Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

Did I forget to mention FIDEL CASTRO?

He TOO absolutely loathed unions.

That must be because he, much like todays GOP, so loves freedom.

So you want our government to own all these companies.
Uh, Joe, take a look at how our government runs their business and get back to us.
You are fucking crazy. We borrow 40% of every dollar we spend.
Government fucks everything up.
As usual, you avoided my question like a monkey on fire.
YOU are the asshole investor you judge everyone else on.
They hypocrit you are.

We borrow because idiots inisted that letting Mitt Romney hide his money in the Caymans and only pay 11% tax while working folks are paying 25% is really a plan.

The problem is, I've worked in both the government and the private sector. I've seen plenty of brilliant management in both, and I've seen some gross incompetence in both. The theory that one is better than the other is just silly, they both have the limitation of working with human beings.

Business spends a lot of money blowing its own horn with bullshit magazines like Forbes and Fortune and IBD getting high on their own supply, but you ask your average worker if his boss is clueless, and the vast majority would probably say, yes. The good ones are carried by their workers, the bad ones are sabotaged by them. I've seen both happen.

Volkwagen is owned largely by the German Government. they have union workers that have a say in the management, they pay their folks a good wage and Germany's economy is so awesome they are carrying the rest of Europe right now.

VW builds their new plants IN RIGHT TO WORK NON UNION STATES.
VW hates American unions you fool.
My nephew, age 22, goes to UTC and works fulltime there in Chattanooga.
Dumbass, pick something you actually know something about.
Where I lived, unions were the norm. For a while. And every person working that was not in a union, benefited from those union wages. Because, if you were a non union shop, you had to pay somewhere close to a union wage to attract good workers.

If you were a sevice sector worker, the union's helped you out because all those good paying union jobs were allowing those workers enough disposalable income that they could buy from the service sector.

In other words, unions raised the standard of living for an entire city.

And in case you missed it, as the unions declined, so have wages and benefits. And so has the standard of living.

But who cares. A declining standard of living is what we have been working toward for a long time. At least for the middle and lower middle class.

If you are wealthy, things are going fine. Ultra wealthy people have their own unions, except they call them "lobbyists". And "politicians"

But how about if I CHOOSE NOT to belong to a union?
I can not work in that state.
Unions are for those uneducated low skilled workers too stupid to negotiate their own wage.
Where is the IT union? The HVAC union in Florida where the average starting wage of a HVAC trained employee is 60K?
Where are those unions?
Union shop states deny people the right to work.

you know fucking stupid that sounds?.....
I have NO problems with unions also as a lot of the work done on my house has been done by FORMER union workers that are now here in the south.
Why did they move to the south? They get MORE for their work here negotiating their SKILLED labor than working up north with high taxes, high cost of living, low job opportunities, non existent union representation and high union dues.
I DO have a problem with union shop states, something most here HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE what that is.
Same with almost all the union folks down here that moved here because the state they left is union shop.

In short, they are rushing to the bottom...

Because given enough time, they won't be able to negotiate much of anything.

The American Middle class has been declining since 1981, when Reagan decided that he was going to take the side of "investors" over working folks and he fired the PATCO workers.

Our biggest mistake was going along with the "OKy-Doke" and trusting the greedy assholes to do the right thing.

the PATCO guys signed a paper saying they would not strike like most Federal workers have to do.....but they did and they got what the paper said would happen....they got fired.....

Funny Joe, I am American middle class as they come, NEVER making more than 100K in one year ever in my life.
And I own 3 corporations and have 2 mil, SAVED, in the bank.

Whatever.. I'm sure you have a 12 inch penis, too, and are very popular with the ladies.

We can all be totally awesome on the internets.

Don't give a fuck, guy.

Then quit talking about YOU being middle class and NO ONE else is that has an opinion other than you.
You always stray far off course when you have run out of excuses.
I have NO problems with unions also as a lot of the work done on my house has been done by FORMER union workers that are now here in the south.
Why did they move to the south? They get MORE for their work here negotiating their SKILLED labor than working up north with high taxes, high cost of living, low job opportunities, non existent union representation and high union dues.
I DO have a problem with union shop states, something most here HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE what that is.
Same with almost all the union folks down here that moved here because the state they left is union shop.

