Employer-Based Health Coverage: “The rise of unions in the 1930’s and 1940’s led to the first great expansion of health care” for all Americans, as labor unions banded workers together to negotiate for health coverage plans from employers. In 1942, “the US set up a National War Labor Board. It had the power to set a cap on all wage increases. But it let employers circumvent the cap by offering “fringe benefits” – notably, health insurance.” By 1950, “half of all companies with fewer than 250 workers and two-thirds of all companies with more than 250 workers offered health insurance of one kind or another.”

5. Unions Spearheaded The Fight For The Family And Medical Leave Act: Labor unions like the AFL-CIO federation led the fight for this 1993 law, which “requires state agencies and private employers with more than 50 employees to provide up to 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave annually for workers to care for a newborn, newly adopted child, seriously ill family member or for the worker’s own illness.”

Unions also gave us Jimmy Hoffa and helped destroy GM. So what? Are we to forever defend unions based upon ancient history? You are beginning to sound horribly regressive. I'm currently part of a union that is essentially worthless. However, if you belong to the right kind of union that is politically connected, then you can get out of things like Obamacare.

Thanks for agreeing the fine things unions have done for US. And I think you are confusing unions destroying GM (all the auto comps) and Corp management looking for hort term profits ahead of long term Corp reversibility

Hoffa? Oh right I forgot Nixon and then Reagan's most corrupt admin the GOP gave US

I see you're as week on history as you are on everything else but infantile insults. Grant's was arguably the most corrupt, till ole bammy got in office. The level of corruption that he has brought has blown all previous POTI, out of the water.
10 things conservative Christians got horribly wrong

Evangelicals and their ilk have used God to justify everything from Prohibition and segregation to slavery

1) Slavery. Both sides of the American slavery debate claimed to be speaking from profound Christian conviction. The Bible clearly has a positive view of slavery, something pro-slavery Christians routinely pointed out. Abolitionists took a broader, less literal view of the Bible. Unsurprising that this divide led to the South being, to this day, home of the most people who take a literalist, fundamentalist view of Christianity.

2) Women’s suffrage. Unsurprisingly, conservative Christianity was hostile to women’s suffrage, just as it’s been hostile to women’s progress every step of the way. Women’s “God-given” roles were routinely referenced in arguments against giving women the right to vote

3) Evolution.

4) Pain relief for childbirth

5) Catholics. Modern American conservative Protestants embrace Catholics and have even started to borrow some Catholic arguments against things like abortion and contraception. But in the early 19th and 20th centuries, there was widespread anti-Catholic sentiment, much of it tied up in hostility to Catholic immigrants. There was even an anti-Catholic political party in the early 19th century.

6) Prohibition. Hostility to Catholic immigrants was a large part of the reason temperance mania took over many Protestant communities in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Despite the fact that Jesus was a wine drinker, abstinence from alcohol—and forcing abstinence on others by force of law—became a major Christian cause during this period, leading up to Prohibition. This was true, even though many in the temperance movement were also aligned with the suffragist cause, making Prohibition one of the few Christian follies that weighs as heavily on the progressive Christian tradition as it does the conservative one. Luckily, it took little more than a decade for the bigtime error that was banning alcohol to be fixed.

7) Segregation. Religious leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. led the desegregation movement, but it’s also important to note that the pro-segregation movement was also conceived as a Christian one. Arguments against “race mixing” were largely framed in religious terms....Christian right leader Jerry Falwell got his start fighting to uphold segregation, giving sermons about how integration was offensive to God

8) Contraception. From the beginning of the “birth control movement,” Christian conservatives fought to keep women from being able to have sex without getting pregnant.

9) School prayer. Along with supporting segregation and opposing feminism, the third issue that created the modern religious right is the issue of prayer in public schools. In 1961, the Supreme Court ruled against school-led prayers, even if they were supposedly voluntary. Instead of giving up a chance to use schools as a way to foist their beliefs on the unwilling, the religious right spent and continues to spend the next 50-plus years trying to find some way to sneak religious indoctrination/bullying of non-believers into public schools.

10) Marriage equality. The religious right is still fighting like it’s not obvious that they’re wrong on this one. The tide is shifting so fast it’s quickly becoming apparent that this issue, like segregation, is going to be one where they’ll be pretending they didn’t fight so hard for the side of wrong in a few decades.

10 things conservative Christians got horribly wrong - Salon.com

1. Slavery. The Bible clearly does NOT have a favorable image of slavery. God sent Moses to free his people of slavery idiot. Then Mosaic law did the unthinkable, it gave everyone a day of rest, something that in the ancient world was unheard of. Thanks to Mosaic law, you now are able to enjoy a weekend. Although slavery was allowed in Mosaic law, it was only as a means of survival, and after 7 years, they were to be set free. You are either being disingenuous or you don't know what you are talking about. I could care less who uses the Bible to prove a point. Hell, Dims do it today when it comes to helping the poor. They use Jesus when it is convenient, but God forbid conservatives use the Bible when it comes to topics like abortion.

