Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

Why are there no more manufacturing jobs in the United States?

Oh yeah, Unions....

Wingnut Nation Imbecility on Display

FOX News educated and Noise Machine Informed


from 2009: The United States is the world's largest manufacturing economy, producing 21 percent of global manufactured products. China is second at 15 percent and Japan is third at 12 percent. 1



Why do people like you lie about America? Why do you hate America?

this deserves the biggest neg rep in history....

Good point and post. Exactly right.
The world market sets the wages and over the last 40 years union influence has dropped in the USA and wages have not been sky rocketing as they were in the 60s and 70s.
As a result of that we are competitive again.
Union busting increases American manufacturing, provides more jobs and opportunity and keeps business open.
Thanks for pointing that fact out.
Who decides what is a poorly paid job or not?Y
You, I, the market or GOVERNMENT?
My son is now at age 26 making over 60K a year.
Is that a bad job?
If someone has a bad job then they are too stupid, lazy and undisciplined to educate themselves where there is a good paying job.
No cry babies Joe. Go back to the bench.
Wealth is controlled by those that earned it. Want more wealth, Get off thy ass and go get it.
Jeaolusy and envy are on the rise. Mama's boys crying.
I worked from 6 yesterday morn to 8 last night and was out at 6 again this morn. Working tomorrow and Sunday.
While the cry babies work their 40 hour week and wimp about "Mommy, it is not fair."

Well, I'm glad you worked very hard yesterday taking dirty pictures being a tool of rich people.

Seriously, go fuck yourself, you parasite.

Wealth is controlled by those who STEAL It from the rest of us.

You look at the hate list of the Plutocratic right.

Government, Lawyers and Unions. A plutocrat hates nothing more than a fair fight.
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Who decides what is a poorly paid job or not?Y
You, I, the market or GOVERNMENT?
My son is now at age 26 making over 60K a year.
Is that a bad job?
If someone has a bad job then they are too stupid, lazy and undisciplined to educate themselves where there is a good paying job.
No cry babies Joe. Go back to the bench.
Wealth is controlled by those that earned it. Want more wealth, Get off thy ass and go get it.
Jeaolusy and envy are on the rise. Mama's boys crying.
I worked from 6 yesterday morn to 8 last night and was out at 6 again this morn. Working tomorrow and Sunday.
While the cry babies work their 40 hour week and wimp about "Mommy, it is not fair."

Well, I'm glad you worked very hard yesterday taking dirty pictures being a tool of rich people.

Seriously, go fuck yourself, you parasite.

Wealth is controlled by those who STEAL It from the rest of us.

You look at the hate list of the Plutocratic right.

Government, Lawyers and Unions. A plutocrat hates nothing more than a fair fight.

How many times do I have to tell your dumb ass I DO NOT DO DOMESTIC WORK?
I doubt you even know what domestic work is in my profession.
So the wealth you control you stole.
Thanks for clearing that up Joe.
Whatever, I'm done talking to Plutocrat tools and apologists like you..
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.
Is it Josephine?

Not at all.

Just tired of you treating greed and mean-spiritedness like they are virtues.

Plutocracy was on the ballot Tuesday, and it lost resoundingly.

Did it?

I'm kind of thinking, yeah.

If there has ever been a guy who was the living, breathing embodiment of Plutocracy, it was Willard Mitt Romney, and his fellow plutocrats spent nearly a billion dollars trying to get him elected.

And they lost.
Whatever, I'm done talking to Plutocrat tools and apologists like you..

Is it Josephine?

Not at all.

Just tired of you treating greed and mean-spiritedness like they are virtues.

Plutocracy was on the ballot Tuesday, and it lost resoundingly.

What is the definition of greed?
Is it greedy when workers want more than the value of their labor?
Your team of Goofycracy has won some lately.
Those of us that are the producers, have to pay for our benefits out of our own pockets and have never had a second off with pay have taken notice.
Costa Rica and Panama appreciate us and do not support the moocher and parasite class like you do.
What will you do when we all take our $$$ and leave?
Not at all.

