Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

I now know Why Conservatives are So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs.

Those people vote Democrat

What is a "bad job"?

Apparently one that doesn't inspire you to vote Democrat.

LOL, the wife and her 2 sisters are headed your way to see the other sister as I am off to Atlanta airport right now!
Love your ChinaTown there and they are headed to NYC Broadway this weekend.
I am working my 60 hour weeks as a mean and bad corporation owner.
I now know Why Conservatives are So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs.

Those people vote Democrat

What is a "bad job"?

One that pays poorly, has no job security, and the majority of the fruits of your hard work don't go to you, they go to some rich douchebag..

10% controls 90% of the wealth.

They aren't doing 90% of the physical labor.
I now know Why Conservatives are So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs.

Those people vote Democrat

What is a "bad job"?

One that pays poorly, has no job security, and the majority of the fruits of your hard work don't go to you, they go to some rich douchebag..

10% controls 90% of the wealth.

They aren't doing 90% of the physical labor.

Well yeah. That's why LeBron James deserves $17.5Mill per year.. He does 90% of the team hard labor...

but unlike LeBron -- a CEO is NOT taking his compensation in cash. MOST of it is equity in the organization that he now has responsibility to run. And unlike Lebron, he works every day of the year. The CEO is NOT stealing from employee labor.

You could take the CEO of Caterpillar out into the parking lot. Tar and feather him. Confiscate his yearly cash earnings and distribute it EQUALLY to every employee. They would get a new Caterpillar jump suit and set of Caterpillar work shoes. And NEXT year with the "bargain" CEO you replace him with --- the 22 separate companies that make up Caterpillar could be laying off 10% of the workers from lack of decent direction..

Just like a bargain replacement for Lebron would bring down the box office and ruin Miami's chances of getting close to the playoffs?? (LOL)

Keep up the scapegoating -- it helps you avoid the LARGER issue that jobs and standard of living are IMPLODING in this country because we REFUSE to allow capital to flow to NEW innovative companies that can compete with the big multinationals that you hate.

It's your love of regulations and taxation that keep the multinationals alive. Because of their enormous size, they can thrive in threat free environment because the "little guys" will never jump thru your hurdles..
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Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

I work in a Union, it blows....next:rolleyes:
Well yeah. That's why LeBron James deserves $17.5Mill per year.. He does 90% of the team hard labor...

but unlike LeBron -- a CEO is NOT taking his compensation in cash. MOST of it is equity in the organization that he now has responsibility to run. And unlike Lebron, he works every day of the year. The CEO is NOT stealing from employee labor.

You could take the CEO of Caterpillar out into the parking lot. Tar and feather him. Confiscate his yearly cash earnings and distribute it EQUALLY to every employee. They would get a new Caterpillar jump suit and set of Caterpillar work shoes. And NEXT year with the "bargain" CEO you replace him with --- the 22 separate companies that make up Caterpillar could be laying off 10% of the workers from lack of decent direction..

Keep up the scapegoating -- it helps you avoid the LARGER issue that jobs and standard of living are IMPLODING in this country because we REFUSE to allow capital to flow to NEW innovative companies that can compete with the big multinationals that you hate.

It's your love of regulations and taxation that keep the multinationals alive. Because of their enormous size, they can thrive in threat free environment because the "little guys" will never jump thru your hurdles..

I stopped beleiving in the magic, transformative power of greed a long time ago.

The CEO's have built this cult around themselves... They publish magazines like Fortune and Forbes telling us how brilliant they all are in their $5000.00 suits.

Incidently, I think LeBron is overpaid, too.
Well yeah. That's why LeBron James deserves $17.5Mill per year.. He does 90% of the team hard labor...

but unlike LeBron -- a CEO is NOT taking his compensation in cash. MOST of it is equity in the organization that he now has responsibility to run. And unlike Lebron, he works every day of the year. The CEO is NOT stealing from employee labor.

You could take the CEO of Caterpillar out into the parking lot. Tar and feather him. Confiscate his yearly cash earnings and distribute it EQUALLY to every employee. They would get a new Caterpillar jump suit and set of Caterpillar work shoes. And NEXT year with the "bargain" CEO you replace him with --- the 22 separate companies that make up Caterpillar could be laying off 10% of the workers from lack of decent direction..

Keep up the scapegoating -- it helps you avoid the LARGER issue that jobs and standard of living are IMPLODING in this country because we REFUSE to allow capital to flow to NEW innovative companies that can compete with the big multinationals that you hate.

It's your love of regulations and taxation that keep the multinationals alive. Because of their enormous size, they can thrive in threat free environment because the "little guys" will never jump thru your hurdles..

I stopped beleiving in the magic, transformative power of greed a long time ago.

The CEO's have built this cult around themselves... They publish magazines like Fortune and Forbes telling us how brilliant they all are in their $5000.00 suits.

Incidently, I think LeBron is overpaid, too.

Show me that the CEO of Caterpillar is primarily motivated by greed. Got any evidence? Would he walk over to Deere for a couple $MILL MORE per year?