2. Woman's Suffrage. Again, I could really care less how people used the Bible in the past. Clearly it has been abused and misrepresented. Even Hitler claimed to be a Christian. Interestingly, even Obama claims to be one. Shrug. The reality, however, is that Jesus challenged the views of women during his day. He spared the woman caught in slavery and included women in his ministry. In the Bible we see women are prophets, military leaders, and one actually saved the entire Jewish people, so people can just ignore it if they please. It's not like Christians forbid their women from driving or drag them to the public square to be beheaded like they do in Islam. Now let's sit back and watch how the left destroys someone like Sarah Palin. Does the left really give a damn about women or do they simply selectively target women with the wrong political views? Hypocrites.

3. Why did you not write anything about evolution? Do you not know that not all Christians disbelieve evolution? Did you not know that evolution and creationism are not necessarily mutually exclusive? Again, more BS. As for those that do, so what? People are stupid no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on. Bush won 2 elections and Obama won two elections. Neither side can understand how it happened. The only answer is that people are genuinely stupid.

I could go on but you seem to be running out of steam with the rest of your BS.


Did we give up the "Don't post stupid posters" rule already?
Unless you get a formal notice from USMB you shouldn't worry about it. Most folks find you somewhat entertaining if not immature and a bit frustrating, but the entertainment seems to outweigh the frustration at this point. Should be OK for you to keep posting.
Throughout ancient history, man has traditionally been a slave or lived under tyranny. This is achieved through collectivism. Man generates support from others and forms coalitions which produces armies and governments. Then man can extend his sphere of influence over larger and larger numbers of people.

First collectivists convinced us that he was a god, then when that no longer worked they convinced us that they spoke for God, then when that no longer worked, they convinced us that there is no God, thus making themselves the ultimate moral authority on everything.

So it seems to me that those who fight for individual freedom are the ones on the wrong side of history. They are the ones who get audited by the IRS and verbally abused worse than members of ISIS.

In the end, man demands a king. It is our nature.

Cool, so you'll use 'freedom' to create your paradise somewhere right? WHERE has you libertarian bullshit EVER been used again? lol
So, Cons are responsible for all of that. Progressives are responsible for the murder of over 200 million people. Based on those facts I would say Cons are way the hell better than progressives. What's your response to that little progressive?

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would the right wingers have? No those totalitarian states, WERE NOT PROGRESSIVE IN ANY WAY... Keep trying Bubba

Sure they weren't.... A progressive master class for you...
  • H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”
  • The poet Wallace Stevens pronounced himself “pro-Mussolini personally.”
  • The eminent historian Charles Beard wrote of Mussolini’s efforts: “Beyond question, an amazing experiment is being made [in Italy], an experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism.”
  • Muckraking journalists almost universally admired Mussolini. Lincoln Steffens, for one, said that Italian fascism made Western democracy, by comparison, look like a system run by “petty persons with petty purposes.” Mussolini, Steffens proclaimed reverently, had been “formed” by God “out of the rib of Italy.”
  • McClure’s Magazine founder Samuel McClure, an important figure in the muckraking movement, described Italian fascism as “a great step forward and the first new ideal in government since the founding of the American Republic.”
  • After having vistited Italy and interviewed Mussolini in 1926, the American humorist Will Rogers, who was informally dubbed “Ambassador-at-Large of the United States” by the National Press Club, said of the fascist dictator: “I’m pretty high on that bird.” “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government,” Rogers wrote, “that is, if you have the right dictator.”
  • Reporter Ida Tarbell was deeply impressed by Mussolini's attitudes regarding labor, affectionately dubbing him “a despot with a dimple.”
  • NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois saw National Socialism as a worthy model for economic organization. The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, he wrote, had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.” In 1937 DuBois stated: “there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.”
  • FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It's the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen. It makes me envious.”
  • New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”
  • Playwright George Bernard Shaw hailed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.
"Because progressivism embraces the ideal of nationalism and touts the so-called “Third Way” between capitalism and communism, its pedigree is closer to fascism than to communism. Progressivism and fascism share the totalitarian belief that with the proper amount of tinkering, social engineers will be able to realize the utopian dream of establishing a nation where perfect equality reigns. This mindset accounts for the support that the early progressives gave to eugenics, whose ultimate aim was the creation of a pure race, a “New Man” – not unlike the Nazi “Aryan” ideal. Such a project, of course, could only be overseen and carried out by a wise and omniscient leadership, an intellectual elite endowed with judgment superior to that of the unwashed masses."