In short, they are rushing to the bottom...

Because given enough time, they won't be able to negotiate much of anything.

The American Middle class has been declining since 1981, when Reagan decided that he was going to take the side of "investors" over working folks and he fired the PATCO workers.

Our biggest mistake was going along with the "OKy-Doke" and trusting the greedy assholes to do the right thing.

the PATCO guys signed a paper saying they would not strike like most Federal workers have to do.....but they did and they got what the paper said would happen....they got fired.....

It was not fair Harry.
Most of them did not know how to read.
Where I lived, unions were the norm. For a while. And every person working that was not in a union, benefited from those union wages. Because, if you were a non union shop, you had to pay somewhere close to a union wage to attract good workers.

If you were a sevice sector worker, the union's helped you out because all those good paying union jobs were allowing those workers enough disposalable income that they could buy from the service sector.

In other words, unions raised the standard of living for an entire city.

And in case you missed it, as the unions declined, so have wages and benefits. And so has the standard of living.

But who cares. A declining standard of living is what we have been working toward for a long time. At least for the middle and lower middle class.

If you are wealthy, things are going fine. Ultra wealthy people have their own unions, except they call them "lobbyists". And "politicians"

But how about if I CHOOSE NOT to belong to a union?
I can not work in that state.
Unions are for those uneducated low skilled workers too stupid to negotiate their own wage.
Where is the IT union? The HVAC union in Florida where the average starting wage of a HVAC trained employee is 60K?
Where are those unions?
Union shop states deny people the right to work.

you know fucking stupid that sounds?.....

True and if you disagree dispute it.
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

Republicans are either bible thumpers or they're rich. The rich like for employees to work 80 hours a week with no benefits. The unions created the middle class from sweat shops and company hired thugs 60-80 years ago. Now the right thinks they have the best chance to go back to that. What used to be the middle class in America is foolish if we let them do it. I am an example of the middle class. Without a college education myself I worked hard...sometimes three jobs when my three kids were young. They're well educated(two with masters degrees) and do well. My wife and I are retired on the lake and that's what the corporations and rich can't stand......the idea of an ordinary American, even after they work nearly all their lives, being able to actually quit working. It doesn't fit their plan. Not only that...they know that their own inept asshole offspring can't compete with someone who started out hungry if the playing field is level.
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Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

Republicans are either bible thumpers or they're rich. The rich like for employees to work 80 hours a week with no benefits. The unions created the middle class from sweat shops and company hired thugs 60-80 years ago. Now the right thinks they have the best chance to go back to that. What used to be the middle class in America is foolish if we let them do it. I am an example of the middle class. Without a college education myself I worked hard...sometimes three jobs when my three kids were young. They're well educated(two with masters degrees) and do well. My wife and I are retired on the lake and that's what the corporations and rich can't stand......the idea of an ordinary American, even after they work nearly all their lives, being able to actually quit working. It doesn't fit their plan. Not only that...they know that their own inept asshole offspring can't compete with someone who started out hungry if the playing field is level.

You will not find anyone more anti Bible thumper than me on this board.
What defines "rich"? People that save their $$$ "rich"?
Unions created nothing.
Most of the rich in this country became rich through hard work.
I own 3 corporations and like the fact you are rich and live on a lake.
Those that work hard and have things are not the jealous ones.
Exactly the opposite. The moocher class wants more for nothing.
When I was young I got a factory job, that forced me to be in the union. For the first four months of my employment the union collected my dues, but offered no help, should I need it.

After four months, I applied for a job within the company that would give me training for a future managerial position and free me from the union.

Let me add, that at this point in my life I spoke halting, broken and heavily accented English, being an immigrant. However I had pride and confidence in my own ability to speak and fend for myself without the "help" of some thug.

