Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

Republicans are either bible thumpers or they're rich. The rich like for employees to work 80 hours a week with no benefits. The unions created the middle class from sweat shops and company hired thugs 60-80 years ago. Now the right thinks they have the best chance to go back to that. What used to be the middle class in America is foolish if we let them do it. I am an example of the middle class. Without a college education myself I worked hard...sometimes three jobs when my three kids were young. They're well educated(two with masters degrees) and do well. My wife and I are retired on the lake and that's what the corporations and rich can't stand......the idea of an ordinary American, even after they work nearly all their lives, being able to actually quit working. It doesn't fit their plan. Not only that...they know that their own inept asshole offspring can't compete with someone who started out hungry if the playing field is level.

You will not find anyone more anti Bible thumper than me on this board.
What defines "rich"? People that save their $$$ "rich"?
Unions created nothing.
Most of the rich in this country became rich through hard work.
I own 3 corporations and like the fact you are rich and live on a lake.
Those that work hard and have things are not the jealous ones.
Exactly the opposite. The moocher class wants more for nothing.

If you're trying to shit me you can forget it!! I'm 78 years old and I remember times when there were no unions. If someone was injured on the job they were fired. If a straw boss didn't like you...history. People worked all day for $0.75 and their lunch. The railroads rented modified railway cars into apartments and rented them back to the employees....that way if they gave a raise they could adjust the rent to get it back. Coal miners were paid in scrip and it was only recoverable at company owned stores. Attempts to unionize were thwarted for many years by company hired thugs and murderers and only after some strikes which in fact would have shut big companies down did anybody gain a damn thing. It was slow coming.

I'll describe to you what the Republican party has already begun to take us back to. Before social security began to actually pay benefits in the 1940s there were county poor farms. Places where there was one big house and a couple of acres of land. People who were poor or disabled ended up in those houses....referred to as Poorhouses. Those who were still able raised enough corn and beans on the place to keep everyone alive until the next harvest. As we speak there are remnants of those old houses all across this nation...usually with unmarked graves close by. Your god damned party has always hated social security and other assistance because it ensured some degree of respect and dignity for those in our society who were the least of the least.......usually not of their own doing.

Phuck Republicans and those who support them. Can you see a trend here:



OMG... you're 78 and this fucking clueless?

How utterly depressing.
The irony of unions is that through their efforts the need for unions has diminished. Only a few remember what it was like before.
But how about if I CHOOSE NOT to belong to a union?
I can not work in that state.
Unions are for those uneducated low skilled workers too stupid to negotiate their own wage.
Where is the IT union? The HVAC union in Florida where the average starting wage of a HVAC trained employee is 60K?
Where are those unions?
Union shop states deny people the right to work.

you know fucking stupid that sounds?.....

True and if you disagree dispute it.

NASA Employee Union Supports New Budget Plan | Parabolic Arc
Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

VW builds their new plants IN RIGHT TO WORK NON UNION STATES.
VW hates American unions you fool.
My nephew, age 22, goes to UTC and works fulltime there in Chattanooga.
Dumbass, pick something you actually know something about.

VW also has factories in Mexico where they are dirt poor, have no rights, etc.

They don't let Cleetus and Clem and Goober design the cars, just assemble the parts.

Pretty telling in and of itself.
You do know not all good jobs are Union ones right? You do know less than 20% of Workers are in a Union right? You do know that sometimes Unions get tunnel vision and forget to think about the Viability of their Industry when going after goodies for their workers right?

Oh wait, Of course you don't because you are a believer.

LOL I have worked at non-union jobs most of my life. Because there are employers that will pay their employees better, and give better benefits, in order to avoid unions. However, I fully realize that the benefits that I enjoy would not be there without the unions fighting for the rights of the worker.

Unions did not come about because everyone hated the companies. They came about because of the greed of the companies and the fact that they treated their employees so poorly. From Blair Mountain to Ludlow, Colorado, we understand just how determined some are to create conditions close to slavery for employees.
Here's the problem with that.

I always find it amusing that you guys blame the Auto worker getting a modest $28.00 an hour and not the CEO making bad decisions getting 12 million a year for the auto industries woes...

Viability means that you screw the workers to pay off the investors, when the workers are the customers buying your product to begin with.

Without investors there are no workers.
Investors are both workers and consumers.
Most investment comes from middle class Americans.
Get it off your chest and tell us how terrible they are also.

what a crock of ideological shit
spoken like someone who's never created a job, nor had to sacrifice their own income to meet a payroll.

Get back to your broom and dustpan, and leave the critical thinking to others.
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You do know not all good jobs are Union ones right? You do know less than 20% of Workers are in a Union right? You do know that sometimes Unions get tunnel vision and forget to think about the Viability of their Industry when going after goodies for their workers right?

Oh wait, Of course you don't because you are a believer.

sometimes. what is your point?

sometimes a GOP Congressman rapes children. Sometimes ministers, Priests, and Boy Scout Leaders do too.

Focus Dante -- FOCUS... They had you on the ropes. Stick to your ideas and principles.

Whoops ..

Seriously man -- The beef with Unions should be obvious. Charles_Main started to lay it out, but there's a humanitarian aspect to it. Unions don't Give a ____ about your career. They don't realize that the very nature of JOBS is changing around them. That you can't no longer have rigid work rules and make people comfortable doing EXACTLY the same lever pulling for the sum total of their lives.