Humorous at least Bubba, IF NOT HONEST

So, other than a off topic flame on me, you've got no response. Is that what you're admitting "dad"?

Response to what, a few selected OUT OF CONTEXT quotes from people in a set period to 'prove' that somehow progressives were/are the nationalists movement of the right wingers? lol

Sorry, it was authoritarians who did those things, something progressives don't accept or promote Bubba
Flashback: Republicans Opposed Medicare In 1960s By Warning Of Rationing, ‘Socialized Medicine’

Ronald Reagan: “f you don’t [stop Medicare] and I don’t do it, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.” [1961]

George H.W. Bush: Described Medicare in 1964 as “socialized medicine.” [1964]

Barry Goldwater: “Having given our pensioners their medical care in kind, why not food baskets, why not public housing accommodations, why not vacation resorts, why not a ration of cigarettes for those who smoke and of beer for those who drink.” [1964]

Bob Dole: In 1996, while running for the Presidency, Dole openly bragged that he was one of 12 House members who voted against creating Medicare in 1965. “I was there, fighting the fight, voting against Medicare . . . because we knew it wouldn’t work in 1965.” [1965]

If you think medicare isn't rationed your delusional. Medicare forced my mom out of the hospital to a rehab facility where they didn't monitor her closely enough and she died the next morning. Yep, medicare is rationed.
So, Cons are responsible for all of that. Progressives are responsible for the murder of over 200 million people. Based on those facts I would say Cons are way the hell better than progressives. What's your response to that little progressive?

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would the right wingers have? No those totalitarian states, WERE NOT PROGRESSIVE IN ANY WAY... Keep trying Bubba

Sure they weren't.... A progressive master class for you...
  • H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”
  • The poet Wallace Stevens pronounced himself “pro-Mussolini personally.”
  • The eminent historian Charles Beard wrote of Mussolini’s efforts: “Beyond question, an amazing experiment is being made [in Italy], an experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism.”
  • Muckraking journalists almost universally admired Mussolini. Lincoln Steffens, for one, said that Italian fascism made Western democracy, by comparison, look like a system run by “petty persons with petty purposes.” Mussolini, Steffens proclaimed reverently, had been “formed” by God “out of the rib of Italy.”
  • McClure’s Magazine founder Samuel McClure, an important figure in the muckraking movement, described Italian fascism as “a great step forward and the first new ideal in government since the founding of the American Republic.”
  • After having vistited Italy and interviewed Mussolini in 1926, the American humorist Will Rogers, who was informally dubbed “Ambassador-at-Large of the United States” by the National Press Club, said of the fascist dictator: “I’m pretty high on that bird.” “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government,” Rogers wrote, “that is, if you have the right dictator.”
  • Reporter Ida Tarbell was deeply impressed by Mussolini's attitudes regarding labor, affectionately dubbing him “a despot with a dimple.”
  • NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois saw National Socialism as a worthy model for economic organization. The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, he wrote, had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.” In 1937 DuBois stated: “there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.”
  • FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It's the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen. It makes me envious.”
  • New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”
  • Playwright George Bernard Shaw hailed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.
"Because progressivism embraces the ideal of nationalism and touts the so-called “Third Way” between capitalism and communism, its pedigree is closer to fascism than to communism. Progressivism and fascism share the totalitarian belief that with the proper amount of tinkering, social engineers will be able to realize the utopian dream of establishing a nation where perfect equality reigns. This mindset accounts for the support that the early progressives gave to eugenics, whose ultimate aim was the creation of a pure race, a “New Man” – not unlike the Nazi “Aryan” ideal. Such a project, of course, could only be overseen and carried out by a wise and omniscient leadership, an intellectual elite endowed with judgment superior to that of the unwashed masses."


Humorous at least Bubba, IF NOT HONEST

So, other than a off topic flame on me, you've got no response. Is that what you're admitting "dad"?

Response to what, a few selected OUT OF CONTEXT quotes from people in a set period to 'prove' that somehow progressives were/are the nationalists movement of the right wingers? lol

Sorry, it was authoritarians who did those things, something progressives don't accept or promote Bubba

Out of context? How exactly is

H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”

Being taken out of context?

Face it "dad". You are all for authoritarian rule so long as you get to pull the trigger. I look at you vitriolic posts and I see a silly person raging against the world.
10 things conservative Christians got horribly wrong

Evangelicals and their ilk have used God to justify everything from Prohibition and segregation to slavery

1) Slavery. Both sides of the American slavery debate claimed to be speaking from profound Christian conviction. The Bible clearly has a positive view of slavery, something pro-slavery Christians routinely pointed out. Abolitionists took a broader, less literal view of the Bible. Unsurprising that this divide led to the South being, to this day, home of the most people who take a literalist, fundamentalist view of Christianity.