Thirty-seven years later I retired from my last position as a highly respected and successful computer programmer.

Along the way I used my factory floor experience to work thru strikes, being called a scab, and having my tires slashed.

Unions are for people who are, by nature, free-loaders and who think that putting a screw in its hole every 15 minutes or spewing socialist nonsense to innocent kids in school is worth a pension amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Unions never gave a job to anyone, except their leaders and the staff that populate their lavish offices and the pilots who fly the union leaders' private jets. The only wealth unions create is the wealth of their executives and the undeserved pension of habitual sloths.

and your an asshole if you think every Union person is like that......so i suppose no non-Union person can also be a freeloader?.....
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?...and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

"Conservatives" resent the union movement because, instead of bargaining with business on their own merits, they've lobbied government for laws that give them special perks. Unfortunately, the very same conservatives usually fail to recognize that the corporations these unions are up against have done the same thing - and are in fact way ahead in the struggle to win custom perks from government.

Of course the answer isn't to 'even up the score' by granting more special favors. That implicitly screws everyone not in a union, or not receiving a share of corporate profits. The best solution is to reject corporatist government altogether, and adhere to a rule of law founded on equal rights for all, not special treatment for those with the political clout to demand it.
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

Republicans are either bible thumpers or they're rich. The rich like for employees to work 80 hours a week with no benefits. The unions created the middle class from sweat shops and company hired thugs 60-80 years ago. Now the right thinks they have the best chance to go back to that. What used to be the middle class in America is foolish if we let them do it. I am an example of the middle class. Without a college education myself I worked hard...sometimes three jobs when my three kids were young. They're well educated(two with masters degrees) and do well. My wife and I are retired on the lake and that's what the corporations and rich can't stand......the idea of an ordinary American, even after they work nearly all their lives, being able to actually quit working. It doesn't fit their plan. Not only that...they know that their own inept asshole offspring can't compete with someone who started out hungry if the playing field is level.

You will not find anyone more anti Bible thumper than me on this board.
What defines "rich"? People that save their $$$ "rich"?
Unions created nothing.
Most of the rich in this country became rich through hard work.
I own 3 corporations and like the fact you are rich and live on a lake.
Those that work hard and have things are not the jealous ones.
Exactly the opposite. The moocher class wants more for nothing.

If you're trying to shit me you can forget it!! I'm 78 years old and I remember times when there were no unions. If someone was injured on the job they were fired. If a straw boss didn't like you...history. People worked all day for $0.75 and their lunch. The railroads rented modified railway cars into apartments and rented them back to the employees....that way if they gave a raise they could adjust the rent to get it back. Coal miners were paid in scrip and it was only recoverable at company owned stores. Attempts to unionize were thwarted for many years by company hired thugs and murderers and only after some strikes which in fact would have shut big companies down did anybody gain a damn thing. It was slow coming.

I'll describe to you what the Republican party has already begun to take us back to. Before social security began to actually pay benefits in the 1940s there were county poor farms. Places where there was one big house and a couple of acres of land. People who were poor or disabled ended up in those houses....referred to as Poorhouses. Those who were still able raised enough corn and beans on the place to keep everyone alive until the next harvest. As we speak there are remnants of those old houses all across this nation...usually with unmarked graves close by. Your god damned party has always hated social security and other assistance because it ensured some degree of respect and dignity for those in our society who were the least of the least.......usually not of their own doing.

Phuck Republicans and those who support them. Can you see a trend here:


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Republicans are either bible thumpers or they're rich. The rich like for employees to work 80 hours a week with no benefits. The unions created the middle class from sweat shops and company hired thugs 60-80 years ago. Now the right thinks they have the best chance to go back to that. What used to be the middle class in America is foolish if we let them do it. I am an example of the middle class. Without a college education myself I worked hard...sometimes three jobs when my three kids were young. They're well educated(two with masters degrees) and do well. My wife and I are retired on the lake and that's what the corporations and rich can't stand......the idea of an ordinary American, even after they work nearly all their lives, being able to actually quit working. It doesn't fit their plan. Not only that...they know that their own inept asshole offspring can't compete with someone who started out hungry if the playing field is level.