FLEXIBLE workers are ever more important than HAPPY workers today. And the Unions need to get their heads out of the 18th Century in order to survive. NOTE -- I'm being pretty fair here in not DISMISSING the concept of org. labor. It's just that the Unions have atrophied into irrelevence in the modern era of work...

They should be talking ABOUT CAREERS. So that 50 yr old skywalkers on hirise jobs don't have to be up there. So that training relieves some of the repetitive burn-out of a union job. They should be ENCOURAGING break-out of innovation by supporting entreprenueral ventures by their membership. SOME of the leadership have given this lip service. But they are all on the endangered species list...

Unions have troubles. Hello? No reason to join those who demonize unions.

Police depts have issues. Let's get rid of Police depts.

Unions helped to build a world wide middle class that would be the envy of past times if they could see it. That said, Unions need to change with the times, and many of the ones left have.

Workers will always organize now. It is what temps and others are fighting for
that's ridiculous. Unions don't guarantee a great vehicle.

Tell ya what... you keep your union-made AMC Pacer, Ford Pinto or chevy Vega

I'll drive a toyota or honda... safe, reliable... and made in the USA by qualified non-union shops, that for some reason, never need bailing out.

And they last longer than any POS GM car...

Guy, the vast majority of Toyotas and Nissans are made by unionized Japanese workers in Japan.

Who are compensated as well as their American counterparts, and Japanese unions even have a say in runs the company. Their health care is paid for by the government.

But since you brought up the AMC Pacer (Made by Mitt ROmney's Dad!) or the Pinto, let's go there.

Did the workers put them together wrong?

Or were they just assembling the design the guy in the corner office approved?

The Pinto is a case in point. The repair that would have prevented the "Barabaque that Seats Four" cost exactly $11.00. But some asshole in a corner office, the guys you are Just SOOOOOOOOOOO concerned about, decided that it would be cheaper to pay off the families of those killed in accidents rather than recall every Pinto in the country and repair it.

"THe Problem with Capitalism is Capitalists; They're too damned Greedy"- Herbert Hoover.
you're full of shit.




most hondas sold in the US are built in the US same for toyotas, by HAPPY WELL PAID NON-UNION EMPLOYEES.

Mine was built in san antonio... something tells me they speak english down there... where the words "Yes sir, Mr B.A. I will make sure to slow it down" are never heard.

unions have outlived their reason for existence, and now they only exist to enrich themselves on the backs of the employee, the company and the American consumer.
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that's ridiculous. Unions don't guarantee a great vehicle.

Tell ya what... you keep your union-made AMC Pacer, Ford Pinto or chevy Vega

I'll drive a toyota or honda... safe, reliable... and made in the USA by qualified non-union shops, that for some reason, never need bailing out.

And they last longer than any POS GM car...

Guy, the vast majority of Toyotas and Nissans are made by unionized Japanese workers in Japan.

Who are compensated as well as their American counterparts, and Japanese unions even have a say in runs the company. Their health care is paid for by the government.

But since you brought up the AMC Pacer (Made by Mitt ROmney's Dad!) or the Pinto, let's go there.

Did the workers put them together wrong?

Or were they just assembling the design the guy in the corner office approved?

The Pinto is a case in point. The repair that would have prevented the "Barabaque that Seats Four" cost exactly $11.00. But some asshole in a corner office, the guys you are Just SOOOOOOOOOOO concerned about, decided that it would be cheaper to pay off the families of those killed in accidents rather than recall every Pinto in the country and repair it.

"THe Problem with Capitalism is Capitalists; They're too damned Greedy"- Herbert Hoover.
you're full of shit.

and so are you.

Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

Watching the resentment and anger and hate come out here has been...



Have you ever seen a woman beat by a mob of men for crossing a picket line because she needed work?
Have you ever heard of any criminal cases involving criminal activity in union wards, skimming of funds?
How would you like it if you were forced to pay dues to a union and they used a large chunk of that $ to pay their leaders a half million a year in salary?
How would you like it if you supported an independent candidate for Governor of your state and you were forced to pay dues so the union could support ONE PARTY ONLY and not your candidate?
Have you ever owned property and were FORCED to uses labor YOU did not want to use but since the LAW forced you, you had to do it? YOU wanted to hire someone else and were forced by LAW not to.
Real facts there. Over your head most likely but there they are.
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

Watching the resentment and anger and hate come out here has been...



Have you ever seen...

...been diagnosed as a mental defective?
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

You are speaking of Government jobs, right?
The country desperately needs more irish welfare, public sector, civil servant union "jobs" to increase our prosperity..................LOL
You do know not all good jobs are Union ones right? You do know less than 20% of Workers are in a Union right? You do know that sometimes Unions get tunnel vision and forget to think about the Viability of their Industry when going after goodies for their workers right?

Oh wait, Of course you don't because you are a believer.

LOL I have worked at non-union jobs most of my life. Because there are employers that will pay their employees better, and give better benefits, in order to avoid unions. However, I fully realize that the benefits that I enjoy would not be there without the unions fighting for the rights of the worker.

Unions did not come about because everyone hated the companies. They came about because of the greed of the companies and the fact that they treated their employees so poorly. From Blair Mountain to Ludlow, Colorado, we understand just how determined some are to create conditions close to slavery for employees.

cows shit too. You don't hear them bragging. :eusa_eh:

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