2) Women’s suffrage. Unsurprisingly, conservative Christianity was hostile to women’s suffrage, just as it’s been hostile to women’s progress every step of the way. Women’s “God-given” roles were routinely referenced in arguments against giving women the right to vote

3) Evolution.

4) Pain relief for childbirth

5) Catholics. Modern American conservative Protestants embrace Catholics and have even started to borrow some Catholic arguments against things like abortion and contraception. But in the early 19th and 20th centuries, there was widespread anti-Catholic sentiment, much of it tied up in hostility to Catholic immigrants. There was even an anti-Catholic political party in the early 19th century.

6) Prohibition. Hostility to Catholic immigrants was a large part of the reason temperance mania took over many Protestant communities in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Despite the fact that Jesus was a wine drinker, abstinence from alcohol—and forcing abstinence on others by force of law—became a major Christian cause during this period, leading up to Prohibition. This was true, even though many in the temperance movement were also aligned with the suffragist cause, making Prohibition one of the few Christian follies that weighs as heavily on the progressive Christian tradition as it does the conservative one. Luckily, it took little more than a decade for the bigtime error that was banning alcohol to be fixed.

7) Segregation. Religious leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. led the desegregation movement, but it’s also important to note that the pro-segregation movement was also conceived as a Christian one. Arguments against “race mixing” were largely framed in religious terms....Christian right leader Jerry Falwell got his start fighting to uphold segregation, giving sermons about how integration was offensive to God

8) Contraception. From the beginning of the “birth control movement,” Christian conservatives fought to keep women from being able to have sex without getting pregnant.

9) School prayer. Along with supporting segregation and opposing feminism, the third issue that created the modern religious right is the issue of prayer in public schools. In 1961, the Supreme Court ruled against school-led prayers, even if they were supposedly voluntary. Instead of giving up a chance to use schools as a way to foist their beliefs on the unwilling, the religious right spent and continues to spend the next 50-plus years trying to find some way to sneak religious indoctrination/bullying of non-believers into public schools.

10) Marriage equality. The religious right is still fighting like it’s not obvious that they’re wrong on this one. The tide is shifting so fast it’s quickly becoming apparent that this issue, like segregation, is going to be one where they’ll be pretending they didn’t fight so hard for the side of wrong in a few decades.

10 things conservative Christians got horribly wrong - Salon.com
Mankind is destined to get wiser, better, smarter, Sooner or later you realize that society needs as many people as it can pulling in the same direction.

Progressives, by nature, are more accepting of this and facilitate the action.

Conservatives, by nature, resist not only the newcomers but the very fact that others are (and have been) necessary.
REPORT: Five Things Unions Have Done For All Americans

1. Unions Gave Us The Weekend: Even the ultra-conservative Mises Institute notes that the relatively labor-free 1870, the average workweek for most Americans was 61 hours — almost double what most Americans work now. Yet in the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century, labor unions engaged in massive strikes in order to demand shorter workweeks so that Americans could be home with their loved ones instead of constantly toiling for their employers with no leisure time. By 1937, these labor actions created enough political momentum to pass the Fair Labor Standards Act, which helped create a federal framework for a shorter workweek that included room for leisure time.

2. Unions Gave Us Fair Wages And Relative Income Equality: As ThinkProgress reported earlier in the week, the relative decline of unions over the past 35 years has mirrored a decline in the middle class’s share of national income. It is also true that at the time when most Americans belonged to a union — a period of time between the 1940’s and 1950’s — income inequality in the U.S. was at its lowest point in the history of the country.

3. Unions Helped End Child Labor: “Union organizing and child labor reform were often intertwined” in U.S. history, with organization’s like the “National Consumers’ League” and the National Child Labor Committee” working together in the early 20th century to ban child labor. The very first American Federation of Labor (AFL) national convention passed “a resolution calling on states to ban children under 14 from all gainful employment” in 1881, and soon after states across the country adopted similar recommendations, leading up to the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act which regulated child labor on the federal level for the first time.

4. Unions Won Widespread Employer-Based Health Coverage: “The rise of unions in the 1930’s and 1940’s led to the first great expansion of health care” for all Americans, as labor unions banded workers together to negotiate for health coverage plans from employers. In 1942, “the US set up a National War Labor Board. It had the power to set a cap on all wage increases. But it let employers circumvent the cap by offering “fringe benefits” – notably, health insurance.” By 1950, “half of all companies with fewer than 250 workers and two-thirds of all companies with more than 250 workers offered health insurance of one kind or another.”

5. Unions Spearheaded The Fight For The Family And Medical Leave Act: Labor unions like the AFL-CIO federation led the fight for this 1993 law, which “requires state agencies and private employers with more than 50 employees to provide up to 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave annually for workers to care for a newborn, newly adopted child, seriously ill family member or for the worker’s own illness.”