Is Lebron motivated by greed? More likely...

Is Justin Bieber overpaid? Just 4 yrs ago he was singing in the subways for quarters. Is THAT greed?

See the election you just won on that rhetoric was purely because your story is about FEELINGS. Not based on evidence or fact.
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Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

I work in a Union, it blows....next:rolleyes:

Do the same work for a non union shop...then let us know what really blows.


Show me that the CEO of Caterpillar is primarily motivated by greed. Got any evidence? Would he walk over to Deere for a couple $MILL MORE per year?

Is Lebron motivated by greed? More likely...

Is Justin Bieber overpaid? Just 4 yrs ago he was singing in the subways for quarters. Is THAT greed?

See the election you just won on that rhetoric was purely because your story is about FEELINGS. Not based on evidence or fact.

Yawn... frankly, why do you guys always talk about entertainment?. If you go to see that person, you are going to see that person.

No one buys a Catepillar because the Eight figure asshole running that company runs it. They buy it because the working class slob who put it together did his job right.

More to the point, these guys insist they get their 8 figure salaries even when they fail miserably as leaders. Take Wagoneer, the outgoing CEO of GM (who just didn't understand why Obama fired him as a condition of the bailout.) He still got his 12 million dollar salary.

Show me that the CEO of Caterpillar is primarily motivated by greed. Got any evidence? Would he walk over to Deere for a couple $MILL MORE per year?

Is Lebron motivated by greed? More likely...

Is Justin Bieber overpaid? Just 4 yrs ago he was singing in the subways for quarters. Is THAT greed?

See the election you just won on that rhetoric was purely because your story is about FEELINGS. Not based on evidence or fact.

Yawn... frankly, why do you guys always talk about entertainment?. If you go to see that person, you are going to see that person.

No one buys a Catepillar because the Eight figure asshole running that company runs it. They buy it because the working class slob who put it together did his job right.

More to the point, these guys insist they get their 8 figure salaries even when they fail miserably as leaders. Take Wagoneer, the outgoing CEO of GM (who just didn't understand why Obama fired him as a condition of the bailout.) He still got his 12 million dollar salary.

You're right -- Nobody buys a Caterpillar because of the CEO. But the guy STILL has a massive audience. The ENTIRE company has to LISTEN and TRUST the guy. He is a leader at rallies, at seminars, and in the Board Room. HE RUNS the team and HAS to have their support and respect.. He draws a crowd of 50,000 EVERY DAY. And the chances that HE/SHE would walk out for $3Mill more per year are A LOT LESS than any of those employees walking out for a 20% increase in bucks. It's NOT about greed. Not in those circles.

Wagoner (since you brought him up) is finished. He's not even gonna be traded to Cleveland as a sideline coach. That's the risk these guys are taking. How many GM workers would put their entire careers on the line to make those company decisions?

Why do YOU IGNORE authors, musicians, sports figures, lawyers, doctors, ex Congresspeople (how does THAT happen?) and all the REST of the 1% ?? Because your beef isn't about "fairness".. It's driven by the Union script that's been around since the 1800s..
You're right -- Nobody buys a Caterpillar because of the CEO. But the guy STILL has a massive audience. The ENTIRE company has to LISTEN and TRUST the guy. He is a leader at rallies, at seminars, and in the Board Room. HE RUNS the team and HAS to have their support and respect.. He draws a crowd of 50,000 EVERY DAY. And the chances that HE/SHE would walk out for $3Mill more per year are A LOT LESS than any of those employees walking out for a 20% increase in bucks. It's NOT about greed. Not in those circles.

Wagoner (since you brought him up) is finished. He's not even gonna be traded to Cleveland as a sideline coach. That's the risk these guys are taking. How many GM workers would put their entire careers on the line to make those company decisions?

Why do YOU IGNORE authors, musicians, sports figures, lawyers, doctors, ex Congresspeople (how does THAT happen?) and all the REST of the 1% ?? Because your beef isn't about "fairness".. It's driven by the Union script that's been around since the 1800s..

The rest of those groups aren't the ones fucking it up for the rest of us. That would be the Corporate jerkwads... I still think those other rich folks ought to pay their fair share, tho...

Sure, Wagoneer isn't going to get control of a company because the one he ran landed in bankruptcy and required a government bailout. Not because he was a "daring risk-taker" He made bad decisions.

And you think that most employees "trust" their Ceo's? Seriously? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I now know Why Conservatives are So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs.

Those people vote Democrat

What is a "bad job"?

One that pays poorly, has no job security, and the majority of the fruits of your hard work don't go to you, they go to some rich douchebag..

10% controls 90% of the wealth.

They aren't doing 90% of the physical labor.