You will not find anyone more anti Bible thumper than me on this board.
What defines "rich"? People that save their $$$ "rich"?
Unions created nothing.
Most of the rich in this country became rich through hard work.
I own 3 corporations and like the fact you are rich and live on a lake.
Those that work hard and have things are not the jealous ones.
Exactly the opposite. The moocher class wants more for nothing.

If you're trying to shit me you can forget it!! I'm 78 years old and I remember times when there were no unions. If someone was injured on the job they were fired. If a straw boss didn't like you...history. People worked all day for $0.75 and their lunch. The railroads rented modified railway cars into apartments and rented them back to the employees....that way if they gave a raise they could adjust the rent to get it back. Coal miners were paid in scrip and it was only recoverable at company owned stores. Attempts to unionize were thwarted for many years by company hired thugs and murderers and only after some strikes which in fact would have shut big companies down did anybody gain a damn thing. It was slow coming.

I'll describe to you what the Republican party has already begun to take us back to. Before social security began to actually pay benefits in the 1940s there were county poor farms. Places where there was one big house and a couple of acres of land. People who were poor or disabled ended up in those houses....referred to as Poorhouses. Those who were still able raised enough corn and beans on the place to keep everyone alive until the next harvest. As we speak there are remnants of those old houses all across this nation...usually with unmarked graves close by. Your god damned party has always hated social security and other assistance because it ensured some degree of respect and dignity for those in our society who were the least of the least.......usually not of their own doing.

Phuck Republicans and those who support them. Can you see a trend here:



You are biased and bitter in your old age fellow.
Good luck to you in your golden years.
Obviously you do not appreciate what you have and take things for granted.
Social Security is not an assistance program. Most drawing it are better off than lower middle class workers. Free health care to boot.
Last time I looked it would be Republicans that passed the largest social program in 60 years, your dope plan.
A simple thank you would be nice. Count your blessings. You have what you have because YOU earned it.
Quit selling yourself short. Just because you lack self confidence in your achievements does not translate into everyone getting what they have because of unions.
I love the "after taxes" in his graph up there!
The liberal will never learn. TAXES MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE has led to the decline of the middle class.
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

Watching the resentment and anger and hate come out here has been...


Unions are like lawyers and cops. Everyone hates them....until you actually need one.
Ironically, the original 13 colonies became a "union". Evil, freeloading muthertruckers!!!
You do know not all good jobs are Union ones right? You do know less than 20% of Workers are in a Union right? You do know that sometimes Unions get tunnel vision and forget to think about the Viability of their Industry when going after goodies for their workers right?

Oh wait, Of course you don't because you are a believer.

sometimes. what is your point?

sometimes a GOP Congressman rapes children. Sometimes ministers, Priests, and Boy Scout Leaders do too.

Focus Dante -- FOCUS... They had you on the ropes. Stick to your ideas and principles.

Whoops ..

Seriously man -- The beef with Unions should be obvious. Charles_Main started to lay it out, but there's a humanitarian aspect to it. Unions don't Give a ____ about your career. They don't realize that the very nature of JOBS is changing around them. That you can't no longer have rigid work rules and make people comfortable doing EXACTLY the same lever pulling for the sum total of their lives.

FLEXIBLE workers are ever more important than HAPPY workers today. And the Unions need to get their heads out of the 18th Century in order to survive. NOTE -- I'm being pretty fair here in not DISMISSING the concept of org. labor. It's just that the Unions have atrophied into irrelevence in the modern era of work...

They should be talking ABOUT CAREERS. So that 50 yr old skywalkers on hirise jobs don't have to be up there. So that training relieves some of the repetitive burn-out of a union job. They should be ENCOURAGING break-out of innovation by supporting entreprenueral ventures by their membership. SOME of the leadership have given this lip service. But they are all on the endangered species list...
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