Unions also gave us Jimmy Hoffa and helped destroy GM. So what? Are we to forever defend unions based upon ancient history? You are beginning to sound horribly regressive. I'm currently part of a union that is essentially worthless. However, if you belong to the right kind of union that is politically connected, then you can get out of things like Obamacare.

Thanks for agreeing the fine things unions have done for US. And I think you are confusing unions destroying GM (all the auto comps) and Corp management looking for hort term profits ahead of long term Corp reversibility

Hoffa? Oh right I forgot Nixon and then Reagan's most corrupt admin the GOP gave US

I see you're as week on history as you are on everything else but infantile insults. Grant's was arguably the most corrupt, till ole bammy got in office. The level of corruption that he has brought has blown all previous POTI, out of the water.



"Says the psychotic with a pic of the traitorous conservative shooting the Prez"


"I see you're as week on history as you are on everything else but infantile insults. "


"Your message (Hillary Clinton: Qualifications to be President) contains trolling, flaming and/or no content"


The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any US president

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Flashback: Republicans Opposed Medicare In 1960s By Warning Of Rationing, ‘Socialized Medicine’

Ronald Reagan: “f you don’t [stop Medicare] and I don’t do it, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.” [1961]

George H.W. Bush: Described Medicare in 1964 as “socialized medicine.” [1964]

Barry Goldwater: “Having given our pensioners their medical care in kind, why not food baskets, why not public housing accommodations, why not vacation resorts, why not a ration of cigarettes for those who smoke and of beer for those who drink.” [1964]

Bob Dole: In 1996, while running for the Presidency, Dole openly bragged that he was one of 12 House members who voted against creating Medicare in 1965. “I was there, fighting the fight, voting against Medicare . . . because we knew it wouldn’t work in 1965.” [1965]

If you think medicare isn't rationed your delusional. Medicare forced my mom out of the hospital to a rehab facility where they didn't monitor her closely enough and she died the next morning. Yep, medicare is rationed.

Yeah, PRIVATE markets aren't rationed either right? HONESTY. Try it.
Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would the right wingers have? No those totalitarian states, WERE NOT PROGRESSIVE IN ANY WAY... Keep trying Bubba

Sure they weren't.... A progressive master class for you...
  • H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”
  • The poet Wallace Stevens pronounced himself “pro-Mussolini personally.”
  • The eminent historian Charles Beard wrote of Mussolini’s efforts: “Beyond question, an amazing experiment is being made [in Italy], an experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism.”
  • Muckraking journalists almost universally admired Mussolini. Lincoln Steffens, for one, said that Italian fascism made Western democracy, by comparison, look like a system run by “petty persons with petty purposes.” Mussolini, Steffens proclaimed reverently, had been “formed” by God “out of the rib of Italy.”
  • McClure’s Magazine founder Samuel McClure, an important figure in the muckraking movement, described Italian fascism as “a great step forward and the first new ideal in government since the founding of the American Republic.”
  • After having vistited Italy and interviewed Mussolini in 1926, the American humorist Will Rogers, who was informally dubbed “Ambassador-at-Large of the United States” by the National Press Club, said of the fascist dictator: “I’m pretty high on that bird.” “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government,” Rogers wrote, “that is, if you have the right dictator.”
  • Reporter Ida Tarbell was deeply impressed by Mussolini's attitudes regarding labor, affectionately dubbing him “a despot with a dimple.”
  • NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois saw National Socialism as a worthy model for economic organization. The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, he wrote, had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.” In 1937 DuBois stated: “there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.”
  • FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It's the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen. It makes me envious.”
  • New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”
  • Playwright George Bernard Shaw hailed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.
"Because progressivism embraces the ideal of nationalism and touts the so-called “Third Way” between capitalism and communism, its pedigree is closer to fascism than to communism. Progressivism and fascism share the totalitarian belief that with the proper amount of tinkering, social engineers will be able to realize the utopian dream of establishing a nation where perfect equality reigns. This mindset accounts for the support that the early progressives gave to eugenics, whose ultimate aim was the creation of a pure race, a “New Man” – not unlike the Nazi “Aryan” ideal. Such a project, of course, could only be overseen and carried out by a wise and omniscient leadership, an intellectual elite endowed with judgment superior to that of the unwashed masses."


Humorous at least Bubba, IF NOT HONEST

So, other than a off topic flame on me, you've got no response. Is that what you're admitting "dad"?

Response to what, a few selected OUT OF CONTEXT quotes from people in a set period to 'prove' that somehow progressives were/are the nationalists movement of the right wingers? lol

Sorry, it was authoritarians who did those things, something progressives don't accept or promote Bubba

Out of context? How exactly is

H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”

Being taken out of context?

Face it "dad". You are all for authoritarian rule so long as you get to pull the trigger. I look at you vitriolic posts and I see a silly person raging against the world.