Just tired of you treating greed and mean-spiritedness like they are virtues.

Plutocracy was on the ballot Tuesday, and it lost resoundingly.

Did it?

I'm kind of thinking, yeah.

If there has ever been a guy who was the living, breathing embodiment of Plutocracy, it was Willard Mitt Romney, and his fellow plutocrats spent nearly a billion dollars trying to get him elected.

And they lost.

You really think Obama and the Democrats aren't just as beholden to the plutocracy as Romney? How much did big money "invest" in Obama?

It's probably the case that many of those who voted for Obama thought they were striking a blow against the vested interests. But they didn't. They endorsed them.

I'm kind of thinking, yeah.

If there has ever been a guy who was the living, breathing embodiment of Plutocracy, it was Willard Mitt Romney, and his fellow plutocrats spent nearly a billion dollars trying to get him elected.

And they lost.

You really think Obama and the Democrats aren't just as beholden to the plutocracy as Romney? How much did big money "invest" in Obama?

It's probably the case that many of those who voted for Obama thought they were striking a blow against the vested interests. But they didn't. They endorsed them.

yeah Adleson and the Kock brothers and Karl Rove's Super PAC have Obama in their pockets.

I'm kind of thinking, yeah.

If there has ever been a guy who was the living, breathing embodiment of Plutocracy, it was Willard Mitt Romney, and his fellow plutocrats spent nearly a billion dollars trying to get him elected.

And they lost.

You really think Obama and the Democrats aren't just as beholden to the plutocracy as Romney? How much did big money "invest" in Obama?

It's probably the case that many of those who voted for Obama thought they were striking a blow against the vested interests. But they didn't. They endorsed them.

yeah Adleson and the Kock brothers and Karl Rove's Super PAC have Obama in their pockets.

Those names don't ring a bell, but I suppose we could run down the list of Obama's corporate sponsers and get a feel for the debts accrued. The banksters and the insurance industry are all up in there, I'd bet.
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You really think Obama and the Democrats aren't just as beholden to the plutocracy as Romney? How much did big money "invest" in Obama?

It's probably the case that many of those who voted for Obama thought they were striking a blow against the vested interests. But they didn't. They endorsed them.

I'm sure the rich hedged their bets and sent money to Obama. They did the same in 2008 when it was clear he was going to win.

But the plutocrats still ended up with ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank, which they sure as hell didn't want, which is why they threw as much money trying to unseat Obama this time as they did.
You really think Obama and the Democrats aren't just as beholden to the plutocracy as Romney? How much did big money "invest" in Obama?

It's probably the case that many of those who voted for Obama thought they were striking a blow against the vested interests. But they didn't. They endorsed them.

yeah Adleson and the Kock brothers and Karl Rove's Super PAC have Obama in their pockets.

Those names don't ring a bell, but I suppose we could run down the list of Obama's corporate sponsers and get a feel for the debts accrued. The banksters and the insurance industry are all up in there, I'd bet.

Bankers and Insurers play all sides. But given their preferences...Romney not Obama.

and Obama backed Elizabeth Warren and the job she did and now for US Senator. That is not the Financial World's agenda.

Plus isn't Obama supposed to be a socialist Kenyan?:eusa_shifty:

You really think Obama and the Democrats aren't just as beholden to the plutocracy as Romney? How much did big money "invest" in Obama?

It's probably the case that many of those who voted for Obama thought they were striking a blow against the vested interests. But they didn't. They endorsed them.

I'm sure the rich hedged their bets and sent money to Obama. They did the same in 2008 when it was clear he was going to win.

But the plutocrats still ended up with ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank, which they sure as hell didn't want, which is why they threw as much money trying to unseat Obama this time as they did.
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

They are not stop making shit up,if anyone is resentful of successful people is the wacky left.

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