Who decides what is a poorly paid job or not?Y
You, I, the market or GOVERNMENT?
My son is now at age 26 making over 60K a year.
Is that a bad job?
If someone has a bad job then they are too stupid, lazy and undisciplined to educate themselves where there is a good paying job.
No cry babies Joe. Go back to the bench.
Wealth is controlled by those that earned it. Want more wealth, Get off thy ass and go get it.
Jeaolusy and envy are on the rise. Mama's boys crying.
I worked from 6 yesterday morn to 8 last night and was out at 6 again this morn. Working tomorrow and Sunday.
While the cry babies work their 40 hour week and wimp about "Mommy, it is not fair."
You do know not all good jobs are Union ones right? You do know less than 20% of Workers are in a Union right? You do know that sometimes Unions get tunnel vision and forget to think about the Viability of their Industry when going after goodies for their workers right?

Oh wait, Of course you don't because you are a believer.

To dainty, the only "good job" is a government job. Most leftists would like ALL jobs to be government jobs.
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

I work in a Union, it blows....next:rolleyes:

Do the same work for a non union shop...then let us know what really blows.


Union shop forces workers to join them.
Unions are for those that want the guaranteed median wage, never wanting to work harder than the average Joe to make more $$$.
Making the same wage as 1001 others in the union is for losers.
Well yeah. That's why LeBron James deserves $17.5Mill per year.. He does 90% of the team hard labor...

but unlike LeBron -- a CEO is NOT taking his compensation in cash. MOST of it is equity in the organization that he now has responsibility to run. And unlike Lebron, he works every day of the year. The CEO is NOT stealing from employee labor.

You could take the CEO of Caterpillar out into the parking lot. Tar and feather him. Confiscate his yearly cash earnings and distribute it EQUALLY to every employee. They would get a new Caterpillar jump suit and set of Caterpillar work shoes. And NEXT year with the "bargain" CEO you replace him with --- the 22 separate companies that make up Caterpillar could be laying off 10% of the workers from lack of decent direction..

Keep up the scapegoating -- it helps you avoid the LARGER issue that jobs and standard of living are IMPLODING in this country because we REFUSE to allow capital to flow to NEW innovative companies that can compete with the big multinationals that you hate.

It's your love of regulations and taxation that keep the multinationals alive. Because of their enormous size, they can thrive in threat free environment because the "little guys" will never jump thru your hurdles..

I stopped beleiving in the magic, transformative power of greed a long time ago.

The CEO's have built this cult around themselves... They publish magazines like Fortune and Forbes telling us how brilliant they all are in their $5000.00 suits.

Incidently, I think LeBron is overpaid, too.

Show me that the CEO of Caterpillar is primarily motivated by greed. Got any evidence? Would he walk over to Deere for a couple $MILL MORE per year?

Is Lebron motivated by greed? More likely...

Is Justin Bieber overpaid? Just 4 yrs ago he was singing in the subways for quarters. Is THAT greed?

See the election you just won on that rhetoric was purely because your story is about FEELINGS. Not based on evidence or fact.

yeah, he probably would.

stupid question really

or do you think he bleeds caterpillar yellow?
I worked in grocery store for 15 years. Hard work, unloading trucks, stocking, overnights - manual labor. I was a union member.
Worked my way up to a bit under $12 per hour - that was in the late 80's. Pretty good money for a young man who worked hard; a career. The union provided good health beni's too.
Fast forward 15 years.
There's only a few full timers left from the old days at this store - they still make about $12 per hour. No one else - other than management get's full time. Top pay is about $9 hour. Store owners slowly beat the unions down and took more and more away.

If a young hard working man came along and wanted to do what I did - make a living at the blue collar life - that door ain't wide open anymore.

I'm just amazed at the amount of people who work 2 - 3 jobs to make ends meet these days at lack luster wages.

So much for the work hard and get ahead.
Why are there no more manufacturing jobs in the United States?

Oh yeah, Unions....

Wingnut Nation Imbecility on Display

FOX News educated and Noise Machine Informed


from 2009: The United States is the world's largest manufacturing economy, producing 21 percent of global manufactured products. China is second at 15 percent and Japan is third at 12 percent. 1



Why do people like you lie about America? Why do you hate America?

this deserves the biggest neg rep in history....
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I worked in grocery store for 15 years. Hard work, unloading trucks, stocking, overnights - manual labor. I was a union member.
Worked my way up to a bit under $12 per hour - that was in the late 80's. Pretty good money for a young man who worked hard; a career. The union provided good health beni's too.
Fast forward 15 years.
There's only a few full timers left from the old days at this store - they still make about $12 per hour. No one else - other than management get's full time. Top pay is about $9 hour. Store owners slowly beat the unions down and took more and more away.

If a young hard working man came along and wanted to do what I did - make a living at the blue collar life - that door ain't wide open anymore.

I'm just amazed at the amount of people who work 2 - 3 jobs to make ends meet these days at lack luster wages.

So much for the work hard and get ahead.

No offense to you as you obviously have a strong work ethic.
Manual labor is only worth $9 an hour. Takes no skills to unload a truck.
Do not mean to insult you but the market demands that wage.
Part time high school kids can do that job. Not hard to train one's self to do something that is more in demand with some skills.

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