So YOU don't understand what CONTEXT is, I'm NOT surprised, but keep pointing to a few words out of paragraphs or pages, to 'prove' your point. lol
10 things conservative Christians got horribly wrong

Evangelicals and their ilk have used God to justify everything from Prohibition and segregation to slavery

1) Slavery. Both sides of the American slavery debate claimed to be speaking from profound Christian conviction. The Bible clearly has a positive view of slavery, something pro-slavery Christians routinely pointed out. Abolitionists took a broader, less literal view of the Bible. Unsurprising that this divide led to the South being, to this day, home of the most people who take a literalist, fundamentalist view of Christianity.

2) Women’s suffrage. Unsurprisingly, conservative Christianity was hostile to women’s suffrage, just as it’s been hostile to women’s progress every step of the way. Women’s “God-given” roles were routinely referenced in arguments against giving women the right to vote

3) Evolution.

4) Pain relief for childbirth

5) Catholics. Modern American conservative Protestants embrace Catholics and have even started to borrow some Catholic arguments against things like abortion and contraception. But in the early 19th and 20th centuries, there was widespread anti-Catholic sentiment, much of it tied up in hostility to Catholic immigrants. There was even an anti-Catholic political party in the early 19th century.

6) Prohibition. Hostility to Catholic immigrants was a large part of the reason temperance mania took over many Protestant communities in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Despite the fact that Jesus was a wine drinker, abstinence from alcohol—and forcing abstinence on others by force of law—became a major Christian cause during this period, leading up to Prohibition. This was true, even though many in the temperance movement were also aligned with the suffragist cause, making Prohibition one of the few Christian follies that weighs as heavily on the progressive Christian tradition as it does the conservative one. Luckily, it took little more than a decade for the bigtime error that was banning alcohol to be fixed.

7) Segregation. Religious leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. led the desegregation movement, but it’s also important to note that the pro-segregation movement was also conceived as a Christian one. Arguments against “race mixing” were largely framed in religious terms....Christian right leader Jerry Falwell got his start fighting to uphold segregation, giving sermons about how integration was offensive to God

8) Contraception. From the beginning of the “birth control movement,” Christian conservatives fought to keep women from being able to have sex without getting pregnant.

9) School prayer. Along with supporting segregation and opposing feminism, the third issue that created the modern religious right is the issue of prayer in public schools. In 1961, the Supreme Court ruled against school-led prayers, even if they were supposedly voluntary. Instead of giving up a chance to use schools as a way to foist their beliefs on the unwilling, the religious right spent and continues to spend the next 50-plus years trying to find some way to sneak religious indoctrination/bullying of non-believers into public schools.

10) Marriage equality. The religious right is still fighting like it’s not obvious that they’re wrong on this one. The tide is shifting so fast it’s quickly becoming apparent that this issue, like segregation, is going to be one where they’ll be pretending they didn’t fight so hard for the side of wrong in a few decades.

10 things conservative Christians got horribly wrong - Salon.com
good points. Their owners- the Kochs of the world, want them to keep things just the way they are- massive tax loopholes and offshore tax havens. Sad anyone would be dumb enough to vote for them.

We take this opportunity for a commercial break in the politics forum;

'MADRID (AP) -- At least 100,000 people marched through Madrid on Saturday in a show of strength by a fledgling radical leftist party, which hopes to emulate the success of Greece's Syriza party in the Spanish general election later this year.
Podemos ("We Can") aims to shatter the country's predominantly two-party system and the "March for Change" gathered crowds in the same place where sit-in protests against political and financial corruption laid the party's foundations in 2011.'

News from The Associated Press

"Yes we can!" - 2008 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of Barack Obama during the general election.

"Change We Need." and "Change." - 2008 U.S. presidential campaign slogan of Barack Obama during the general election.

List of U.S. presidential campaign slogans - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This stuff is not rocket science.

REPORT: Five Things Unions Have Done For All Americans

1. Unions Gave Us The Weekend: Even the ultra-conservative Mises Institute notes that the relatively labor-free 1870, the average workweek for most Americans was 61 hours — almost double what most Americans work now. Yet in the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century, labor unions engaged in massive strikes in order to demand shorter workweeks so that Americans could be home with their loved ones instead of constantly toiling for their employers with no leisure time. By 1937, these labor actions created enough political momentum to pass the Fair Labor Standards Act, which helped create a federal framework for a shorter workweek that included room for leisure time.

2. Unions Gave Us Fair Wages And Relative Income Equality: As ThinkProgress reported earlier in the week, the relative decline of unions over the past 35 years has mirrored a decline in the middle class’s share of national income. It is also true that at the time when most Americans belonged to a union — a period of time between the 1940’s and 1950’s — income inequality in the U.S. was at its lowest point in the history of the country.

3. Unions Helped End Child Labor: “Union organizing and child labor reform were often intertwined” in U.S. history, with organization’s like the “National Consumers’ League” and the National Child Labor Committee” working together in the early 20th century to ban child labor. The very first American Federation of Labor (AFL) national convention passed “a resolution calling on states to ban children under 14 from all gainful employment” in 1881, and soon after states across the country adopted similar recommendations, leading up to the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act which regulated child labor on the federal level for the first time.

4. Unions Won Widespread Employer-Based Health Coverage: “The rise of unions in the 1930’s and 1940’s led to the first great expansion of health care” for all Americans, as labor unions banded workers together to negotiate for health coverage plans from employers. In 1942, “the US set up a National War Labor Board. It had the power to set a cap on all wage increases. But it let employers circumvent the cap by offering “fringe benefits” – notably, health insurance.” By 1950, “half of all companies with fewer than 250 workers and two-thirds of all companies with more than 250 workers offered health insurance of one kind or another.”

5. Unions Spearheaded The Fight For The Family And Medical Leave Act: Labor unions like the AFL-CIO federation led the fight for this 1993 law, which “requires state agencies and private employers with more than 50 employees to provide up to 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave annually for workers to care for a newborn, newly adopted child, seriously ill family member or for the worker’s own illness.”

Unions also gave us Jimmy Hoffa and helped destroy GM. So what? Are we to forever defend unions based upon ancient history? You are beginning to sound horribly regressive. I'm currently part of a union that is essentially worthless. However, if you belong to the right kind of union that is politically connected, then you can get out of things like Obamacare.

Thanks for agreeing the fine things unions have done for US. And I think you are confusing unions destroying GM (all the auto comps) and Corp management looking for hort term profits ahead of long term Corp reversibility

Hoffa? Oh right I forgot Nixon and then Reagan's most corrupt admin the GOP gave US

I see you're as week on history as you are on everything else but infantile insults. Grant's was arguably the most corrupt, till ole bammy got in office. The level of corruption that he has brought has blown all previous POTI, out of the water.



"Says the psychotic with a pic of the traitorous conservative shooting the Prez"


"I see you're as week on history as you are on everything else but infantile insults. "


"Your message (Hillary Clinton: Qualifications to be President) contains trolling, flaming and/or no content"


The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any US president

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So......you are frothing at the mouth aren't you... Whenever I see a rant like this it reminds me of the silly (well insane) person in this video. I can just imagine you screaming at your poor cat like this. Maybe this is you...

So dad is running westwall: interesting.

I disagree that cons "always" get "on the wrong side of history," but we do have a group of far right reactionaries on this board who deliberately revise it wrongly for nefarious purposes.

The mainstream GOP has been busily twisting the far right's balls since the fall of 2013 and will complete the process in the primaries of 2016.
I'm getting so tired of racist liberals posting hate on these boards. There are literally no differences in policy from Bush to Obama... Yet Obama has done wonders and Bush destroyed the world economy????

Not only are these liberals incredibly racist, hate filled but also just demonstrate ignorance to a level rarely seen.

Liberals today like to claim their "new ideas" are better yet they fail to see their "new ideas" are all old ideas that failed in the past. Tell us all your new bright ideas and we can point to periods in time over the last couple thousand years where these ideas were tried and failed. Go ahead!
Well Bush turned a 4.2% unemployment rate into a 7.8% unemployment rate and Obama turned that 7.8% unemployment rate into a 5.6% unemployment rate (so far).

Yeah, that's exactly the same. :eusa_doh:
REPORT: Five Things Unions Have Done For All Americans

1. Unions Gave Us The Weekend: Even the ultra-conservative Mises Institute notes that the relatively labor-free 1870, the average workweek for most Americans was 61 hours — almost double what most Americans work now. Yet in the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century, labor unions engaged in massive strikes in order to demand shorter workweeks so that Americans could be home with their loved ones instead of constantly toiling for their employers with no leisure time. By 1937, these labor actions created enough political momentum to pass the Fair Labor Standards Act, which helped create a federal framework for a shorter workweek that included room for leisure time.

2. Unions Gave Us Fair Wages And Relative Income Equality: As ThinkProgress reported earlier in the week, the relative decline of unions over the past 35 years has mirrored a decline in the middle class’s share of national income. It is also true that at the time when most Americans belonged to a union — a period of time between the 1940’s and 1950’s — income inequality in the U.S. was at its lowest point in the history of the country.

3. Unions Helped End Child Labor: “Union organizing and child labor reform were often intertwined” in U.S. history, with organization’s like the “National Consumers’ League” and the National Child Labor Committee” working together in the early 20th century to ban child labor. The very first American Federation of Labor (AFL) national convention passed “a resolution calling on states to ban children under 14 from all gainful employment” in 1881, and soon after states across the country adopted similar recommendations, leading up to the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act which regulated child labor on the federal level for the first time.

4. Unions Won Widespread Employer-Based Health Coverage: “The rise of unions in the 1930’s and 1940’s led to the first great expansion of health care” for all Americans, as labor unions banded workers together to negotiate for health coverage plans from employers. In 1942, “the US set up a National War Labor Board. It had the power to set a cap on all wage increases. But it let employers circumvent the cap by offering “fringe benefits” – notably, health insurance.” By 1950, “half of all companies with fewer than 250 workers and two-thirds of all companies with more than 250 workers offered health insurance of one kind or another.”

5. Unions Spearheaded The Fight For The Family And Medical Leave Act: Labor unions like the AFL-CIO federation led the fight for this 1993 law, which “requires state agencies and private employers with more than 50 employees to provide up to 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave annually for workers to care for a newborn, newly adopted child, seriously ill family member or for the worker’s own illness.”

Unions also gave us Jimmy Hoffa and helped destroy GM. So what? Are we to forever defend unions based upon ancient history? You are beginning to sound horribly regressive. I'm currently part of a union that is essentially worthless. However, if you belong to the right kind of union that is politically connected, then you can get out of things like Obamacare.

Thanks for agreeing the fine things unions have done for US. And I think you are confusing unions destroying GM (all the auto comps) and Corp management looking for hort term profits ahead of long term Corp reversibility

Hoffa? Oh right I forgot Nixon and then Reagan's most corrupt admin the GOP gave US

I see you're as week on history as you are on everything else but infantile insults. Grant's was arguably the most corrupt, till ole bammy got in office. The level of corruption that he has brought has blown all previous POTI, out of the water.



"Says the psychotic with a pic of the traitorous conservative shooting the Prez"


"I see you're as week on history as you are on everything else but infantile insults. "


"Your message (Hillary Clinton: Qualifications to be President) contains trolling, flaming and/or no content"


The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any US president

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So......you are frothing at the mouth aren't you... Whenever I see a rant like this it reminds me of the silly (well insane) person in this video. I can just imagine you screaming at your poor cat like this. Maybe this is you...

Frothing? Because YOU as a moderater take down some of MY posts after commenters attack ME and I respond to the inflammatory images of Abe being a tyrant and getting rid of him by shooting him was acceptable, and merely called that poster a psychotic?

Bubba, you need to understand what honesty AND context is!

And you call me out for flaming?? lol
So what if they are not his points? They're still valid.
The validity is in dispute based upon what I said.

You need to comprehend a discussion better.

Go get the raw data from each of his little graphs, and then provide the methodology that was used to arrive at the conclusion.

Remove any methodology by anyone who collects a government check for their research on the topic under discussion. Their objectivity is nonexistent.

You do understand that simply because you disagree with a policy does not put it on the wrong side of history.

Get back to Me when you can fully explain your own posts.

So, NO you can't show me even ONE policy conservatives were on the correct side of history. Thanks

Slavery... Dems tried to keep blacks enslaved....

Regarding slavery, where did he say anything about Democrat or Republican? He said Conservative Christians.
Unions also gave us Jimmy Hoffa and helped destroy GM. So what? Are we to forever defend unions based upon ancient history? You are beginning to sound horribly regressive. I'm currently part of a union that is essentially worthless. However, if you belong to the right kind of union that is politically connected, then you can get out of things like Obamacare.

Thanks for agreeing the fine things unions have done for US. And I think you are confusing unions destroying GM (all the auto comps) and Corp management looking for hort term profits ahead of long term Corp reversibility

Hoffa? Oh right I forgot Nixon and then Reagan's most corrupt admin the GOP gave US

I see you're as week on history as you are on everything else but infantile insults. Grant's was arguably the most corrupt, till ole bammy got in office. The level of corruption that he has brought has blown all previous POTI, out of the water.



"Says the psychotic with a pic of the traitorous conservative shooting the Prez"


"I see you're as week on history as you are on everything else but infantile insults. "


"Your message (Hillary Clinton: Qualifications to be President) contains trolling, flaming and/or no content"


The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any US president

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So......you are frothing at the mouth aren't you... Whenever I see a rant like this it reminds me of the silly (well insane) person in this video. I can just imagine you screaming at your poor cat like this. Maybe this is you...

Frothing? Because YOU as a moderater take down some of MY posts after commenters attack ME and I respond to the inflammatory images of Abe being a tyrant and getting rid of him by shooting him was acceptable, and merely called that poster a psychotic?

Bubba, you need to understand what honesty AND context is!

And you call me out for flaming?? lol

I removed posts from you AND them that were off topic. That's what my job as a Moderator is. Do you think I am merely here to listen to you froth at the mouth?
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